Operation and adjustment of the gas column Electrolux

A gas water heater is a necessary device in any apartment. It does not need a lot of time to heat water, it works very quickly. First of all, it must be remembered that the gas water heater, like any devices with gas, these are means of increased danger... It provides hot water supply to the house as a result of gas combustion.

After installation, you need to know how to properly start the gas water heater.

Preparatory work before switching on the Bosch instantaneous water heater

Before turning on for the first time, you need to remove air from the pipes of the water heater, this can be done by turning on the hot water tap and waiting for a stable flow of water from their tap, this will be evidenced by the absence of any extraneous sounds when the hot water tap is open.

Important! This action can protect the metal parts of the water heater from excessive overheating in places where it is not desirable, namely at the joints of the pipes. you may also have to bleed off excess air in the gas pipes; this is done differently on different water heaters.

This usually happens by pressing the gas supply button or unscrewing the screw from the gas control tube, of course, how to do this on a specific heater is written in the instructions for this very water heater. Also, if the water heater is installed after repair, it is required to remove air from the pipes, for this, open the free valve, or do it using the water heater.

Before turning on, make sure that there is traction - this may be the reason why the Bosch gas water heater does not ignite, this is spelled out in most instructions for instantaneous water heaters, for this, simply bring a lit match to the window on the control panel and by the behavior of the flame it will be possible to understand the presence of air draft: case when the flame deflects towards the window on the control panel, it indicates the presence of sufficient air draft, which means that the operation of the device will be stable.

For the full operation of the apparatus, a large amount of air is needed, since the burner of the water heater consumes a large amount of oxygen, and it takes this oxygen from the room where it is installed, for this to ensure a normal flow of air, for this the door to the room with a flowing water heater should not close tightly, also in the apartment or house must have a constant flow of fresh air from the atmosphere, otherwise there is a high risk of poisoning by the products of the burner of the instantaneous water heater.

Important! During operation of the instantaneous water heater, it is not recommended to use a fan or an air conditioner, as this disrupts the normal removal of gas oxidation products through the collector. it is also not recommended to approach the window while the burner is running, as there is a risk of burns.

Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

Sometimes problems occur in the operation of the Electrolux gas water heaters. But serious malfunctions rarely happen, in many cases they can be fixed by yourself. Models with electronic control show an error code, this allows you to figure out what is wrong in time and avoid serious damage. It is worth paying attention to the following readings on the display:

  • E0 means that the device has overheated, and the temperature sensor has worked, it may require professional repair;
  • E1 indicates the need to replace the batteries;
  • E2 is an ionization sensor, it can be triggered if the flame is not burning.

There are two of the most common faults that are easy to fix.They do not indicate a breakdown of the column, but arise due to its improper use. Most often, users notice that the column has stopped lighting up. This can happen in the absence of traction. It needs to be checked, if necessary, clean the chimney and ventilation. The device will also not light up if water is not open. Electric ignition models may stop turning on if the batteries are low.

It also happens that the water does not heat up well. To eliminate this malfunction, you need to adjust the gas supply or water pressure. This can be done on the device itself, or simply reduce the water supply to the tap.

If there is a smell of gas in a room with a working column, this malfunction cannot be eliminated by yourself. The column must be turned off and a specialist must be called.

Rules for turning on the Bosch geyser

When working with gas water heaters, it is imperative to observe safety precautions, it is written in the instructions for the column. It is important to remember that the column uses natural gas, and therefore, before starting the instantaneous water heater into operation, you should make sure that the structure is reliable, as well as the tightness of the connections of the gas and water hoses. Also, before putting into operation, it is necessary to check all the hoses of the heat exchanger for defects from the factory, that is, any leaks or dents.

Make sure that the structure of the heat exchanger and the burner itself is properly fixed. And he will definitely make sure that all protection sensors are fully connected, since without them the column simply will not start working. Also make sure all hardware is in place. This cannot be done, since there is a risk of any kind of defect at the factory, and simply in order to make the operation of the column as safe as possible.

When working with water heaters with electric ignition, observe the precautions when using the provided battery cells:

  • It is very important not to dispose of batteries with small charges that can be considered used up with household waste. Dispose of batteries at designated collection points.
  • For stable operation of the device, use only new batteries, always of high quality.
  • It is not allowed to change the type of batteries provided by the manufacturer, this is also necessary for the stable operation of the device.

