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A miracle stove is a special small heating appliance that is used to heat small spaces. The device works on diesel fuel, but kerosene can also be used.

The miracle oven is a small rectangular case. In its rear part there is a special container for filling fuel, and in the center there is a removable tank (bowl for a wick), which are connected to each other.

In the bowl there is a wick burner on the base of a cylindrical shape, and a valve regulating the flow of fuel is located at the outlet pipe. At the top of the burner there is a screw for adjusting and controlling the device, and behind it is a special reflective surface.

Miracle oven Solyrogaz

Principle of operation

The fuel gradually enters the annular reservoir and impregnates the fiberglass wick, which begins to burn. The gaseous mixture moves into the combustion chamber, in which it burns out gradually and evenly. The burner gives off heat, and the reflective stainless surface increases the efficiency of the device.

Special cylinders located in the combustion chamber provide the ability to use infrared heating mode, as well as convection. The stainless surface heats up to 800 ° C and begins to warm up the air in the room, and infrared rays, reflecting from the screen, heat up the objects located in the room.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities of the miracle oven include:

  1. Does not require connection to centralized heating or electricity.
  2. Small compact dimensions.
  3. Affordable and inexpensive fuel.
  4. Low price.
  5. The presence of a screw that allows you to adjust the intensity of heat supply.
  6. The ability to use the device to heat food or water.
  7. There is no need to build a chimney, since there is no open fire from the stove.
  8. Device mobility.
  9. Low weight.
  10. Economical fuel consumption, about 200 to 400 g / h.
  11. Convenient to operate.
  12. For installation, you do not need to take special permits and coordinate the project with the relevant authorities.

There are also disadvantages, for example:

  1. The appliance should not be used for continuous heating of a room, as it emits an unpleasant odor and smoke may enter the air.
  2. Requires periodic replacement of wicks.
  3. The device should be cleaned from time to time.
  4. Requires a specially equipped place and strict adherence to fire safety standards.
  5. Bad smell.

Furnace for diesel fuel
Furnace for diesel fuel

How to choose a miracle oven

When choosing a burner, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Thermal power. It ranges from 1.8 to 5 kW. When choosing, one should proceed from the fact that 1 kW is capable of heating 10 m2 of the room. The larger the area, the stronger the device should be.
  2. Material. Pay attention to the material from which the bulb and burner are made. The body is made of metal or glass. The glass miracle oven is much more efficient, but it is more expensive and requires very careful handling. It can only be used for heating purposes. If you plan to use the device for cooking, you should opt for a metal burner.
  3. Fuel consumption. The amount of consumed diesel fuel directly depends on the power of the device:
      with a power of 1.8 kW - 160 ml / hour;
  4. at a power of 2.5 kW and above - from 180 ml / hour.

Design and principle of operation

The miracle oven can work not only on diesel fuel, but also on kerosene. Some people prefer the second option, since the performance of the unit increases, and the emission of potentially hazardous substances decreases.

Today there are many models that differ in power, and this indicator affects the duration of the continuous operation of the furnace: it can be from 6 to 28 hours.

The principle of operation is discussed in more detail below:

  1. Fuel through the pipeline by gravity enters a special combustion chamber.
  2. The furnace is equipped with shut-off valves, which, if necessary, allow you to adjust the process of supplying diesel fuel to the chamber.
  3. Hole for supplying air to the inside of the unit, also used for ignition.
  4. The temperature regime inside the furnace gradually rises and gradually reaches the mark, in which the combustion process of diesel fuel is stable.
  5. Immediately after stabilization of combustion a very stable thrust appears.
  6. During combustion, diesel vapors are generated, which mix with air: this reaction takes place under the node where the fuel is burned.
  7. Until the fuel burns out completely, the room is heated, in which the miracle oven is located.

The classic design of most types of such diesel-fueled furnaces is as follows:

  1. Removable fuel tank. It must be equipped with a valve.
  2. The adjusting screw allows you to manually adjust the fuel consumption and select the temperature for heating the room.
  3. Block equipped with a wick. If necessary, it is subject to replacement.
  4. Protective grill.
  5. Housing. Most of the models have a modern design and can fit into the design of any room.
  6. Reflector that is specially painted with powder paint, which allows you to effectively warm up the heated room.
  7. The burner is located in the center of the unit. Diesel fuel enters it from the fuel tank by gravity.

