How much electricity does a convector heater consume per month

Good day! What is so necessary in the winter when the batteries are off, or when they do not heat well - right, heaters. It is the heaters that help us maintain a comfortable room temperature in winter. Sometimes the heating of batteries is simply not enough, or heaters are used where there is no heating system, these are garages, summer cottages, pavilions, kiosks, etc. Before using the heater, you should first calculate how much electricity the heating devices consume, and how much you will have to pay for electricity. Let's try to figure it out today.

So, the most popular heaters are of the following types:

Fan heater

Fan heater - is a small gun, inside there is a spiral that heats up and a fan that quickly accelerates heat, this is the cheapest and most affordable option for heating the room for everyone. The combustion of air by this device is the strongest, unlike others, therefore its use assumes periodicity, i.e. switching on with short interruptions. Another disadvantage of this type is the noise of the fan, there is no noise in other heaters.

How to fit into the limit without giving up the usual

The innovations proposed by the Ministry of Energy should be considered not only from the point of view of changing the rent, but also from the point of view of ecology. The constant growth of energy consumption leads to the depletion of the planet's resources, because oil, gas, and coal are spent on generating electricity. And the processing of these materials into electricity is associated with the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Reducing electricity consumption within an apartment is not so difficult. We will not even talk about changing incandescent lamps to energy efficient ones - nevertheless, people are reasonable and understand everything themselves. But there are other measures - the simplest ones.

  • Do not leave devices in standby mode. First of all, we are talking about TVs, computers, music centers. A simple calculation for a TV: 6 hours a day the device works, 18 is in standby mode. During these 18 hours, on average, the device uses about 300 W * h. Multiply this figure by 30 - the total is 9 kWh. The music center consumes a little less - up to 7.8 kWh per month.
  • Descale kettles and pots regularly: since scale has a low thermal conductivity, it takes more time to heat dishes with such a deposit, and the consumption of electricity increases. Clean dishes can reduce consumption by 10-30%!
  • Boil as much water in an electric kettle as is required at the moment... 1 liter of water is heated in a kettle for about 4 minutes - all this time the counter is spinning. It takes one and a half minutes to boil a cup - the consumption is almost 3 times less
  • Wipe off dust from light bulbs and shades. It seems to be advice from the category "thank you cap", but it is often neglected. Especially in the autumn-winter season, when the lamp is turned on as soon as you wake up or come home from the street: they simply do not have time to notice the dust. In this case, dust can reduce the brightness of the lamp by 20%. And a less powerful source may be needed to illuminate the room. Dirty windows also absorb light - remember to wash them.
  • Move the refrigerator away from any heating appliances. The proximity to a stove or radiator automatically increases the energy consumption that is required to generate cold. The same goes for opening doors - the less you slam the refrigerator door, the more cold it remains.
  • Load the washing machine to the full... Otherwise, up to 15% of the energy is wasted.Try to wash at a lower temperature, since the main electricity consumption goes to heating the water. At a washing temperature of +60 degrees, energy consumption is 30-40% lower than at +90.

Convection heater

Convection heater - is considered one of the safest heaters, the principle of operation of a convection heater is mixing and circulation of air layers, at the bottom of the convector there is a grate through which air enters, from above, already heated air comes out through the holes. The convector provides protection against overturning, against overheating, this type of heater can be hung on the wall for convenience, it has a flat shape and small size.

What affects the electricity consumption of the heater?

The main characteristic by which you can determine how much the heater will wind is the power consumption of the device. The higher it is, the correspondingly greater will be the consumption of electricity. It should also be noted that consumption depends on the mode in which it operates.

Convection heaters generally have an energy consumption of 750 W, 1 kilowatt, 1500 W, 2 kW, maybe more. For fan heaters, consumption is 1500-2000 W per hour. For oil also the limits are from 1000 to 2000 W / h.

Let's calculate how much electricity the heater will spend if it operates at full power of 2000 watts. In total, we get 2 kW per hour. If we take that in winter the heater heats up 2 hours rests, we get 8 hours of work.

