Remote control of heating in a country house

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Until a few years ago, many communication tools seemed fantastic. The ability to remotely control the heating of a country house seemed unrealistic.

Today, modern heating technologies allow many processes to be controlled over a distance of several kilometers. To do this, you do not need to be in the field of view from the object. This opportunity is realized with the help of mobile phones or computers.

Ideal for a classic summer cottage

In remote regions of Russia, the market offers a relatively small range of heating systems. Most often, dachas are heated with compact stoves on coal or wood, at best, the owners of such real estate can install a solid fuel boiler or electric radiators. But even in the systems implemented on diesel fuel and natural gas, universal automatic switching is not always provided. The only viable option in this case is to use electricity. But since the use of such heating units is quite expensive, it is better to use this method as an auxiliary one.

The remote control method allows one or several rooms to be heated up to the specified mark before the owner arrives, while ensuring the stable functioning of the sewerage and water supply system. After that, you can start the main heating system in a comfortable environment, but only in manual mode.

Evolution of modern technology

Why is it necessary to control the boiler via the Internet

Imagining a heating system, of course, it is understood that the main thing is the boiler. It is he who must provide the system in the house with thermal energy, and it will already distribute it evenly throughout all rooms.

Therefore, heating control basically boils down to the fact that it is necessary to control the boiler via the Internet. Then the most important task is solved - the efficient use of energy and the achievement of the optimal indicator in terms of the temperature regime of the room in the country or in the house.

The operation of such a system is quite simple. There is a variant of setting a program that will distribute the boiler load and, accordingly, the degree of heat energy output over time intervals. Then it will only remain from time to time to adjust the operation of the software and use such a system.

However, there are situations when you need to make adjustments to this process. For these purposes, it is necessary to carry out control in manual mode. It is not always possible to do this quickly, being outside the apartment or summer house. Then a set of sensors and a control panel come to the rescue. One of these sensors must be installed on the boiler, which will allow you to monitor its operation.

High quality GSM sockets

Timely remote switching on of an operated heater in a small cottage with the help of such a device is the best option. It is best if there are two adjacent rooms, and the total number of convectors in terms of power does not exceed 3.5 kW, since this figure is the permissible load for one outlet. Of course, some advanced models allow you to connect an electronic device with a maximum load of 4 kW.

The GSM socket is very convenient and practical to use. The user only needs to connect all the heaters one by one and plug the unit into a regular wall outlet. The device has a special sensor for measuring the ambient temperature.If there are many rooms at the dacha, and all the heaters are plugged into one outlet, then in the main room the air will warm up to the desired level, but in all the others it simply will not have time. And the thing is that the infrared temperature sensor will turn off exactly at the moment when comfortable conditions are created in the room where the GSM device is located.

Important! The adapters in question do not have a battery, which is why, in the event of an unscheduled power outage, they also cease to perform their functions. The device will inform the user about the current situation in advance. The system is reset after 3 minutes. After turning on the power supply, it is necessary to make the required request again and send the command.

Only advanced models can boast of the presence of an autonomous power source. Such a device retains all the settings made even after the power supply is restored.

High quality GSM block module

This device should be included in the electrical circuit if the house has a large area and many rooms. Such a block module does an excellent job of controlling all convectors in the house through a contactor, power relay, or relay expansion cards. In this case, professional installation is required. There is enough free space in the internal compartment of the device for installing a SIM card. It is better to choose the operator that has a confident signal propagation, you also need to remember to put money on your account.

The module is equipped with a battery that supports autonomous operation for 12 hours. In this case, manufacturers have provided a whole list of commands for controlling convectors, the user can also independently connect additional options to increase the autonomy of the product. The following functions are available from a regular mobile phone:

  • Maintaining the optimum temperature of the heaters.
  • Simultaneous connection of up to 5 sensors using a contactor.
  • Remote adjustment of thermal management settings for the whole house or individual rooms.
  • Using a backup battery.
  • Continuous monitoring of the presence of 220V voltage in the network.
  • Automatic display of information about the temperature in the house.
  • Emergency SMS notification about failure of engineering equipment.

