Projected consumption of coal for home heating

The principle of operation of a long-burning boiler

Solid fuel boilers appeared relatively long ago, but all of them, regardless of model and manufacturer, had one significant drawback. Fuel had to be constantly added as it burned out. It was ineffective and not economical. This situation continued exactly until 2000, when Stropuva found a way to fix this problem. It is to the engineer Edmuntas Stropaitis that we owe such an invention as a long-burning boiler.
Today it is the most practical and functional device for heating a private house or summer cottage, the performance level of which reaches 70, and sometimes 100%. But, unlike classic pyrolysis boilers, which also have good efficiency, such units can maintain heat for 7 days with just one batch of fuel!

What are its main technical features and why is this device so economical and efficient?

Choosing coal heating boilers: features of work, choice of fuel, popular models

Long burning boiler device

The principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler for long burning is similar to pyrolysis units. The main heat is generated not from the combustion of wood or coal, but from the gasification of solid fuels. The combustion process takes place in an enclosed space, from where wood gas is released through a special telescopic pipe.

After that, the gas is directed to the nozzle of the heating pad, where diffusion (mixing) takes place with the secondary air pumped in by the fan. Thus, a continuous process will continue until the coal or wood is completely burned out. In this case, the combustion temperature sometimes reaches 1200 degrees.

Choosing coal heating boilers: features of work, choice of fuel, popular models

Internal structure of a long burning boiler

The effectiveness of this principle lies precisely in the fact that solid fuel is consumed very slowly, as needed, which significantly increases the efficiency of such a heater. But high productivity is not the only advantage of this design.

As a rule, the whole point of long-lasting combustion is that not all the coal or firewood is burnt out at the same time, but only the top layer. Due to the fact that the air is supplied from above, and not from below, the fuel burns out gradually, in its upper layer.

Choosing coal heating boilers: features of work, choice of fuel, popular models

Long burning principle

When this layer burns out, the air supply is turned on, and exactly as much as is necessary for the combustion of the upper layer. This provides such a duration of burning and the ability to control the process.

It should be said that this version of the heater is acceptable only as a heating system. If you need to consider a domestic water heating system, then you should look for other options.

If the option is selected specifically for heating a large house, then such an apparatus is an excellent alternative to electric and gas appliances.

Review of the best models

As mentioned earlier, the internal device, which has a long-burning coal-fired boiler, ensures uninterrupted operation from one fuel load to several days. Let's review the best long-burning boilers operating on solid fuels, in particular, on coal with a steel and cast iron heat exchanger.

Category Name price, rub.
The best long-burning coal-fired boilers with a steel heat exchanger Bourgeois-K Standard-10 54000
Bourgeois-K Modern-12 74000
Bosch Solid 2000 B K 16-1 50300
The best long-burning coal boilers with a cast iron heat exchanger Buderus Logano G221-20 106000
START-100-Long 152000

What modern boilers are equipped with

Most models of domestic and foreign manufacturers are equipped with thermal insulation, which helps to reduce heat loss. In such boilers, the control unit equipped with a fan often replaces the automatic draft regulator.

To adjust the intensity of combustion, you can choose an automatic or manual regulator of air supply to the combustion chamber. Low-power boilers with manual adjustment are convenient in operation because they allow you to adjust the draft in accordance with the selected temperature regime.

Double-circuit solid fuel boilers are also in great demand, which simultaneously perform two functions: heating the premises of the house and providing its residents with hot water. When choosing a device, it is worth determining for yourself: whether it will be the main or auxiliary element of the system.

Choosing coal heating boilers: features of work, choice of fuel, popular models
Scheme: operation of a solid fuel boiler

If you focus on the cost of a solid fuel boiler, then it is better to give preference to units of foreign manufacturers in the middle price segment. A significant difference from expensive analogs will only be the absence of complex electronics in them.

Its main task is to control the combustion process, taking into account the temperature of the interior rooms and outside air, thereby simplifying the operation of the unit.

Choice of coal and correct kindling

Coal Anthracite

When choosing coal, it is best to choose fuel of the Anthracite type with a size ranging from 25 to 50 mm and no more than twenty percent moisture. Please note that fine coal can cause the boiler to stop burning due to lack of air, and too coarse material burns faster.

Low quality fuel is definitely cheaper. But when purchasing it, the operation of the boiler may be disrupted, which will require more frequent maintenance.

