Installation of infrared (PLEN) heating with your own hands

Infrared heater "Plan" is the newest heating system developed by Russian scientists. It is presented in the form of a film, and its thickness may differ. Depending on this, its parameters may be different. A resistive device is used as a heating element in the film. Install systems "Plan", as a rule, on the ceiling in the room and secured with a variety of building fixing elements.

In this situation, much depends on the thickness of the ordered film. However, there are also precautions in this regard. As experts assure, during the installation of the "Plan" elements it is forbidden to use any metal objects, as well as mirrors. With the correct installation of the system, only objects will be heated, not air. The elements of "Plan" are referred to as convective heating systems.

Plan owner reviews

Features of the "Plan" systems

First of all, it should be noted the high. Given the low electricity consumption of the system, it pays for itself in about three years. Manufacturers give a good guarantee for this product, and it can last for about 50 years. Installation of the above system is inexpensive and should be taken into account. On average, specialists for the installation of sq. m. ask in the market for 1500 rubles. As you know, these systems do not require maintenance. Using the control unit, you can adjust the power of the device.

Thus, in the absence of people in the house, the system can be set to an economical mode. Since the Plan brand heaters represent those that do not heat the air, the walls do not dry out. You can use the system safely in winter without ventilation. In addition, it should be noted that the emitted infrared rays prevent the appearance of mold on the walls. Thus, the room will always remain dry with normal humidity levels. It costs an average of sq. m. of canvases about 1300 rubles.

Main characteristics of systems

The main characteristics of the "Plan" systems should be attributed to performance, as well as energy consumption. Additionally, the buyer should take into account the level of efficiency. The limiting temperature of the heating element depends on the thickness of the web. On the surface of the heater, it will be slightly lower. This parameter can also be checked with the manufacturer. The power source of the "Plan" system is a network with a voltage of 180, 200 or 220 V. The radiation wavelength depends on the size of the heating element. When installing, the thickness is important, as well as the weight of the square. m. canvases.

Film parameters "Plan 1.2"

This film "Plan" (heating) has the following technical characteristics: the power supply of the heating element is 180 V, and the current consumption is 1 A per square meter. m. Specific film power - 130 kW per sq. m. m. As the name implies, the thickness of the canvas is 1.2 mm. The average radiation wavelength is 9 μm. The minimum temperature of the heating element reaches 47 degrees. The voltage consumption of the heater is at the level of 200 V. A square meter of canvas costs exactly 1,500 rubles.

The principle of operation of the heating system PLEN

PLEN is a heating system based on the use of an electric film heater, a special design of which produces infrared radiation. The prototype of this technology is the natural processes of heat exchange, and the effect of its use is comparable to the heat emanating from the sun.

The film infrared heater has a multilayer lavsan construction, the total thickness of which does not exceed 1-1.2 mm.Inside the lavsan films, there are built-in special heating metal elements, as well as aluminum foil, which can be heated up to a maximum mark of 45 degrees. The above-mentioned lavsan material performs both an electrical insulating function and an externally finishing one.

When this system is turned on, the current flows to the resistive elements, which in turn heat the foil. The resulting infrared rays, the wavelength of which is 9.4 microns, heats up interior items, appliances, the floor and even people present, charges them with thermal energy and gives it back. Thus, the feeling of warmth and comfort will remain in all living quarters.

The PLEN system can be assigned both the main and the additional role for heating a country house, apartment, warehouse or office building.

The installation of all equipment is different:

  • simplicity;
  • small labor costs;
  • speed of execution.

For convenience, the film heater is produced in various parameters, namely: its length can vary from 1 to 5 meters, and its width can be 0.35 - 0.65 m.

It is installed on 80% of the ceiling surface and is quite suitable for plasterboard structures, stretch or suspended ceilings. After activating the system, infrared streams slowly warm up the house and after 10-14 days are fully established at the level of normal distribution of thermal energy. The area of ​​the house on which the installation of such a system is possible does not matter, and the height should not exceed 3.5 meters.

How do I install the canvas?

In order to qualitatively install "Plan" (heating) in the house, do-it-yourself installation should begin with measurements. Before starting work, it is important to tackle the work surface. In this case, the ceiling must be very carefully cleaned. If it has paint on it, you can use a solvent. If wallpaper was used during the repair, you need to remove everything with a spatula. Next, you need to treat the surface with a primer and smoothen everything completely, and also level it.