As the main material for the manufacture of the miracle oven, special types of steel are used that have heat-resistant characteristics. The equipment has a small size and weighs on average about 10 kg, which provides high mobility and allows it to be moved by the forces of one adult.

Miracle oven

The hole for air supply to the inside of the unit is also used for ignition.

Oven operating rules

There are several important operating rules that must be followed in order to avoid fires:

  1. Do not install the appliance in a place with strong drafts.
  2. There should be no flammable objects near the structure.
  3. There should be a free space around the oven within 0.5 m.
  4. Any flammable substances, as well as rags that have been soaked in the treatment, should not lie close to the device.

Miracle oven at work
The appliance must be installed horizontally and evenly in order to achieve uniform combustion of the wick.

The device of heaters on diesel fuel and kerosene

Portable kerosene heaters consist of units:

  • fuel tank;
  • a bowl with a wick;
  • wick adjustment knob;
  • a sensor for measuring the volume of fuel;
  • burner shell;
  • burner.

During the operation of the heater, the flame on the wick should be slightly dissected by the mesh (shell) and look out. This working position can be achieved by setting fire to the wick and adjusting the flame height with a special knob. The shell gradually heats up and begins to radiate heat into the room in the infrared range. After the shell and walls of the chamber have completely warmed up, the combustion process itself from the wick passes to kerosene vapors at a certain distance. This combustion process almost completely burns the fuel, but does not burn out the wick tissue. Diesel and kerosene heaters are convenient to use for heating a garage or tent.

The smell of combustion products emanates only during the first time after ignition, when there is still no process of complete combustion of gases, and at the moment of extinguishing.

Today on the market you can buy devices that differ in control methods, the type of fuel used and the method of heat distribution.

  • Heaters without electronics are autonomous and have shown themselves well in places where there is no electrical network. They are often taken on trips to heat cars and tents.
  • Electronically controlled devices are distinguished by the ability to maintain a constant temperature, ignition, fuel supply, extinguishing and other useful functions.
  • Kerosene fired heaters.
  • Diesel and kerosene appliances.
  • With a converter way of transferring heat.
  • With built-in fan.
  • Reflector heater.


The ignition should be started on the street, and when it has already ignited, bring it into the room, in order to avoid unpleasant odors. If the device is not used for a long time, it should be thoroughly cleaned beforehand.

Important! The appliance must be installed horizontally and evenly in order to achieve uniform combustion of the wick.

Ignition Step by Step Guide:

  1. The principle of operation of the heater on diesel fuel

    Pour diesel fuel into the removable tank.

  2. Install a new filter in the burner.
  3. Replace the burner as well as the removable tank.
  4. Unscrew the valve to allow fuel to flow to the wick.
  5. Open the front door and light the heating pad from below.
  6. As soon as the fuel has ignited and the flame is above the grate, the valve should be fully screwed on.
  7. When the fire starts to die down, open the valve and set it to the intensity you want.

To turn off the device, simply close the valve completely.

If you are unable to achieve an even blue flame throughout the wick, there may be one of these problems:

  • the device is installed on an uneven surface;
  • the burner cylinder did not have time to warm up;
  • the wick is worn out.

Advice! To extend the life of the wick, it should be rinsed in kerosene from time to time. In addition, you can turn it over or cut off the burnt edge.

Safety measures during operation

Safe handling of the Miracle Oven requires that the following conditions be met:

  • it is strictly forbidden to place it near flammable substances and objects (fuels and lubricants and furniture);
  • it is not allowed to use brands of fuel that are good from the recommended one;
  • the heated room must be well ventilated.

In addition, the possibility of any liquids (as well as water) getting on the operating furnace must be excluded.

Let us very much note the event that the miracle oven is allowed to be operated only in rooms equipped with high-quality fresh air ventilation.

Because when the heating device is ignited, a large amount of smoke is emitted - it is most ergonomic to kindle it outdoors, after which the stove may be brought back into the room.

Precautionary measures

As a precaution, you should buy a small carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. The volume of the fire extinguisher should, according to calculations, exceed the cubic capacity of the room by 1.5 times.

A fire extinguisher weighing 5 kg is considered optimal. Of all types, it is preferable to choose the following models:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • automatic;
  • non-volatile.

Experimenting with different fuels is not recommended. It is best to use the type indicated in the product passport.

