Calculation of the area of ​​air ducts - To help the engineer

Ventilation system calculation

Ventilation is an important part of the engineering systems of every facility. The main tasks of the system are the supply of clean air to the room, the removal and disposal of the used composition, the implementation of air exchange at a given frequency and at a calculated speed. Insufficient ventilation in the atmosphere of the building will reduce the level of oxygen, which will be replaced by carbon dioxide. This is unacceptable, since the correct gas balance affects the health and well-being of people. With unstable ventilation, excess moisture will accumulate in the premises, which leads to the development of pathogens. Uncontrolled relative humidity provokes the development of mold and has a detrimental effect on furniture and equipment.
performs calculation, design, installation, adjustment of ventilation systems. We offer innovative equipment and new engineering solutions that minimize project implementation costs and reduce subsequent operating costs. The online calculator, which is posted on the profile page of the site, will help you to get acquainted with the preliminary price of the system..

Technical calculation of the ventilation system

Before starting the design, it is necessary to carry out an accurate calculation of the ventilation system. It is carried out by engineers with appropriate education. According to the calculated data, the flow pattern is determined, the type of ventilation is established, the power, the performance of the power equipment, and the cross-section of the air ducts are selected. This information is essential for the further design of an economical, efficient ventilation system.

Calculation errors consist in the wrong choice of equipment power.

  • Excessive performance will significantly increase the project price when purchasing power plants. Their cost directly depends on the power. Formed streams will move with excessive speed, creating drafts. Operating costs will increase many times over.
  • Equipment with insufficient power will not be able to form stable, directional flows, ventilation will not meet the established standards.

The calculation is carried out according to the developed methodology, which takes into account:

  • dimensions, purpose of the object, features of the architectural solution;
  • the required frequency of air exchange, the volume of air supply per person or per square meter of area (taking into account the height of the ceilings);
  • power of heating / cooling elements, filter types, system resistance;
  • pressure, flow rate generated by fans;
  • noise level from operating power plants, air movement through the channels.

All these factors were taken into account when developing typical projects with different requirements for air parameters. Our engineers have carried out a full calculation of the supply and exhaust ventilation, the calculator installed on the site will help everyone to get acquainted with this information.

Calculation of the area of ​​air ducts by formulas

Inaccuracy in calculating this indicator of the ventilation complex can be disastrous. A decrease in the required value will inevitably cause an increase in pressure in the ventilation mines, therefore, provoke the appearance of an extraneous hum. You can calculate the area of ​​the rectangular ventilation duct using the formula:

  • S - cross-sectional area (m 2);
  • L - air consumption (m 3 / h);
  • k is the required coefficient, equal to 2.778;
  • V is the air mass flow rate.

In addition, using mathematical calculations, you can find the real cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilation duct. For this, the formula is used:

S = A x B / 100 - for square or rectangular boxes;

S = π * D² / 400 - for round boxes, where:

  • A - box height (mm);
  • B - box width (mm);
  • D is the diameter of the round box (mm).

To get more accurate values, you can compare the data obtained using engineering calculations and an online calculator. The area of ​​the ducts should not differ significantly.

The dimensions of the ventilation ducts are calculated individually for each area. It should be noted that air speed can be ≈ 8 m / s, since the dimensions of the connecting flange of the ventilation system are limited by the dimensions of its frame. To reduce the air flow rate and the level of noise pollution, the dimensions of the ventilation units are made several sizes larger than that of the flange. In such conditions, the central air duct is connected to the ventilation unit through an adapter.

For ventilation systems for household use, circular or rectangular air ducts with a diameter of 100-250 mm are most often used.

Ventilation types

Ventilation can be divided into two subgroups: natural and forced. Schemes can complement each other or be applied independently.


In such a scheme, the movement of air masses is provided by natural causes, pressure differences inside and outside the building. The higher the building, the more efficient the ventilation. All apartment buildings, schools, kindergartens, etc. are equipped with such systems. But with the use of innovative building materials, this scheme becomes outdated. The fight for energy efficiency involves sealing buildings, limiting the flow. Therefore, natural ventilation is part of more complex schemes.


Air exchange in this case ensures the operation of power plants, which create a stable, efficient flow that replaces air for a calculated number of times. Ventilation is provided by a different set of equipment.


A feature of this air exchange is the injection of prepared air into the room. The waste mixture is discharged through natural channels through transoms, air vents, etc. This scheme is used in residential buildings, apartments and with minor modernization at industrial facilities. The design advantage of the equipment is the possibility of air preparation (filtration, temperature and humidity control). Our engineers prepared projects, calculated the supply ventilation of the premises, an online calculator can provide this information. The supply ventilation system calculator allows, knowing the type and area of ​​the object, to understand the approximate cost for a complex system.

