Getting electricity out of thin air. How to get electricity from the ground Energy from the ground schematic

Efficiency issue

Getting electricity from the earth is shrouded in myths - materials are regularly posted on the Internet on the topic of obtaining free electricity through the use of the inexhaustible potential of the planet's electromagnetic field. However, numerous videos in which self-made installations extract electricity from the ground and make multi-watt light bulbs shine or electric motors spin are fraudulent. If generating electricity from the earth were so efficient, nuclear and hydropower would be a thing of the past.

However, it is quite possible to get free electricity from the earth's shell and you can do it yourself. True, the current received is enough only for LED backlighting or for slowly recharging a mobile device.

voltage from the earth's magnetic field
Voltage from the Earth's magnetic field - is it possible !?

To obtain current from the natural environment on a permanent basis (that is, we exclude lightning discharges), we need a conductor and a potential difference. Finding the potential difference is easiest in the earth, which unites all three media - solid, liquid and gaseous. By its structure, the soil is solid particles, between which there are water molecules and air bubbles.

It is important to know that the elementary soil unit is a clay-humus complex (micelle), which has a certain potential difference. The outer shell of the micelle accumulates a negative charge, while a positive one is formed inside it. Due to the fact that the electronegative shell of the micelle attracts ions with a positive charge from the environment, electrochemical and electrical processes continuously proceed in the soil. By this, the soil compares favorably with the water and air environment and makes it possible to create a device for generating electricity with your own hands.

Method with two electrodes

The easiest way to get electricity at home is to use the principle by which classic salt batteries are arranged, where galvanic steam and electrolyte are used. When rods made of different metals are immersed in a salt solution, a potential difference is formed at their ends.

The power of such a galvanic cell depends on a number of factors.


  • section and length of electrodes;
  • the depth of immersion of the electrodes in the electrolyte;
  • the concentration of salts in the electrolyte and its temperature, etc.

To get electricity, you need to take two electrodes for a galvanic pair - one made of copper, the other made of galvanized iron. The electrodes are immersed in the ground to a depth of half a meter, placing them at a distance of about 25 cm, relative to each other. The soil between the electrodes should be well spilled with a salt solution. By measuring the voltage at the ends of the electrodes with a voltmeter after 10-15 minutes, you can find that the system gives a free current of about 3 V.

electricity with rods
Extraction of electricity using 2 rods

If you carry out a series of experiments in different areas, it turns out that the voltmeter readings vary depending on the characteristics of the soil and its moisture content, the size and depth of the installation of the electrodes. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to limit the contour where the saline will be filled with a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter.

Attention! A saturated electrolyte is required, and this salt concentration makes the soil unsuitable for plant growth.

Do-it-yourself electricity from the ground: a diagram for the house

From year to year, the cost of electricity in our houses and apartments is growing, which makes most people think about saving it. But there are those who are trying in every possible way to get at least a little free energy, for example, electricity from the earth. Since the number of these people is steadily growing, it makes sense to consider the issue in more detail, which will be done in this article.

Myths and reality

On the Internet, there are a large number of videos where people light up 150 W lamps from the ground, start electric motors, and so on. There are even more different text materials detailing about earthen batteries. It is not recommended to take such information too seriously, because you can write anything you want, and before shooting a video, make the appropriate preparation.

After viewing or reading these materials, you can really believe in different fables. For example, that the electric or magnetic field of the Earth contains an ocean of free electricity, which is quite easy to obtain. The truth is that the supply of energy is really huge, but it is not at all easy to extract it. Otherwise, no one would have used internal combustion engines, heated by natural gas, and so on.

For reference. The magnetic field of our planet really exists and protects all living things from the destructive effects of various particles coming from the Sun. The lines of force of this field run parallel to the surface from west to east.

If, in accordance with the theory, a virtual experiment is carried out, then you can see how difficult it is to get electricity from the earth's magnetic field. Let's take 2 metal electrodes, for the purity of the experiment - in the form of square sheets with sides of 1 m.One sheet will be installed on the surface of the earth perpendicular to the lines of force, and the second will be raised to a height of 500 m and we will orient it in space in the same way.

Theoretically, there will be a potential difference of about 80 volts between the electrodes. The same effect will be observed if the second sheet is placed underground, at the bottom of the deepest shaft. Now imagine such a power plant - a kilometer high, with a huge electrode surface area. In addition, the station must withstand lightning strikes, which will definitely hit it. Perhaps this is the reality of the distant future.

Nevertheless, getting electricity from the ground is quite possible, albeit in scanty amounts. It can be enough to light up an LED flashlight, turn on a calculator or charge a cell phone a little. Let's consider the ways to do this.

Electricity from two rods

This method is based on a completely different theory and has nothing to do with the magnetic or electric field of the Earth. And this theory is about the interaction of galvanic pairs in a saline solution. If you take two rods of different metals, immerse them in such a solution (electrolyte), then a potential difference will appear at the ends. Its value depends on many factors: composition, saturation and temperature of the electrolyte, electrode size, immersion depth, and so on.

