Which electric fireplace to choose for a house or apartment

What you need to know when choosing a fireplace?

Being in constant motion during the working day and not having the opportunity to fully relax even at lunchtime, people, when they come home, try to finally relax and spend the evening in the most comfortable atmosphere.
A fireplace will help create a comfortable environment at home, which is a hearth that can gather the whole family around it, and can also perform a number of functions significant for a person. Nowadays, this piece of furniture has become very popular. Therefore, we want to help you answer the question - what you need to know when choosing a fireplace.

Stoves-fireplaces for home and summer cottages: how to choose and what to look for when buying


  1. Types of fireplaces based on functional features
  2. Main types of fuel material
  3. Indoor classification
  4. Furnace modification
  5. Material for making fireplaces and their advantages
  6. Chimney for fireplace

To determine the choice, you need to establish the purpose of purchasing this device. Its main functions are:

  • Heating a room or even an entire building. Initially, the stove was built exclusively for warming up the room in the cold season, and only then it became a mechanism for cooking, an element of decor, etc.
  • A decorative addition to the main interior style.

Classification of fireplaces by style

According to the architectural solution, the vast majority of fireplaces can be classified as belonging to four main types: classic, country, modern and hi-tech. Each of the directions has its own individual characteristics, according to which they can be easily distinguished from each other.

Classic style fireplaces

The form of the portal of a classic fireplace is made in the form of the letter "P" and has massive outlines, often with decorations in the form of columns or bas-reliefs that resemble them. The material for the portal is most often marble, malachite or wood, and when erecting a fireplace in the English style, cast-iron forged parts are used - gratings, fences, etc.

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Country style fireplaces

The fireplace made in this architectural style is easily recognizable due to the presence of a massive wooden beam in the upper part of the portal and a wide “base” that gives the whole structure a “D” -shaped shape.

Literally, the name of the style is translated from English as "province" or "village", which implies the use of simple but effective solutions. Therefore, as a material for such fireplaces, an easy-to-work, porous, and excellent heat-retaining stone is most often used - "sandstone" or "shell rock" (in some regions - "shell rock"). The outer part of the chimney is most often finished with gypsum materials, which are easy to process and do not require a long solidification.

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Modern style fireplaces

The design of such fireplaces is based on the solutions used in the classical style, but a quick glance is enough to distinguish them from each other. If the classics look massive and solid, then modern hearths are often more straightforward and even if the portal is decorated with bas-reliefs, they create an impression of lightness and fit perfectly into modern minimalist interiors of offices and residential premises. This is not a mandatory feature, but most often fireplaces made in the Art Nouveau style in height occupy the entire space - from floor to ceiling.

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Hi-Tech style fireplaces

Created in the style of high technology (this is how hi-tech is translated), a fireplace can differ from analogues not only in its futuristic shape, but also in the use of new refractory materials.Expanding the possibilities of the industry in processing and joining in various combinations of glass, metals, periclase, chamotte, concrete and even plain water, has led to the creation of fireplaces of the most unexpected shapes that will fit into any interior.

The only drawback that can be found in such solutions is that it is advisable to carefully study the proposed design - the laws of heat propagation operate in the same way everywhere and the original appearance of the fireplace sometimes affects the efficiency of its work for the worse.

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Source: srbu.ru

Types of fireplaces based on functional features

Taking into account all kinds of additional functions that can be very useful in everyday life, there are 5 types of such devices:

  • Fireplace insert, which performs functions of a purely decorative nature.
  • A fireplace stove capable of heating a small room in which it is directly located.
  • A stove or fireplace with a water circuit, the actions of which are more aimed at warming up the whole house.
  • Heating stoves, which actually have no special properties, except for aesthetic appearance and the ability to heat a room for little money.
  • A fireplace stove with a hob that allows you to quickly cook food for the whole family, as well as able to heat the room and maintain the optimal temperature.

Safety when using fireplaces in a country house

Asking the question of how to choose a fireplace for a summer residence, they are worried not only about the appearance, but also the safety of using the hearth. A few simple requirements will help to avoid troubles:

  • The area of ​​the floor in front of the fireplace must be covered with non-combustible protective materials. Most often, tiles, marble, porcelain stoneware or sheet metal are used for this.
  • In wooden houses, a prerequisite is thermal insulation of the wall, to which the firebox and chimney are adjacent.
  • Before firing up fireplaces with a chimney, the draft must be checked.
  • The fireplace must have a stand with additional accessories. They not only complement the interior, but also help to safely operate the firebox. This item only applies to real wood burning fireplaces.