How to turn on a Bosch gas water heater with different types of ignition from the company

The fact is that the columns have different ignition methods, there are three of them in total. To determine the type of ignition of a particular column, you can use the instructions, the instructions will contain the name of the column, you can determine the type by the indices at the end of the column name:

  • Index P: indicates that the column has a piezo ignition.
  • Index B: indicates that the instantaneous water heater belongs to the class of water heaters with electric ignition.
  • Index G: columns with this letter at the end of the name refer to the type of ignition with a hydraulic turbine, in which it is turned on automatically from the pressure of water.

Important! All of these types have certain nuances when introduced to work.

Piezoelectric ignition

This type of switching on an instantaneous water heater from Bosch is used in several models: WR 10-2P, WR 13-2P, WR 15-2P, as well as in column W 10-2P. In most cases, these models have similar ignition schemes. This type of ignition is semi-automatic

To turn on the column for the first time and further debugging, first remove the metal protective casing from the column. After this procedure, check the setting of the ignition flame length and also check the air gap between the nozzle and the ignition tube, it must be sufficient for the ignition flame to burn.

To ignite the device, move the slider on the control panel to the ignition position, usually this is the central position.Next, you need to make sure the gas supply. Press the button on the control panel slider, at the same time press the piezoelectric ignition button, which is located just below the slider and the control panel itself, as a rule, one press of the piezoelectric ignition button is enough to ignite the pilot flame, but you should still make sure that the igniter is working. Otherwise, press the button again until the ignition flame switches on. Next, you need to release the button on the slider of the control panel, the flame, of course, should not go out.

The next step is to set the maximum temperature: to do this, move the slider to the maximum power position, that is, to the right, turn the temperature regulator to the maximum position, and open the hot water tap, the instantaneous water heater should start working. Next, it is necessary to check the gas pressure, if the gas pressure is higher than the required one, then the temperature of the combustion products will be higher than normal, which is why unstable operation is possible. In which case, make the setting.

Electric ignition

This type of ignition is used on models with an index at the end of the name: B.

Important! You can clarify the type of ignition of a particular model using the instructions. This type of ignition is used in Bosch instantaneous water heaters: W 10 KB, WR 15-2 B, WR 10-2 B, as well as in the WR 13-2B water heater.

To begin with, install two 1.5V R20 batteries in the battery compartment, usually they come with a water heater, the batteries are installed with positive contacts on the same sides, the positive contacts should look towards the latch of the battery compartment cover. also on the instantaneous water heater of these models there is a battery charge sensor, when the battery charge is low, the LED on the control panel will glow red, with sufficient charge it will be green. In case of insufficient charge, replace the batteries.

The main types of gas flow devices

All Bosch flow columns are divided into two classes according to the type of ignition:

  1. Automatic, when the gas is ignited at the same time as the hot water taps are opened, the process is performed using a spark from the batteries. A more modern automatic ignition system from Bosch GK receives a spark from a mini hydraulic turbine, working in the flow of heated water, producing enough current to ignite the main burner. This is a more expensive set of the column, but it is worth it, since it provides complete non-volatility of the unit.
  2. Semi-automatic, when first the ignition wick is ignited, which ignites the fuel in the combustion chamber, then the GK turns on automatically when water flows in the hot water system. After the cessation of water use, the column automatically turns off, and then, when the heating cycle is repeated, it will again light up from a constantly burning wick.

Bosch ignition system markings:

  • "P" - ignition with a piezo igniter;
  • "B" - electric ignition;
  • "H" or "G" - ignition using a hydrogenerator.

Therm have three performance types:

  • wr10-2p - piezo ignition, flow rate 10 l / min;
  • wr13-2p - semiautomatic device, flow rate 13 l / min;
  • wr15-2p - flow rate 15 l / min.

Common causes of unstable Bosch speakers

If the Bosch gas water heater does not ignite, you can try to solve the problem yourself. It is very easy to find out why the column is unstable.

Does not light up

The reason may be insufficient water pressure, for this, clean all filters or check the pressure in the main line, in which case install an additional pump.

The ignition flame goes out

It is necessary to check the safety sensors, in which case connect them, or replace them.

Goes out when mixed

The mixer filter may be clogged, in which case clean it.also, the flow of cold water can simply reduce the pressure of hot, for this it is necessary to set the appropriate temperature of hot water on the column.

Goes out during operation

Perhaps the problem is insufficient draft, solve the problem with oxygen access to the burner, and also seal the burner manifold.

Possible other reasons

The main reasons why the Bosch column does not light up are the incorrect setting of the gas pressure. To do this, it is necessary to make the necessary settings, and then the burner will burn stably.