To save on coal, you can mix medium quality material with lower quality finer material. Then the chamber will be evenly filled and there will be no disturbances in the operation of the boiler.

There are some peculiarities in the kindling of such a boiler.

To carry out such a procedure, you can use the algorithm:

  1. Several kg of dry wood logs are placed in the chamber., after which the upper part is filled with coal. When loading mixed fuels, it is important to load the coarse material first.
  2. Setting the required parameters of work: temperature, power.
  3. Ignition of the heating machine produced through an ash pan.
  4. As the fuel burns out you can load additional materials and clean out the ash.

Combined boilers rating

A large number of different models sometimes causes difficulties in choosing even for specialists, not to mention ordinary buyers, so we publish the top 5 models. For clarity, let's summarize the data in a table.

Table 1. The best models of 2018-2019

ModelFuel typesDescriptionpower, kWtEfficiency,%Weight, kg
ZOTA MIX-20Coal, firewood, gas, diesel fuel, electricityA model from a Russian manufacturer that consumes the main types of fuel without any problems. Withstands a short-term increase in pressure up to 4 atm (working 3 atm). The heating element material is a seamless stainless steel tube. Their work is controlled by an external control panel. Also, the device is equipped with a draft regulator and a thermomanometer, which increases the efficiency of the combustion process. To protect against heat loss, the water jacket is insulated. The durability of the outer casing is achieved by powder coating.3-980140
KARAKAN 16TPEV 3Firewood, gas, electricityThe two-circuit model of the Russian manufacturer is especially popular among rural residents, because equipped with a wide hob, on which food is prepared for both yourself and your cattle.The unit will easily heat an area up to 160 sq.m., this applies not only to residential, but also to industrial premises, incl. greenhouse or garage. The depth of the steel furnace is 0.56 m. The "water jacket" prevents the metal from overheating or burning out, which makes the service life of the device long.975120
Teplodar Kupper PRO 22Firewood, coal, gas, pelletsThe domestic model can easily heat rooms up to 220 sq.m. When using firewood or coal, the unit acquires the features of a long-burning boiler, since on one tab the operating period is 8 and 10 hours, respectively. Another plus is a spacious firebox that can hold firewood up to 600 mm long.680115
Kiturami KRM 30RFirewood, briquettes, coal, diesel.A double-circuit boiler from South Korea is equipped with multiple combustion chambers and electronic control. Able to heat a room up to 350 sq.m. The heat exchangers are made of alloy steel, so it is not worth increasing the pressure too much.3585-92170
Protherm Bison 40 NLGas, diesel, fuel oilA two-circuit model from Slovakia is capable of heating areas up to 400 sq.m. The control is carried out with the help of a microprocessor, and the parameters of the boiler operation at each moment of time are clearly visible on the electronic display.3889148

Choosing coal heating boilers: features of work, choice of fuel, popular models
Exterior view of the boiler Protherm Bizon 40 NL

The best known manufacturers and models: characteristics and prices

Stropuva S15U

Stropuva (Stropuva) S15U with a power of 15 kW is a universal mine-type boiler that works not only on coal, but also on wood, pellets and briquettes from any material. It is equipped with a bimetallic draft regulator, which eliminates the need to connect to the electrical network. Suitable for houses of 100-120 m2.

The cost: RUB 81,500–99,770.

Producing country: Russia – Lithuania, STROPUVA LLC (STROPUVA).

Heiztechnik Q Alfa 15

Heiztechnik (Heiztechnik) Q Alfa 15 with a capacity of 15 kW is intended for heating a room with an area of ​​110-130 m2, burns coal, wood chips, various wood and briquettes. This Polish boiler is distinguished by a combination of cast iron grates and a body made of thick boiler steel (5 mm), which guarantees a long service life - up to 20 years.

The cost: 62 240–68 720 rubles.

Producing country: Poland, LLC "HEIZTECHNIK" (HEIZTECHNIK).

Buderus Logano S181-15E

Buderus Logano S181-15E with a capacity of 15 kW is one of the best long-burning coal-fired boilers for heating a private house with an area of ​​120-140 m2. The basic package includes water and gas temperature sensors, as well as a spacious bunker (240 liters), thanks to which the device works for 3-5 days in a row.

The cost: 218,000-250,640 rubles.