Three ovens

The cost

The prices for the miracle oven are different and depend on the power of the device, material, manufacturer, size. Approximate prices for some models of domestic and foreign production are shown in the table.

NamePower, kWt)ManufacturerPrice, rub.)
Solyrogaz Savo PO-1.8 Mini1,8Russia1850
Savo PO-2.52,5Russia2450
Aeroheat HA S2600 "BOXER"2,6Russia3000
NeoClima KO-3.03,7Korea8500
Kerona WKH-23102,55Korea5500

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Reviews about stoves Solyrogaz

Sale of furnaces working on diesel fuel HERE!

At the first opportunity, most city dwellers strive to get out of town - to the dacha, fishing, just to be in nature with a tent. All of them will be great

the assistant, developed by domestic engineers, the solar gas furnace.

The solar gas oven is used both for cooking and for heating summer cottages, tents, garages, outbuildings, greenhouses. This furnace operates on liquid fuel - diesel or kerosene. A cleaner combustible fuel is kerosene; when it is used, the efficiency of the stove will be 20-25% higher.

The solar gas stove looks like a small metal device. For example, the Savo solar gas has dimensions of 320 x 420 x 370 (mm). The mesh assembly is made of heat-resistant stainless steel. Consumables are fuel and wicks, which can only be replaced with items approved by the manufacturer. Fuel tank with a volume of 2 - 2.5 liters. Fuel is consumed on average 0.2 liters per hour. The power of different heaters varies from the lowest value - 1.8 kW to the highest - 5.0 kW.

The solar gas furnace operates as follows: from the fuel tank, the fuel independently passes through the valve and filter and enters through a special groove into the wick bowl, where the wicks are located. When heated, the fuel is converted into a gaseous mixture and passed into the combustion chamber. The stove is designed in such a way that the combustion of the elements in the chamber occurs in layers with the formation of heat. The spiral and the upper element of the chamber are heated to a high temperature and, being catalysts, they burn out the remaining gaseous mixture. The fuel burns inside the bulb, so there is no open flame. The heating degree of the stove can be adjusted with the adjusting screw.

I must say that during extinguishing, and even during ignition, a small amount of smoke can be emitted, therefore it is necessary to ventilate the room. When using the stove, it is impossible to ignore the attention of adults.

Using the example of the Solyrogaz stove of the Penzinsky manufacturing plant, we will consider some of the various modifications and characteristics. Solyrogaz "SAVO +" has a mass of 5.5 kg, dimensions 370 x 420 x 320 (mm), a tank volume of 2.5 liters, a thermal power of 2.5 kW, and can operate for up to 12 hours on one full gas station. Solar gas "MINI" has a mass of 4.1 kg, dimensions 355 x 295 x 275 (mm), a tank volume of 2.5 liters, a heat output of 1.8 kW, it can work for 11 hours at full refueling. The autonomous heater Aeroheat HA S2600 "Boxer" has a weight of 4.8 kg, dimensions 350 x 290 x 270 (mm), a tank volume of 2.5 liters, a thermal power of 2.6 kW, with a full refueling it can work up to 12 hours. Prices for such stoves range from 1290 rubles. up to RUB 2860

We examined, mainly, theoretical data regarding the solar gas stove. It is very interesting to learn the positive and negative points about such stoves from people who have used them repeatedly. It must be said that reviews about Solyrogaz stoves are ambiguous.

For the most part, reviews about solarogaz stoves are positive. Summer residents, from year to year, using such stoves, argued that solar gas heated the dacha remarkably. These stoves do not need a pipe, for 12-16 hours of burning, one diesel fuel filling is enough - 1.5 - 3 (l), but you need to pay attention to the following points:

- it is best to light up solar gas stoves outdoors and set the adjustment so that there is no soot and smoke;

- the stove needs constant refueling and maintenance;

- good ventilation is necessary.

The solar gas stove, when used in a country house, can be further improved: put a container with water in front of it, then the air will not be dry, and you can also use a small fan, which is installed just above the stove and the heated air quickly accelerates throughout the room.

Some summer residents used solar gas stoves to heat the greenhouse. We were very satisfied. The operation of the greenhouse became available during the cold period. The stove wicks are replaced after a few months of work.

The owner of the tourist (reduced) version of the solar gas stove is delighted. With the help of such a stove, with minimal costs, it is possible to quickly warm up the tent, create comfortable conditions, cook food, dry clothes. Considering the small weight of the stove and its small size, it can always be at hand for those who like to travel with a tent.

