Gas boiler in the kitchen: installation requirements

Photo 1

Gas boilers for heating water can be found not only in a private house, but also in the kitchen of a modern apartment too.

As a rule, boilers for the entire heating system of a house are installed in a separate utility room, for example, in the basement.

And when installing a device for heating water in the kitchen try to maintain the harmony of the space of the room.


What a kitchen gas boiler might look like

The kitchen gas boiler is made in the form of a parallelepiped, the dimensions depend on its type: the dimensions of the wall fluctuate about 40x70x30 cm, the floor is a little more - most often up to a meter in height.

Photo 2

The body is always made made of metal, and the details of the fittings - made of non-flammable or refractory materials.

The boiler casing can be:

  • chrome;
  • covered with white enamel or with a print made on it in the form of a geometric, floral pattern or with an image of kitchen utensils;
  • have a special pattern or even a mirrored surface.

Individual parts can be made as levers or buttons made of high quality plastic.

How to play with color

In order to make the kitchen boiler unobtrusive, it is recommended to think over the color scheme of the entire space.

For a more harmonious fit into the interior, it is advisable to observe the following rules:

  1. Choose the right palette. For example, a cauldron covered with the most common white enamel will perfectly fit into a snow-white kitchen set.
  2. The water heater can be independently coated with heat-resistant enamel for metal of the color that suits the facades of the entire set, by following these steps:
  • grind the body with a grinder or sandpaper, degrease it with acetone or a universal solvent (through a spray gun or a lint-free cloth) and dry it;
  • color in 2-3 layers heat-resistant enamel using a brush, roller or spray;
  • turn on the heater after the paint has completely dried.

Important! There must be a distance between the boiler drum and the surfaces of any furniture not less than three centimeters.

How to hide the device behind special panels

The kitchen heater and all communications can be disguised not only with color, but also with special panels, for example, from drywall.

Photo 3

A gas boiler covered with decorative surfaces must have good ventilation. Ideally, the disguise might look like this:

  1. Only have a front panel door and side panels.

But even in this case, it is not bad that the front surface is not solid, but, for example, trellised: this will allow normal air access to the fire and create safe conditions for the operation of the gas appliance.

The door with holes can be opened like a regular kitchen cabinet, and in this case it is permissible to use the boiler with the door closed. And a solid door can be designed so that it opens accordion: thus, in the open state during gas combustion, it will not take up additional space and interfere.

Attention! All masking devices must be easily and shoot quickly or do not interfere with free emergency access... Under no circumstances should the supply hoses and pipes be bricked into the wall.

  1. A kitchen boiler, for example a floor-standing one, can be separated from the rest of the space vertical side walls made of plasterboard: in this case, the boiler will be visually separated from the whole room and the door is not required.

Plasterboard walls installed at the stage of kitchen design or later, using:

Photo 4

  • profiles CW and UW and moisture resistant drywall;
  • straight suspension and universal connector;
  • self-tapping screws with a "drill" tip and self-tapping screws for fastening drywall to metal with a countersunk head and a piercing tip (3.5X35 mm);
  • plastic dowels with impact screws;
  • sealing tape, mineral wool, metal corner;
  • tape measure, puncher, plumb line, metal scissors;
  • assembly knife, hacksaw, jigsaw.

Finished plasterboard surfaces pasted over with wallpaper or paintedlike ordinary walls in the kitchen.

Precautionary measures

In order to avoid conflict situations during operation with inspection authorities, a gas boiler in the kitchen must be installed, observing the following installation rules:

  • They follow the instructions of the SNiP instructions 31-02-2001, 31-01-2003.
  • A ventilation system is built in the room.
  • Mandatory presence of a door separating the kitchen from the corridor.
  • The open-type unit is provided with a free space of 35 centimeters above and below, 3 from the sides.
  • It is allowed to install a fake cabinet that visually resembles the interior of the room. The door is made with recesses for air, this is a lattice or ornament made with a jigsaw.
  • The equipment must be freely accessible.
  • When the boiler is placed tightly to the furniture, its walls are protected from possible heating by a fire-resistant coating.
  • First, the installation of equipment is done, only then they are sheathed, imitating the interior of the room.
  • An electric stove, oven, refrigerator, microwave oven and dishwasher are not installed under the gas water heater.
  • There must be a distance of 1500 centimeters between the boiler and the meter.
  • Do not install an appliance with an open burner in the kitchen, such as an atmospheric convection boiler.
  • It is forbidden to combine two hoods, making it the same for a gas stove and a boiler.

DIY decorative cabinet for a gas boiler

A special decorative cabinet can be made when ordering a kitchen or with your own hands. from the finished wall cabinet from the headset.

The first way self-production will come in handy for those who love open shelves in the interior.

  • Separate with a screwdriver, chisels, screwdrivers, the upper part of the cabinet and the door, since the top is not needed in principle (the exhaust pipe will pass through it), and the solid door will interfere with ventilation.
  • Next, you need to measure the area, which will be occupied by the supply communication, mark it with a pencil and cut with a saw or jigsaw a hole in the bottom or side wall of the box (depending on the place of supply) for gas and water pipes.
  • Remove the back panel, and the fasteners for hanging the cabinet instead of the rear surface of the cabinet should be placed on the side walls. In this case, you will also have to remove additional shelves. But if they are located low and do not interfere with the boiler, you can leave them.