Exhaust ventilation calculator

This system works in the opposite way. Air enters the room through open openings, and is removed by exhaust equipment located in the "dirty zones". Its task is to localize pollution, preventing air from spreading throughout the room. A similar scheme is used for the equipment of industrial enterprises in which pollution occurs in one or more limited places. Welding stations are an example.

This scheme is also used in private housing construction. Such schemes are recommended in ecologically clean areas, since it is impossible to carry out effective air preparation. The company has calculated exhaust ventilation, the calculator will help you to get acquainted with the price for buildings with various purposes in a few seconds. The calculator for calculating the exhaust ventilation system from the Avimos company allows you to choose the required type of room, area and find out the approximate price for a ready-made solution.

Supply and exhaust

This is the most efficient ventilation scheme, since the supply and exhaust are driven by the power plants. As a result, clearly directed streams are formed that move at a calculated speed.The scheme does not depend on natural conditions and maintains the specified modes throughout the year. Effective air preparation allows you to create a microclimate throughout the building and in individual areas of the premises. It will help you determine the approximate cost of a ventilation system with installation.

Why do you need to calculate the area of ​​air ducts and fittings?

Determining the squaring of air ducts is necessary to create an efficiently functioning ventilation system and optimize its characteristics:

  • volumes of transported air;
  • speed of air masses;
  • noise level;
  • energy consumption.

In addition, the calculation should provide a whole list of additional performance characteristics. For example, the proper temperature in the room. That is, the ventilation system must remove excess heat and moisture or minimize heat loss. In this case, the maximum / minimum temperature and speed of the air entering the room are brought to the corresponding standards.

The quality parameters of the incoming air are also regulated, namely: its chemical composition, the amount of suspended particles, the presence and concentration of explosive elements, etc.

Ventilation grill for a square box

Calculation for the room

The preliminary price of ventilation of all types of buildings can be found on the website. The company's engineers performed a technical calculation of several typical projects, selected equipment and made a business case.

The results of the work were compiled into a convenient online calculator. It is enough to choose the type of building from the proposed list, the area of ​​the object is from 50 to 10,000 m2, the type of ventilation. The price will be determined in a few seconds.

If you need an exact calculation of room ventilation, contact the company manager who will send our engineer to the site. The employee will get acquainted with the features of the structure, study the technological processes, find out the parameters of air exchange to ensure the operation of production equipment (for enterprises and commercial buildings). Based on these data, a preliminary air exchange scheme will be drawn up, an effective set of basic and auxiliary elements will be selected, and the type of ventilation will be developed. The economic calculation will serve as the basis for the commercial proposal, which will be prepared by the manager and handed over to the customer.

- a responsible and reliable partner. We offer flexible pricing for complex services. There are constant promotions on the site, where you can buy ready-made ventilation systems at a discount. Our work and the equipment used are accompanied by an official warranty.

Calculation of the area of ​​fittings for air ducts

When creating branched ventilation systems, various shaped products are used:

  • bends - tees with the same or different section;
  • duck - s-shaped bend;
  • umbrella;
  • adapters:
  • between different sections of the same shape (usually different diameters);
  • between different types of sections (for example, from rectangular to round).

Each of the presented fittings is calculated according to separate formulas, as a result of which their overall calculation is rather complicated. Even experienced designers need engineering assistance in calculating the area of ​​the ducts. To do this, they use special programs.

What programs are there for determining the parameters of fittings for air ducts?

Many programs have been developed for calculating the area of ​​air duct fittings:

  • Vent-Calc v2.0 - a universal tool for designing and calculating the main parameters of ventilation systems. According to the developers, the key parameters for the calculation are air flow and duct length.Having received this data from the operator, the program independently generates a prototype of the ventilation network with an indication of the aerodynamic resistance for each branch, limited by fittings. The sum of these indicators is the basis for the selection of a power ventilation unit. Recently, this software package has become free;
  • MagiCAD - software for the design of all types of engineering communications. Project files can be imported into ADT and AutoCAD;
  • GIDRV 3.093 - calculator for calculating the area of ​​air ducts and fittings for natural ventilation, taking into account the aspiration of the building;
  • Fans 400 - specialized software for calculating anti-smoke ventilation;
  • Ducter 2.5 - program for calculating the area of ​​fittings for air ducts.

There are several simpler programs and macros written in Microsoft Excel. Basically, they perform the calculation of the aerodynamics of air ducts of various cross-sections.

Also, on some sites you can find online calculators of the surface area of ​​air ducts, which are offered by companies that provide the corresponding services.

The interface of the Vent-calc v2.0.6.2011 program, the tab for calculating the heat load of the air heater

Calculator for calculating the required cross-section of the duct

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