How to use the Electrolux column

All Electrolux gas water heaters operate in automatic mode. The internal structure is thought out to the smallest detail, which makes the operation as comfortable as possible. When the DHW tap is opened, the automatics are triggered, the main burner is ignited. Hot water is supplied to the consumer in 10-15 seconds. After closing the tap, the flame is extinguished.
An Electrolux gas water heater operation license is not required. When drawing up documents for connection, it is enough to provide a passport of the column or indicate the exact name of the model.

How to turn on the Electrolux column

Almost all leading manufacturers of instantaneous gas water heaters in the operating instructions necessarily indicate that the installation must be carried out by a qualified specialist. In domestic joint ventures and SNiP there is a similar indication. In accordance with existing regulations, do-it-yourself connection is prohibited. If you perform an independent installation, then when you next contact the service center, you should not expect free service. For all work, even if the warranty period has not yet passed, you will have to pay.
According to the current regulations, the connection can be made by:

  • representatives of the company that sold the water heater;
  • gas service specialists.

The boiler passport is marked and stamped on the connection and commissioning of the device.
There are several basic rules for connecting:

  • installation is carried out in accordance with the rules described in SNiP and SP;
  • the first launch is carried out in the presence of an inspector of the Gas Service;
  • necessarily withstand the gaps between the stove, refrigerator, sink;
  • the installation is carried out in strict accordance with the gas supply project;
  • the room used for the boiler room must meet the minimum requirements: height 2.2 m, area of ​​at least 12 m², the presence of a vent or an opening window.

The speaker is supplied with fasteners and an anchor plate. The column is hung on a wall made of dense solid building materials.

How to set up the Electrolux column

For adjustment, there are mechanical regulators of the water and gas flow on the front side of the water heater casing. Most Electrolux speakers have an LED display connected to a heating sensor that shows the temperature of the water.
To change the power, the gas supply is increased or decreased, changing the intensity of the flame combustion, focusing on the digital indicators displayed on the screen.

In the device of the gas water heater Electrolux with flame modulation, the adjustments are carried out according to a different principle. The user sets the required water heating temperature. The programmer independently changes the burner power, adapting to the actual pressure in the water supply system.

It is forbidden to adjust the temperature by mixing cold water with hot water.

How to clean an Electrolux column

There are several parts that are most susceptible to contamination:

  • the heat exchanger of the Electrolux column - inside the tubes they are overgrown with scale, outside the radiator is covered with carbon deposits;
  • burner - nozzles are clogged with soot.

You can independently clean the Electrolux gas water heater at home only after the factory warranty has expired.Before this period, it is better to contact the service center for free service.
During the repair, the technician will remove the column casing, disconnect the heat exchanger and remove the burner. The coil is washed using special chemicals, under pressure. The radiator fins are cleaned with ordinary soapy water. The burner is cleaned with a metal awl. The work is carried out by a qualified specialist with an admission and an appropriate license.

Tips and tricks for the care of the Bosch gas water heater

For stable operation of the column, it makes sense to install a filter for cold water, this will prevent wear of the membranes and clogging of the heat exchanger. also constantly clean the flue gas collector and heat exchanger.

Important! And most importantly: use the column in normal operating modes. The Bosch speaker may not light up due to various blockages that should be prevented

Many apartments and residential buildings today use gas equipment to heat water. It makes it possible to get running water at a comfortable temperature at any time of the year. However, the prevailing stereotype that "gas water heaters in the house are unsafe" protects a large number of consumers from buying vpg. But this is just a prejudice, and modern units have a high class of reliability and safety, and, if used correctly, pose absolutely no danger to households.

The problem of the lack of hot water is relevant not only in remote villages and townships, suburban houses of the private sector, but also in apartments of apartment buildings. That is why water heaters remain in demand and are in demand.

However, like all technical means, malfunctions appear in gas water heaters for certain periods of use that interfere with normal functioning. One of the most common problems is that the flame in the Bosch gas heater does not ignite. In our article, we will consider the causes of this problem in various types of geysers and how to eliminate them.

Mandatory precautions

Any purchased equipment is accompanied by instructions for the correct operation of the gas water heater. The principle of operation of most of them is identical to that indicated above, but here the mandatory adherence to safety precautions should be highlighted.

  1. It is required to carry out preventive cleaning of the gas water heater in order to avoid disrupting the efficiency of its operation (how to do this can be read in the document - instructions that goes to the gas water heater).
  2. It is important to check the condition of the chimney ducts - this will help avoid clogging.
  3. If the device fails, you should immediately contact the gas service. Unauthorized attempts to fix the problem are prohibited.

