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Since the garage is not only the place of residence of the beloved car, but also the personal territory of its owner, it should be warm and moderately aesthetic. Then it will be pleasant to be here at any time of the year, and it is not a shame to accept friends. Therefore, the question of how to insulate garage doors must be solved responsibly and competently.
How to insulate the gate in the garage?
One of the ways to increase the comfort of staying in the garage of the car and its owner is to insulate the garage door. It is necessary to reduce heat loss through the gate. The gate is made of metal, and it has a high thermal conductivity, which increases with decreasing temperature. Thermal conductivity refers to the ability of a substance to conduct heat from more heated objects to less heated ones. In winter, through the iron gates without insulation, even if they are closed, the heat from the heaters will very quickly go out into the street.
Thus, the answer to the question whether or not to insulate metal gates from the inside will be unambiguous. Insulation is necessary.
There are two possible options for warming. The first is to entrust the case to the craftsmen who, for a certain fee, will do all the necessary work. The second is to do it yourself. In the first case, you can save time and effort, in the second case, you can get satisfaction from your own work and save money.
If the choice is made in favor of the second option, the question arises, how to insulate the garage door from the inside with your own hands as efficiently as possible and with a minimum of cash costs and labor costs?
Types of garage doors
Advice: When arranging a garage, as part of a country house, a prerequisite is its insulation, otherwise the cold will penetrate from the garage into the interior of the house.
Any type of garage door can be used to install a garage door:
- Swing gates... This is the cheapest option. The design consists of two outward opening leaves.
- Sliding gates... In this case, the opening process consists in shifting the web to the side. The doors installed in sliding wardrobes have the same device.
- Lift-and-turn... Here, the one-piece door leaf in the garage rises vertically upwards, after which it turns horizontally towards the floor.
- Sectional. The canvas consists of several sections. To free the passage, the sections are lifted up and then folded.
- Rolling gates... When opening the passage, their canvas folds into a fairly compact box.
Insulation types
There are different types of insulation, which one should you prefer to insulate the door from the inside of the garage? Each of the heaters has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Mineral wool
Mineral wool
One of the most common insulation materials in the construction industry. There are three main varieties:
- glass wool;
- stone wool;
- slag wool.
The first is obtained from the melt of glass, the second - from the melt of igneous rocks (sometimes it is called basalt); the third - from the blast-furnace slag melt.
Depending on the raw material, mineral wool has a different fiber structure. The fibers form air pockets, which ensures good thermal insulation properties of the material.
In addition, cotton wool is resistant to chemicals and high temperatures.
Disadvantage - mineral wool absorbs moisture well, which seriously impairs its thermal insulation characteristics.
Therefore, it is necessary to install cotton wool with hydro and vapor barrier.
There are doubts about its relative environmental safety, in particular, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, mineral wool qualifies as a likely carcinogenic agent for humans. But here it should be noted that a person does not live in a garage, therefore, cotton wool does not pose a serious danger.
Produced in the form of plates, rolls, cylinders, bulk. Installation is not difficult.
It is a foamed plastic mass. The bulk of the foam is gas. This circumstance explains the heat-insulating and sound-insulating properties of the foam. The industry produces polystyrene of various density, strength, depending on what raw materials and what technologies are used for its production.
In domestic conditions, people most often have to have one of the types of foam - expanded polystyrene. It is obtained by polymerization of styrene with the addition of pentane (pore-forming agent).
- Polyfoam is safe for human health. For example, the contact of polystyrene foam with food (packaging) is allowed.
- Styrofoam is very lightweight and easy to handle.
- Low water and vapor permeability is characteristic. For example, extruded polystyrene foam, after ten days in water, absorbs no more than 0.4 percent of its volume.
Disadvantage - it is easily destroyed under the influence of various technical fluids and their vapors (benzene, acetone, etc.). Therefore, if the surface was covered with expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection and use of paints and varnishes.
The process of spraying polyurethane foam insulation
Polyurethane foam
Available in two types:
- hard (sheets, panels, cast shells);
- liquid (a heat-insulating coating, reminiscent of solidified polyurethane foam, is formed during the spraying process).
Polyurethane foam has a very low thermal conductivity. It is less than that of mineral wool and foam.
The material has good sound absorption properties.
Chemicals have less destructive effect on it than on expanded polystyrene.
Not afraid of moisture.
