§ 5.4. Dynamic characteristics of heating systems


All kinds of communications play an important role in the life of any owner of a country house, but what really should work flawlessly is heating systems for the house. This is especially true for regions in the northern part of the country, where heating equipment must be of the highest quality in order to ensure optimal temperature conditions. But first you need to figure out what heating systems exist at all. The main parameter by which the efficiency of the systems is determined is the ability to provide a comfortable microclimate in the house.

heating systems for home

  • 1 The main types of heating systems
  • 2 Water heating
  • 3 Steam heating in the house
  • 4 Air heating systems
  • 5 Infrared
  • 6 Dynamic heating
  • 7 Heating boilers

The main types of heating systems

Houses and apartments are artificially heated in order to compensate for the heat loss that occurs due to a drop in outdoor temperatures. There is special equipment that effectively copes with this task. But what kind of equipment will eventually be selected for installation directly depends on how the thermal energy will be produced. In addition, the thermal insulation of the house itself is also important.

In this regard, home heating systems are divided into several categories:

  • water heating systems
  • steam
  • air
  • infrared
  • dynamic heating.

Let's try to figure out each of the options.

Steam heating in the house

This method of heating a country house implies that water vapor will act as a coolant instead of a liquid. But it is characteristic that in Russia it is forbidden to install such systems in residential buildings or public facilities, which can be found in the relevant norms and requirements. The source of heat for such heating systems for the house can be both a reduction device and a conventional steam boiler.

steam heating

The main advantages of steam systems:

  1. heat exchangers practically do not lose heat energy.
  2. all heating equipment is quite compact, moreover, it is relatively cheap.
  3. finally, the inertia is also relatively low, due to which the room is quickly heated.

But at the same time, there are disadvantages:

  1. it is quite difficult to install bends;
  2. if you examine all the planes of the elements with a thermometer, then they will demonstrate good performance.
  3. when the system is filled with coolant, this process is accompanied by a lot of noise.
  4. with such a system, the temperature cannot be raised / lowered smoothly.

Read about all the features of work and how to organize steam heating in the house.

Note! The described type of heating system is considered the least safe of all those given in the article. Moreover, system parts wear out at a very high rate, as they withstand critically high temperatures during operation.

The principle of operation of the counter and passing CO

So, the associated heating system is a two-pipe heating circuit, in which the coolant moves in the same direction both in the "supply" pipeline and in the "return".

The supply pipe is mounted around the perimeter of the heated room (building). All heating devices (batteries) are connected to it in series. The supply pipe ends on the last, in the direction of the coolant, the radiator in the branch.

The main advantage of this option is the equal length of the supply and return heat supply pipelines to each heating device. This is what makes it possible to uniformly warm up the radiators, regardless of their location and distance from the boiler plant (riser). This type of routing is the best suited for organizing CO over large areas. Experts note a slight decrease in the temperature of the coolant in the supply pipe, which, as a rule, is not critical.

The disadvantage of such a scheme is the laboriousness of the installation and the greater (in comparison with the dead-end wiring) consumption of materials. The rise in the cost of CO is due to the need to use the main pipeline of increased cross-section.

In oncoming, or, as they are also called, dead-end heating systems, the movement of the coolant in the supply line occurs in the opposite direction with respect to the movement of water in the return heating circuit.

A feature of this CO is the different length of the circulation rings. In other words, the farther from the boiler system or riser the heater is located, the greater the length of the pipeline involved in this circulation ring. This inequality is the main disadvantage of dead-end COs.

The advantages of CO with counter-movement of the coolant are:

  • using less pipes, fittings, etc.;
  • the possibility of implementation in houses with complex multi-level COs.

This method of laying the pipeline proved to be excellent in CO with a small number of radiators in each branch and with a difference in length of no more than 20 m.

Next, we will take a closer look at all the advantages and disadvantages of these types of wiring.

Air heating systems

Today, air heating is an integral element in most storage facilities with significant heating volumes. With regards to the heat source, in this case there are only two options - a heat generator and a heater. Both devices are characterized by the fact that they permanently maintain a given temperature regime using a minimum amount of energy. Such equipment is also called climatic.