In more detail, the inclusion of the unit is shown in the video:

It is enough to understand once how to light the device in order to provide comfortable and instant heating of running water. And then you can simply enjoy the operation of this convenient heater.

Features of ignition of Bosch gas water heaters

The flow-through gas water heater, which has received the common name "gas water heater", is a technical device in which water is heated with the help of energy released during the combustion of domestic gas.

Different models of the brand's water heaters, differing in functionality and design, also have a different type of ignition. Therefore, the reasons for the problems with ignition of the flame may differ. But, in order to diagnose them, for a start it is advisable to familiarize yourself in general terms with the speaker device.

Bosch geysers, despite the many modifications differing in the type of ignition and performance, correspond to the general assembly scheme and consist of the following elements:

  • gas fittings - a curved metal tube through which gas flows and gas supply control elements;
  • gas wick - device for ignition of a flame;
  • burner - the place where the gas combustion process takes place;
  • heat exchanger - a special tank through which a tube with running water passes; this is the place where the water is heated;
  • combustion gas temperature sensors - a necessary element to control the proper working capacity of the column;
  • buttonpiezo ignition - required to start the column;
  • column modulation knob - it is used to increase the gas supply power;
  • combustion products removal.

Columns of various series may differ in the type of ignition, a set of sensors and other structural elements. Next, we will get acquainted with the main ones, which are important in the case of self-diagnosis of a malfunction.

Therm 2000 O series

Affordable version. Average productivity: in 1 minute it heats up to the required temperature of 10 liters of hot water. The device of this series is equipped with automatic ignitionpowered by batteries.

Also included in the design are sensors and sensors for gas supply control, flame control, traction control.

Therm 4000 O series

Models of this series are produced in 2 versions: with automatic ignition from batteries and piezo ignition ... Different in power, they can heat from 10 to 15 liters of water per minute.

Geysers of this model have a number of advantages:

  • uniform regulation of the column modulation, which allows you to maintain the set water temperature;
  • heats water even at low pressure of the flow head (sufficient pressure - 0.1 Atm).

To distinguish between the type of ignition in the designation of these gas water heaters, the letters are used B - columns with automatic ignition, and P - speakers with piezo ignition.

Therm 4000 S series

Columns of this series are often installed in apartments with problematic chimney routing. The intake of air and the removal of combustion products takes place in a coaxial chimney located on the outside of the wall.

Also installed on the front side electronic control panel... This makes it possible to monitor the performance of the column (in the event of a violation, information about the malfunction is displayed on the panel), as well as to set the minimum error in the water temperature - 1 degree.

The capacity is in the range of 12-18 liters of water per minute. The main disadvantage is that in the absence of electricity, the column will not work.

Therm 6000 O Series

Used in this series of gas water heaters built-in hydrogenerator allows for automatic ignition of the flame when opening the tap with water.

Popular models

produces several different models of gas water heaters. All of them are characterized by reliability and ease of use. But there are slight differences.

Electrolux GWH 265 ERN Nano Plus

This speaker has simple mechanical controls and low power. But it is able to provide a city apartment with hot water, has sufficient capacity so that 2 water supply points can be connected to it. The column "Nano plus" has a compact size and an affordable price. Oxygen Free technology prevents the emission of harmful substances during operation.

Power17.8 kW
Performance10 l / min
Maximum heating temperature750
Ignition typeElectric
SensorsGas control, thermostat, switch on sensor
Additional functionsIndicator, thermometer
Materials (edit)Stainless steel burner, copper heat exchanger
Dimensions (edit)550X328X180 mm
The weight7.8 kg
The cost7400 rubles *

But some users note insufficient power when several points of water intake are turned on, as well as difficulties in finding spare parts.

Electrolux GWH 275 SRN

This water heater is reliable. The modulating burner ensures that the required temperature is maintained regardless of the water pressure. A feature of this column is piezoelectric ignition. It turns on after pressing the button.

The presence of 2 modes and automatic adjustment allows you to maintain the desired temperature.A multi-level protection system ensures uninterrupted operation and shutdown of the device in case of a drop in pressure or lack of traction.

Power20 kWt
Performance11 l / min
Maximum heating temperature680
Ignition typePiezoelectric
SensorsDraft sensor, thermocouple, hydraulic valve
Additional functions2 operating modes
Materials (edit)Stainless steel, copper
Dimensions (edit)350 × 680 × 230 mm
The weight12.9 kg
The cost17,000 rubles *

Electrolux GWH 285 ERN NanoPro

The design of this model is simple and reliable. Its peculiarity is the presence of the INVERTER Control system, which ensures smooth regulation and quick turn-on. The heat exchanger is made using innovative technology that protects it from any negative influences. A convenient digital display allows you to monitor the temperature, flame level, water pressure.