Car owners also gave positive feedback on the Solyrogaz stoves. The garage room heats up immediately after the stove is turned on, after a while the stove is in operation, its power has to be reduced, it becomes hot. The stove shows excellent heat dissipation. There is practically no smell and soot from the stove.

Not all reviews about solyrogaz stoves are positive.

There were opinions that the stove smelled strongly of diesel fuel, the wick coked up in a week of work, after 30-40 minutes of work the stove went out and had to be kindled again.

On this occasion, one can only say that the oven was not used fully adjusted. You can give advice on how to use the stove for beginners. It is best to light the stove outdoors, adjust it, fill it with fuel without spilling it, carefully bring it to the place of use, and place it on a flat surface. And to complete the work of the stove also in the open air.

You can buy slaragaz stoves and get qualified information about them in specialized stores. It is cheaper and more profitable to order a stove through online stores, and at the same time, to ensure its delivery to your home.

Reviews about Solyrogaz stoves. Buy diesel stove, oven. Buy a heater working on diesel fuel by mail with delivery in Russia by cash on delivery

Feedback on use

Evgeniya, p. Novaya Ropsha, Leningrad region. We use such a stove. We use it for the greenhouse in the spring with severe frosts. The smell from it is constantly, although the store said that it was only at the beginning. And also, in my greenhouse there are buckets of water as heat accumulators. After the stove runs on water, a gasoline film appears. Our device is adjusted perfectly, but there are these unpleasant little things. I would not use it inside the house.

Alenushka, St. Petersburg. We have such a thing at home. My husband is very pleased with her, just delighted. True, at first there were problems with her, then it burned badly, then something else was wrong, but over time everything worked out. As for me, my husband has problems with charm, she stinks and makes a buzzing sound. But when there is no electricity, it helps a lot.

Alexey Petrovich, Moscow. I use the unit in the kitchen or in the hallway, I don’t leave it at night, so everything functions quite well and brings the cold dacha to a normal and comfortable home. There is a smell, but if you compare it with the summer smells of Moscow - just flowers. There are no difficulties with management. It is only necessary to monitor the filter so that it does not burn out too much, or then unstable work with soot or with yellow fire. Excellent value for money, quality and benefit.

Angelina, Moscow. We have been using the burner for 4 years. She helps out great in May and October. There is, of course, a gas stove, but it warms up the room very slowly. Sometimes we even cook on it. If you count the price, heat and speed of work, then it is simply invaluable during the construction period. This year we will install Bulleryan, but these 4 years it has helped us a lot.

Akhela, Moscow. Maybe in advertising the device can be called a miracle oven. We use it in the change house if necessary, since there is no electricity yet. They even got used to the regulation, but when it works, I feel like a trucker, it seems to me that the smell from the cabin is exactly the same.

Do it yourself

Building a heater yourself is a very costly, time-consuming and labor-intensive process. It justifies itself only when its cost price is lower than the price of factory development.For a miracle oven, this process is unjustified, but everyone decides for himself what is best.

There are several types of diesel fuel heaters.

Gas cylinder heater

For manufacturing you will need:

  1. A seamless cylinder with a wall thickness of less than 1.5 cm.
  2. Chimney pipes with a length of 4 m and a diameter of over 10 cm.
  3. Fuel tank up to 15 liters.
  4. Copper pipes.
  5. Bulgarian and welding machine.
  6. Steel squares.

The process of supplying diesel fuel goes by gravity. It does not require additional elements for heating the air. The combustion source must be at the same height as the circuit. This prevents the furnace from overheating to a fire hazardous temperature.

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. Cut the balloon with a grinder into two even parts. One of them will serve as a cover, the other - a camera.
  2. Weld metal corners to the cameraso as to form the legs.
  3. Make a small hole in the lid with a welding machine for an exhaust pipe with a diameter of 10 cm. The hole should be made at a distance of 15 cm from the edge.
  4. Make a small hole in the caseto be used to adjust the air flow. It will be covered with a special plate.
  5. Measure 10 cm from the place of welding and make a hole 3 mm in diameter at the obtained point. According to this principle, 10 more holes should be made, the last of which will be located at a distance of 0.5 m from the welding point.
  6. Drill a hole in the pipe for a pipe with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 4 m. It should be mounted parallel to the floor and welded well.
  7. To fill the fuel fluid in the cap, do additional hole with a diameter of no more than 8 cm.

