How to make a portal for a drywall electric fireplace with your own hands

Making a portal for an electric fireplace

An electric fireplace is a good way out of a situation when you want to give the room comfort and sophistication at the same time, but you can't build a real stone fireplace for some reason.

Moreover, in stores you can buy an electric fireplace, as they say, assembled, that is, both the portal and the hearth at once. At the same time, the cost of the finished portal often exceeds even the cost of the hearth, and its appearance does not always match the interior of your room. Therefore, if you know how to work with drywall, you can make a portal for an electric fireplace with your own hands.

Portal material

Portal material

In principle, you can assemble a portal for an electric fireplace with your own hands not from drywall, but from plywood or chipboard, revealing them with the finishing material you like. However, this is not the best option.

If we proceed from the requirements of fire safety, then it is better to assemble the portal from non-combustible (or hardly combustible) materials, since a purchased fireplace is an electrical household appliance, which, like other similar devices, can still become a source of ignition one not very beautiful day.

And plywood and chipboard (and other similar materials) in their composition contain particles of wood, which, unlike drywall, burn very well. On the other hand, working with drywall is not very difficult, and you do not have to breathe with glue (which is part of plywood and chipboard).

How to make a portal for an electric fireplace: step by step instructions and recommendations

A portal for an electric fireplace does not have to be purchased in a store. You can make an original decoration yourself. This process is quite laborious, but not at all difficult if you adhere to some of the rules and recommendations of specialists that are presented in this article.

The fireplace portal is an external frame, which has a small recess, intended for mounting the fire. Portal installation is a laborious process. To carry out such an operation, many invite experienced specialists. However, the cost of such a service is quite high. If you want to save money, you can make a portal for the fireplace yourself. This does not require any complex fixtures and fittings. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the instructions presented in this article. However, first you need to decide on the style of the portal and create its project. Let's consider all these issues in more detail.

Varieties of portal styles

An electric fireplace is installed at home not only to provide a comfortable temperature, but also to decorate the design of the room. The portal can be made in different styles, so you need to decide in advance which one you will stop at. Consider the variety of the most popular styles and their characteristics:

  • classic. This is the most common version of the portal. It easily fits into the design of any room: a country house, a pitchfork, a cottage, an apartment or even an office. It is easy to make such a portal yourself, because it has a simple and strict design. It does not provide for complex shapes and additional decorations. You can make a portal in a classic style using natural wood or stone;
  • high tech. This style is suitable for a modern interior. It provides for a combination of various materials, most often glass and metal. It is problematic to make such a portal on your own, but it is quite possible if you purchase special equipment for cutting glass and metal. Making a portal will require utmost precision and total dedication;
  • modern.If you want to add variety to the interior, the Art Nouveau portal is the best solution. Such a product will be distinguished by its original shape and exquisite color. Modern is universal, because it combines several fashion trends at once. A portal in this style can be easily installed in rooms with different types of interiors and purposes.

Important! When choosing a portal style, you need to take into account the style of the room itself. They must be in harmony. If the room is furnished in high-tech style, and the portal is in the Baroque style, then such an interior will look ridiculous.

How to properly develop a portal yourself?

When developing a portal on your own, the same mistakes are often made. This leads to deterioration of materials and interior. To design a product correctly, you need to avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Inconsistent styles. As noted above, the style of the interior of the room and the portal itself must match each other. But, besides this, it is important that the style of the portal is consistent with the fireplace itself. The hearth and framing should be in harmony, so it is better if the style is the same.
  2. Not realistic. If you want the electric fireplace to look like a real one, then you will have to devote a lot of time to creating a portal. It is advisable to study the photographs of real portals and try to repeat the design exactly.

Important! For a realistic fireplace, it is not necessary to place it on the floor. The hearth can be installed at any level, because the main thing is to adhere to the style concept and use natural materials in the manufacture of the portal.

