Boiler Breneran Aquaten-Breneran-02, V = 400 m3 b / s (AOTV-14)

For residents of private houses, there is an alternative to traditional types of heating - solid fuel stove equipment, used in places inaccessible for gas connection or as an addition to other types of devices to save energy. The recognized leader among the goods of this class presented on the national market is steel, produced under a Canadian license in Russia, the Breneran ovens, which cause extremely positive feedback from their owners.

Advantages and disadvantages

The easy-to-use Breneran equipment is used for heating houses and baths, industrial premises and hangars. The reason for this popularity is its inherent qualities:

  • high efficiency and cost-effectiveness;
  • autonomy of Breneran's work, regardless of the presence of gas or oil products;
  • as the reviews show, the furnaces function equally well on any type of solid fuel;
  • uniformity of heat distribution throughout the room;
  • compactness and ease of maintenance of the furnace;
  • The efficiency can reach 80%, power regulation is provided.

Numerous reviews confirm the consistency of characteristics when used in buildings for various purposes and stable operation on one tab for 12 hours. Their disadvantages are associated with design features. An open combustion chamber takes air from the room for the combustion process, which leads to its overdrying and the spread of a specific odor. At the same time, droplets of condensate settle on the pipes at Brenerand, since the slow smoldering of the fuel causes the exhaust gas to cool down in the chimney. But at the same time, consumers who left feedback on the operation of the furnaces consider these moments to be insignificant, and to solve the problem of heat loss, when transferring it through pipes to neighboring rooms, it is advised to put a casing.

Outwardly, the stove resembles a drum made of durable steel with thick walls, heat-resistant coating and a set of pipes for quickly heating the air and distributing it evenly throughout the house due to natural convection. The device includes two combustion chambers, from which fuel is burned in the lower one, and the resulting gas is burned out in the upper one. Power regulators are located on the door and in the chimney. Since Breneran is a long-burning stove, the wood in it does not burn, but smolders slowly, which is achieved by setting the gasification mode after the fuel has been pre-ignited.

The room is heated not only due to the transfer of heat from the metal surface of Breneran, but also due to the movement of air heated in the pipes, which, according to reviews, significantly increases the efficiency of the furnace. If it is necessary to heat other rooms, a system of heat distribution ducts is installed.

Customer opinions

“I don't visit my dacha very often, and therefore I didn’t pay for the connection to the gas pipeline, I decided to buy a Breneran wood-burning stove, which I don’t regret. Inexpensive and powerful enough for a small area (I have about 60 m2). They brought it in, installed it quickly, however, I had to tinker a little with the chimney. After turning on the oven for the first time, as it was written in the reviews, an unpleasant smell appeared in the room, but later there were no such problems. Now, having arrived in a cold house before the weekend, I fire it up and it takes less than an hour to warm up. Then I transfer it to the gasification mode and add firewood twice a day. "

“Living in an eco-friendly wooden house and using gas is illogical. My husband and I, after reading reviews about the Aqua Breneran stove, bought a model AOT-16, for which we ordered a casing.It turned out quite stylish and original. Easily connected to water heating pipes, fuel loading is enough for 6-7 hours. Satisfied that almost everything can be thrown into the stove, the husband even used broken furniture. The main thing is that the wood is dry, otherwise condensation flows directly through the chimney. I had to put a jar. I consider it a disadvantage that the design of Breneran does not immediately provide for a container for collecting moisture. "

“I like to take a steam bath, I built a bathhouse and put a stove on. According to the reviews, it most corresponded to my wishes, and the prices for the Breneran bath stoves were quite affordable. Its compact size allows it to be installed in a corner. For my 6.5 m2 of space, one full bookmark is enough to steam up without haste. The temperature rises to 100 ºС quickly enough - in a little more than an hour. I have been using it for almost 2 years. For all the time there were no problems. "

Oleg Mikhailov, Belgorod.

“I set up a workshop in the shed, there are a lot of orders, so last summer I decided to install a stove so that it would be comfortable to work in winter as well. I bought a compact Breneran for 9,000 rubles. I had to cover it with iron sheets on all sides, since I work with wood and am afraid of fire. At first, a lot of soot was collected in the chimney, and it was necessary to clean the chimney almost every week. When I started throwing dry firewood, it became much better. I tried to burn sawdust. They burn well, but they are consumed too quickly. "

Alexander Belinsky, Saratov.

