Boiler or air heater, what to choose and for which premises?

Advantages and disadvantages


  • high efficiency rates;
  • the possibility of flexible regulation of the coolant temperature by controlling the oxygen supply to the furnace;
  • the ability to heat this stove with almost any solid fuel;
  • fast warming up of the room;
  • you can make a bookmark without the need to organize a break in the combustion process;
  • for effective use, you do not need to chop wood finely;
  • compact dimensions in comparison with other furnace designs.


  • you need to arrange a well-insulated metal pipe, preferably from thick steel;
  • the need for periodic cleaning of this pipe;
  • use in premises where people constantly live is undesirable. It is better to install the stove where there are temporary huts, in the country house, in a bathhouse or in other dwelling places.

Furnace for summer cottages with heating pipes: 20 comments

Good afternoon, Alexander! Tell me, what is the effectiveness of this system? One pipe per room is not enough?

  1. Alexander Zalutsky Post author on 13.08.2012 at 6:30 am

The customer promised to invite him in the winter when he comes for the weekend. We will take measurements. During a test furnace, 2 kg of firewood was burned. 10 minutes after ignition, the temperature of the air leaving the pipes was 53 degrees.

Interesting! And due to what the room is heated: to a greater extent due to the presence of a part of the furnace in the room or due to convection of air from the built-in pipes? And one more thing: am I correct in understanding that cold air enters the pipe from below and warm air comes out through the upper branch pipe? How quickly does a room heated in this way warm up? And what needs to be done to preserve this heat - to heat it up?

  1. Alexander Zalutsky Post author 13.08.2012 at 6:35 am

Fast heating due to pipes. The massif of the furnace begins to warm up only 15 ... 2 hours after kindling. You understand correctly - cold air below, warm above. We will measure the heating rate of the room in winter. The kiln solid will store heat for at least 12 hours. It is advisable to heat the stove 2 times a day. So that it is not hot in small rooms, plugs will be placed on the pipes.

there are doubts about the "quick warm-up", it will speed up a little - yes (the section is not enough), but there is a fear that the pipes will begin to loosen the masonry, if only they had knees inside, for example, to meet each other or a horizontal section is longer

  1. Alexander Zalutsky Posted on 08/14/2012 at 12:05 am

In order not to loosen the masonry and are wrapped in an asbestos cord.

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