  1. Hiding the frame behind the portal. The framing of the hearth should not be hidden behind the portal, because it should emphasize the style of the fireplace, and not surpass it. The hearths, which have an original design, must be installed at the same level with the portal.
  2. Size mismatch. Sometimes the size of the hearth, portal and the room itself do not correspond to each other. You should not install a large electric fireplace in a small room, or make a large portal with a small hearth. The dimensions must be in harmony.
  3. Missing important points when buying a hearth. Many people first make a portal, and only then pick up a hearth. However, this is the wrong approach. First, you should purchase the electric fireplace itself. When choosing it, you need to take into account a lot of different criteria: weight, size, functionality, type and much more. And only when the fireplace is at home, you need to start developing the portal plan.

Important! To avoid common mistakes when designing a portal, you need to take your time. It is better to spend more time than to redo the work afterwards.

Useful tips for creating portals from experts

  • When choosing materials for the portal, you need to take into account the style of the selected electric fireplace. It is advisable to consult a designer on this issue so that there is no disharmony in the interior.
  • Installation of the portal must be carried out with gloves. It is important to prevent all possible dangers and not to scratch the hearth. If the portal is made of natural stone, then you will need help during installation work. Natural stone is heavy.
  • The portal for an electric fireplace must be measured several times. Even a few extra millimeters can lead to the collapse of the structure and damage to the hearth.
  • It is only necessary to make portals from natural wood or stone if you have some experience with such materials. Lack of experience can lead to spoilage of expensive raw materials.
  • When choosing a wooden portal, only synthetic joiner's glue should be used. It will provide a secure fixation of the structure. Other types of adhesives cannot do this better.
  • To create a beautiful and harmonious portal, you should draw up a drawing plan in advance. For this, all dimensions of the room and the selected hearth are measured.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a frame for a drywall fireplace

Before you start creating a portal for an electric fireplace, you need to take time to choose the main material. Today, for this purpose, you can use: chipboard, parquet tiles, drywall, timber, natural wood, stone or plywood. Sometimes even ordinary cardboard is used for this purpose, but such a portal can only serve for a very short time.

The most optimal option of all of the above is drywall... It has many undeniable advantages:

  • affordable price. Unlike parquet boards, wood and stone, drywall costs mere pennies. Moreover, very little is needed for the portal;
  • ease of work. Drywall is a malleable material that even an inexperienced craftsman can work with;
  • unlimited design possibilities. This building material can be easily cut, given an unusual shape, painted or pasted over with wallpaper;
  • light weight. Installation of drywall does not require the use of complex and expensive construction devices. Every good owner has all the necessary tools to create a portal.

To create a beautiful drywall portal, you do not need to attract specialists and save money. The cost of such an undertaking will be minimal if you follow the instructions correctly and avoid mistakes. Of course, a drywall portal has its drawbacks. For example, it cannot be moved after installation. It instantly fits into the interior and is securely attached to the walls, so you cannot move it later. However, if you want to change, then such a portal can be easily dismantled.

Important! When creating a portal for a fireplace, special attention should be paid to the plan. It should indicate ventilation and electrical wiring.

What will be needed to create a drywall portal? You should prepare:

  • detailed drawing;
  • galvanized metal profile;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • paint;
  • plaster;
  • drywall.

Having prepared all of the above materials, you can proceed to the construction process itself. To do this, you must clearly follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step number 1. Transferring the markings to the walls. To do this, you can use a building level, a regular ruler and a simple pencil.

Step number 2. Creation of a structure for the podium. For this, a metal profile is used. You need to fix them to the wall and to each other with self-tapping screws. And then the podium is sheathed with plasterboard. The distance between the screws should be no more than two hundred millimeters.

Important! At this stage, all communications must be hidden behind the podium. This will create a more realistic fireplace, because others will not see the wires.

Step number 3. Construction of the frame. The frame is reinforced with a profile. The distance between them should be up to fifteen centimeters. At this stage, you should try on the firebox to make sure it is in the correct position. This will avoid the forced dismantling of the decor to make changes.

Step number 4. Removing the upper part of the portal. The structure must be extended to the very ceiling. This is necessary if the room is being renovated. If the walls are already finished, there is no need to extend the portal.

Step # 5. Top sheathing. For this we use the same drywall and self-tapping screws.

Step number 6. Finishing. Finishing is carried out in several stages. First, the entire surface of the drywall must be carefully primed, and then a layer of putty must be applied.

Important! To create an interesting relief on the portal, it is better to use gypsum plaster. It needs to be diluted a little thicker than indicated on the package.