Its main advantages:

  • during the operation of devices, several times less fuel is required than in similar systems with water heating;
  • they are also quite economical, as they provide for both heating in the cold season and cooling in the summer;
  • during use, the air in the room is heated directly, in other words, there are no "intermediaries";
  • air heating can last long enough, the minimum period for it is 20 years.

You can find out more about how such a system works here.

There were no significant drawbacks of this kind of systems.

Note! Such versatility as air heating is not found in any other system. It can even effectively cool the room if needed.


In this case, the room will be heated by means of special radiation. The infrared beam can serve as your main source of heat, as well as an auxiliary one. It is characteristic that such equipment is capable of heating even open spaces, which cannot be said about any other system.

infrared home heating

This kind of heating systems for the home have their own advantages:

  • they make it possible to save a lot (about 50 percent) of consumed electricity
  • At the same time, the heat source does not work constantly, and often no more than 10-15 minutes per hour, effectively and evenly heating the room
  • no combustion products are formed during operation
  • finally, it does not "burn" oxygen and does not dry out the air.

You can get acquainted in detail with the features of installation and the principles of operation of infrared heating. in this article

Infrared heating is the most "natural", most natural heating. Judge for yourself: planet Earth is also heated in this way! Half of all the energy released by the sun is in the infrared range.

Water heating

It is based on a thermal carrier, which is in a liquid state. It can be water or antifreeze. The latter necessarily includes a water base. Heat enters the heated rooms due to different types of devices. These include pipe registers, convectors, versatile radiators (aluminum, bimetallic, etc.).

Since water is supplied to the system in a liquid state, its temperature is lower than that of steam. Accordingly, water heating is safer than steam heating. You have to pay for this with the large dimensions of the radiators. There is another disadvantage. When the working medium flows to the end user, it necessarily loses its original temperature. The way out of the situation is to combine water and steam.

In the described heating systems, air jams are often formed. To prevent the appearance, special valves are mounted. Despite many disadvantages, artificial water heating is used almost everywhere. For the mass application of the method, it has not yet been invented more practical and more economical.

Dynamic heating

Progress does not stand still, but moves in multi-dimensional steps, heating technologies are constantly being improved. One of these innovative heating methods is dynamic. It lies in the fact that during operation, one half of the generated heat energy is transferred to the room, and the second is spent on the operation of the pump located between the external atmosphere and the house.


There is a small classification of heat engines, developed based on what kind of heat source is used.

  • Open equipment requires the use of a coolant, moreover, a liquid, which would circulate through the pumping system.
  • In closed geothermal devices, the basis is the thermal energy of the soil or groundwater. In this case, the location of the collector can be as follows:
  1. vertical, when the reservoir is launched into wells, the depth of which does not exceed 200 meters
  2. horizontal, when the collector is simply located lower than the level of soil freezing passes
  3. water, in which the collector is installed in any body of water.

An excellent review article on this topic is presented here.

Types of dead-end systems

There are two types of such systems:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

The classic horizontal layout with the bottom wiring was presented above in the first figure. In the case when the house is two-story, and the number of heating devices is small, then the system configuration takes the following form:

vertical riser heating system

From the boiler plant, it is immediately divided into 2 branches: one passes through the first floor and feeds the batteries located on it, and the second goes into a vertical riser and in the same way delivers heat to the radiators of the second floor. The circuit will work reliably and stably if the number of heaters loading each branch is within 10 pcs. When the diameters of the pipelines are correctly selected, balancing will not cause a lot of trouble, especially if balancing valves with automatic differential pressure regulators are used on each branch.

In the same way, you can make a wiring in a three-story house, then there will be 3 branches: one horizontal and two on the riser.But when the number of radiators is large or the house has a complex layout that does not allow laying pipes around the premises, that is, another solution is a vertical dead-end heating system of a two-story house, which is presented below:

heating system of a two-story house

Vertical risers are connected to two horizontal highways in convenient places, passing along all floors. It is desirable that the heating devices on different floors stand one above the other or with a slight offset, otherwise you will have to additionally pull the pipes through the rooms. It is recommended to connect no more than 2 batteries to one riser on each side. But when, for various reasons, it is necessary to connect more, then this will complicate the setup of the system, you will have to balance each horizontal branch.

Note. The schemes shown in this section are designed only for operation in a network with a circulation pump, the vertical scheme will not function by gravity.

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