Builders value polyurethane foam for its durability. Insulation from it can last more than thirty years.
Resistant to fire. According to fire resistance, three material classes are distinguished: self-extinguishing (marking C), hardly combustible (TC), hardly flammable (TB). Maintains its performance in the temperature range from -200 to + 200 degrees Celsius.
Sprayed polyurethane foam adheres well to various surfaces (concrete, metal, glass, brick, etc.).
It is necessary to spray polyurethane foam using protective equipment and in a ventilated area, but after drying it is harmless to humans.
There are also disadvantages. The material does not tolerate ultraviolet radiation well. Under the influence of sunlight, it collapses. It is also worth noting the high cost of insulation.
Features of sectional doors
This model is distinguished by a system of sections, which, as a rule, are made of galvanized steel, and then coated with a special polymer. The advantageous difference between such gates is that, unlike conventional swing gates, the owners are spared the problem of getting into the garage in winter, especially if the doors are covered with snow.
It should be noted that this type of structure, in terms of its saving characteristics, can be equated to a laying of four bricks. Therefore, in the cold season, the garage will be reliably protected from various drafts, and with a good level of wall insulation - from severe frosts.
In addition, fully open sectional doors are located under the ceiling of the garage and do not cause problems such as the inability to fully open the garage doors and the danger of the wing swinging due to wind, which can lead to inadvertent damage to the vehicle.
Therefore, if your garage doors are not insulated during manufacture, you can do it yourself.
Preparing the door leaf
Whichever insulation is chosen, it is necessary to start the insulation process with the preparation of the gate surface. It is necessary to clean it of rust, dirt, oil stains, and other chemicals, if any. The gate is protected with a wire brush. If necessary, use solvents, gasoline.
After cleaning, the surface must be primed. Apply the anti-corrosion primer in two layers.
At the next stage, the crate is mounted on which the insulation will be attached. When spraying polyurethane foam, the sheathing will be needed to attach the cladding.
A crate is made of wooden bars with a cross section of 4 × 4 or 5 × 5 centimeters. The bars are fixed along the perimeter of the gate and across the square. The bars must be dry and treated with an antiseptic. Self-tapping screws or liquid nails are used to fasten the bars. In the first case, it is necessary to mark and drill holes in advance. The step between the holes is 20-25 centimeters.
Why do you need a garage door
Tip: When choosing a garage door design, you should pay attention to the convenience of entering and exiting from there. After the car has driven in, there should be a distance to the walls from both sides, at least 30 centimeters.
The requirements for garage doors are as follows:
- The height of the structure, to ensure the free passage of a passenger car, is taken at least 1.8 meters.
- The gates must have sufficient strength, which requires high-quality material for their manufacture, which can withstand the action of corrosion for a long time.
- The devices are equipped with a reliable locking mechanism that will protect it from burglary.
- The gate must reliably isolate the inside of the garage from snow and rain. A snug fit of all its parts to the walls will provide dryness and comfort.
- Soundproofing the device can be provided if necessary.
Most of the designs allow you to do the insulation of the garage door with your own hands quite easily and relatively quickly.
Fastening insulation
When installing insulation on the crate, there are nuances associated with its appearance.
- When fixing mineral wool, you will need waterproofing. The simplest and cheapest way to solve this problem is to apply bitumen mastic. Pieces of cotton wool are cut in such a way that they can be placed very tightly inside the crate. No glue is required.
From above, the cotton wool is closed with a vapor barrier film. Close correctly, taking into account the sides of the film. The steam-condensate film is placed with the smooth inner side to the insulation, the fleecy side is facing outward. The energy-saving vapor barrier is laid with the foil side out. If ordinary polyethylene is used, it does not matter which side to lay it on to the insulation.
The joints are glued with tape, the film is fixed with a construction stapler.
- The foam is cut so that fewer pieces cover the area to be insulated. When cutting, you need to leave a small margin so that the pieces fit tightly. The easiest way to cut the foam is with a construction knife, using a ruler as an auxiliary tool.
Pieces of polystyrene are glued with polyurethane foam using a gun. To ensure the required adhesion, the foam is applied at the edges and crosswise with the intersection of the center. The foam must be pressed tightly and supported for a while.
After installation, joints and free cavities are also filled with foam. After it has hardened, the excess must be cut off with a knife.
- Before applying polyurethane foam, it is recommended to cover the bolts, hinges, locks with foil and secure it with tape. It is advisable to work in a protective suit.