Step 7. Painting. First you need to give time to the plaster. It should dry completely. Then a coat of paint can be applied. The paint should be applied in two layers and then covered with a layer of varnish. This will secure it.

Important! For painting the portal, it is better to choose a facade paint.It will not spread during work.

Step 8. Decoration of the portal and installation of the hearth. The finished fireplace can be decorated with original vases, framed photographs or boxes.

There are a lot of options for creating a drywall portal. Consider another, simpler option. To do this, you need to prepare everything that was indicated in the previous instructions + a board for the top, facing stone and liquid nails. The process for creating such a portal is almost identical. First you need to build a frame, sheathe it with plasterboard and treat it with a primer. Then the plasterboard sheet is decorated with facing stone or tiles. A furniture board is placed on top of the portal. As you can see, the whole process is very simple and does not take much time.

Fireplace made of parquet boards: doing it right

If, after a recent major renovation, you still have a parquet board, then you should not immediately throw it away. A very beautiful portal for an electric fireplace can be made from it. Moreover, such work can be done independently. What is needed for this? First, you should allocate at least three hours of free time. Secondly, you need to prepare some materials:

  • the remains of a parquet board;
  • three small bars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • construction glue;
  • wood stain in different shades.

The bars will act as the basis of the structure. They need to be attached to the wall with self-tapping screws. After installing the frame, you can start preparing the parquet board. It needs to be cut and covered with wood stain. Each board should be attached to the base and then to each other with glue. In order for the boards to be fixed on the frame, a support should be built. The glue should dry for about a day. Then decorations and the hearth itself can be installed on the portal.

Important! A classic hearth is perfect for this type of portal. Its depth should not be more than seven centimeters. This is due to the width of the parquet boards. As a rule, it does not exceed fifteen centimeters.

Recommendations for creating portals from stone and wood

These types of fireplace portals are classified as complex. They can be done correctly only with certain experience and knowledge. The stone electric fireplace is a heavy construction. When installing it, you need to accurately calculate the load on the floor. To create such a portal, you need to use the stove masonry technique. You can choose any design and the type of brick itself. The most important rule is that the material and shape of the portal should be ideally combined with the interior of the room.

Wood is another very popular material for creating fireplace portals. It is able to give a product especially grace and luxury. Such a portal will be appropriate in any elite interior. However, it is impossible to create and install it yourself if you do not have special equipment and experience.

Important! To create an original fireplace, you should use expensive types of wood. Oak, ash or poplar are perfect for this.

Only professionals can make an original portal from wood. For this, the master must select the best raw materials. The boards must be completely dry and of the same wood species. Boards are glued only with synthetic glue. It contains water in its composition, which makes it possible to achieve excellent fixation of natural wood. After the glue has dried, the boards can be treated with fine sandpaper in rough areas. If you want to preserve the natural structure of wood, then you can do without it. The final stage of installation of a wooden portal - coating the surface with varnish. It is advisable to apply several layers. The varnish will keep the original appearance of the tree for many years.

Inexpensive and unique fireplaces handmade catalogs are presented in our catalog:

How to make a portal for an electric fireplace: step-by-step instructions and recommendations, Caryatid Imperador Light fireplace portal

Fireplace portal Caryatid Imperador Light

85 700 ₽
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How to make a portal for an electric fireplace: step-by-step instructions and recommendations, Empire Fireplace Portal Bella Rosso

Fireplace portal Empire Bella Rosso

73 200 ₽
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How to make a portal for an electric fireplace: step-by-step instructions and recommendations, Empire Sunny fireplace portal

Fireplace portal Empire Sunny

73 200 ₽
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How to make a portal for an electric fireplace: step-by-step instructions and recommendations, Caryatid Imperador Dark fireplace portal

Fireplace portal Caryatid Imperador Dark

85 700 ₽
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How to make a portal for an electric fireplace: step-by-step instructions and recommendations, Ampir Imperador Light fireplace portal

Fireplace portal Empire Emperador Light

73 200 ₽
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Portal of the Kamin Empire Empire Emperador Dark

73 200 ₽
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Table top

Fireplace worktop

From above, the portal for the electric fireplace will need to be covered with a countertop. Most often, ready-made countertops made of artificial stone are used for this purpose. But you can choose other options:

  • make a tabletop of thick plywood (or two layers of it), and then tile it on top;
  • make a completely wooden countertop, giving it a shade and then opening it with varnish;
  • order according to your dimensions a MDF worktop with a plastic top layer, etc.