Producing country: Germany, LLC "BOSCH" (BOSCH THERMOTECHNIKA).


WEEK KO-60 with a capacity of 60 kW is a highly efficient model of domestic production capable of heating a house of 200–250 m2 for 2–4 days on one coal bed. Its microprocessor unit is not sensitive to power outages, and when it is turned off, the boiler just slowly (6-12 hours) dies out.

The cost: 115,900-130,500 rubles.

Producing country: Russia (Kemerovo), TRIAI LLC.


TIS (TIS) PRO 11 with a power of 11 kW is a compact unit that is well suited for heating a small private house, cottage or summer cottage of 80-100 m2. Air supply adjustment can be manual (using a bolt on the door) or automatic (using a mechanical thermostat) - at choice.

The cost: 64,100–67,200 rubles.

Producing country: Belarus, LLC "BelKomin" TIS Group (TIS Group).


LIEPSNELE (Liepsnele) L20U with a capacity of 20 kW is a non-volatile boiler for a house of 150-180 m2, has a spacious loading chamber (320 l), which ensures the burning time of one bookmark up to 6-7 days. It is practically "omnivorous": it can be heated with coal, wood, sawdust, shavings, pellets and even peat.

The cost: 85 400–90 560 rubles.

Producing country: Lithuania, LLC "VAKARO RASA" (VAKARO RASA).

The principle of operation of the equipment

The working process is based on the combustion of fuel in the corresponding chamber

It is important to note that different materials can be used as fuel. For example, for a combi boiler, wood and coal are not the only energy sources.

Such models can accept briquettes, granules, husks and shavings.But for this, it is necessary that the design of the chamber be oriented to work with other types of solid fuels.

Regardless of the type of raw materials consumed, the firebox emits heat energy, which can be directly converted into hot air streams, or go to a heat exchanger to heat water. If a coal-fired boiler is used, then the combustion process will be long, and the potential of thermal energy is high. Conversely, low density dry firewood or briquettes with shavings burn quickly, leaving little heat, but a lot of ash and ash.

Automatic boilers

The automatic long-burning coal-fired boilers offered on the modern market are designed according to the principle of pellet installations. Their feature is the presence of a burner device and a hopper for loading the fuel supply. The device of the heat-exchange part of the units repeats the design of their traditional "counterparts"; a fire-tube heat exchanger or other multi-pass design is used to transfer heat.

The main feature is a retort burner. It consists of a bowl - a retort, a feed auger with a gearbox and an electric motor, and a fan for air injection. Coal from the hopper will fall into the intake opening of the auger feed, which moves it into the bowl. The latter has lateral slots for the intake of air forced by the fan.

Such a coal-fired boiler is fully automated, starting from the electric ignition operation and ending with the control of the combustion intensity. The duration of the unit's operation is not limited by the fuel supply, which can be replenished by pouring it into the bunker on the go. Only the frequency of maintenance and cleaning requires stopping the boiler once a week.

A striking representative of this type of heaters is an automatic coal boiler of the Heiztechnik brand, equipped, in addition to the main units, with a circuit for supplying hot water, a circulation pump and a programmable controller with the ability to connect external thermostats. The controller controls the operation of the burner and can stop it at any time, which is a significant advantage for solid fuel units. Another plus is the ability to put the grate in a short time, remove the burner and continue working with the traditional direct combustion of fuel in the furnace. The efficiency of the unit is declared by the manufacturer at the level of 88%.

The disadvantages of a coal-fired boiler with a screw burner are its high cost and demanding fuel quality. The manufacturer's requirements for Heiztechnik are as follows:

  • fraction size - no more than 25 mm;
  • humidity - up to 10%;
  • dust content in fuel - no more than 20%;
  • coal for automatic boilers - medium coking, type 31 or 32, no higher.

Coal boiler design

A modern long-burning boiler that consumes coal or firewood compares favorably with classic solid fuel devices. The latter require regular addition of a combustible substance to the furnace. Design features of long-term combustion mechanisms provide for automatic fuel supply for a long time. Some models are able to operate uninterruptedly on one load for up to two days.

Coal boiler design

When entering the operating mode, firewood or coal for long-burning boilers begins to burn not from the bottom, but from the upper area. This effect is called top-down burning. You can imagine the procedure if you set fire to two matches. One of them should be with a lowered flame on the head at the bottom, and the second will also be in an upright position, but the burning head will remain at the top. The latter will burn out later.