The universal diameter of the chimney allows you to install the column in any room. The main advantages of the model are four degrees of protection and quiet operation.

Power19.2 kW
Performance11 l / min
Maximum heating temperature750
Ignition typeElectric ignition
SensorsFlame, traction, gas control
Additional functionsMaintaining the set temperature, automatic shutdown, intelligent control
Materials (edit)Copper heat exchanger, stainless steel burner
Dimensions (edit)578 × 310 × 220 mm
The weight8.6 kg
The cost12,500 rubles *

Additional Information! The model is designed for regions with water interruptions and gas pressure problems. It can work even with a low head.

Electrolux GWH 11 PRO Inverter

Quite a powerful water heater, suitable for both a city apartment and a large private house. Several points of water intake can be connected to it. Has an automatic heating level system depending on the water pressure.

A multi-level security system provides protection against overheating, chimney clogging, switching on without water. The convenient display shows not only the temperature indicator, but also the flame level, battery charge, water pressure.

Power22 kWt
Performance11 l / min
Maximum heating temperature750
Ignition typeElectric ignition
SensorsTemperatures, presence of thrust, switching on, pressure
Additional functionsCharge indicator, automatic flame modulation, multi-level protection system
Materials (edit)Copper, stainless steel
Dimensions (edit)330 × 550 × 190 mm
The weight8.5KG
The cost12-14 thousand rubles *

Why does the column not light up or go out?

Periodic malfunctions in the operation of these devices are not associated with technical defects, but with depreciation during operation. Like any technical tool, gas water heaters need to be periodically maintained.

List of major faults:

  • it is impossible to start up from the first ignition attempt;
  • attenuation of the wick;
  • attenuation of the igniter when changing the power of the water supply by the tap on the mixer;
  • weak heating of water;
  • the igniter goes out periodically;
  • weak water pressure through the gas column pipe system.

In the event of these malfunctions, it is not necessary to contact the wizard, because some of them can be solved independently by performing a certain algorithm of work and observing safety rules.

Problem # 1 - the flame won't ignite on the first try

To begin with, it is worth performing the most elementary measures - check the position valves for water and gas supply... If there is no supply of one of them, the work of the column is blocked automatically.

If batteries are used to start the column, then it is necessary to check their performance. And in case of discharge, replace with new batteries.

Provided the problem persists, the next step is to check the chimney.Any ingress of debris and even a volumetric accumulation of soot on the walls of the chimney can lead to a malfunction - lack of draft. Keeping the chimney clean is a necessity that will prevent carbon monoxide from entering the interior.

If there is no thrust sensor that constantly monitors the level of thrust during operation, you can check its presence yourself. It is enough to use a burning match, which must be brought to the hole in the column. The absence of flame displacement will indicate clogging of the ventilation system. We turn off the column and clean the chimney.

Another reason could be weak water pressure... This is visually detected when the tap is opened.

If the pressure is of sufficient strength, the problem may be:

  • in the contamination of the mesh filter of the water system;
  • in the pollution of the water system itself;
  • finding a blockage in the mixer filter.

If the first problem can be easily solved by flushing the strainer, then to solve the second and third problems, it will be necessary to unscrew the pipes at the inlet, after turning off the gas and water supply, and flush the system. special cleaning agent.

The next reason is weak gas pressure... This malfunction must never be rectified by yourself. You should definitely contact a specialist.

Incorrectly tuned igniter may be the reason for the malfunction of the column. This occurs when the gas pressure in the line does not match the type of igniter. In the case of low pressure, the gas required for ignition goes down. For a more stable operation of the ignition system, it is necessary to mount the electrode that generates a spark to the center of the burner.

Problem # 2 - gas column wick decay

The problem is when the wick goes out when working in a Bosch gas water heater, it may be caused by a weak gas supply. This problem can be caused by dirty ignition tube dust particles and carbon deposits.

To solve it, you need to remove the gas column housing and properly disconnect the ignition pipe. To clean the inside of the tube, it must be blown out. The edge on which carbon deposits have accumulated is cleaned with emery paper or other abrasive material.

When reinstalling, it is necessary to restore the tightness of the pipe, connecting it to the required limit with the gas supply pipe.