2 * 8 = 16 kW per day, and if we take the average price for 1 kW of electricity 4 rubles, then we get 16 * 4 = 64 rubles. in a day. The numbers may be less if you initially use a couple of hours to the full and then use a less consumption mode to maintain the temperature.

Based on the data obtained in the calculations, it is possible to calculate how much electricity the heater will consume in 1 month and for the entire cold period.

Thus, in order to determine how much electricity a heater consumes, it is enough to know its power consumption in the absence of operating modes, and if there are heating modes, know how much electricity each consumes.

There are 4 types of heaters:

  1. Convection,
  2. Fan heaters,
  3. Oil radiators,
  4. Infrared heaters.

Maximum power

Oil-fired electric heater
Most electric heaters of the converter type, for example, oil batteries, have a stepwise power control, as well as a smooth adjustment of the temperature of the thermal relay. The system works as follows: the heaters heat up the working surface of the heater to the set temperature, then they turn off until the radiator cools down to a certain temperature for turning on the thermostat. The thermostat switch-on temperature is several degrees lower than the switch-off temperature. As a result, the heater works for periods during which the temperature of the working surface either rises or cools down, having a certain average value determined by the temperature controller. Depending on the position of the power switches, the heating periods will be either longer or shorter. On average, the heater will consume (and therefore release) approximately the same amount of energy, regardless of the position of the power switches. The difference will be only in the borderline case, when the temperature in the room is so low that low power will not be enough to heat the heater up to the temperature of the thermostat triggering. The heater will be constantly on for warming up. In practice, I managed to achieve this mode in an unheated garage, at an air temperature below 0 degrees. In the living quarters, the heater worked in intermittent mode. In other words, an electric battery will almost never run at maximum power.

An infrared heater, on the contrary, is devoid of this drawback.Its heating element has a much higher operating temperature compared to the ambient temperature, on which the operating mode of the device will practically not depend. This means that the IR heater can work at full power.

Heater designs

Electricity consumption calculations for household appliances

Before figuring out how much electricity the heater consumes, consider the consumption of other household appliances. All appliances that require electrical energy to operate consume this energy in accordance with their capacity. However, not all such devices work in the same way and, accordingly, electricity consumption is not the same. Appliances such as an electric kettle, TV, various types of lighting devices, when turned on, begin to consume the maximum amount of energy. This amount of energy is indicated in the technical characteristics of each device and is called power.

Let's say a kettle with a power of 2000 W was turned on to heat the water and worked for 10 minutes. Then we divide 2000 W by 60 minutes (1 hour) and it turns out 33.33 W - this is how much the kettle consumes in one minute of operation. In our case, the kettle worked for 10 minutes. Then we multiply 33.33 W by 10 minutes and we get the power that the kettle has consumed during its operation, i.e. 333.3 W and it is for this consumed power that you have to pay.

The work of a refrigerator, an electric stove and an electric convector takes place in a slightly different way.

How many devices fit into the norm

As explained in the Ministry of Energy, the introduction of new rules for energy consumption will not affect 70% of the population. According to Natalia Porokhova, Director of the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA), on average, households in the country consist of 2.5 people and consume 220 kWh per month.

Basic household appliances and lighting are taken into account.

Photo: Sergey Loginov for 66.RU

A standard set of appliances - lighting, refrigerator, computer, washing machine, TV - consume an average of 180 kWh per month. If there is an electric stove in the house, the consumption rises to 225 kWh. An iron, hairdryer and chargers for gadgets, which are indispensable, but they work from time to time - this is another 20 kWh. Devices for comfort - an electric kettle, an iron, a microwave oven, a dishwasher, a vacuum cleaner, an air conditioner - will increase costs by about 80 kWh. It is difficult to fit in with the norm, but it is possible - if a little to score on comfort.

