Decorative fireplace portal: fireplace portal made of wood and plaster

Advantages of gypsum

Gypsum is one of the cheapest and most practical materials for making and decorating false fireplaces. Among its advantages, one can single out environmental friendliness: therefore, gypsum products are completely safe for health. The substance is able to saturate too dry air in the room with moisture, taking it back when it is too humid. With the help of refractory plaster, you can finish real fireplaces with a live flame.

plaster fireplace

The surface finishing of decorative plaster fireplaces is facilitated by the plasticity of the material. For external decoration of the fireplace portal, decorative elements are often used, selected for a specific interior style. Gypsum fireplaces are characterized by a wide variety of artistic treatments. Any color can be reported to him, for which water-based or acrylic paint is used. You can also make imitations of various natural materials - wood, marble, limestone; cover with gilding or use alfrey painting.

Materials used

It is important to know what fireplace portals are made of. Each material has its own characteristics and is applicable to a certain type of fireplace. Materials vary in their sensitivity to high temperatures. Some portals can be used for brick fireplaces, and some cannot. Be careful, there are materials that release toxic substances when heated.

Fireplace portal

The wooden portal is often used to decorate brick fireplaces. Fireplaces with wood fuel are a source of open flames, which means that the wood goes through a series of procedures that make it fireproof. Such a part is installed as far from the firebox as possible so as not to provoke a fire. Wooden portals can be used with decorative fireplaces without the slightest risk.

Fireplace portal

There are no restrictions for decorating fireplaces with such material. Wood can be taken as a solid base or assembled from wooden parts. The cost of such portals is quite high. As a rule, all elements are made by the hands of a master. The total cost depends on the type of wood and the complexity of the carving, reliefs.

Fireplace portal

Portals for false fireplaces are made of polyurethane. The material is sensitive to high temperatures and will not tolerate the vicinity of a flame. Such material is similar to gypsum, but surpasses it in strength and durability. The surface of such a fireplace can be painted in absolutely any color and add some resemblance to more expensive materials. If the power of your electric fireplace is not higher than 2.5 - 3 kW, then a polyurethane portal is perfect for you.

Fireplace portal

Polyurethane decorative elements are popular. A variety of columns and curbs can be purchased at the construction mall. On sale there are also details with an imitation of modeling. This material can be given any desired shade. Decorative granite or ceramic tiles can decorate such a portal. Heating of the material is strictly prohibited. From this it becomes soft and gives off toxic fumes.

Fireplace portal

A marble portal will perfectly decorate the overall picture. These fireplaces are applicable in a variety of styles. The size of a portal made of natural stone can be absolutely any. A beautiful sight - flames through the portal and marble. Such a portal can be finished with malachite.

Fireplace portal

Marble portals are quite bulky and are used exclusively in homes. The uniqueness of each marble stone guarantees the uniqueness of the product. White marble is considered a classic, but other options are available.Marble retains heat well and is one of the most reliable in terms of fire safety requirements.

Fireplace portal

Marble can also become a decorative finishing material. The cost of the material sometimes does not allow the entire portal to be made Marble chips are often added to the stone. Often, portals only imitate a marble surface. When choosing a finished product, be sure to take an interest in its composition.

Fireplace portal

A plaster portal can have a wide variety of pictorial components. This kind of portal can be made from gypsum plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets, gypsum boards. In this case, a frame is not required. Another option is also possible - a metal frame sheathed with plasterboard. As mentioned above, this is an option for a fireplace without a source of fire. Plaster portals are often decorated with stucco moldings.

Fireplace portal

Decorative elements can be attached to a gypsum portal in two ways: with glue and with screws. The only negative point in using this material is its heavy weight. Sometimes this complicates the manufacture and installation of the fireplace portal.

Fireplace portal

Cast iron portals are ideal for real fireplaces. This material easily tolerates high temperatures for a long time. Such a portal can become a real family heirloom and serve you and your family for over 100 years. The cast iron portal will heat up in a short time, and will cool down for a long time, giving additional heat.

Fireplace portal

Portals made of mdf and polystyrene are suitable for decorating false fireplaces. Such a simple and cheap method can give an interesting result. With the right approach, the portal will look very attractive. Such material is very easy to use and is suitable for making a portal with your own hands.

Fireplace portal

The particular interest of consumers in brass portals has been noticed. The use of a brass fireplace is more common in modern style homes. Such material can have interesting paintings and ornaments. This is the best representative of excellent decor with all the severity of shapes and lines.