Main types of fuel material

Stoves-fireplaces for home and summer cottages: how to choose and what to look for when buying

Functional features of the fireplace depend on the choice of fuel on which the fireplace will operate. Therefore, we will consider the main types of fuel materials.

  • Solid fuel (wood and coal) is the most common type, as it gives a very good efficiency, and is economical to operate due to cheap raw materials.
  • Gas (propane-butane or methane) is not always available, but a safe type of fuel consumed.
  • Ecofuel or biofuel (ethyl alcohol, ethanol) have a distinctive feature - they are used without a chimney, therefore they can be installed in any room and are considered a kind of heat source.
  • Electricity is the safest type of fuel, an electric fireplace is considered a household appliance that is aimed more at the aesthetic component of the fireplace and does not have heating functions.

Types of fireplaces that are suitable for city apartments

In order to understand which fireplace to choose for a residential or commercial space in the city, you need to know the options available on the modern market. And there are a lot of them:

  1. A traditional solid fuel hearth. It works by burning wood, which gives off heat and combustion products. It acts as a full-fledged heating device, successfully combining interior functions. Requires the installation of a chimney.
  2. Gas-fired fireplace. It burns by burning gas, it can serve as an additional source of heat, but its main function is decorative. Requires the installation of a chimney.
  3. An electric hearth, powered by an electric current, combines the functions of a conventional heater as a battery with an interior design. No chimney installation required.
  4. Bioethanol. It works by burning liquid fuel - bioethanol. Serves exclusively for decorative purposes, equipped with a realistic imitation of firewood and their burning. No chimney installation required.

So, fireplaces for urban living quarters can be conditionally divided into two types - requiring the installation of a smoke route for the outlets of fuel combustion products, and into hearths, the operation of which is possible without installing a smoke removal system. Therefore, when choosing a device for an urban space, one should be based on the technical parameters of the hearth and the type of fuel that can be used in urban conditions. Looking ahead, I would like to note that theoretically, any type of fuel can be used in residential apartments - it depends on the characteristics of the room itself.

Indoor classification

Stoves-fireplaces for home and summer cottages: how to choose and what to look for when buying

When choosing a fireplace, its location in the room is important. The configuration of the device and its quality characteristics depend on this factor. Furnaces are classified according to the following locations:

  • Frontal, which is the most common installation method. Such a fireplace can become the center of attention of guests and allows a large company to sit comfortably around it.
  • Corner, very harmoniously fitting into the space of small rooms, while fully performing its direct functions of heating. When installed in internal corners, they are able to give off heat to adjacent rooms.
  • Built-in, i.e. located in a niche in the wall. They allow you to save space and become a highlight of the interior in the Art Nouveau or Classicism style.
  • The hinged design is doubly eye-catching and allows you to equip the stove in any part of the house. Mounting is carried out to the ceiling, therefore, requires more detailed equipment. Has a laborious and costly installation method.
  • Two-way or three-way, allowing space to be shared in small studio apartments. And also capable of complementing an unusual design and author's solution when planning an original interior.
  • Mobile (portable), which will allow you to change its position depending on the selected permutation. Such stoves most often do not have a chimney and are used more as an aesthetically pleasing element.

Optimal location of the fireplace in a country house

In a country house or just a private house, it is customary to install a fireplace in the living room or in the kitchen. It is in these rooms that guests and hosts spend most of their time, meet guests, and relax after a working week. The location of the fireplace affects not only its efficiency in terms of heating, but also the creation of the interior.


Fireplace for a country house

The classic version of a fireplace for a country house is a wall-mounted one. It can be located along any of the walls, except for the place opposite the door, here a draft can blow out the fire. The wall-mounted type of fireplace is suitable for large rooms where you can arrange furniture with an emphasis on the hearth.


Fireplace for a country house

The corner fireplace is considered one of the most ergonomic. It occupies an already empty corner in the house, looks compact and is not too picky about the arrangement of furniture relative to itself.