“The chimney for Brenéran was made according to the instructions for the stove, fortunately, both the diameters of the pipes and the desired dimensions are indicated in it in detail. It was run in in the fall, it functioned without failures. With self-installation, it is better to make the chimney a little higher: at a certain direction of the wind, the draft in the stove disappears and smoke appears. When it gets warmer, you will have to lengthen. In addition, black condensate with an unpleasant odor sometimes flows through the pipe, according to experts, this is due to insufficient thermal insulation of the pipes. But all the wood waste from my production went into business. In general, as for the house, I don’t know, but for the utility room, the stove is what you need ”.

“I bought the Breneran with a water circuit in 2013. In the third season of use, problems began, namely - it began to flow from the inside. First, one branch had to be opened, because the leak was inside the furnace, then on the other side the same problem. It is not clear only how the pipes could burn out if there is water in them. But did the metal thin out in the same places on different pipes? the service life is very short. "

The manufacturer offers equipment in several directions, which differ in design features, but uses the general principle of additional convection, which, according to the owners, can save up to 50% of firewood:

1. Gas generator furnaces are the basic version of Breneran products. They are available in both simple and with a hob, additionally providing the possibility of cooking.

2. Equipment for a bath can be used both in the sauna mode and for creating wet steam. It differs in the presence of a compartment in which special stones weighing from 100 to 160 kg are placed, and the technical characteristics of the furnaces for the Breneran bath provide for use in a steam room with a volume of 15 to 25 m3. Models are available both in a conventional metal case and in a grille or cladding.

3. For water heating, Aqua or Aquaten stoves are offered, which provide heating due to the circulation of the heated heat carrier. The breneran is connected to the pipes containing it, the water is heated between the double walls of the furnace and fed to the radiators.

The cost

All Breneran models are presented in the sales outlets of JSC Laotherm and are the best option for heating, as evidenced by their characteristics and prices:

Namepower, kWtRoom volume, m3Weight, kgChimney diameter, mmMinimum price, rubles

Hot water heating stoves

The indisputable advantage of such products is the ease of installation, which can be done independently and includes several stages, at which it is necessary:

  1. Choose a place at a distance of at least 1 m from fire-hazardous surfaces and walls, closer to the chimney, and if a furnace with a Breneran water circuit is located, then provide a connection to the water heating pipes.
  2. Prepare a foundation made of non-combustible materials - brick or stone. Place a metal sheet in front of the device. The walls closest to the furnace are insulated with non-combustible materials.
  3. The chimney must be straight, made of brick, concrete or metal, with openings for cleaning, closed with cast iron hatches. It is imperative to seal all the cracks tightly and provide for thermal insulation of the pipe to reduce the formation of condensation.
  4. It is important that the Breneran chimney rises above the ridge of the roof by at least 0.3 m, which, according to reviews, will make it possible to improve the draft in the stove.
  5. The installation of the structure should be carried out exactly in accordance with the diagram provided in the instructions.

If you have doubts about your ability to assemble the stove without mistakes, it is better to seek the help of a specialist. Only a properly connected Breneran will provide comfortable warmth in the house with low fuel costs.

Here you will find out:

Wood-burning heating units are not famous for their high efficiency. Developers are working hard to make stoves more efficient and capable of heating multiple rooms at once. This is how the Buleryan furnace with a water circuit was born.

It is a modernized version of the air oven of the same name, repeating its design. Only instead of air, it heats the coolant circulating through the system.

Design and principle of operation

In order to understand how the Buleryan furnace with a water circuit is arranged and how it works, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of the original furnace. She originally appeared in Canada. The purpose of its construction is to create a highly efficient unit capable of heating rooms in a harsh climate in a matter of minutes. So the Buleryan furnace was born, initially without a water circuit. It is a kind of long-burning pyrolysis stove with a built-in convector.

The Buleryan furnace without a water circuit is a barrel-shaped structure with pipes sticking out at the bottom and top. These pipes go around the combustion chamber from all sides, forming a productive convector capable of passing through itself up to several cubic meters of air per hour. Within half an hour after the initial ignition, the room becomes noticeably warmer. In addition to the air convector, the unit design contains:

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

Even if this type of stove does not differ in particular grace, it copes with its direct duties perfectly.