Fireplace portal

A false fireplace can have a mirror portal. Such an unusual detail can become a feature of the interior. Quite an interesting solution. Mirror inserts can also be found on the inside. Then the imitation of fire will dance in reflection and make you doubly happy.

Fireplace portal

Brick portals have more than just a decorative function. They accumulate heat well and are beneficial. If the brick portal is subsequently decorated, then the quality and external data of the material does not matter at all.

Fireplace portal

Decorating with ceramic tiles often attracts fireplace owners and portal manufacturers. With its help, you can level the walls, imitate other materials. The use of such a decor is available for the design of portals for fireplaces with an open source of fire. The tile is absolutely not afraid of high temperatures.

Fireplace portal

For a false fireplace

The most ideal and interesting portal can be created with your own hands. There is a very simple way to create a drywall product, a beginner can easily handle it.

Fireplace portal

Before proceeding to the first stage, decide where and how the portal will be located. Manufacturing instruction:

  1. We make a drawing and preliminary work. This stage is performed prior to purchasing materials. Take measurements and draw a detailed drawing. Experts recommend building a life-size cardboard layout. This is how you can consider all the nuances of the work and, possibly, add some details.
  2. Now you can purchase all the necessary materials in the required quantity. Choose any drywall, metal profile, screws. You will also need a specialized starting and finishing putty, finishing materials to choose from.Make sure you have the necessary tools: screwdriver, metal scissors (grinder), level, tape measure.
  3. We make a frame in accordance with the sketches from the first stage. Do not be afraid of a variety of bends, you can easily twist drywall blanks. Therefore, rounded ends can beautify your piece. The fabricated frame is attached to the wall. Small membranes will give the structure more strength. At this stage, you can still make some amendments to the project.
  4. Now we cut out pieces of drywall from the slab and fasten them to the frame with screws. The distance between the screws should not exceed 10 cm. To round off the parts, you need to make an additional template that will exactly repeat the bend on the frame. On one side, the drywall is perforated with an awl or roller. We wet the surface, but not reaching the back side. Now we apply the material to the template and wrap it carefully. Further putty in this place will require some skill.
  5. Now you need to close up all the seams, arrange the corners and prime the surface. Choose a way to decorate the portal. To apply paint, you need to putty and level the surface several times. You can glue decorative elements after priming. The most spectacular models are decorated with the facing method.


Construction of a decorative fireplace from a ready-made portal

Most often in modern interiors you can find plasterboard false fireplaces. In the absence of experience with drywall, a symbolic hearth from a gypsum portal is used to decorate a house with their own hands. A wide selection of specialized shops present a variety of sculptural blanks, with the help of which you can ideally complement the classic interior.

plaster fireplace portal

No special professionalism is required to transform a ready-made plaster fireplace portal into a spectacular decor. The easiest way is to fix the portal that you like and suitable for the design on the wall, followed by its finishing. To install the plaster blank, the kit includes the appropriate fasteners. Since during the installation of the gypsum portal, no additional load is created, therefore, any room is suitable for creating an imitation of the hearth. In this case, you can not worry about the safety of the floors.

false plaster fireplace

It is easy to tell the blanks any color, including the so-called. "Aging" of the surface. Dyes that create imitation of marble and wood fit well on gypsum. It is easy to apply gilding or art painting to the base. 3D images of the flame look especially impressive inside the furnaces. From the inside, the symbolic firebox can be decorated with the illumination of safe LED candles. To achieve the maximum decorative effect, it is recommended to decorate the interior of the product with a different material than the walls. The imitation of brickwork, made with tiles, looks very nice.

Contemporary false fireplaces

Those who wish to reproduce an old element of the interior in their home can use the so-called false fireplaces. A false fireplace is a portal without a hearth. The use of portals in the interior, made of various materials, decorated with patterns, frescoes, stucco molding, color, will make the room cozy and stylish.

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Candles can be used to give the portal the warmth of living fire. A false fireplace decorated in this way will become an unforgettable component of a romantic evening - the candlesticks reflecting from the fireplace will not leave anyone indifferent.

Equipping a false fireplace with a mantelpiece will serve as an additional place for placing statues, framed photographs, caskets, candlesticks and other trifles necessary to create home comfort.

Regardless of whether it is a real or a false fireplace, the decorative portal will transform your interior, give it an aristocratic gloss and bring home comfort.