Such generation of electricity is also possible through the earth. We take 2 rods of different metals, forming a so-called galvanic pair: aluminum and copper. We immerse them in the ground to a depth of approximately half a meter, the distance between the electrodes is small, 20-30 cm is enough. We water the land between them abundantly with saline and after 5-10 minutes measure with an electronic voltmeter. The meter reading may vary, but at best you will get 3 V.

Note. Voltmeter readings depend on soil moisture, its natural salinity, the size of the rods and the depth of their immersion.

In reality, everything is simple, the resulting free electricity is the result of the interaction of a galvanic pair, in which wet earth served as an electrolyte, the principle is similar to the operation of a salt battery. A real experiment on the potential difference across electrodes driven into the ground can be seen in the video:

Electricity from ground and neutral wire

This phenomenon also arises not from the Earth's magnetic field, but due to the fact that part of the current "flows" through the ground during the hours of the greatest electricity consumption. Most users know that the voltage for the house is supplied through 2 conductors: phase and zero. If there is a third conductor connected to a good grounding circuit, then a voltage of up to 15 V can "walk" between it and the zero contact. This fact can be fixed by connecting a load in the form of a 12 V light bulb between the contacts. And what is typical, passing from the ground to "Zero" current is absolutely not recorded by metering devices.

It is difficult to use such free voltage in an apartment, since you cannot find reliable grounding there, pipelines cannot be considered as such. But in a private house, where a priori there should be a ground loop, you can get electricity. A simple scheme is used for connection: neutral wire - load - ground. Some craftsmen have even adapted to smooth out current fluctuations with a transformer and connect a suitable load.

Attention! Do not follow the lead of "good" advisers who suggest using a phase conductor instead of a neutral conductor! The fact is that with such a connection, the phase and ground will give you 220 V, but it is deadly to touch the ground bus. This is especially true for "craftsmen" doing similar things in apartments, connecting the load to the phase and the battery. They pose a shock hazard to all neighbors.

Zero wire method

The voltage is supplied to a residential building using two conductors: one of them is phase, the other is zero. If the house is equipped with a high-quality grounding circuit, during the period of intensive electricity consumption, part of the current goes through the grounding into the ground. By connecting a 12 V light bulb to the neutral wire and ground, you will make it glow, since the voltage between the zero and ground contacts can reach 15 V. And this current is not recorded by the electric meter.

electricity using a neutral wire
Extraction of electricity using a neutral wire

The circuit, assembled according to the principle of zero - energy consumer - earth, is quite working. If desired, a transformer can be used to compensate for voltage fluctuations. The disadvantage is the instability of the appearance of electricity between zero and ground - this requires the house to consume a lot of electricity.

Note! This method of obtaining free electricity is suitable only in a private household. Apartments do not have reliable grounding, and pipelines of heating or water supply systems cannot be used as such. Moreover, it is forbidden to connect the ground loop to the phase to obtain electricity, since the grounding bus turns out to be at a voltage of 220 V, which is deadly.

Despite the fact that such a system uses the earth for work, it cannot be attributed to the source of earth's electricity. How to get energy using the electromagnetic potential of the planet remains open.

Electricity from the ground for the home

electricity to the house

From the moment man learned to transmit electricity at a distance, the life of the entire planet has changed.

It has become possible that previously seemed fantastic: light bulbs have replaced candles and gas lamps, trolleybuses and electric trains have appeared, the pace of life has accelerated.

And from exactly the same moment, people began to think: how you can get electricity from the earth with your own hands.

Energy sources - natural gas, coal, oil - are coming to an end, these resources are left on the earth literally for 50-100 years. Industrial enterprises operating on coal, oil and gas production - all this seriously harms the environment, so that planet Earth is in a position that worries ecologists and people who are not indifferent.

Myths and reality

Attempts by ordinary citizens to "get" electricity on their own, bypassing state tariffs, were overgrown with many rumors and speculations:

  • The main myth associated with the independent production of energy from the earth sounds like this: this electricity is eternal.

Rebuttal: in order, in principle, to extract electricity from the ground, it is necessary to fulfill many conditions, including the special qualities of the soil, a metal pin or rod dug into the ground at a sufficient distance, and non-oxidizable wires.

None of these conditions can be fulfilled perfectly, so the electricity produced in this way is not at all eternal.

  • Myth two: the energy of the earth is free.

Rebuttal: this is partly true: a person can do whatever he wants with his personal land plot. But in order to get at least some electrical charge, you need a lot of land.

  • The third myth: the electricity that can be obtained from the earth has enormous power.

Rebuttal: the power output of electricity from the earth is enough to very slowly charge a simple mobile phone or light a small light bulb. Boiling an electric kettle, charging a laptop or turning on the refrigerator will take so much land, metal pins and wires that one family will need limitless allotments and finances.

Electrode boilers are widely used for heating summer cottages. Do-it-yourself electrode boiler - the diagram is presented in the article.

You can read about the advantages and disadvantages of heating system storage tanks here.

Sooner or later, the chimney for the stove or fireplace needs to be cleaned. Effective cleaning methods are presented in this review.