  • An impressive combustion chamber - a large amount of firewood is placed in it, which guarantees a long burning;
  • Internal partition for the formation of the afterburner - here the afterburning of pyrolysis products takes place;
  • Loading door with a throttle valve - through it firewood is loaded and ash is unloaded;
  • Chimney - combustion products are removed through it.

Buleryan wood-burning stoves with water circuits can be equipped with economizers. The final selection of heat is carried out in them and the accumulation and afterburning of gaseous products that have not burned out in the unit itself is carried out.

The principle of operation of the Buleryan furnace is very simple. Since it is the most ordinary pyrolysis unit, the combustion of fuel is carried out with a minimum access of oxygen to the main chamber - the throttle valve on the loading door is responsible for this. The maximum release of heat is produced in the afterburner, where the combustion products formed in the first chamber are burned out. The resulting heat is released into the heated rooms.

If an ordinary stove like a potbelly stove heats due to thermal radiation from its body, then Buleryan heats without a water circuit due to convection. Here, pipes of a sufficiently large diameter are used, completely enclosing the combustion chamber. The air passing through them heats up to a temperature of + 100-120 degrees and enters the rooms. This scheme provides very fast heating of the premises.

Features of Buleryan furnaces without water circuits:

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

It is the special metal pipes surrounding the combustion chamber that determine such an unusual appearance and high efficiency of the furnace.

  • High efficiency - it reaches 80%;
  • The possibility of heating several rooms at once - for this, air ducts with wiring throughout the premises are organized;
  • Original construction with interesting industrial design;
  • Prompt heating due to the powerful convection effect;
  • Low case temperature during operation - ensures safe operation.

Buleryan stoves are manufactured by many manufacturers. They have minor structural differences, but in general they are arranged in about the same way.

Models with a water circuit

Traditional Buleryan stoves, not equipped with water circuits, can be adapted to heat several rooms. To do this, heat chambers are created around them with gratings for intake of cold air and air ducts for dissipating heat in other rooms. This scheme is characterized by exceptional simplicity and allows you to easily organize full-fledged heating of a multi-room building.

The water circuit is a more efficient solution for heating multi-room houses and other buildings. Water cools down much more slowly than air, due to its high heat capacity. A large number of radiators can be connected to the water circuit, and using circulation pumps, it is easy to implement a scheme with long pipelines. Let's see how Buleryan works with a water circuit and how it works.

Aqua Buleryan is a slightly modified version of the traditional air oven. We have already said that curved pipes surround its combustion chamber, forming an efficient convector. By working for a short time with a welding machine, these pipes turn into a giant heat exchanger. To do this, all the lower pipes are welded together, forming a manifold, to which the supply (return) pipe is welded. The same is done with the upper pipes, from which the outlet pipe departs - here is the heat exchange system for you.

The resulting Buleryan boiler on wood with a water circuit, according to user reviews, has a lot of advantages:

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

This arrangement provides the best smoke extraction. In addition, to improve the characteristics of the draft, a deflector is installed on the head of the chimney.

  • Effective heating of several rooms - these are suburban households and multi-room summer cottages;
  • High heating rate - an efficient water circuit with a large heat exchanger is responsible for this;
  • There is no need to often throw up firewood - the long burning system eliminates many tedious approaches.

Thus, Buleryan furnaces with water circuits have good technical characteristics.

The principle of operation of Buleryan furnaces with a water circuit

The Buleryan stove with a water circuit can be purchased ready-made or assembled independently using a traditional air unit. To make a homemade version, it is necessary to build circuits for the supply and return pipes. After that, we install the unit in a regular place - we mount it on a powerful non-combustible base, connect the chimney. We lay a heating system around the house.

The heating system itself can be of any type - with natural or forced circulation. In the first case, pipes are laid with a slight slope to ensure normal circulation of the coolant. In the second case, the pipes are mounted strictly horizontally, since the circulation pump will be responsible for pumping the coolant. Also, the system can be open or closed - at the choice of the consumer.

Consumer feedback on the radiation protection of the oven

brehran stove disadvantages

Buyers are advised to additionally use leather by performing a unifying manifold. Only then can the pipes be laid. On the market, such products are not offered ready-made, they must be made by hand or to order.