Fireplace for a country house


Fireplace for a country house

The fireplace built into the wall takes up no space at all. Most often, this type of placement is available for electric or bio fireplaces. Looks great in tandem with a TV and as a wall of living, completely safe fire. One of the best solutions for a built-in fireplace is a partition that separates the kitchen and the living room, when the hearth is located in two rooms at the same time.


Fireplace for a country house


Fireplace for a country house


Fireplace for a country house

Hanging fireplace is a sophisticated type of modern fireplace for large rooms.It can be located anywhere in the room, even in the center.


Fireplace for a country house


Fireplace for a country house

Furnace modification

The firebox is a chamber in which the fuel combustion process takes place. It can have various shapes and volumes. The amount of fuel consumed depends on the size of the furnace. Moreover, they are of two types: with a closed combustion chamber and an open one.

The advantages of the first are in the following factors: safety, due to the absence of open fire and efficiency, due to high heat transfer. However, fireplaces with a closed firebox are expensive. Their efficiency is much higher than that of open ones, which, in turn, are more fire hazardous and incapable of fully heating the room. The biggest plus of open stoves is the ability to feel all the comfort from the warm air emanating from the flame.

Material for making fireplaces and their advantages

The raw materials from which the stove is made play a significant role when choosing a fireplace, since it is this part that contributes to the durability of the structure and ensures thermal conductivity.

Consider the main modern materials used for production.

Cast iron is the highest quality, durable and at the same time not expensive option used for the manufacture of fireplaces. It conducts heat well and cools down for a long time, due to which the temperature in the room remains optimal for a long time. Cast iron is a heavy material, but does not require additional floor reinforcement and can be installed in any premises. One of the main advantages is the durability of the structure and resistance to overheating and temperature fluctuations.

Brick - has good thermal conductivity, but it has a lot of weight, therefore it requires additional arrangement (foundation). The process of laying such a fireplace is quite laborious, and the price is high and not everyone can afford to create such a stove.

Steel is a good conductor, therefore it instantly heats up, but also cools down quickly, due to which it is required to constantly maintain the fire in such a fireplace. With frequent temperature changes, it corrodes.

Ceramic tiles are one of the oldest materials used for cladding a fireplace. It is an environmentally friendly raw material and has sufficient thermal conductivity. But it is not easy to fit such a stove into the modern interior of a country house or city apartment.

Which fireplace to choose for your home: wood, gas or electric?

The solution to this question largely depends on where you want to install the fireplace. And here we are not talking about a specific place of installation, but about the purpose of the object where it will be located. A country house, a city cottage, an apartment or a summer cottage - all this, not least, determines the type of device. Indeed, the choice of a wood, gas or electric fireplace will depend on the real area of ​​a particular space.

• Electric fireplaces

Electric fireplaces, a look towards modernity and space saving, often designed in the spirit of minimalism, allow you to enjoy all its advantages in a modern, urban environment. They do not require connection to a powerful chimney or special ventilation system and do not take up much space. The only condition for their functioning is the presence of an electrical outlet, so that you can easily install them even in an apartment building. But you are unlikely to choose this option for accommodation in a country house or cottage.

Modern electric fireplaces are easy to install and have many advantages. You can hang a picture or TV right above it

A masterfully executed imitation of a traditional wood-burning solution is a worthy decoration for any apartment

An additional advantage of this option is that there is no need to purchase and store accessories, moreover, they do not stain the apartment with ash.Electric fireplaces have two functions: one is heat generation and the other is decorative. Today, the question of how to choose an electric fireplace for an apartment is not as acute as it was 10 years ago, and any buyer can choose and purchase a model that he likes, since the range of these devices is quite high, and similar characteristics make decorativeness the basis of choice.

Are you interested in electrical fire simulators? You can find out about all the advantages of this type of equipment and see photos in various interiors in the article Electric fireplaces photos in the interior

• Gas fireplaces

Modern gas fireplaces can have completely different appearance. You can choose an option that is strikingly similar in design and appearance to a traditional cast iron fireplace. The difference is in the interior, and in the fact that the special gas burner is designed to burn natural gas or liquid, not real wood. The burner has a special design that allows the flame to be similar to that produced by burning wood in a traditional fireplace. The imitation of firewood or pieces of coal is made realistically and really looks like natural fuel, but unlike the latter, it never burns. This choice is absolutely perfect for a wooden house.