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Decor selection

Gypsum is very convenient for performing an author's plot in any style or copying works of famous sculptors. Decorating a plaster fireplace yourself will give the room a special charm. When choosing a design style, the existing interior design of the room and its dimensions are taken into account.

plaster fireplace portals

Due to the plasticity of gypsum, it is easy to make various shapes and patterns from it. This is especially suitable for creative individuals who love to create something with their own hands. For admirers of strict symmetries, ready-made elements are offered, sold in specialized stores.

Manufacturing capabilities and technologies

Mostly, gypsum stucco molding is applied to the area of ​​the fireplace opening. The type of material, the price of which may differ significantly, depends on the technology and method of its production.

Depending on the selected technological process used in production, fireplace portals and cladding are divided into the following types:

The decoration of the frame is made with the use of various decorative elements.

Pilasters, friezes, moldings, cuts and others are mainly used.

This is a stucco fireplace, the general emphasis in which is placed mainly on the central and main part of the portal.

Atlantes, frescoes and bas-reliefs are used to decorate and decorate such surfaces.

instructionallows you to use various volumetric decor and plaster stucco moldings not only in classic, retro and Provencal styles, but also partially in art deco, country, hi-tech, loft designs.

Plaster molding

In the manufacture of plaster moldings, the following sequence of operations is observed:

  • Drawing on the walls of the portal the outlines of the future figure. This can be done by hand, or through a stencil. When applying the gypsum mixture, it is important to maintain uniformity: it must be carefully distributed and rubbed around the edges.

molds for plaster fireplaces

  • Formation of gypsum "mounds" in the areas indicated by the drawing. All protruding excess is carefully removed.
  • Grinding. It can only be performed after the gypsum solution is completely dry. To do this, use painting sandpaper No. 160-200. If the surface is treated "wet", ugly furrows will appear on it. During grinding, it is advisable to protect the respiratory system and eyes from fine dust.

Self-design of a plaster portal

DIY plaster elements
DIY plaster elements
Let's try to figure out how to make a plaster fireplace with our own hands.

To make the fireplace look beautiful, it is recommended to approach the decoration work with full responsibility, because the beauty of the entire structure will depend on this.

You can copy your favorite sculptures using plaster elements, and then the whole structure will look unusual and delightful. To create harmony in the interior, it is recommended to copy certain patterns from furniture or fabrics. This is done quite simply, because gypsum is a plastic and easy-to-use material.

If you have creative skills, then easily mold a variety of shapes or patterns from plaster. Note that beginners should not be upset, because the store sells any plaster decor elements. In addition, exclusive jewelry can always be ordered from the workshop.

Preparation of the solution

Anyone who has a desire to try themselves in working with gypsum material is advised to learn how to mix a suitable mortar mixture. Based on what kind of stucco molding you need to decorate the fireplace, mixtures of various consistencies are prepared:

  • for a thick mass, you will need one kilogram of gypsum and water in an amount of 500 ml;
  • the density of the average level is achieved by increasing the volume of water to 600 - 700 ml per 1 kg of material;
  • the liquid state is obtained by mixing the proportion of gypsum in 800 - 900 ml of water.

If you need to create a large figure, then there is no need to knead a large amount of mortar - its construction is carried out in separate parts. For thin elements, a slurry is used that easily fills depressions and voids.

Choice of decorative elements

Now let's look at how high-quality sculpting is performed.

Before applying the gypsum mortar to the portal, it is necessary to draw out the contours of future patterns on its surface. To make the process easy, it is recommended to use stencils to get clear symmetry.

Plaster molding molding

Now you can prepare a solution of the required consistency and evenly apply it to the portal, rubbing from all sides.

Patterns, depressions and hills are formed according to the applied drawings, the remaining mixture is removed. After the plaster is completely dry, the patterns are sanded using sandpaper.

If you want to strengthen decorative elements of complex shapes on the portal, then they will have to be made separately. Such plaster moldings will become the subject of your pride.