A highly demanded GSM-based system

What you need to know about Internet control

  • A separate IP address is not required;
  • To connect to the system, the mobile device must have an iOS or Android operating system;

  • If the server fails, if redundancy is not provided by the manufacturer, the connection between the control device and the controller will be lost.
  • The presence of a staging server can prevent the loss of contact. Heating a country house is a serious cost item. But with the use of modern technologies that help save money without reducing heating efficiency, costs become much lower, and the heating equipment itself lasts longer.

    Implementation of control is stationary, as well as using SMS commands

    To turn on the heaters in a timely manner, you need to place a classic SIM card in the module. The necessary command is transmitted from any smartphone, after which the device will communicate with the control unit and the convectors will be configured via a radio signal. You can also install a universal program, thanks to which you can specify the following parameters: on and off times, room temperature. In remote mode, you can completely reconfigure the operation of the system. In addition to this, the unit is equipped with outputs for connection to alarm sensors.

    An affordable and easy-to-use device

    Working principle and heat regulation

    The principle of operation and regulation of heat are arranged in such a way that with the help of remote control of heating, in a country house, you can set various temperature regimes. It is possible to completely turn on or off the heating, change the temperature throughout the house. It is also possible to control the heating in individual rooms from a distance. If some rooms will not be used, they can be completely disconnected from the mains or the temperature can be reduced to a minimum.

    A simple way to control

    Temporary regulation of the heating mode allows you to increase the temperature in the room when there are tenants in the house, and decrease it while the rooms are empty.

    For example, during the day, when everyone goes about their business, the temperature drops.

    The principle of operation of remote heating assumes that using the Internet or a mobile phone, you can receive information from temperature sensors or set the necessary parameters. For example, returning home in the evening, you can increase the heating of the coolant in advance. And, going to the dacha after a long absence, you can prepare the house for arrival remotely, and provide maximum comfort from the first minutes of your stay.

    On the central dashboard, you can set the conditions under which the system will send text or voice messages. Such information will be sent to one or more numbers. You can also provide an email address.

    The reverse direction of information is also possible. With the help of an SMS controller installed in the house. Telephone commands are recognized by the heating system. You need to pay attention to the connection of the control panel to the Internet or GSM. If a mobile network is used, then you need to control the balance on the panel's SIM card to send messages.

    The control panel itself can withstand significant temperature differences, from -50 ° C to + 120 ° C. However, the use of a SIM card is not possible at temperatures below freezing.

    It should be noted that for the smooth functioning of the system, it is necessary to be connected to the electrical network. To ensure that the control does not stop, you can take care of the presence of a battery in advance. Since the devices consume a small amount of electricity, they are quite capable of operating on a DC source for a while.

    Multifunctional Wi-Fi

    In this case, experts recommend using Energy Control. You can download this program to any phone, which stands out for its versatility and practicality. The purchased unit is connected to a router and provides a good connection to the Internet. At work or while driving around the city, you can control convectors, adjust the air temperature, monitor the performance of the entire system. At the same time, you can make all the necessary amendments from more than 250 units of smartphones.

    Important! Today, Nobo is the only company active in this industry. Experts are constantly modernizing and expanding the functionality of the equipment they sell.

    The video provides instructive information on how to remotely control home heating:

    Types of heating remote control systems

    In addition to the presented remote boiler control systems - using the Internet and using cellular communication, there is a third type, which is called combined. In this case, remote control over the heating boiler can be carried out in any convenient way, both via the Internet and using a mobile phone.

    The system provides the following operating modes:

    1. Automatic - here the gsm controller for the heating boiler carries out the execution of a number of specific programs, processing information received from external sources.
    2. SMS - acts by transmitting the parameters of the temperature sensor to the phone in the form of SMS messages, in this case the controller for the boiler sets up the heating system using the input data.
    3. Warning - transmits alarming SMS when critical situations arise.
    4. Provider - provides remote coordination of related devices, such as heating elements for water heating, a thermostat for electric heaters, an electric boiler control unit or a gas boiler control board.

    The equipment for the presented remote control system has the highest cost. However, in this case, remote control can be carried out in any convenient way and from any location.

    Remote systems NOBO Energy Control

    It is quite easy to use such developments of specialists. Control is carried out through a single center - Orion 700 devices. Auxiliary elements allow you to remotely control absolutely all electrical appliances and convectors. The user can remotely control power consumption. Experts have made sure that the temperature regime is maintained exactly up to 1 ° C. The radiators are switched on and off according to a preset program, and the universal built-in timer can be programmed not only for a day, but also for a whole week. Thanks to this, the final electricity consumption is reduced by 30%, but without compromising the comfort of living.

