Oil-fired boilers for heating with diesel fuel and waste oil

Heading: For a bath, For a summer residence, Heating, Stoves Published 04/12/2019 · Comments: · To read: 7 min

With the onset of winter, the temperature in private houses significantly decreases, so the owners of such housing should take care of heating in advance. There is a large assortment of various units on the market: some of them are able to warm up a room in a few hours and save money. A good alternative is a waste oil unit - the unit can be home-made, made according to diagrams and drawings. The working product does not depend on gas or electricity, and also provides fast and efficient heating of rooms.

Photo: Furnace on working off

Waste Oil Furnace: Operation

Before purchasing such a design, it is recommended to understand the principle of operation. Whether factory installed or DIY, the operation will be the same:

  • the device consists of several tanks - upper and lower, which are connected by a perforated pipe;
  • the shape of the tanks is often represented by a cylinder or rectangle;
  • the design is such that the upper container is slightly offset relative to the lower container;
  • the device has a chimney, an afterburner, a damper, legs, as well as a nozzle, a control panel and instructions can be included in the kit;
  • works by pyrolysis combustion of heavy fuel - the lower tank is half filled with the mixture, then ignition occurs with gasoline or solvent;
  • gasoline burns, fuel heats up, rises with vapors, heat supply begins.

The efficiency of the process can be adjusted with a damper, the oil consumption during the operation of this safe unit is 2 liters per hour at maximum heating and 0.5 liters per hour while maintaining the temperature.

Photo: Furnace on working off

How to heat with used oil

In order to avoid any emergencies during operation, it is recommended to observe all precautions during the heating of the unit. For example, do not leave the product in a draft, and it is also undesirable to place other objects near the device.

Expert opinion

Igor Lebedev

Expert of our site. More than 10 years in the furnace business. He has implemented dozens of different projects. Helps to make the content of our site interesting and useful!

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Important! If the rules are not followed during firing, condensate formed from evaporation can fall down. An installation operating on an oil mixture, in this case, may malfunction due to the formation of an explosive mixture inside the container.

It is advisable to use only a technical mixture for fuel, the unit heats up in 5 minutes. Liquid is poured into the lower tank for 2/3 of the tank, then a little gasoline or 20-30 grams of solvent is added. Using a wire and a wick, gently ignite the mixture and wait until it warms up. The principle of operation involves the formation of a stable flame, which is fed with oxygen. In versions with blowing, the combustion intensity is adjusted faster.

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Heating devices are great for garage, greenhouse, home, car service. There are also industrial options on sale that are used for heating industrial premises and spacious warehouses. The most efficient device schemes allow you to heat a room to a comfortable temperature in a short period of time.

Do-it-yourself furnace for working off

Many types of burner can be found in heating stores, but some craftsmen prefer to make their own installation. It can be put in the garage, and it will delight the owner with a comfortable temperature at any time of the year. The operation scheme of the product remains the same, in this case it is important to decide on the material, tools and type of mini-oven being made.

Photo: Burner at working off

How to make a waste oil oven: a combined option

Did you make the oven on working off with your own hands?

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The most common way to make such a stove with your own hands is to use the combined type. It implies a stove for working off and wood - in such a situation, heat efficiency increases, there are no complex units and the manufacturing process is clear to a beginner. The unit will consist of the following parts:

  • primary combustion chamber;
  • fuel supply holes;
  • secondary combustion chamber;
  • protective casing.

To remake a wood-burning stove for a combined type, it is enough to make a special attachment to the stove. Parts are made of galvanized steel; you can also use an old gas cylinder for cutting cylindrical tanks. This method is considered the most affordable, as it requires a minimum investment. Many are interested in what fuel consumption will be in this design: less fluid will be consumed - 1 liter per hour due to the use of firewood.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main and main advantage is that it uses spent fuel and oils that would otherwise have to be disposed of. With the observance of technology, the combustion is so complete that practically no harmful emissions into the atmosphere occur. The rest of the pluses are no less significant:

  • simple construction;
  • high efficiency;
  • low cost of equipment and fuel;
  • works on any oils, organic, synthetic, vegetable origin;
  • content of up to 10% of pollutants is allowed.