In the role of a casing for thermal insulation, you can use the material with which the collector is wrapped on sports cars; it can be purchased in stores of relevant goods. It does not matter what model of the stove you have purchased, it should be melted by laying firewood for the entire volume of the firebox, this recommendation is perhaps the only one that should be followed when operating the stove.

Disadvantages of Buleryan furnaces with water circuits

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

Compact Buleryan definitely cannot be called. To install it, you will need a lot of space, moreover, it cannot be placed right next to the wall.

In terms of heating the premises, Buleryan stoves with water circuits have no drawbacks - they efficiently burn fuel, emitting maximum heat from it. The ambush lies in the cleaning of ash - it is not very convenient to remove it, since the system often lacks an ash pan. All charred pieces of fuel must be removed through the loading chamber. In addition, Buleryan ovens are quite pot-bellied, so they need a lot of space to install.

Popular models of Buleryan stoves

There are not so many heating stoves Buleryan with water circuits. Their main assortment is represented by domestic units from the Breneran Buleryan brand.

Aquatan AOTV-19

A typical example is the powerful Breneran Aquathen AOTV-19 furnace. It can operate on a wide variety of solid fuels, with the exception of coal. One bookmark of firewood is enough for burning for 12 hours. The scope of its application is heating suburban households and premises for other purposes. The device is made of steel, its thermal power is 19 kW, which is enough to heat rooms up to 190 sq. m. The price varies between 52-55 thousand rubles.


Buleryan AQUA-Siberia are furnaces with water circuits, presented in three versions with a capacity of 19, 27 or 35 kW. The volume heated by them is up to 1000 cubic meters. The units are made of steel and can operate for up to 20 years. The approximate warm-up time is only 40-50 minutes, and one bookmark of firewood is enough for 7-8 hours of burning. Sawdust, wood chips, euro wood or briquettes can be used as fuel. The main advantage of the model is its excellent rounded design.

Aqua Breneran

Aqua-Breneran is a Buleryan combined stove equipped with a water and air circuit. It heats not only the rooms with hot water heating radiators installed in them, but also the room in which she stands herself. The maximum heated cubic capacity is 600 cubic meters. m, burning time on one tab is up to 9 hours. The stove can operate on any type of fuel, but it is not recommended to burn coal in it - there is a high probability that its metal will simply burn out. The manufacturer is the Breneran company.

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

The Buleryan stove with a water circuit is the optimal solution for heating a residential building with several floors with several rooms. The unit is connected to an existing heating system. Heat begins to flow into the rooms almost immediately after kindling.

Heating stove Breneran Aquaten: reviews of owners and types of models

Furnaces Breneran-Akwaten differ in their variety and each consumer can choose exactly what he needs specifically.

The most common models are:

  1. AOTV-6 is a light and compact stove that can heat a room up to 100 cubic meters. see. On one tab it can burn for 8 hours. It is made in black and should only stand near the wall. The cheapest model, as it does not have any additional functions.
  2. AOTV-11 - can heat a room of 200 cubic meters. see Burns for 10 hours on one mortgage. Slightly more expensive than the previous one.
  3. AOTV-14 is a more powerful model. Heats an area of ​​400 cubic meters. cm. One firebox is enough for 10 hours.
  4. AOTV-16 is a large and heavy stove. But at the same time it can burn for almost 12 hours and it is capable of heating a room with an area of ​​up to 600 cubic meters. cm.
  5. AOTV-19 is the most powerful and efficient furnace. It can also burn for 12 hours and heat a room with an area of ​​up to 1000 cubic meters. see The most expensive boiler in this series.

When choosing a stove, you should pay attention to its characteristics: you don't need to buy an expensive and powerful boiler to heat a small house.