    Heating activation at a specific time

    To create optimal living conditions in the country, you can set the time of arrival in advance. This option suits many modern users with its accessibility and simplicity. To work, you need to purchase a reliable automation relay. The timer is installed in a circuit with an electric heater and simply set the optimal turn-on time.

    Advice! If the arrival at the dacha is scheduled for eight in the morning, then you need to set the relay for 5 hours. During these 3 hours, the air in the rooms will warm up well.

    For significant savings in finances, heating can not be turned on in all rooms. In the living room and bathroom, it is enough to bring the temperature to +12 ° C. Even if a person comes in from a slight frost, then such conditions will be comfortable. In order not to waste electricity, if the train is canceled, you can remotely turn off the heating.

    A sought-after device for remote use

    Sending commands from a smartphone

    This option is more convenient to use, but you need to spend more money on it. In order to send a remote command that will notify the equipped system that it is time to prepare for the arrival of real estate owners and turn on the heating, you need to buy a GSM module. This device is a conventional switch that is responsible for the connection when making a call from the phone. Several numbers can be entered into the unit's memory at once, calls from which will be perceived as commands. The product must be installed in a common panel and high-quality electric radiators are connected through it. In order for a warm room to await a person upon arrival at the dacha, you just need to call from a smartphone or send an SMS. If you had to delay or the train was suddenly canceled, then it is enough to make another call to turn off the heating.

    Important! The device is perfectly compatible with the SIM card of any mobile operator. It is best to opt for the option that represents the highest quality communication in a particular region.

    Self-assembly of the purchased outlet

    Types of heating systems

    Heating systems can be classified according to several criteria, for example, by the type of wiring, by the way of circulation of the coolant (natural and using circulation pumps), as well as by the way of organizing the system - one- and two-pipe.Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

    One-pipe heating system

    It can be considered as a heating system in a small country house. Mentally, it can be imagined in the form of a ring, into which a heat source (boiler) and a number of heat carrier consumers - heating radiators (serial connection) are built.

    The advantages of this method of organizing heating include:

    • low material consumption, respectively, the cost will also be minimal;
    • independence from the layout of the house;
    • the pipeline can be connected to the "warm floor".

    Note! If you do not plan to use a circulation pump, then a one-pipe system can be considered the best option. With natural circulation, the hot coolant is supplied to the upper floor and, going down, it sequentially passes through all the radiators.

    As for the weaknesses of this option, you can highlight:

    • complexity in regulation;

    Note! This drawback can be eliminated with the help of a bypass - a jumper that can temporarily turn off the radiator from the system (the coolant will simply bypass it). True, the price of the heating system will rise in this case.

    • the inability to connect a large number of heating devices, the water at the end of the ring will cool down to 45-50 ᵒС.

    Two-pipe heating system

    If in a one-pipe system all radiators were connected in series, then in a two-pipe version the connection is made in parallel, this is the main difference. That is, a separate pipe supplies a hot coolant to each radiator, and a separate pipe removes cooled water.

    This allows you to achieve:

    • more flexibility in thermal regulation, you can adjust the temperature even in a separate radiator;
    • make the system more resilient. Even if one radiator goes bad, the heating will not stop working.

    This solution also has a number of disadvantages:

    • higher cost, more materials will be required, and the process itself is more laborious;
    • DIY installation of the system is more difficult than in the case of a one-pipe system.

    In relation to, it is also necessary to highlight the types of wiring - upper and lower:

    • the upper wiring is relevant for heating with natural circulation. The supply pipe is connected to the upper part of the heater, and the outlet pipe is connected to the lower part. This increases the circulating pressure;
    • the lower wiring provides for the connection of both pipes to the lower part of the radiator.

    The two-pipe system is practically not used in small houses. For example, in country houses from a block of containers, it is better to install a one-pipe heating system or even do it altogether.

    If the issue of cost savings is not acute, then you can use the option of the radial lower wiring. With it, 2 pipes go from the collector to each of the radiators, this gives ample opportunities for adjusting the temperature, but increases the cost. You can be content with the usual scheme, when the supply and discharge pipelines run along the walls along the room.