After that, the length of the canvas is calculated (based on the quadrature of the room). The minimum distance from the edge of the wall should be at least 2 cm. Then the fasteners should be prepared. For a canvas of this thickness, it is more advisable to use plastic pins. In some cases, experts advise using hooks. However, they are more expensive fasteners, this must be taken into account. To fix the canvas, a person will need an assistant.

The second sheet on the first one at the edge is superimposed on top by about 3 cm. Fastening along the canvas should be carried out every 20 cm. It is very important not to touch the heating elements. Otherwise, the supply wires could be damaged. As a result, the integrity of the reflective tape will be compromised. It will be impossible to restore the dielectric coating after that. After securing the system, you should deal with the control unit. In this case, a lot depends on its type. Basically, manufacturers offer conventional devices with three modes. The unit is installed near the outlet.

To avoid short circuits, before securing the box, you need to find out about the location of the wiring in the house. This can be done quite simply - using a tester. Next, next to the power supply, a special "Plan" modulator is attached. The system is connected to the wall outlet last. Full heating of the element in this case will leave about 40 minutes. If the heater does not work, you need to disconnect the unit from the network and check the integrity of the winding.

Plan reviews

Film characteristics "Plan 1.4"

This film ("Plan" - heating) has the following technical characteristics: maximum voltage - 180 V, and the operating current is 3 A. An additional layer of isolon is used as a coating. The thermostat in this model is installed with the marking "TU3". In turn, a wide variety of modulators can be used.The wiring in this case is PV2. Cable channels are included with a length of 3 meters.

This is enough to connect the heater to the network. Also, this system is equipped with a special magnetic starter. The maximum load is maintained at a level of 30 A. The efficiency of such devices reaches 80%. The peak power of the modulator is 4 kW. System consumption is acceptable. An economical mode of use is provided on the control unit. In this case, approximately 6 kW per hour will be consumed per hour of operation. Worth sq. m. canvases with a thickness of 1.4 mm about 1500 rubles.

What do they say about the Plan 1.4 system?

And this "Plan" system receives positive feedback from the owners. Many customers praise the 1.4mm film for its compact size. When you install it, the room does not lose anything in size. The installation of the canvas is carried out quite quickly. If you hire skilled workers, then the installation of apt. m. of film costs on average about 1400 rubles. The system has no combustion products at all. Thus, the air always remains clean.

Heating directly by the "Plan" -system is carried out evenly. The control unit can be used absolutely in any weather conditions. Among the shortcomings, one should take into account the long time of temperature rise. Thus, it will not be possible to instantly warm up. The limiting temperature of the heating element is not very high, this should be taken into account. Despite the fact that the specified "Plan" system has quite good technical characteristics, it is better to use the film in winter time together with other heating devices.

installation plan

The principle of operation of film heating

The principle of operation of heating PLEN and conventional

During the operation of almost all heating systems, the air in the premises is heated. Its convection leads to a gradual increase in temperature throughout the volume of the room. IR heating PLEN works according to a different principle. It is based on the generation of infrared thermal radiation, which heats the surface of objects that have fallen into the zone of influence of the device.

Heating of a new generation of PLEN is developed based on the properties of carbon metallized compounds. During the passage of current through them, heating occurs to a maximum temperature of + 45 ° C. But this is not the source of heat. The emerging waves with a length of 9.4 microns are reflected from the film surface and are concentrated on the surface of objects. As a result, they are heated.

Infrared PLEH heating has a number of important features of work and operation:

  • Simple DIY heating PLEN installation... For maximum coverage, installation is most often done on a ceiling surface. You can do it yourself without special tools and experience;
  • Energy saving... Despite the fact that the ceiling heating of PLEN is powered by electricity, the level of energy consumption is an order of magnitude lower than that of electric boilers or similar devices;
  • Low inertia of work... This is due to the absence of an intermediate stage of heating operation - heating the coolant;
  • Possibility of using as additional heat supply... Almost all reviews about the PLEN heating system speak of the advantages of its operation together with water heat supply systems.