Opinions of the owners of the Breneran-Aquatin ovens:

  1. Kirill. For the summer residence I bought a Breneran stove. She suited me perfectly for the price and power. There were no problems with the installation. Except that I had to tinker a little with the chimney. After I turned on the stove for the first time, a specific smell appeared, but then it disappeared and I didn't feel anything like that again. It takes less than an hour to ignite, it fills well. I am satisfied.
  2. Katerina. My husband and I bought a Breneran-Akwaten stove for their wooden house. They easily connected it to pipes and began to use it. I liked that the cauldron turned out to be "omnivorous". We even used the remains of old furniture. The main thing is that the material is dry. I did not like the appearance of condensation. It is bad that there is no special container for collecting this liquid.
  3. Andrey. I bought a Breneran stove for my workshop, covered it with sheets of iron, just in case, so that there was no fire. I am satisfied with everything, however, at first there was a lot of soot in the chimney. I had to clean it very often. When I started using dry wood, the problem practically disappeared.

The principle of operation of the Breneran Aquaten furnace

Heating boilers Buleryan (Breneran) with a water circuit, in their design, are not much different from traditional equipment using the principle of air convection. The design includes pipes surrounding the combustion chamber. The principle of gas generation or pyrolysis is used. The main difference is that a liquid heat carrier circulates through the pipes, instead of air.

Breneran long-burning boilers with a water circuit work as follows:

  1. A special collector is mounted on the convection pipes from above and below.
  2. On the lower collector there is a branch for the return, on the upper one for supplying the coolant.
  3. During the furnace, the coolant heats up, which creates pressure in the heating system, which allows natural circulation, as well as the rise of liquid to a height of 8 m. The coolant flows through pipes to the heating devices located in the rooms.
  4. After cooling down, the coolant flows back through the return to the boiler to the pipes connected to the lower pressure header.

At the same time, Buleryan water boilers use the principle of gas generation or pyrolysis, which makes it possible to use the gas produced in the process of burning solid fuel. There are two combustion chambers in the design. In one, firewood is burned, in the second, afterburning of gases.

After heating the combustion chamber to the required temperature, the boiler is transferred to the gas generation mode. During gas generation, the fuel does not burn, but literally smolders, which increases the autonomous operation from one bookmark, while maintaining the heat transfer coefficient at the level of conventional wood burning.

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

Advantages of the Breneran oven

The range of application of this heating agent is quite wide.Breneran can be used both for domestic purposes - from quickly heating a country house to cooking, and as a powerful source of heat with the connection of a water heating system. Also, the extended functionality of this stove allows it to heat not only a Russian bath, but also a Finnish sauna with the creation of an atmosphere of dry heat.

Its positive qualities can be characterized as follows:

  • Use for work of any type of solid fuel.
  • Good efficiency up to 80% in compliance with all installation rules.
  • Control of both the heating temperature and the duration of fuel combustion.
  • Full autonomy during operation.
  • Fast and even heat distribution.

Stove types Aqua Breneran

Boiler manufacturer Aquatan Breneran, JSC "Laotherm", has developed and produced several basic modifications of gas-generating furnaces with a water circuit. The advantage of the models is high efficiency, the presence of an electric heating element, which allows you to continue heating the room after all solid fuel has burned out.

If necessary, the stove is supplemented with an indirect heating boiler, which provides the required amount of hot water.

The model range of Russian-made solid fuel gas generating furnaces of Breneran Aquatan is represented by the following modifications:

  • AOTV 19 is one of the most productive models in the line. Suitable for heating industrial and domestic premises. The design provides an anti-freeze system. Breneran Aquathen AOTV 19 has a powerful ability to heat buildings with a total volume of up to 1000 m³. The efficiency is 70%, and one bookmark of firewood is enough for autonomous operation for 6-10 hours. The weight of the structure, with an empty combustion chamber, is 350 kg, which requires preliminary fabrication of the foundation for installing the furnace.
  • Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews
    AOTV 16 is a model significantly inferior in performance to the previous series. A wood-fired boiler Buleryan with a water circuit AOTV 16 is capable of heating a room with a total volume of 600 m³. The mass of the structure with an empty combustion chamber is not more than 320 kg. The model is optimally suited for industrial or warehouse premises, showrooms, cottage and country houses.

  • AOTV 14 is a modification that is optimally suited for heating living quarters. The technical characteristics of Breneran Aquathen AOTV 14 are as follows: weight 250 kg, capacity calculated for heating 400 m³, length and width does not exceed one meter. If necessary, the oven can be faced with brickwork or covered with a protective cover.
  • AOTV 11 is a lightweight version of a gas generator furnace. The weight of the structure is only 150 kg, it can be installed without special production of a concrete base. The set includes legs to ensure stability of the oven. The maximum heated volume of the room is not more than 200 m³.
  • AOTV 06 is a model in the series of Breneran heat generators with the lowest power. Productivity is enough for only 100 m³, practically for one room with 30-40 m². The weight of the equipment is only 86 kg, which greatly facilitates the installation and installation of the Aqua Breneran AOTB 06 furnace.