Advantages of boilers of this type

As mentioned above, a modern coal-fired boiler has a lot in common with the classic Russian stove.But if a hotly heated brick hearth heats the air in the house directly, then the coal boiler heats the water, which then circulates through the radiator system of the heated room.

In all other respects, solid fuel boilers for heating a private house embodied the versatility of the original Russian predecessor. For example, they are unpretentious in the choice of combustible material and allow you to charge firewood, briquettes, pellets, sawdust, waste paper, rags, which in itself is a good idea for the disposal of combustible waste.

On the other hand, of course, the operation of the boiler on "grazing" fuel requires more control: you will have to follow the readings of the instruments and replenish the tank more often. And since such raw materials burn unevenly, temperature drops are possible in the radiator system. Not to mention the fact that garbage unsuitable for fuel leaves carbon deposits and soot that need to be cleaned.

Therefore, despite the abundance of waste fuel, prudent (read lazy) owners acquire a large supply of long-burning coal. The stove can operate on such a heat source for several days without requiring additional maintenance, cleaning and even refueling.

Unlike the Russian stove, which requires adherence to a certain kindling technology, the coal boiler is extremely easy to use - just open the firebox and throw coal inside

This operation requires a minimum of precautions, the peculiarities of the installation and operation of a coal boiler imply that all potentially dangerous processes are automatically controlled.

Another advantage of a coal-fired boiler is its high efficiency, and the use of modern energy-saving technologies has doubled the productivity of new solid fuel boilers compared to old-style coal stoves.

Of course, for a city dweller spoiled by centralized heating and water supply, the need to load the tank from time to time may seem tedious, but only at first glance. Almost all modern coal-fired boilers make the most of a single load, and temperature control is carried out by sensor systems and air supply devices.

Due to their high efficiency and safety, coal-fired boilers are successfully used for heating cottages and summer cottages, residential buildings and offices. But, of course, coal equipment is ideally used in private residential construction, where its surface can also be used to heat food.

Selection criteria for solid fuel boilers for long burning

We have already familiarized ourselves with the general classification of solid fuel boilers. It's time to consider the criteria by which the owners of private houses determine the most suitable options for units for the installation of heating systems. After reading the following sections, you will learn how to choose the right long-burning solid fuel boiler for your home.

Type of fuel

First of all, you must decide on what kind of fuel will be used for heating. Proceed from what type of fuel is more convenient to buy and import. If you have harvested wood, it is wise to purchase a wood-fired boiler. Pellet heating can be recommended to the owners of cottages where there are no trees. Coal-fired boilers are suitable for those who have the opportunity to order high-quality fuel on favorable terms. Sawdust heating systems are generally used to heat wood processing facilities.

Boiler power

To determine the required power of the heating system, you need to perform simple mathematical calculations. Calculate the total volume of the premises to be heated. The resulting figure will help you find a model with the appropriate parameters in a wide range of solid fuel boilers for long-term combustion.Keep in mind: you always need to provide a reserve of power so that during a severe winter frost it is not cold in the house.

Device weight

When choosing a solid fuel boiler for long-term combustion for heating a private house, the mass parameter is taken into account only if the owner intends to fix the purchased unit on the wall. According to state standards established by the gas service of Russia, this installation method is allowed for heating boilers with a volume of less than 100 liters.

Loading chamber volume

Choosing coal heating boilers: features of work, choice of fuel, popular models

This parameter characterizes the ratio of the volume of fuel to be put in with the power of the heating unit. The more fuel fits in the loading chamber, the less often you will need to replenish the supply of firewood / coal / pellets. For steel boilers, the ratio of these values ​​is 1.6-2.6 l / kW. Cast iron heating units consume less fuel - 1.1-1.4 l / kW.

The total volume of the loading chamber will help you to roughly assess the capabilities of the boiler. You will not be able to fill it 100% in any case. The useful volume of the loading chamber is of much greater importance. This value displays the actual amount of fuel that you can load into the combustion chamber. To determine it, you need to know the principle of combustion of the fuel of the selected boiler and the method of loading fuel (top or front).