Almost any video about PLEN heating tells about the compactness and ease of installation, as well as the efficiency of work. However, at the same time, they are often silent about the limitations of operation. Firstly, good thermal insulation of the room must be provided. The second factor is the impossibility of partially or completely covering the film with interior items. This can lead to overheating and, as a result, failure. Installation under the ceiling is allowed.But at the same time, the minimum distance from the heating elements to the panels should be at least 3 cm.

In addition, unlike hot water heating, after switching off the system, the temperature in the room decreases almost immediately.

In the video of the installation of PLEN heating, it is necessary to indicate the provision of waterproofing of the mounting surface - floor, ceiling or walls. To do this, you need to use special moisture-proof materials.

Installation features

Using 1.4 mm film ("Plan"), you can make your own underfloor heating in the house. The canvas should be attached to the dowels. Before starting work, it is important not to forget to completely clean the surface. Sq. m. of the canvas weighs 750 g, so you need to fix it on the floor every 20 cm. The distance from the wall should be standard - 2 cm. It is better to set the canvas on the sheet based on the quadrature of the room. The minimum distance of the flooring for fixing the foil is 3 cm. It is important not to use any metal objects. If there are mirrors on the walls, they should be set aside at a safe distance.

Installation of PLEN on the floor

The PLEN system for the floor is also known as "warm floor". It is used in conjunction with the main heating system. The installation area of ​​the system is determined depending on the living area of ​​the cloisters of the house. When installing the PLEN system on the floor, the following work procedure is observed:

  • preparation of the subfloor. The surface should be horizontal and level, not bend under the weight of the occupants and furniture. Before installing the films, the floor is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and debris;
  • drawing up a furniture arrangement scheme. Installation of the PLEN system under the interior items is impractical, and therefore should be carried out with some indents;
  • installation of an insulating layer;
  • installation of the PLEN system. When installing films, the wires should be oriented towards the switchboard;
  • installation of a thermostat and a temperature sensor. The temperature sensor can be used in two types - remote or built-in. The remote sensor is mounted at a level of about 0.3 m from the floor. The built-in sensor fits into the corrugation and is mounted on the transparent area of ​​the film;
  • installation of decorative floor coverings.

For installation of the PLEN system on the floor, you will need the same tools as for installation on the ceiling. The technology of work is similar to work with the ceiling, with the difference that the work on soldering the wires will be much easier. Connection to the electrical panel is carried out in the same way as when installing the PLEN on the ceiling.

Of course, one should not forget that each room has its own characteristics. Therefore, before proceeding with the installation of the PLEN system, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. The choice of the type of film heating system also depends on the indicators of humidity and the attendance of a given room.

The main parameters of "Plan 1.6"

This "Plan" system has the following characteristics: the radiation wavelength is 10 microns, and the limit voltage is 200 V. Electricity consumption is 1 A per square meter. m. The operating frequency of the heater is in the region of 22 Hz. In this case, a resistive heating element is used. Its maximum power reaches 150 watts per square meter. m. On the surface in economy mode, the maximum temperature is 40 degrees.

The efficiency of the heater is 70%. Thus, its performance is quite high. The density of the material in the system is 7 kg per cubic meter. m. The coating is used in production lavsan. The thermostat is set to three-channel by default. During installation, the electrical panel is used with a standard voltage of 220 V. It can withstand a load of up to 30 A. The modulator in the standard kit is marked RRK20.

The procedure for installing PLEN

The PLEN system can be installed on any surface.However, it is most advisable to install films on the ceiling or floor for uniform heating of the room. The choice of location for the installation of the system is of great importance. The area on which the PLEN is installed depends on the average annual temperature in the region. For example, if the average annual temperature does not drop below +3 degrees, then it is enough to install the system on 50% of the area of ​​the room. And if the average annual temperature is no more than -7 degrees, then more than 80% of the room area is allocated for the installation of the system. In addition, you should pay special attention to the structures through which the main heat losses occur: windows, doors, ventilation openings.

Before installing PLEN, you should carefully inspect the surface of the films, and also check the integrity of the heating elements of the system. Elements are checked using a tester. As a rule, the percentage of defective items on sale is negligible, however, malfunctions may occur during transportation and during storage.