How much is Breneran Aquathen

The cost of the Breneran Aquathen stove is slightly higher than that of models without a water jacket and depends on the type of model and its power.

  • AOTV 06 - will cost 16,200 rubles.
  • AOTV 11 - for this model you will have to pay 23 800 rubles.
  • AOTV 14 - the cost will be 27,400 rubles.
  • AOTV 16 and 19 - 45 and 55 thousand rubles will have to be paid for semi-industrial models. respectively.

Reviews of some ovens "Breneran"

brehran gas generator furnace

The "Breneran" stove, the disadvantages of which are also expressed in a meager assortment, is offered for sale in different sizes. For example, the Aquatan variety, according to buyers, can be used to prepare a large volume of water and heat all rooms in a bath using a coolant.

The efficiency of such a design reaches 70%, but on one tab of fuel, the design is ready to work up to 12 hours. Such a gas generating furnace "Breneran" consists of two combustion chambers, the first is responsible for combustion, the other is for gasification. There are two regulators, one of them is located on the flue pipe, while the other is on the door and is responsible for adjusting the power.

Users especially emphasize that this stove is capable of heating water quite quickly, because the pipes are hidden 2/3 of the length. On sale you can find another gas generator furnace, which passes 4.5 m3 per minute. It does not heat up like an ordinary potbelly stove, which customers like.

In general, according to users, the described furnaces differ not only in compact size, but also in high power. With their help, even neighboring rooms can be heated, which does not interfere with their small dimensions. In principle, any stove, such as Aqua Breneran, can warm up the room within a short time, so it will be possible to take bath procedures in half an hour. Not so much firewood is required for this. The ovens are installed quite simply, you can carry out such work yourself, manipulation will not cause much trouble.

Features and installation methods of Breneran Aquathen

As already noted, the design of the stove allows you to use any options for connecting water heating. Operation of the device in systems with forced and natural circulation of the coolant is allowed.

When carrying out installation work, the rules of the PPB are taken into account regarding the installation of the stove and the connection of the smoke exhaust system, especially closed and open systems. Performance and heat transfer are influenced by the type of boiler piping and the heat carrier used.

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

Fire safety requirements

Installation of a smoke exhaust system

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

Detailed information on pipe selection and PPB standards is found in this article.

Connection to a natural circulation system

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

Strict requirements are imposed on the piping of a natural circulation heating system with respect to observance of the angles of inclination.

Connection to a forced circulation system

The main difference from the previous version is that a circulation pump is needed for a closed-type heating system. Forced circulation of the coolant has many advantages, including better heat transfer, efficiency and heating speed. The only drawback is dependence on electricity.

The installation of a forced circulation heating system is carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • The circulation pump is installed on the return flow of the heating medium, between the expansion tank and the boiler. It is recommended to install a temperature sensor to regulate the operation of the boiler, depending on the intensity of heating and the pressure created in a closed system.
  • The connection is made with a closed expansion tank. Air does not enter the heating system, which has a positive effect on the service life of pipes, radiators and the boiler itself.
  • For smooth operation of the pump, you will need to install a UPS with a built-in voltage stabilizer.

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews

What pipes are better for strapping

The piping of the boiler affects the further operation, performance and other characteristics of the heating system. The choice of material should be approached consciously. Below are the three most popular options:

  • Tying the heating system with steel pipes - the advantages include resistance to overheating, low linear expansion, strength and high thermal conductivity. The disadvantages include the complexity of installation, the need for welding. Installation is best done before renovating the premises, so as not to spoil the finish.Another disadvantage can be considered that the diameter of the pipe of the water circuit will be much larger than that of polypropylene or metal-plastic, respectively, a furnace of greater power will be required for heating.
  • Heating pipes made of polypropylene - the material has many advantages: low weight, long service life, heat resistance, attractive appearance, smooth inner surface. You can lay heating pipes around the house yourself. This will require a soldering iron and a few construction tools.
  • Reinforced-plastic pipes are another option for a material intended for a heating system. The advantage of metal-plastic is: quick installation, not susceptible to corrosion, high temperature resistance, plasticity. The disadvantage is that the pipe is prone to kinking. Reinforced-plastic pipes are used for the installation of heating systems with forced circulation of the coolant. Permitted for use in an industrial environment.