Boiler efficiency

One of the most important parameters for any solid fuel heating unit for long-term combustion. The figure expressing the boiler efficiency characterizes that part of the generated heat energy that is actually spent on heating the home. By choosing a high efficiency unit, you can reduce your power requirements. Poor efficiency means unnecessary heat wasted, so you have to add more fuel to keep your home at an acceptable temperature.

With coal loading 2-4 times a day

In the first place is the Buderus brand. The most technologically sophisticated and, accordingly, efficient models of this manufacturer with a standard power of 25-30 kW are capable of constantly maintaining a comfortable temperature in rooms when it is cold outside in the region of -10 ° C for 12 hours. But you still have to deal with adding coal twice a day, if there is no desire to freeze in winter. And in case of more severe frosts, it will be necessary to visit the furnace compartment 3-4 times within 24 hours.



The choice of a specific model should be considered based on the heat loss of the house, its total area and the temperature regime in winter in a particular region. However, no matter what boiler the choice fell on, it is impossible to make a mistake here - all products are of very high quality, as well as prices. Here the most popular models will cost around 80,000 - 90,000 rubles.

The next manufacturer is the Kirovsky plant with the well-known KChM-5 boiler. This model in various configurations and with different maximum power is used in a large number of private houses throughout Russia. This is a domestic boiler and its quality is noticeably lower, but it regularly performs its function and has gained considerable popularity over the years. A significant contribution to this, of course, was made by the cost of the unit - for 35,000 - 40,000 you can take a completely reliable working apparatus. If you heat with coal, then one bookmark will be enough for 5-6 hours, depending on the characteristics of the organization of the heating system.



Another well-known manufacturer of coal-fired boilers is Sibenergoterm with the Prometheus model. They come in various capacities from 20 kW to 60 kW and are quite affordable. For a 24 kW boiler, you will need to pay 44,000 - 47,000 rubles. The design is proven and when installing a purchased additional bunker, even in frost below -25 ° C, it can maintain the temperature in the boiler up to 65 ° C and in the house +25 ° C for 12 hours in a row.



Boilers from the European brand Viadrus also enjoy good reviews, but their cost, like that of Buderus, is quite high. Prices start at 60,000 rubles. Domestic boilers of the Zota company called "Smoke" are also quite common - this is a budget model for quite affordable 20,000 - 25,000 rubles. However, without proper insulation, even in a small house in cold winter, you will have to go to the firebox every 3-4 hours.

Pyrolysis systems

Scientists have long noticed that when any solid fuel burns, carbon dioxide is released, which can be used as an additional fuel. This process is called pyrolysis. When firewood is burned, quite a lot of such gas is released. that's why wood-burning pyrolysis boilers are so widespread.
The principle of operation of such devices is quite simple. Fuel is placed in the first combustion chamber. With little air intake, the wood smolders and releases pyrolysis gas. which enters the second chamber. Here the gas is burned and heats the heating medium of the home heating system.

Such a device can significantly increase the efficiency of a wood-fired boiler. The efficiency of such devices reaches 90% or more. In addition, long-burning pyrolysis boilers have other advantages, namely:

  • the fuel burns out almost completely. There is no need to constantly remove numerous combustion products;
  • the operating time of the boiler increases on one tab. It is enough to "throw" firewood into the firebox once every 15 hours;
  • fuel consumption is significantly reduced, which entails savings on heating the house;
  • the devices are environmentally friendly. During the combustion of pyrolysis gas, no harmful substances are released into the atmosphere. When they burn, carbon dioxide and water vapor are obtained;
  • it becomes possible to fully control the combustion temperature;
  • long-burning pyrolysis wood-burning boilers are unpretentious in maintenance.

But, despite all its advantages, pyrolysis equipment is not without its disadvantages. Among them are the following:

  • pyrolysis boilers are quite expensive equipment. For many families, it may simply not be affordable. But on the other hand, such devices will allow you to save on heating the house, which compensates for the cost of purchasing equipment;
  • boilers have a lot of weight and impressive dimensions, due to their complex structure;
  • quite demanding on the quality of fuel. The firewood must be dry, the efficiency of the device depends on it;
  • the need for a constant supply of electricity. The device includes blower fans that need electricity.

The high cost of long-burning pyrolysis heating boilers significantly reduces their popularity. But many craftsmen make such devices on their own. Diagrams and drawings can be easily found on the Internet.

( 1 estimate, average 4 of 5 )

