Waste oil burner for solid fuel boiler

A waste oil heating boiler is one of the most efficient designs and is a fairly affordable appliance. It can be used to maintain a certain temperature in rooms with completely different functionality.

It is worth noting that the waste oil used in such a boiler has a fairly high level of performance, besides, its cost is low, so such a boiler will be quite economical.

Waste oil boilers have a wide variety of positive characteristics:

  1. This heating boiler can be completely assembled by yourself, without resorting to professional developers in this area;
  2. Its design is so simplethat does not require serious financial investments;
  3. Used oil is one of the cheapest types of fuel used in boiler rooms;
  4. There are not too many parts in standard boilers of this kind., due to which the probability of their failure is quite low.
  5. The boiler does not take up much space and is a fairly compact design;
  6. It can be installed even indoors without fear of combustion products getting there. This is due to the fact that the boiler has a closed casing;
  7. It is allowed to use as fuel absolutely any used engine oil;
  8. It is quite a comfortable device., since due to its design, unpleasant odors are not formed.

Boiler working principle

A waste oil boiler operates from a number of points. The installed oil sludge takes the required amount of fuel from the supply tank and transfers it to a special evaporation chamber.

In fact, it is a standard metal pipe. It is worth noting that for this purpose it is best to take a pipe with rather thick walls so that it can withstand the highest possible temperature.

To make the waste oil suitable for use in the heating system, it is brought to a temperature of 40 degrees. When fuel hits the bottom of the chamber, it gradually begins to evaporate, becoming oil vapor, which subsequently rises into the combustion chamber.

It is imperative to take into account when assembling such a boiler that any system that operates on waste oil must be equipped with a heating system. If you neglect this moment, then the used oil will not become the required temperature.

This will lead in the future to poor ignition of the fuel, it will not be able to burn out in full. The same fact will cause the formation of a large amount of soot, from which the boiler will have to be constantly cleaned so that it does not fail.

In order for the combustion chamber to work normally, a so-called perforated air duct is added to its design, through which additional air comes in due to a special blower fan. Further, the oil vapors will mix with air and form a certain mixture that can completely burn out. As a result, the coolant of the heating system will be warmed up to the full, and the combustion products will go into the chimney.

Do-it-yourself boiler for working off
It is imperative to take into account when assembling such a boiler that any system that operates using waste oil must necessarily be equipped with a heating system

Tags: burner in operation

Comments 20

Well, straight Proton-M, first-second-third stages :))

Yeah, and it works the same!

( 1 estimate, average 4 of 5 )