Heating can be done using copper, stainless steel and other pipes. But, as practice shows, the options listed above are the most popular.

What coolant is better to fill in Breneran and the system

Regular and distilled water, antifreeze are used as a heat carrier. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews
    Water - the main disadvantage is the ability of the liquid to freeze even at a temperature of -1 ° C. Consequently, distilled and regular water is used only if it is planned to heat the house throughout the season. It is strictly forbidden to fill in water saturated with metals. For long-term operation of the oven, it is recommended to install a water treatment and a filtration system.

  • Antifreeze or antifreeze can be added to the system. The heating system will not freeze even if the room temperature drops below 15-20 ° C. But using antifreeze has its drawbacks. Any leaking connection is bound to leak. The total volume of the heating medium in the heating system often reaches more than 150 liters. Buying antifreeze requires a serious investment.

It is quite easy to independently calculate the volume of the coolant - for calculations you will need to know the power of the furnace, the number and volume of radiators.

Tips and rules for the operation of the Breneran Aquaten boiler

Feedback from the owners of Breneran Aquathen ovens shows that from time to time questions arise related to the operation of devices and concerning the following:

  1. What measures will help prevent frosting of the contour?
  2. Is it possible to increase the efficiency and heat transfer of the boiler if it does not heat well?
  3. How to properly drown Aquatan?
  4. Is the oven allowed to be installed outdoors?

Correct connection to batteries, adherence to operating rules, increase the heat transfer of the system and the service life.

How to prevent the circuit from defrosting

To prevent the coolant from freezing in the system, an electric heating element with a capacity of 1 kW is provided. After connecting the stove to the mains, the installed sensor will give a signal to turn on the heater when the temperature drops to the minimum permissible values.

Of course, the best protection against freezing is to completely drain the heating medium from the heating system. After removing the liquid, the furnace and pipes will withstand a temperature drop of over -50 ° C. The heating element is an additional insurance.

Why does the water Breneran do not heat well?

Typically, Breneran does a good job of heating residential and industrial premises. If there are problems with heating, there may be several reasons:

  • Installation errors - if the stove smokes, does not go into gas generation mode, the reason lies in the insufficient height of the chimney.
  • The installation height of the Buleryan water heating boiler is 40-50 cm from the floor level. Failure to comply with this parameter leads to an insufficient volume of oxygen entering the combustion chamber and, accordingly, a decrease in the productivity of the furnace.
  • Incorrect calculations - the real power of Breneran is 10-15% lower than indicated in the technical documentation. This difference must be taken into account during the calculations.
  • The number of connected radiators in systems with natural circulation of the coolant directly affects the intensity of their heat transfer. The farther the battery is from the oven, the less it heats up. The last radiators, especially when the slopes are violated, will be practically cold.

Before starting operation, you will need to correctly adjust the Breneran Aquathen, set the parameters and temperature of heating the coolant. All adjustments should be made following the guidance provided in the technical documentation.

How to properly drown Aquathen Breneran

Aqua breran with a water circuit reviews
At first, it seems that it is quite difficult to heat Breneran on your own, but with some practice, it will become easier to heat the room. The principle of kindling is as follows:

  • The power regulator and gasifier are set to the maximum open position.
  • Fire is kindled with wood chips and paper.
  • After the fire has flared up, the combustion chamber is filled to 80-90%.
  • The furnace continues until the temperature sensor shows heating to 180-200 ° C, approximately 20 minutes.
  • Regulator - the gasifier is closed at least 45 °.

It is better to use non-chopped logs for kindling. The length of the firewood should correspond to the combustion chamber so that the door closes tightly without effort. It is not necessary to remove ash, it is necessary for normal fuel gasification.