DIY electricity from the ground

Nevertheless, many people do not give up their attempts to extract electricity from the earth in order to facilitate or change their lives, and they should not be stopped, because the most important discoveries in the history of mankind were made by persistent people in love with their ideas.

There is a rating of the most popular ways to get electricity from the earth cheap and fast.

Neutral wire - load - soil

Alternating current, thanks to which all electrical appliances are powered in apartments, enters the dwellings through two conductors: zero and phase. Due to grounding, a large amount of energy goes into the soil. Of course, no one wants to pay for something that cannot be fully utilized. Therefore, enterprising people have long understood how to extract energy from the earth with the help of a neutral wire.

This method is based on the fact that the earth, due to its physical properties, is both a store of energy and its conductor.

cable underground

Underground cable laying scheme

To extract electricity, you need to create a simple circuit.

  • At a sufficient distance, two metal stakes are driven into the ground, one of which is the cathode, and the second is the anode, as a result of which energy with a voltage of 1 to 3 V appears. The current strength in this case will be negligible.
  • To increase the voltage and current, you will have to drive in a lot of pins, both in series and in parallel, in an area with a huge area. A series connection increases the voltage, while a parallel connection increases the current.
  • When the voltage reaches 20-30 V, a simple transformer must be connected to the circuit to increase the output voltage and a battery to accumulate and stabilize electrical energy. The last stage is the transformation of a constant thirty voltage current into an alternating one with a voltage of 220 V.

Zinc and copper electrode

This is the simplest, cheapest and most effective method of obtaining electrical energy at the moment, and it is according to this principle that the batteries familiar to everyone are arranged.

The first step is to isolate some of the soil in order to create the most acidic environment in it. Then connect the zinc and copper electrodes to this insulated ground. The output is actually electricity. This principle of obtaining energy largely depends on the quality of the soil - the more acidic it is, the better.

copper plus zinc

Zinc and Copper Battery

An interesting experiment can be carried out by placing two keys - a copper and an iron - in an orange. The result is a voltage of up to 1 V. The decisive factor is the area of ​​the electrodes in contact with the acid and the acidity level of the orange itself.

This amount of energy is enough to charge a simple phone. To increase the power, several more of the same circuits must be connected in parallel to this circuit. As a result, it will be possible to charge a smartphone or laptop, but a huge room will have to be allocated for a power plant made of oranges and electrodes.

This method of obtaining energy is good, but not reliable and not durable: as soon as the oxidation of zinc and copper electrodes begins, the voltage begins to drop, and then the supply of energy stops. Removing the oxide and adding acid can correct the situation.

Potential between roof and ground

This is one of the favorite folk ways to get electricity from the earth. The roof in this case is only suitable - iron.
A metal pin is installed in the ground, a wire is pulled from it to the roof, the resulting electrical energy can be safely used.

True, only until the first thunderstorm, because in fact it is a real guide.

In the best case, the wiring and electrical appliances will suffer, in the worst case, there will be a threat to the life of the inhabitants of the house.

Working circuits

A device for obtaining an electric arc
Many people are seriously worried about this injustice: you have to pay a lot of money for electricity, and this is when millions of feet trample the free source of energy every day.
Are all fans' attempts to get electricity from the earth in vain?

Of course, there are working schemes for extracting electrical energy from the soil.

All the methods of extracting electricity from the ground described in this article are real and working, the only problem is that they do not give the desired power.

There are many videos on the Internet in which the happy owners of private houses and summer cottages show how smartphones are charged with the help of the earth, motors, kettles and refrigerators are made to work. All of these can be called tricks on trust.

Perhaps in the future there will be ways to get a large amount of energy from small plots of land, but so far all this is just the research and experiments of individual fans.

Video on the topic

The energy of the magnetic field of the planet

The earth is a kind of spherical capacitor, on the inner surface of which a negative charge accumulates, and on the outside - a positive one. The atmosphere serves as an insulator - an electric current passes through it, while the potential difference is preserved. The lost charges are replenished by the magnetic field, which serves as a natural power generator.

How to get electricity from the ground in practice? Basically, you need to connect to the generator pole and establish a reliable ground.

A device that receives electricity from natural sources must consist of the following elements


  • conductor;
  • the ground loop to which the conductor is connected;
  • emitter (Tesla coil, high voltage generator that allows electrons to leave the conductor).

electricity generation scheme
Electricity generation scheme
The upper point of the structure, on which the emitter is located, should be located at such a height that, due to the difference in potentials of the planet's electric field, electrons rise up the conductor. The emitter will release them from the metal and release them in the form of ions into the atmosphere. The process will continue until the potential in the upper atmosphere becomes level with the electric field of the planet.

An energy consumer is connected to the circuit, and the more efficiently the Tesla coil works, the higher the current in the circuit, the more (or more powerful) current consumers can be connected to the system.

Since the electric field surrounds grounded conductors, which include trees, buildings, various high-rise structures, then in the city limits the upper part of the system should be located above all existing objects. It is not realistic to create such a structure with your own hands.

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( 1 estimate, average 5 of 5 )