The installation work of the system is carried out in the following order:

  • installation of a heat-insulating layer. Thermal insulation must be installed so that there is no heat loss for heating the floors;
  • fastening the PLEN to the base. The basis for fixing the films can be either a heat-insulating layer or a pre-assembled lathing. Films are attached with the front side inside the room using a construction stapler or self-tapping screws;
  • electric installation work;
  • installation of flooring or decorative layer.

When installing the PLEN system, one should not forget that the contact leads should be directed towards the electrical panel to optimize the wiring diagram. It should also be remembered that each film has zones for fixing. Violation of the integrity of the films outside these zones can lead to undesirable consequences, for example, to a short circuit.

Consumer reviews about the canvas

This "Plan" system has extremely good reviews from the owners, many buyers purchase the above canvas for greenhouses. It keeps the temperature in the room perfectly, there are no complaints about performance. Also, this system is often chosen for heating various cafes and restaurants. The peculiarity of this heater is that the humidity is always normal.

Considering the material thickness of 1.6 mm, the heating element is quite powerful. Consequently, the heating speed takes little time. As the owners note, the room warms up evenly and the walls always remain dry. Infrared rays, in general, do not have a bad effect on human health. You can stay indoors with the device turned on for a long time without any risk. Worth sq. m. of the specified canvas in a specialized store about 1700 rubles. If you do not install it yourself, for each sq. m. will have to pay extra 1,500 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

How does the PLEN heating system work?

The film electric heater, in addition to saving energy, has a number of other advantages:

  1. Easy and quick installation. To start the film heater, you do not need to install additional communications, you only need an electrical network. The turnkey installation of a 100 m² system will take about two days.
  2. If the need arises, the heating system can be dismantled without damaging its functionality.
  3. The operational period of the PLEN IR system is at least 50 years.
  4. Voltage drops and instability of the power supply are not scary.
  5. PLEN heating is fireproof.
  6. It is stable and can only become unusable together with the room.
  7. Creation of a favorable microclimate.
  8. Heating air in a room from 10 to 20 ° C will take just 40-50 minutes (while convective air heating from 10 to 20 ° C will take more than 10 hours).
  9. Since the system is self-regulating, it will independently maintain the specified temperature heating stable, automatically turning the heaters on and off (a thermostat is mounted).
  10. The PLEN system can operate from the power supply network all year round.
  11. When heated by this method, oxygen is not burned, the air does not dry out.
  12. Dust-free (as the convection principle is not applied).
  13. Infrared rays do not adversely affect human health.
  14. When installing the PLEN system in rooms in areas with a humid climate, humidity indicators will be normal due to effective drying.
  15. During the operation of the device, various combustion products are completely absent.
  16. The operation of the system without noise ensures its installation in houses outside the city, cottages, recreation centers, pavilions, etc.
  17. Aesthetics. PLEN heating can be covered with various decorative materials that do not contain metal.
  18. Fast payback. This heating system pays for itself to the owner in 2-3 years.

What types of thermostats are there?

There are a lot of advantages of using the considered heating system. However, she also has disadvantages:

  1. It is worth saying that the infrared film heater for the ceiling is not very effective. Warm air accumulates near the ceiling and it seems as if only the upper part of the body and head are warming up, and the legs remain cold.
  2. With a high heat transfer, the PLEN heating system works only in rooms with good thermal insulation.
  3. The surface on which the system is installed must be firm, level and dry.
  4. The infrared design should be treated with care, it does not withstand various mechanical influences.
  5. Using the PLEN system as the main source of heating in very cold rooms can lead to significant energy costs.

You can read more about infrared electric heaters here.

Can I install it myself?

Reviews indicate that the installation of "Plan" (heater) can be carried out completely independently. In this case, it is very important to take a responsible attitude to the surface primer. This is necessary for a snug fit of the material to the ceiling. This way, mold will never grow indoors. Experts advise using dowels as fasteners. In this situation, a lot depends on the material of the walls.

If the house is panel, then the dowels are ideal. When it comes to wooden surfaces, you can save on clamps and take, for example, hooks with caps. In spinning, they are a little more difficult, but the owner will spend an order of magnitude less money. Before installing the control unit, it is imperative to check the wiring. Otherwise, you can damage it and short-circuit the circuit completely. To avoid any malfunctions, during installation, all metal objects must be removed from the film. It is also desirable to get rid of mirrors. The modulator comes with two channels. It is attached to the control unit through two connectors.

infrared heater plan


Feedback on the installed PLEN Hello Alexey.