There are also serious disadvantages. And the main thing is that if the technology is not observed, the combustion of fuel does not occur completely. And his vapors get into the room, and this is very dangerous. Therefore, the main and main requirement: stoves operating on waste oil are installed exclusively in rooms with a ventilation system.

For comparison: this is a waste oil boiler with an inflatable burner. The technology is different, like the design (more in the video almost at the end of the article)
For comparison: this is a waste oil boiler with an inflatable burner. The technology is different, like the design (more in the video almost at the end of the article)

There are also disadvantages:

  • to ensure good draft, the chimney must be straight and high - at least 5 meters;
  • requires regular cleaning of the bowl and chimney - daily;
  • problem ignition: you first need to heat the bowl, then supply fuel;
  • hot water options are possible, but their independent design is a difficult task - you cannot greatly lower the temperature in the combustion zone, otherwise the whole process will fall apart (as an option, install a water jacket on the chimney, here it certainly will not interfere with the disintegration of the fuel).

Read more: DIY geothermal heating of a country house

Because of these features, such units are rarely used for heating residential buildings. If they are put on, then in separate rooms and in a modified form.

Supercharged: manufacturing nuances

Photo: Furnace on working off with pressurization

One of the heating schemes is the use of pressurization to improve performance. A special fan is used here, which blows air inside. Then the vapors are enriched with oxygen, more intensive combustion occurs in the upper chamber. For manufacturing, any closed-type vessel is used, as well as a pipe with holes made on the side. The fan is installed at the top of the device.

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After pouring the mixture, as well as lighting the flame, it is necessary to turn on the fan, which will blow air. The fan additionally blows on the hot surface from the inside. In such a system, it would be appropriate to make an automatic fuel supply.

Gas cylinder oven

The scheme of the furnace for working out from a propane cylinder

An equally simple method of manufacturing is the construction from an oxygen cylinder or from a propane cylinder. To get started, prepare a drill, tape measure, grinder, file, as well as the iron corners of a tube made of material at least 2 mm thick. A 10 liter container for fuel will also come in handy.

Expert opinion

Igor Lebedev

Expert of our site. More than 10 years in the furnace business. He has implemented dozens of different projects. Helps to make the content of our site interesting and useful!

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Advice! Before using the gas cylinder, it must be thoroughly cleaned of product residues.

The manufacturing process looks like this:

  1. Fix the balloon in the ground and cut the top off with a grinder - it will serve as a lid in the future.
  2. Also cut off the lower part - it will serve as a camera.
  3. Weld the iron corners to the bottom - these will be the legs.
  4. Make a hole at the top of the cylinder and attach a pipe - this will be the chimney.
  5. The pipe must be at least 10 cm in diameter and at least 4 meters long.
  6. Perforate the pipe with holes 10 cm apart.
  7. Weld the horizontal part to the vertical pipe, it will divert the smoke to the side.

The essence of the work is similar to the functioning of Babington systems, when the nozzle is powered by diesel fuel. This design is also called a pyrolysis oven.

Drip oven

Photo: Drip-type furnace

Stable and safe operation will be ensured by the drip feed of used oil. They are made from old cylinders, as well as metal sheets. The product is made according to the type of closed combustion, since in the open version the fuel can ignite, which will lead to a dangerous situation.

The design is similar to a conventional mining installation, only a small reservoir is mounted on top, which supplies the resource drip. The thermal power of the device does not exceed 12-14 kW, and the heat transfer increases due to the timely supply of liquid.

Factory options

Stoves operating on waste oil are made not only by the artisanal method, they are also produced by industry. Moreover, there are both imported and Russian. But the type of construction they have is different.

European or American mining boilers belong to the category of liquid fuel furnaces. They use the principle of pressurization: oil is sprayed into small droplets, combined with an air stream. And already the fuel-air mixture is ignited. Imported factory furnaces use the same principle, only a special burner is installed in which the fuel is heated before spraying.

To appreciate the difference in technology and structure, watch the following video. The device is completely different.

In most Russian-made stoves, the first principle is used - there is a hot (plasma) bowl in which liquid fuel is converted into gaseous fuel, mixed with air and burned. The following units are built on this principle:

Oven with a water circuit

Photo: A working furnace with a water circuit

A good option for a boiler furnace is with a water circuit. A special heat exchanger is added inside, which heats the liquid during operation. Double-circuit water installations can completely heat a residential building or industrial premises. The system is filled with antifreeze, and a circulation pump is also connected to it. A removable cover for cleaning soot can be provided at the top. The lower combustion chamber must have a different axis with the upper chamber.Water structures must have a tank to heat it.