The use of a mask and goggles to protect the respiratory tract and eyes is mandatory.
- For a garage, a household spray installation is sufficient. Such installations, if their containers run out of components, can be charged again. It takes about a minute to apply a 5 cm layer. After drying, the excess is cut off.
The polyurethane foam sheet is fixed like a polystyrene foam.
Pine lining
Important little things
Insulated metal gates in the garage are a whole range of activities and it does not end only with the arrangement of the inner surface of the doors
It is equally important to correctly mount the seal around the flap perimeter, plus take into account the accompanying factors that reduce heat loss.
- To begin with, when you order or choose a gate for your garage, do not skimp and take a model that has a simple door.... If you constantly open the whole sash, then the neighbor should come to you several times in the winter for advice and all your warmth will evaporate. After all, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to squeeze through quickly, an open sash is too large;
Sash with and without entrance doors.
- Now about the seal... It is clear that with such serious dimensions, it is unlikely that the sashes fit snugly around the entire perimeter of contact with the opening frame. You should forget about such things as self-adhesive seals for windows and ordinary doors right away, they will last a maximum of a week. For garage doors and other similar structures, rubber hoses with fastening tape are produced. They can be hollow or filled with some kind of soft porous material such as foam rubber. Such a seal is fixed to the base with self-tapping screws using mounting strips or goes along with the strip;
Types of rubber seals for garage doors.
- Also, it will not be superfluous to equip a curtain from the inside next to the gate.... There are several options here:
- A heat curtain operating on the principle of a fan heater and cutting off cold air at the inlet is certainly a good thing. But, firstly, such a unit itself is quite expensive. And secondly, the power of such a garage curtain starts from 2 - 3 KW, respectively, such a pleasure will cost a lot of money;
Thermal curtain.
- The next option is more loyal. A piece of water-repellent tarpaulin is used here as a curtain. In fact, this is a classic curtain. You need to pull a metal string or baguette on top and hang your sliding tarpaulin curtains on it;
Canvas curtains over the gate.
- Almost every motorist has been to a car wash, remember how their check-in is equipped. The curtain there is made of vertically cut soft transparent tapes, such as polyethylene. But this is not really polyethylene and if you buy such a thing in the factory version, it will be expensive. It is unlikely that your garage will have as much traffic as a car wash. Therefore, you can simply cut strips of thick technical polyethylene with a width of about 10 - 20 cm and fix them with a stapler on a wooden rail with a small overlap (10 - 15 mm). Further, for reliability, screw another of the same rail from above, so that the polyethylene is between them, and fasten it above the entrance to the garage. Please note that any curtain should not drag along the floor, a small gap is always left;
Polyethylene curtain.
- I would also like to say a few words about the facing of the gate from the inside.... Izolon and lining, as you understand, are far from the only materials that can be used for such purposes. One of the most popular in garage design is the OSB-3 or OSB-4 plate with a thickness of about 10 mm, its moisture resistance is decent and you can buy it for reasonable money.If you take plywood, then in this case you need to buy the FSF brand. For those who love a warmer design, it is advisable to paste over the sashes from the inside with PVC panels. They are glued directly to the foam with liquid nails or something similar, and a border is put on around the perimeter;
Standard OSB plate.
- There is another interesting detail. On the Internet, I have come across tips for insulating the gate with polyurethane foam. People say that you can buy 5-7 cans of foam, make a frame and fill it with this foam.... They promise that such insulation is supposedly capable of standing for almost 50 years. But in the open air and in the presence of minor vibration, I have seen polyurethane foam break down within 3 to 5 years. Perhaps the person used some special type of foam, but in any case, I do not recommend this method to you.
Polyurethane foam and blow gun.
For finishing the gate are used:
- wooden or plastic lining;
- oriented strand board;
- professional sheet.
Lining is a thin sheathing board that has a tongue-and-groove connection. Popular finishing material. Looks good, made from different types of wood.
The plastic version of the lining is made of polyvinyl chloride. It is less durable than wood, but cheaper and moisture resistant.
OSB is a multilayer sheet formed from wood chips and glued with various resins with additives of boric acid and synthetic wax. Pluses: low price and nice appearance.
The profiled sheet is made of galvanized sheet steel. Experts do not advise using a profiled sheet for interior decoration of the garage due to the possible formation of condensation on the side where the insulation is located.
Rubber door seals