The remaining 30% of the population includes not only miners. Those who are accustomed to living in comfort - have made a "warm floor", installed a water heater, have a TV in every room - most likely will not meet the limit.

In addition, the Ministry of Energy plans to gradually reduce the list of consumers who today enjoy benefits when paying for electricity. Among them, for example, residents of apartments equipped with electric stoves. Today they use energy at a reduced rate: in Yekaterinburg, 1 kWh in a house with an electric stove costs 2.72 rubles. against 3.89 rubles. in houses with gas stoves (tariff for a one-part meter). After the introduction of the new rules, the payment will be the same. Also, the Ministry of Energy intends to eliminate the difference in payment between townspeople and rural residents - for them the tariff is still lower.

The Ministry of Economic Development proposed to index tariffs from January 1, synchronizing it with the increase in VAT.

Heater Electricity Consumption Calculations

Let's consider a case with a 2000 W convector. To begin with, on such a heater, it is necessary to set the air temperature that the convector must maintain, for example, 25 C. After supplying electricity to the heater, it will work for heating in full power mode, i.e. 2000 W., and in this mode the convector will work up to then (let's say 20 minutes), until the air temperature, which was initially set, is reached, in our case it is 25C. After that, the temperature control system will work and the supply of electricity to the heating element will stop, which means that the consumption of electricity will stop.

Long-wave infrared heaters: how the device works

Reviews of these devices are good, especially among those who use this equipment in industry.A distinctive feature of these models is their high power. Accordingly, the area of ​​the heated room can be quite large.

There are many models on the market with different mounts. They are ceiling and wall mounted. They have an anodized panel as a heating element.

How much does an infrared heater consume: long-wave 2 kW, how many kilowatts per day

Before using an infrared heater, you must familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the device.

The power supply unit in these heaters is a network with a voltage of 220 V. The limiting oscillation frequency must be maintained within 45 Hz. Of the advantages, many note the rather rapid heating of objects and air in the room. However, it is not recommended for a person to be under such a device for a long time. The dimensions of these types of heaters are large, so many face difficulties when installing them. For the price, they are also not quite affordable for ordinary people.

Advantages of the Nobo heater when calculating electricity consumption

Heaters of the Nobo brand are considered to be the highest quality and most economical heaters today. Tests carried out at a manufacturing plant in Norway have shown that Nobo convectors heat up a room as quickly as a fan heater.

Indoor temperature 9.5 sq. meters rises by 10 degrees Celsius in 2 hours and 42 minutes - it takes 2290 W, and the convector goes into operating mode a little more than in 7 minutes. If the temperature is maintained further for 3 hours, the convector consumes 680 W / h.

It is not the first time that energy limits are offered.

This is not the first time that the Ministry of Energy has come up with such a proposal: in 2013-2014, a similar project was already launched in several regions of Russia. The pilot territories were the Trans-Baikal and Krasnoyarsk Territories, the Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, Samara and Rostov Regions. For them, the norm was set at 50-190 kWh per month per person. Families that fit into the norms had to pay at a reduced tariff, and for the excess, the payment, accordingly, increased.

Since July 2014, the authorities intended to introduce the same norms throughout the country, but the project stalled. First of all, because of the criticism of Vladimir Putin. The President then said that the introduction of new rules would require a significant increase in energy tariffs.

The project was forgotten for several years - until the summer of 2020, when the Ministry of Energy began to discuss cross-subsidization. Now part of the money for the payment of electricity consumed by the population is paid by industrial enterprises. In 2020, the volume of the crossroads was estimated at 368 billion rubles. By 2022, the figure, according to forecasts of the Ministry of Energy, will grow even more - up to 417 billion rubles. Planned reduction of "crossroads" to 89 billion rubles. by 2022, it would require an increase in tariffs for the population by 13.9% per year. This growth was considered unacceptable. But in the end, they returned to plans to introduce a limit on electricity.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak has already approved the proposal of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development. The documents on the new reform should be prepared by January 15, 2020.

( 2 grades, average 5 of 5 )