Unlike real firewood, firewood in the gas version does not burn, but remains similar to natural material

Putting a gas fireplace into operation does not require lengthy installation, assembly and any additional preparation. It does not take up much space, has a different design and easily fits into any interior and style: from classic to neo loft.

What needs to be done to start a gas fireplace:

  • Natural gas connection;
  • Power supply connection;
  • Connection to an exhaust system of the appropriate power.

Of course, the installation, installation and start-up of this type of equipment must be carried out by specialists of a licensed organization that has a permit to carry out work related to natural gas.

Selected samples of gas stove fireplaces completely imitate the appearance of old cast iron fireplaces

The disadvantage of such fireplaces is that, despite the absence of a conventional firebox, they must be connected to the chimney to ensure the removal of exhaust gases. However, when choosing for an apartment in an apartment building, the decision to install this type of fireplace will probably be a reasonable compromise between the love of living fire and its electric version.


The chimney must be provided at the stage of building planning, otherwise difficulties with its installation may arise. If you already have a house, you need the help of a specialist who will carefully check the chimney. Most often, the chimney is laid out of fired clay bricks and chamotte with a shell of lightweight concrete. Another option is a steel pipe with thermal insulation (sandwich chimney). The chimney should not freeze in winter, therefore it is recommended to install it on the inner wall of the house.

Stoves-fireplaces for home and summer cottages: how to choose and what to look for when buying

Advice: before installation, be sure to check that the diameters of the chimney and the fireplace insert pipe match.

To choose a quality fireplace that meets all your requirements, you need to carefully study the products on the market. When purchasing this device, you need to clearly understand for what purpose you are buying a fireplace. If this is an aesthetic element of your interior, then more mobile fireplaces are suitable for you. And if you want to heat the house and cook food on the stove, then cast-iron fireplaces with ceramic cladding, which have excellent heat-conducting qualities, will be able to fulfill your requirements better than others.

In order to calculate the required power of the furnace and have a high efficiency, it is advisable not to make a decision on your own, but to seek help from professionals. Experts will help you choose a fireplace stove and chimney at reasonable prices. You can familiarize yourself with our assortment on the website: https://teplo-izba.by/

Call us and we will definitely find the best solution for you!

We select a place for installation

If you have a desire place a fireplace in a country house or apartment, you need to remember that it needs a fairly large area. And it's not just about its size. In addition to the area that the fireplace itself occupies, you need a free area in the surrounding space. With this approach, the new piece of furniture will become an accent, and will not seem just superfluous, not well-installed cabinet.

It is better to place the fireplace in the living room, which usually has the largest area in the house. Solving which fireplace to choose for a country house, cottage, apartment or summer cottage, do not purchase it without a clear understanding of the installation site. Equally important is the possibility of installing it in the central part of the house.

But the photo shows that the fireplace is the main accent element in the interior. Bright red makes its meaning even more prominent

With this approach to the installation, an even distribution of heat is obtained throughout all rooms. If the fireplace is placed not only as a decorative element, it must be borne in mind that wall and corner devices have lower efficiency... Heat losses are due to the fact that part of the useful heat goes to heating the outer wall of the house and the space behind it.

Making the traditional decision, after choosing a suitable place, do not forget about the space for important accessories such as a broom, scoop, poker and ash container. Also decide on a place to store firewood for making a fire.

Right choice of firewood is also one of the factors that directly affect the efficiency. In addition to the different levels of real heat received from their combustion, different types of wood have significant characteristics that, in general, create the sensations for which we value the fireplace. Burning time, flame intensity, its color, ash content, smokiness, as well as smell - all this, to a large extent, is determined by the properties of certain types of firewood.

If you want to get the most out and enjoy your wood burning fireplace and find out how to choose the best firewood, be sure to read the information provided in the article Firewood for a fireplace which is better?

In addition, remember that when choosing any option with a real fire, the floor in front of the firebox is covered with a non-combustible fireproof material with low thermal conductivity. This can be tile, stone, or decorative asbestos overlay.

A wide selection of electrical devices allows you to successfully fit them into the interior of any plan

( 1 estimate, average 5 of 5 )