Problem # 3 - speaker attenuation during operation

There are situations when a Bosch brand geyser suddenly goes out and stops working, it is necessary to identify how long after ignition this happens.

If the shutdown immediately after starting (after 3-5 seconds), then most likely the matter is breakage of the ionization sensor... In this case, it is necessary to check the wiring between the sensor and the control board and, if it works, replace the sensor.

When the column goes out after several minutes of operation, this may be due to:

  • weak gas thrust;
  • the sensitivity of the alarm relay.

You can check the gas draft in the entire gas system by turning on the gas stove. If the gas supply is visually normal, then the problem is in the gas supply system to the column. To solve it, you need to call a specialist.

Also, the draft problem can be caused by a blockage of the chimney or by the heat exchanger tubes clogged with scale.

Another reason could be broken functionality alarm relay... To do this, you need to open the windows and ventilate the room with high quality. Then try to start the device again. If the column is working again, then the matter is precisely in the sensitivity of the relay. This element needs to be replaced.

Mixing a stream of hot water with cold water can also cause column attenuation. In order to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to perform the adjustment correctly.

Problem # 4 - the igniter of the gas column goes out

One of the important elements of the water heater is the igniter. It is necessary for the smooth functioning of the device, therefore it must work continuously.

To understand why the gas water heater goes out igniter, you need to check the following probable reasons:

  • thermocouple malfunction;
  • the appearance of external air flows;
  • chimney pollution.

To stop the unstable operation of the gas column, an element is used - thermocouple... This is a safety device, the function of which is to timely shut off the gas flow. If the igniter goes out, it shuts off the gas supply.

Thus, when a thermocouple burns out under prolonged exposure to fire, its tip becomes loose, its physical properties are lost, and an involuntary triggering of the protective function occurs. The defective part must be replaced.

Another reason for insufficient heating of the thermocouple is the clogging of the gas nozzle orifice with dust. After cleaning, the performance is restored.

In the event of improper ventilation, the resulting air currents can blow out the pilot burner. It is important here not to confuse this phenomenon with a lack of draft due to fouling. To fix the problem, you need to check that the protective cover of the column is correctly attached and that there are no external sources of air exposure.

It should be remembered that modern devices contain a lot of electronic devices, sensors and modules. A separate malfunctioning of any of them can lead to a failure in the operation of the device. Special equipment is required that can diagnose the malfunction.


There are several ways to ignite the gas column burner.

Manual way

Used in rare copies of the old model. Not too comfortable and safe.

  • A tap opens on the water pipe, which is supplied to the column.
  • The gas supply valve opens.
  • The wick is ignited with matches.
  • The main fuel supply valve turns on.

It is important that in this case the device will not turn off as soon as you turn off the tap. You need to disable it manually.

Piezo ignition

Semi-automatic device without batteries. To light the burner, you need to get a spark. For this:

  • Open fuel supply.
  • Press the piezo ignition key.
  • After the wick has lit, set the desired values ​​on the thermostat.

Do not forget to supply water to the system, otherwise the heat exchanger will burn out.

The device is started in a similar way:

  • The water and gas supply opens.
  • The regulator is installed on the body in the "On" position.
  • Then it is transferred to the "Piezo ignition" indicator.
  • After the contacts are triggered, a spark is struck.
  • The trigger is held down with a finger until the flame is normally ignited. Then the required power is released and set.

The wick burns constantly. When the mixer is opened, the column starts heating. To turn off the burner, the regulator is set to the OFF position.

The disadvantage of such a system is the high fuel consumption with constant burner operation.

Automatic start

The latest models "Beretta", "Ariston", "Bosch" and others are equipped with such ignition. Batteries are inserted into a special compartment. The gas valve opens. To operate, it is enough to open the mixer. Then the batteries give a spark, ignition occurs.

A similar ignition is performed with a water turbine installed. When the mixer is opened, the water spins the turbine, which generates electricity to ignite the burner. The disadvantage of such a system is that with a reduced pressure in the line, the turbine will not start or give a weak heating.

This is how the column starts up. Observe safety precautions during operation, and entrust the installation to professionals.


Prevention of geyser malfunctions

In addition to troubleshooting, you need to know how to properly disassemble the gas column. These skills are essential for DIY maintenance. Why do you need to know not only the constituent elements, but also the sequence of actions when disassembling the column.

Periodic maintenance throughout the entire operational life of the gas water heater will contribute to correct operation.

Annual cleaning is recommended in the technical documentation by the manufacturer. After all, it is the lack of cleaning with prolonged use that can lead to all of the above problems.