Homemade oven
The combustion source must be at the same height as the circuit, this prevents the furnace from overheating to a fire hazardous temperature

Drip stove type

The drip oven is very easy to manufacture. As a rule, it is used to heat a small area of ​​premises.

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. Make a preliminary calculation of the area that will be heated. For example, for a room measuring 3 by 3 meters, a box with parameters 30x30x45 cm will be enough.
  2. For a small stove, you can use a container from a fire extinguisher, for larger sizes, you can use a container of 200 liters.
  3. For a container for diesel fuel, a container with a volume of 2 liters is sufficient, for example, you can use an ordinary medical burner. To connect it, connect the rubber hose of the burner at an angle of 90 degrees to a copper pipe with a small diameter and 1 m long.
  4. The hose should be bent in half and secured with a clamp to fix the stove parts. The adjusting screw should be mounted so that the flow of fluid is dripping.
  5. Instead of a wick, you can use rags soaked in diesel fuel.
  6. Install the door.
  7. Make a hole in the center of the case for the diameter of the copper pipe.
  8. If you plan to use the appliance for cooking, do not mount the tube from the top, but from the side.

Overview of kerosene heaters from different manufacturers

Kerosene heaters of the South Korean brand Kerona are widely represented on the Russian market. For comparison, we will consider several of the most popular models.

This small model is used to heat small spaces, both technical and residential. The unique design of the device makes it possible to use it even for heating a tent without any risk of fire. What makes a device so fireproof?

Design features:

  • it is impossible to accidentally burn yourself on the working chamber due to the installed protective grid;
  • fuel does not flow out of the tank even when the heater accidentally leaps over due to the protection installed on it;
  • no matches are needed for ignition because there is an electrical system;
  • in case of accidental overturning, an automatic damping system is triggered.

Good burning of the wick is ensured by the use of special fiberglass. The top of the appliance can be fitted with a special lid for cooking. The level of heat transfer is regulated by decreasing or increasing the flame. For an hour of operation of the device, only 0.25 liters of kerosene is needed. The volume of the tank is 5.3 liters.

"Kerona" WKH-3300

In addition to all the design features of the previous model, the Kerona WKH-300 kerosene heater has additional features.

  1. First of all, it is a more powerful 7.2 liter tank.
  2. Secondly, there is a special upper reflector that allows you to redirect the heat flow. When installed, heat moves down to the floor, and from there rises, which leads to uniform heating of the room.
  3. Third, the heating elements are made of stainless steel.
  4. Fourthly, there is a double fuel tank, which creates guaranteed protection against fire when overturning.

In addition to South Korean products, Japanese kerosene heaters are widely represented on the Russian market.

Toyotomi RCA 37A

Used for heating small country houses, summer cottages and garage premises. Japanese kerosene heaters differ from South Korean models with a stationary installation. The devices are equipped with a triple safety system and automatic ignition. Fuel consumption per hour of operation is 0.27 liters of kerosene, a tank with a capacity of 4.7 liters. They are used for heating rooms with an area of ​​no more than 38 m2.

Toyotomi Omni 230

If you need to heat a room up to 70 m2, use this particular model. Double wall fuel tank, automatic ignition, extinguishing, temperature regulation and maintenance. Consumes 0.46 liters per hour. fuel, the volume of the tank is 7.5 liters.

Neoclima KO 2.5 and Neoclima KO 3.0

Unlike Toyotomi kerosene heaters, Chinese Neoclima appliances run on diesel and kerosene. Their fuel consumption is small - from 0.25 to 0.27 liters. in hour. With one tank filling, you can heat the room for about 14 hours. The installation of a catalyst flask makes the exhaust of combustion products to a minimum. The device is equipped with an electric ignition from batteries.

Blitz Tips

  1. When buying a miracle oven, opt for a metal type burner. It can be used as a cooking surface. The glass type burner, although more effective, requires special care, if a drop of water gets on the surface, the glass may break.
  2. Monitor the condition of the wick. Its timely replacement and periodic impregnation in kerosene will allow avoiding problems in the operation of the device for a long time.
  3. Be sure to buy a fire extinguisherto quickly eliminate fires and prevent fires.

Correct operation and compliance with fire safety standards when using the miracle oven will allow you to quickly, economically, and most importantly effectively heat the room.

( 2 grades, average 5 of 5 )