    Maintaining a positive temperature in the house in automatic mode

    Water supply is also directly related to heating. If in winter time they rarely go to the dacha, then you shouldn't be too smart with the water supply. For several days, you can bring the necessary supply of liquid with you, or store it in capacious plastic containers since the summer. If the dacha is visited quite often, and the water is used not only for drinking, but also for the shower, as well as the sewage system, then this property is operated as a country house. In this case, more intelligent systems are needed than the classic remote switch.

    If the house is periodically exposed to freezing and defrosting, then this is fraught with accelerated damage to the finishing of the real estate, because of which the owners will have to spend additional funds on unscheduled repairs.

    The assembly of more complex remote systems should be done if not only high-quality heating of rooms is planned, but also electric heating of the sewerage and water supply system, as well as the constant maintenance of a positive temperature. Similar functions are equipped with expensive models of boilers that operate on gaseous or liquid fuels, equipped with a thermostat.

    Important! Heating of water pipes is based on the fact that they are wrapped in a spiral with a heating cable cord, and already from above they are closed with a warm sleeve, which is made of foamed polyethylene.

    Affordable GSM device from a domestic manufacturer

    Stages of heating system control via GSM

    Control via GSM is carried out in the following sequence:

    1. Initial setting of the parameters of the system functioning.
    2. When the set parameters are violated, the temperature drops, an SMS is automatically sent to the homeowner's phone number.
    3. The homeowner can check the status of the sensors at any time convenient for him.
    4. The owner independently controls the temperature regime in the house by sending a message to the power supply unit. And that, in turn, gives the boiler a command to turn on or off.
    5. The type of boiler does not matter. The automated system can be connected to a boiler with any fuel with a built-in temperature controller.

    Consider the following when installing a simple automatic tracking and system management site:

    1. Install sensors throughout your home.
    2. Provide high quality and constant GSM signal.
    3. Install your own battery in the device, which can ensure the operation of the unit for at least 3 days.

    Benefits of an automated heating system

    The benefits of GSM control include:

    1. Monitoring the room temperature.
    2. Remote power supply control.
    3. Daily report on the state of the object.
    4. Voice notification about non-standard events.
    5. Ability to listen to the message using a microphone.

    Weather-compensated heating control

    Heating control is divided into two types:

    1. Internal. The heating process is regulated indoors. If a large number of people are gathered in the room, the sensors automatically reduce the temperature, making it comfortable for guests.
    2. External. The temperature in the house depends on the indicators outside. The weather-dependent system is installed outside the house and automatically affects the indoor temperature.

    Buy heating system equipment for a country house

    In the X-logic online store you can purchase a high-quality automated control system for the heating process in the house, which:

    1. Convenient to operate.
    2. Increases the comfort of living.
    3. Saves money.
    4. Warns about various emergency situations.

    And control via GSM will make your life comfortable, warm and immediate, even from a distance.

    Country houses can be conditionally divided into 2 categories: those in which the owners live, at best, a couple of months a year (during the warm season) and capital buildings intended for living, including in winter. If there is no desire to spend a substantial amount on the work of specialists, the question of how to make heating in the country yourself becomes especially relevant.

    Remote automatic heating of a standard summer cottage as an integral part of the overall scheme

    A professional approach to real estate heating allows the equipment involved to function stably in various modes. With the right approach, you can combine several systems at once to achieve a good result. This remote correcting option does not have a central controller.But at the same time, a fairly large percentage of the unused capabilities of the units can be used in other "smart home" schemes. Even the classic GSM module is able not only to receive incoming calls, but also to send reports on the situation in the house to the smartphone. Thanks to this, you can quickly find out about flooding or an incipient fire.

    The feasibility of remote control of a functioning heating

    Various heating cables, radiators and boilers are responsible for the most comfortable air temperature in the house. Each unit has its own operating principle and heating functions. The main task of the created system is to heat the premises with minimal financial losses. By remotely setting the optimal parameters of the desired temperature, the user sets a specific control program. Management can be carried out both in automatic mode and manually. This will keep the rooms at the most suitable temperature. This approach allows you to control the functioning of not only the entire system, but also individual working units, which is very convenient and practical. The equipment will independently make the necessary corrections when it gets warmer or colder outside.

    Rational use of electric heaters in a private house

    ( 1 estimate, average 4 of 5 )