Portal form for electric fireplace

The form

The electric fireplace can be installed both along the wall and placed in the corner of the room. It is from the chosen location of the hearth that the shape of the fireplace portal will depend. However, one should not forget that with its corner placement, the fireplace will take up a little more space than if it was installed just near one wall.

In its shape, the portal in these cases will have either a rectangular shape (with additional decorative projections), or the shape of a triangle, tightly inserted into the corner of the room.

We collect the portal

Having decided on the place of installation of the fireplace, draw a sketch of the future type of the portal on a sheet of paper. If you are not very skillful in dealing with drywall (or other material of your choice), it is better to limit yourself to the simplest form of the portal, focusing on its external decoration.


Put on your sketch the dimensions of the portal that you are going to assemble, calculate the amount of material you need (do not forget that the sheet material will be attached to the frame, which can be either wooden blocks or a metal profile) and go to score. Some stores provide a service right away for sawing large sheets of material into small pieces, so bring your drawing with you so that you will have to do less at home later.

Since the portal of the electric fireplace will not necessarily be screwed to the floor (it is enough to attach it later to the wall to keep it from accidental falls), the frame of the portal for the electric fireplace with your own hands can be assembled in the wrong place where you will install it.

  • First, assemble the bottom of the frame (bottom rectangle or triangle).
  • Attach vertical posts to it.
  • Make the top strapping of the uprights.
  • Install the portal in its place, and use the corners to attach it to the wall.

We collect the portal

  • Secure the sheet material (with self-tapping screws).
  • Lay and attach the countertop to the portal.
  • Wrap the countertop with newspaper or plastic to keep it from getting dirty.
  • Putty the gaps and seams on the surface of the portal.
  • Cover the fireplace portal with the material of your choice (ceramic tiles, artificial decorative stone, etc.).
  • Place the hearth inside the portal.

Assembling the frame

The variety of shapes and designs of fireplace portals does not allow using a single step-by-step instruction for their installation. In each case, there will be nuances of assembly work. But their general course is as follows:

  • Marking is carried out: on the floor and walls, the position of the guide profiles that form the contour of the portal and firebox is marked.
  • The base of the back plane of the niche, consisting of two vertical posts and two horizontal crossbars, is attached to the wall with the help of dowels. They are made from a guide profile. The height of the lower cross member is equal to the rise of the podium on which the fireplace will be located.
  • Guide profiles are attached to the wall, which limit the space of the combustion chamber.

If the firebox has a curved shape, then the profile will also need to be bent. This is easy to do if you cut the guides at regular intervals.Another option is to use a flexible profile.

  • The guides are fixed to the floor.
  • Front pillars are mounted. They are connected to the rear ones by crossbars, the size of which determines the depth of the future fireplace. The position of the elements is controlled with a level and fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • In the same way, the pedestal posts are attached and tied with horizontal crossbars.
  • At the final stage, the external vaults of the furnace and other horizontal bridges are installed, which are necessary to make the structure rigid.

The following video will help you to visualize the process of assembling the frame.


To fully imitate a real fireplace, you can make a chimney over it from the same materials as the portal. Its depth is usually only 10 centimeters, but the finish should either be exactly the same as that of the portal, or complement it harmoniously. The chimney can also be used as a TV base.

The chimney itself should begin immediately above the portal, and end, resting against the ceiling. Therefore, it must be assembled simultaneously with the manufacture of the portal frame.



Excellent step by step instructions. I will definitely do it for the summer residence.


Tell me, do you use drywall ceiling or wall?


Semyonitch, I think the ceiling is better - it is lighter, and the structure itself is quite small and has a bunch of rigid profiles.


Semyonich, use the ceiling one, but if you will use it as a fireplace with an artificial flame (steam generator), then the inner part of the “firebox” must be made of a moisture-resistant wall one. You can usually buy trimmings from hardware stores.

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