Therm 4000 S series

The main characteristic feature of these models is the existence of a forced draft fan. Therefore, they can function without a chimney. They are most often used in apartments.

gas water heater bosch

Another characteristic feature of these speakers is the presence of a digital control panel, thanks to which you can find out all the errors and problems of the column. The models are available in three types of power and capacity from 12 to 18 liters per minute.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video shows how to properly clean the ignition tube:

In order to understand the complete step-by-step disassembly, just watch this video:

B osch gas water heaters are widely used to solve an important domestic problem - the lack of hot water. In order for these devices to operate smoothly for longer, they need to be serviced. And malfunctions arising during operation can be eliminated independently, it is enough to know the correct algorithm of actions.

Do you want to tell about your own experience in diagnosing and repairing a Bosch brand gas water heater? Share the intricacies of troubleshooting, add unique photos - the feedback form is located below.

If a flame does not light up in your Bosch gas water heater and you cannot find the cause in any way, and you don’t want to call a specialist, ask our experts and other site visitors for advice.

Why does the wick in the gas column go out, go out? Manufacturers of gas supply equipment strive for perfection, but technology is technology, and various breakdowns still occur.

Ignition failure in equipment ignition systems is a common problem. Sometimes the gas water heater ignites with a clap, does not burn or the wick does not ignite. In our material, we will consider why the wick in the gas column goes out, the reasons and ways to eliminate this.

Features of the

Electrolux water heaters are equipment that for a long time and without interruptions is able to heat water and maintain its temperature. The structure can perform its functions in any conditions. The technical features of the devices provide the speakers with reliability and safety. The water heating equipment of this company is capable of working not only at one or several points of water intake. It has found widespread use both in the domestic sphere and in offices.

Each model has its own characteristics and performance, so when choosing a product, the buyer should be guided by personal taste and needs. Let's consider the main characteristics of Electrolux speakers.

  • Power. The manufacturing company sells goods, which can be of three types and differ from each other in productivity and power: low-power equipment - 17-19 kilowatts; medium-power - 20-24 kilowatts; powerful - 25-31 kilowatts. Each presented option can work for a certain number of water intake points.
  • Control method. The manual control method has long been outdated; it has been replaced by a new, more advanced one. Modern models of Electrolux geysers have a built-in burner with independent power simulation.Thanks to this, the equipment is able to control the temperature regime, as well as maintain it at the required level, even with insufficient pressure. The automatic system independently selects and regulates the temperature.
  • Type of ignition. The manufacturer sells several models of gas water heaters: with manual, automatic and piezo ignition. The equipment of the first option is practically not found now. Automatic ignition is the most convenient option to use.
  • Security. Electrolux speakers are equipped with three-level and four-level security. When unexpected interruptions occur in the system, for example, pressure changes, a gas or water leak occurs, the device shuts down on its own.

Signs of improper operation of the igniter (wick)

Why the wick in the gas column goes out - the reasons

Recall that the igniter is designed to ignite the main combustion system when water is supplied. The flame occurs as a result of the combustion of the warm air mixture. The igniter heats the thermocouple by physically reaching the main burner.

If the wick goes out, this process fails. In order to prevent overheating of the technical units of the column and, most importantly, gas accumulation, an emergency shutdown of the gas supply is triggered. As a result, the wick goes out automatically.

It is possible to understand that a gas boiler needs extraordinary maintenance without professional knowledge. The consumer can easily verify this by noticing:

  • predominance of yellow and orange reflections of the flame. Normally, the color of the fire is blue with a permissible inclusion of yellowness up to about 10%;
  • excessively noisy operation of the equipment. There will be no absolute silence when the speaker is turned on, but strong crackling and rattling indicate possible malfunctions in some node.

It must be remembered that in a column equipped with a piezo-ignition, the igniter is constantly on. This is necessary for the instantaneous operation of the device when the water is turned on. An inoperative wick stops gas flow to the column.

Operating rules

This guide will help you to turn on your open speaker:

  • During the installation of equipment, it is important to make ventilation.
  • You cannot start the device if there is poor draft in the chimney or there is none at all.
  • The burner must not be left unattended when it is on.
  • It is forbidden to make changes to the structure yourself.
  • It is not allowed to leave the valve open when the burner is not ignited.

Important! Relocation and reinstallation of equipment can only be performed by a specialist.

Traction check

Before igniting an open column, be sure to check the presence of draft. It will not be if the chimney is clogged with soot and debris. In this case, carbon monoxide can extinguish the burner and enter the room. The latest Bosch, Junkers, Vaillant models are equipped with a protection system. It turns off the equipment or does not allow starting in the absence of traction.