Last year I bought a ceiling PLEN from you for heating a bath.

It so happened that the company that erected me a bath frame with a roof cooperates with NNTV with the STROY television magazine. I was asked to give a number of interviews, among other things about the arrangement of the internal bath, which I did myself. This interview contains a part about PLAN, let it be free advertising of your products to customers. Link to this issue on youtube below:

Thank. - Best regards, Evgeny Knyazev, Nizhny Novgorod


During the installation process, I highlighted a solid list of those obvious advantages of this system.

I compared the PLEN heating with a traditional water heating system.

That is, one that includes a boiler (gas, solid fuel, electric) and pipes with batteries connected to each room.

So, the pluses of PLAN:

1. I installed it myself, without someone else's help. It took me two days off for one 11-meter room. Tools - saw, screwdriver + screws, knife. Knowledge about the wiring device - initial. That is, he knew what an outlet and a light bulb were, and learned the rest in the process.

2. Installation "by installments". I really liked the very ability to install PLEN not all over the house right away (it seemed risky), but in parts. First, I installed the PLAN in one room (see how it will work). Later I will install it in another, third, etc.

From the point of view of savings, this is also important - you do not need to take out a loan or borrow money, you can do everything gradually.

This will not work with water heating - the system must be designed, installed and put into operation at the same time throughout the house.

3. Manufacturer's warranty - 10 years (spelled out in the contract). Although it is written everywhere that at least 25 serves. But this is understandable, because no one has yet been able to check these terms - the technology is too “young”. Although, according to the operating conditions, an analogy can be drawn with a simple electrical wiring that lasts up to 50 years.

4. Does not require maintenance. Installed - and forgot how about the same electrical wiring.

5. No approvals, projects and connections, papers, waiting, queues and other red tape, which is inevitable for all happy owners of gas heating - no need! And so in our country this is enough.

6. Comfort. The warmth is very pleasant. You go into the room - you are literally enveloped from all sides. The floor is slightly warm, it is not cold to walk barefoot. Warming up is uniform, and as a result - no drafts!

7. Versatility. PLEN can be installed anywhere, it only needs two things - the ceiling and electricity! Well, also warm walls. There is no need to pull the batteries!

8. Cheap on a par with gas heating (but the system does not need to be serviced).

9. Dust is 10 times less than from batteries (according to manufacturers), which is quite plausible. As I understand it, this is because there is no circular air circulation around the room, as when heating with batteries. For allergy sufferers, it is very important, and cleaning can be done less often.

10. The technology is completely safe for health. Many people doubt whether the rays are harmful. As I found out, they are not harmful, the radiation spectrum of the PLEN is approximately the same as that of the human body. Another great analogy for IR heating is the Russian stove. Language will not turn to accuse her of harm to health. Similar to the previous point - quite plausible.

11. The work of infrared heating increases immunity (also according to manufacturers). Infrared radiation heats the surface of the body, which activates superficial blood vessels. And this is oh-how good for the immune system. As a biologist in the past, I trust this information. Therefore, we will strengthen our health)

12. The system cannot be “frozen”. Infrared heating can be left in winter at any time, or even turned off altogether. With water heating, such a trick will not work in frosty times - you need to drain the water or pour antifreeze into the system (and this is oh, how expensive and dirty).

And even leaving a water heating system with gas "automatic" unattended is quite dangerous. A gas boiler is usually started up with electricity. And if it is turned off or the traffic jams are knocked out? It's even scary to imagine what will happen if the water in the system freezes ...

In general, here IR heating rules.

13. Saving space. PLEN is installed on the ceiling. It took me 3 cm of the ceiling height. How much usable space will the installation of batteries in a 100 m2 house steal? I figured - more than one square meter of the battery plus pipes around the perimeter is also more than a meter plus the area of ​​the boiler room. Of course, not much, but still this saving on living space is pleasant.

And if we assume that the cost of building one hypothetical square meter of housing starts from 10 thousand rubles - even more pleasant.

14. High heating rate. Just 15-20 minutes is enough to raise the temperature from 15 to 22 degrees.

15. The temperature in each room and in any other room is constant, set using a thermostat. It is more difficult to avoid “jumps” of temperature with water heating, these systems have much greater inertia of heating and cooling, even with “fashionable” thermostats on radiators.