Photo 5

In the end the cabinet will take the form of a hinged open, with or without shelves, inside which part of the space will simply be occupied by a gas boiler.

And if you could leave one of the shelves in this cabinet, then it can be occupied with decorative utensils, organizers convenient for the kitchen, or other interior finds.

They will successfully divert attention from the cauldron located there and now much less noticeable.

Second manufacturing method fit lovers of minimalism in space, will make the gas boiler completely invisible, but the cabinet will also perform only one decorative function.

In this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the top and back surfaces of the cabinet, by placing hanging loops on the side walls.
  2. Remove the bottom or part of one of the side wallsby simply cutting out the necessary piece, depending on the place where the pipes are connected. In any case, the upper part of the side wall will be needed to suspend the structure.
  3. Hang the closetby placing the boiler inside and opening the door only for the period of firing up the appliance.
  4. In this case, it will not be superfluous to make several holes. in the door using a conventional drill or a special cutter (for larger holes). To do this, you must first mark the symmetrical arrangement of the holes using a ruler or tape measure and a pencil, and then cut or drill the holes, if necessary, cleaning their surfaces after drilling and touching up with a suitable paint.

In this case, you will get exactly the same wall cabinet as all the others in the kitchen set, but with evenly spaced holes in the door, which will be perceived only as a design technique, and only you will know about their functional load.



Thinking about how to disguise the technique, take into account the above rules. It is more difficult with the chimney pipe, and the air intake system necessary to maintain combustion. For floor models, the following options are used:

  • Purchase a parapet unit.
  • The entire boiler structure is hidden in a brick niche, creating an aesthetic interior design, providing free access to pipes and equipment.
  • Close with a special box.

When installing a parapet gas boiler in the kitchen in a private house, place its closed combustion chamber behind the outer wall. Air is forced into it. You will need to install a horizontal coaxial chimney behind the aisle of a house or apartment. The advantage of this equipment is that it does not depend on energy consumption and allows it to be installed in a niche in a window opening.


  • Modern models have different colors, so it is not difficult to choose a unit that harmoniously fits into the interior of the room.
  • Decorate with artificial plants, hiding the technique behind them.
  • A built-in set is ordered, taking into account the size, color and location of the unit.
  • Placed closer to the window opening in the same row with hanging cabinets, ensuring the exit of the chimney to the street.
  • They are built into the headset, taking into account the listed technical safety requirements.
  • Make a decorative removable box.
  • They make a drawing on the outside of the case, create your own design.


The installation of a small-sized turbocharged type with a hidden-type combustion chamber and a two-channel chimney design is hidden in a fake cabinet of kitchen furniture. The built-in fan provides forced draft of air through the pipe, inside of which there is a carbon monoxide outlet.

Placement in a headset

It is proposed to consider the option of how to hide the purchased boiler when the overall dimensions do not allow the use of one of the wall cabinets.

It is dismantled by removing the top and bottom panels. It is necessary to remove the back wall by connecting the side walls with strips, ensuring the rigidity of the structure. First, the technological installation of equipment is carried out at the place of the cabinet, communications are brought in, the operability is tested, and the work is completed by fixing the case of the wall cabinet.

Choose the right dimensions for the kitchen interior. A hinged shelf with two doors, which is wider than the purchased unit, can be divided into two parts. The required area is allocated for the boiler, the remaining free capacity is planned for storing inventory.

Decor for the interior

The absence of separate wall cabinets, or the reluctance to place equipment in them, will require you to show your imagination. Installation of the product is done above the working cabinet or without it, near the window opening. Modern types of gas boilers do not have large dimensions and are distinguished by exquisite design.

Use one of the following ways to hide without changing the style of the interior:

  • A decoupage or self-adhesive pattern is applied to the outer case.
  • Enhance with natural or artificial climbing plants.
  • Choose a model in color close to the shade of the headset bezels.
  • Leave unchanged by choosing an interesting design model with chrome plating, wood-like or painted with snow-white enamel.
  • A decorative removable box is made.

Photos of ready-made solutions

Photo 6

Photo 1. Gas boiler in kitchen design. The device is not enclosed by anything, but it blends well with the interior.

Photo 7

Photo 2. Wall mounted gas boiler in the kitchen, hidden in a special cabinet. Therefore, the device is completely invisible.

Photo 8

Photo 3. Gas boiler installed in the kitchen. The appliance is fenced off with a grate cabinet, which allows air to flow to the fire.

Where to locate the gas water heater?

How to hide a gas boiler most aesthetically? When developing a design, you must take into account all the features. This also applies to the gas heating boiler, for which it is important to find a suitable place. Most often, they choose a place between the lockers or build the device directly into the headset. There are also some features, without which the use of such a technique is not allowed. According to the established standards, the boiler can be located at a distance of at least 3 cm from surrounding objects and surfaces.... All surfaces on the sides must be coated with a high temperature resistant coating. Most often, it is installed above the sink, but how to make sure that the device does not stand out from the overall design?

( 1 estimate, average 4 of 5 )