Expert opinion

Igor Lebedev

Expert of our site. More than 10 years in the furnace business. He has implemented dozens of different projects. Helps to make the content of our site interesting and useful!

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Important! What to do when a waste oil stove burns poorly? In this case, you can reduce the heat capacity to allow the liquid to warm up.

What materials and tools are needed?

Any master with the skills of working with a welding machine can easily and quickly make a furnace with his own hands. First you need to make a blank of materials, referring to the drawings of the waste oil furnace.

The scheme of the stove for testing

Acting on such detailed instructions on how to make a stove, it remains only to assemble the prepared parts. To complete the work, you will need a standard set of tools and accessories:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • a set of locksmith tools;
  • measuring devices.

After the assembly is over, it is imperative to check the tightness of both containers and the quality of the welds, since over time, mining can seep through the smallest pores and defects. It is quite easy to perform this operation on your own, there are many methods. You can soap the joints, and supply compressed air inside the tanks, or smear the seams with kerosene and visually identify defects.

To heat a medium-sized room, the power of the oil oven needs to be increased, the design described above will not be enough. Using this method, the power cannot be increased indefinitely, but still there are options. For example, a furnace equipped with two afterburning chambers, a retractable firebox and a separate fuel tank, as shown below:

Do-it-yourself furnace for working off

List of popular oven models

The high demand for installations operating with testing generates offers on the market. Belamos, made in Germany and Russia, can boast of good quality products. You can also highlight the following options for efficient heating:

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Emelya - a heating coil at working off with a power consumption of 40 W, capable of heating up to 200 square meters;

Teplamos nt 612 - positioned as a garage and suitable for small spaces;

Heat 25 - suitable for air heating with hot steam;

Master wa 33 - used for heating industrial premises;

Polarus - units from the Polarus company have the function of power regulation from 20 to 60 kW;

Euronord at 306 - drip design with a radial blower;

Typhoon - heater for garages, car services and workshops, heat output is from 4 kW to 15 kW;

Herringbone - suitable for heating small rooms;

Thermobile at 306 - production from Russia, technical or diesel fuel is used for operation;

Kronburg d15 - a convenient device at an affordable price using machine oil;

Multeat plus - products of production from Novosibirsk, are distinguished by smokeless combustion of the fuel mixture.

Some models of the Belamos company are appropriate to use for a bath, they do not smoke with black smoke, if you adhere to all the rules of application. Products Stav from Russia have shown themselves well. Many users learn about the features of using the devices from the Thermoportal forum: ovens from various manufacturers are carefully discussed by their owners, highlighting the pros and cons.

Buleryan can be distinguished separately - the device functions in a combination of firewood and oil. To redesign the model, you can arrange a door at the front of the unit to add a liquid component, and you can also make a tank. The Zhuchka stove is excellent for heating a car service, as it has a small size and low fuel consumption.

Ready-made installations for development or do-it-yourself models are profitable to use: they save money, have a low resource consumption and an affordable cost. It will not be difficult to make the unit yourself, and such a model will last for a long time.

Features of the

Heat guns operate on liquid fuel, including any type of development: engine oil, hydraulic oil, transmission oil, etc. The efficiency of these high-power devices goes up to 100%. The cannons can operate without interruption for about 10-15 hours, and if a thermostat is present, then the whole day.

With the help of a pump, oil is supplied to the burner bowl, where it burns, radiating heat energy to the air.

On the market for heating appliances, you can find two types of liquid fuel guns:

  • indirect heating;
  • direct heating.

It is advisable to install waste oil heat guns only in rooms with good ventilation.

The thermal power of such devices can be 200 kW, and the volume of the heating room - up to 900 m³.

Many modifications of heat guns for development have excellent service automation, which provides setting of different thermal modes, automatic adjustment of fuel supply to achieve a certain heating of the room, automatic adaptation to different types of oil, electric ignition, emergency shutdown of equipment. Automation makes the use of waste oil heat guns simple, convenient and safe.

( 1 estimate, average 4 of 5 )