To do a self-check, do this:

  • Light a match or candle and bring it to the control window. The flame deflects - there is a thrust. Burns evenly - no.
  • If there is no window, remove the cover of the device and bring fire to the chimney. The result is described above.

It happens that everything is in order with the chimney, but there is no draft. The reason for this is the lack of natural ventilation in the room. If you have plastic windows, install a special ventilation valve.

Gas water heater wick goes out - reasons

How does a gas column igniter work?

The igniter can work for some time after turning on the water, and it happens that it goes out immediately.

Let's deal with the reasons for equipment failure in these two cases. In general cases, the reasons for equipment failure are as follows:

  • faulty thermocouple;
  • the igniter is clogged with dust or debris;
  • strong air currents knock down the flame;
  • there is no draft in the chimney or it is insufficient;
  • the traction control sensors are out of order;
  • the contact connections of the sensor with the power supply are broken.
  1. A thermocouple in most cases leads to equipment failure. Technically, this unit is a safety device for the gas flow in case of force majeure in the operating column. If the thermocouple is worn out or burned out by prolonged exposure to flame, it will cause the wick to fade.
  2. The litter of the igniter does not necessarily happen to the eyeballs. With structurally small holes in the burner wick, a few large inclusions are enough to cause problems with heating the thermocouple to standard temperatures.
  3. Flame blowing problems occur with improperly adjusted column ventilation. But here it is important to pinpoint the cause without mistaking weak draft for air exchange problems.

Now let's look at the causes of failures depending on the duration of the igniter.

Why does the igniter go out immediately after switching on?

What to do if the igniter goes out immediately after switching on?

  1. The consumer has time to notice a small glimpse of the wick and that's it - the igniter immediately goes out. Moreover, it is impossible to start up the equipment again.

Interruptions in operation are caused by the failure of the gas supply mechanism - the servo motor / solenoid valve. Site cleaning is a temporary measure. Complete replacement of valves will solve the problem.

  1. If the wick is triggered and fades out after about a minute, it is possible to ascertain the activation of the security system "gas control". This is done to prevent gas leaks, the ingress of combustion products into the room, or rupture in the event of overheating of the equipment.

The reason lies, first of all, in an increase in the permissible temperature regime. In this case, the protective plates of the bimetallic control sensor are repelled from each other, turning off the gas supply. Due to this, the column in dangerous mode will not work for more than a minute or two.

The wick goes out after a short time of operation of the column

Why does the igniter go out after a while

  1. Poor or no cravings. It occurs due to a malfunction of the chimneys and the ingress of combustion products - carbon monoxide into the room. Control devices record dangerous leaks, a safety shutdown of the equipment is triggered, and the column is temporarily blocked.
  2. The equipment smokes. In most cases, the problem is typical for speakers that have been in use for a long time. The norm for gas equipment is annual maintenance. If you neglect this rule, soot accumulates on the gas burner, clogs the heat exchanger, leading to the ingress of carbon monoxide into the room.
  3. Overheating of the heat exchanger. There are individual technical conditions of use for each speaker. In most cases, the critical heating temperature is + 55 °. Exceeding the safe mode leads to increased evaporation of water and the accumulation of hot condensate. The steam builds up the pressure of the equipment, causing the exchanger tubes to break and break. To prevent this, the manufacturer completes the columns with a sensor for indicating the temperature in the heat exchanger.
  4. Poor water supply pressure, diaphragm wear. There are brands of gas boilers that are initially sensitive to this indicator. In this case, a "floating" flow, a faulty mixer or shower, low pressure in the heating systems will lead to an emergency shutdown of the igniter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Instantaneous water heaters of this company are very popular. Everyone can choose a model depending on their requirements and budget. Different columns "Electrolux" differ in price, power, type of ignition. But they all have several advantages that attract users:

  • reliability;
  • security;
  • attractive appearance;
  • compactness;
  • durability;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of management;
  • availability of additional functions.

Additional Information! An important advantage of these water heaters is the presence of a draft sensor. If it is absent or in the event of reverse thrust, the unit shuts down. This avoids the penetration of gas into the room.

The disadvantages of some models of these water heating devices include the inability to use with a poor water pressure - the column simply will not light up. It is also difficult to ignite the unit in the absence of traction. But these are the disadvantages of any gas water heaters. If we talk about Electrolux, we can note that they are assembled in China, which may reduce their quality.

( 1 estimate, average 5 of 5 )