Forum: fireplaces, stoves, chimneys

Forum fireplaces stoves chimneys created for people planning to install a stove or fireplace in an apartment, house or country house. The forum contains information about various types of heat generating installations, chimneys and chimneys in order to collect feedback on their work. The experience of those who have already put (installed) bake or a fireplace is truly priceless for those who are just planning to do so. On the forum, you can create topics describing the type of stove or fireplace, as well as post reviews on topics: reviews of the stove, reviews of fireplaces, reviews of chimneys. Welcome to: forum fireplaces, furnace forum, chimneys forum!

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brick ovens3113219.11.2017, 17:05 Topic:
Russian, Dutch ovens.
metal ovens
forum about furnaces made of metal and cast iron
- subforums:
495124.9.2018, 14:36 Topic:
sauna stoves



ForumTopicsRepliesLast message
brick chimneys
forum about brick chimneys
11691.4.2019, 12:17 Topic:
Chimney cleaning
chimney sweep
chimneys made of stainless steel and ceramics
forum about stainless steel and ceramic chimneys
2811918.2.2020, 12:52 Topic:
Installation of a chimney from a barbecue 3 ...
chimney sweep
chimney maintenance
Chimney cleaning and repair
84113.6.2019, 17:58 Topic:
chimney cleaning, smoke cleaning ...



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brick fireplaces
forum about brick fireplaces
187122.8.2018, 15:03 Topic:
need good advice from a specialist in ...
prefabricated fireplaces
forum about prefabricated fireplaces and ready-made fireplace portals
118728.2.2020, 8:40 Topic:
fireplace installation
electric, alcohol and gas fireplaces
forum about electric, alcohol and gas fireplaces
119126.4.2020, 14:22 Topic:
Biofireplace fuel

Chimney sweep forum

Chimney sweep forum

ForumTopicsRepliesLast message
about chimney sweep
The cultural heritage of the profession came to us from Europe, but was developed due to the high need for services among the population
41121.2.2017, 17:14 Topic:
chimney sweep tool
chimney sweep
Questions to the chimney sweep
Chimney sweep and get a competent answer
157919.8.2018, 9:00 Topic:
How to get rid of the soot smell?
Cleaning ventilation systems
Cleaning ventilation is a fairly large and financially interesting scope of work for a professional chimney sweep
1218.2.2020, 12:50 Topic:
Cleaning ventilation
chimney sweep

Stove repair, fireplace repair, chimney repair

Stove repair, fireplace repair, chimney repair

ForumTopicsRepliesLast message
repair of stoves, fireplaces and chimneys
Discussion of issues related to the repair of stoves, fireplaces and chimneys
138231.1.2018, 20:44 Topic:
The oven does not heat

Antique fireplaces, antique stoves

Antique fireplaces, antique stoves

ForumTopicsRepliesLast message
Antique fireplaces, antique stoves
You can breathe the air of antiquity on the forum about antique fireplaces and stoves.
3412413.9.2018, 18:53 Topic:
looking for a tiled stove, fireplace

Furnace materials

Furnace materials

ForumTopicsRepliesLast message
materials for facing stoves and fireplaces
Beauty will save the world, but while it does, let's make our stoves and fireplaces beautiful.
51514.7.2017, 15:35 Topic:
Bbq bricks

Ratings and votes

Ratings and votes

ForumTopicsRepliesLast message
vote for chimneys
11929.4.2014, 10:56 Topic:
Vote for the chimney
vote for stoves
51221.2.2017, 17:21 Topic:
Stove made of talcum powder or tal ...
chimney sweep

Stove-maker's Dictionary

Stove-maker's Dictionary

ForumTopicsRepliesLast message
Stove and chimney sweep dictionary
terms, names and slang used in stove and chimney
5168.6.2016, 22:03 Topic:

Helpful information

Helpful information

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catalog of completed works
Section for professionals. In which there are photographs of the work performed on the laying and installation of stoves and fireplaces.
61010.12.2019, 18:32 Topic:
Where to buy good building materials ...
stove makers blacklist
The forum contains information about stove-makers who do not perform well or cheat people
502.2.2017, 18:17 Topic:
The stove operator got an advance and ran away!
horror stories
horror stories associated with the operation of various heating systems
51319.5.2020, 0:20 Topic:

Bench stoves

Bench stoves

ForumTopicsRepliesLast message
stove benches71024.2.2020, 13:26 Topic:
Putin's resignation!
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