The subtleties of decoration

During the manufacture of elements for decoration, it is recommended to use the advice of experienced craftsmen:

  • to create the necessary element, a mold is preliminarily prepared, into which the gypsum mixture will be poured. Complex structures are made of plasticine, on the surface of which the first layer of gypsum solution is applied with a brush;
  • immediately before work, the molds are treated with a solution of ordinary soap so that the process of extracting the finished element does not cause difficulties;
  • gypsum mortar is poured in several stages, each of which assumes a layer no more than one centimeter thick. The next pouring is performed after the previous one has completely dried. In the process of work, it is necessary to ensure that no air bubbles remain, which can be removed by the usual shaking of the forms;
  • hardened products are carefully removed from the molds and polished. In order for the drying process to take place efficiently, forms with figured products are placed in an oven, in which a temperature regime is created from one hundred and sixty degrees of heat. The fan, battery and hair dryer are not used, because during drying they can cause deformation of the products;
  • at the final stage, self-made stucco moldings are glued to the surface using a special adhesive for this.

Stucco molding is a very exciting and interesting process, but rather complicated. At the working stages, there will certainly be difficulties in mixing the mortar mixture of the required consistency, symmetry in the patterns will be quite difficult. But each resulting ornament will have one hundred percent individuality, it will be an excellent option for decorating the interior.

Additional recommendations

To facilitate the procedure, it is recommended to enlist the advice of specialists:

  • Manufacturing of multi-component elements of increased complexity is simplified by using special shapes.
  • In order for the figures to be removed from the forms as easily as possible, it is advisable to grease them with a water-soap solution.
  • When pouring the mixture, it is advisable to observe the phasing. Recommended thickness of one laying is no more than 10 mm.

plaster portals for fireplaces

Self-production and decoration of false plaster fireplaces is a very exciting activity. In the course of work, the main difficulty arises when using a mixture of different levels of density. Another tricky moment is to achieve a completely symmetrical pattern.

molds for plaster fireplaces

In the absence of proper experience, you can turn to experienced craftsmen who can complete the project you like. If you don't like any of the ideas for decorating a plaster portal for a fireplace available in the catalog, there is an option with numerous Internet resources specializing in the appropriate decor.

Overview of finished branded products

Before purchasing a portal, you need to familiarize yourself with what manufacturers offer. The Dimplex company offers rather aristocratic frontal portals for electric fireplaces. There is a trend towards dark colors, but there are also white models. Such portals will attract attention with their severity and grandeur. The Queen model can be considered a good representative. Deep noble colors: cherry and walnut. Such a portal has the correct shape and will complement the interior well.

Fireplace portal

Italian manufacturers make popular marble portals. EdilKamin can be considered a good representative. Here you will find modern style portals and more standard options. If you decide to make the portal yourself, then pay attention to the decorative details from China. They are chosen by many specialists.


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The choice of the style of stucco molding

In order for the framing with the hearth to look as harmonious as possible and fit in the best way with the overall interior and design of the living room, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following features and criteria for choosing such a finish:

  1. Classic performance. Allows you to simulate a surface like a stone. Stucco fireplaces acquire the most natural look and natural structure;
  2. Stucco molding in medieval style. It is represented by large and textured elements and volumetric images;
  3. Antiquity and antiquity. Such decoration will give the installation a medieval look and mystery. The main technique of this performance is the aging of the surfaces of finishing materials.

Decorating a fireplace shelf for the new year and christmas

Massive portal, in the classic design of a small living room

You can learn more about these directions and features of decoration by watching the video in this article.

Classification of stucco

When choosing plaster and other stucco moldings, you must first carefully familiarize yourself with its classification and characteristic features of its use:

  • Use of expanded polystyrene as a stucco molding. This method is one of the simplest and most budgetary. The low cost of this design is achieved due to the availability of foam. This material is distinguished by its good flexibility and ease of processing. That allows, if necessary, to bend it, thereby giving a certain shape or cut out any, even the most complex elements. The disadvantages of this material include its fragility;
  • Plaster molding. The cost for such coverage is quite high. However, this material has many unique advantages. It is distinguished by its durability, environmental friendliness and high strength. The decoration made of plaster will last long enough. In addition, gypsum has good refractory properties and is perfect for both partial and complete decoration of portals;

Plaster molding for fireplace: classic framing, for the subsequent installation of an electric hearth

Decoration base made of polyurethane

Purchased frame with plaster elements and natural stone trim

Important: in spite of the fact that gypsum absorbs and absorbs moisture well enough, installations with such design must absolutely not be installed in rooms with high humidity. As a result of the accumulation and exposure of its surface to excess moisture, the material will become very flimsy and will collapse.

  • Polyurethane. Polyurethane fireplace stucco moldings are distinguished by their increased rigidity. The base does not deteriorate even in high humidity conditions. Stucco molding made of polyurethane for a fireplace is distinguished by absolute safety for health, durability, strength and reliability.
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