16. Additional savings can be achieved by lowering temperatures when the owners are away from home. For this, programmable thermostats are installed, which will maintain the room temperature only during the presence of the owners.

For example, from evening to morning on weekdays and around the clock - on weekends. The rest of the time, the minimum temperature will be maintained (for example, 10 degrees). In addition, it has already become possible to turn on and off the PLEN remotely, via a cell phone (by sending an SMS command).

17. I remembered one more indisputable advantage: the observance of cleanliness during installation. I didn't have to drill, drill, chisel (although I mounted it on a concrete ceiling). But all this is inevitable when installing batteries and laying pipes around the house. In general, there were no clouds of dust, brick debris and other debris. While I was assembling the PLAN, a child was sleeping in the next room.

Approximately such advantages I have identified for myself from the installation of PLEN. Conclusions, I think, everyone will make himself.

The question remains - does the technology have disadvantages?

Having described in detail all the advantages of the PLEN heating system, I consider it necessary to mention the difficulties that I had to face during installation.

I must say right away that there were not many of them.

1. The electrical wiring was very hot at the connection point.

The reason was as follows - I used a thin wire - 1.5 mm instead of the required 2.5 + insulated with electrical tape.

As a result, the wire was very hot at the junction and it was scary to leave the system turned on when we left (it would suddenly light up).

I replaced the wire by 2.5 mm, made the insulation with "heat shrink" and the problem disappeared.

2. The maximum electrical power is great if the PLEN is installed throughout the house.

I figured that if you install heating throughout the house, the total power of the system will be 15 kW (120 m2).

And only 6.6 kW is allocated to my house. It would seem that the problem puts an end to the installation of PLEN in the house.

Or it is necessary to increase the allocated power to at least 20 kW. And this is again technical conditions, projects, approvals, replacement of wiring, delivery, etc.

But the solution was found to be simpler and more elegant.

As you know, PLEN in each separate room works only 6 minutes per hour. Therefore, God himself ordered to turn on different rooms in turn, and not all at once.

Technically, this is possible thanks to the installation of a heating system control unit (it costs 6.5 thousand rubles).

The principle is as follows.

The entire heating system in the house is divided into 4 zones. All 4 zones are connected to the control unit, which turns them on one after the other, in turn.

As a result, the peak power of the entire heating system is reduced by 4 times! And if the power of all panels is 15 kW, then the simultaneous consumption will be no more than 3.75 kW.

This is how you can easily and painlessly get around the problem of high power PLPH (as well as low allocated power).

3. Economically, but on condition ...

For 2 months of operation, I paid for electricity about 750 rubles per month with a heated area of ​​19 m2. Although there was no severe frost outside and I was still heating the house with wood.

By the way, with an estimated consumption of 20 W per m2 per hour, on average for the heating season, I should have had about 450-500 rubles per month (with the same 19 meters).

Well, manufacturers lie about high efficiency?

As I found out - not at all.

The declared average of 20 watts per square meter per hour is achieved under one condition. If the building complies with SNiPu 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings". And the requirements of this SNiP are quite serious. For example, a brick wall must be almost 4 meters thick to meet these guidelines.

As a true heating engineer, I considered that the walls of my house are somewhere 50% below the norm, i.e. not warm enough. So much for the difference in electricity bills)

I decided that the walls need to be insulated with another layer of insulation in order to comply with SNiP. I will do this next year. I think further - investments in insulation (about 12,000 rubles) will pay off in 2 years.

As you can see, all the "disadvantages" of the PLAN are completely removable. Unfortunately (or rather, fortunately) I did not find others.

But just in case, I made a list of possible doubts that people may have when meeting with PLEN.


1. «Does it really warm

? " This was the question that stood before me until the moment I plugged the system into the network. Indeed, logically, heat rises from the bottom up, and here the panels are at the top ...

Now I can say with confidence - the system is heating up! And how warm it is - I'll tell you! And what is especially pleasing is that it is warmer below than above.

2. «Isn't it harmful? "

I answer this question as follows - the very fact that PLEN was allowed to be used in kindergartens already speaks volumes. After all, building codes and requirements for childcare facilities are much more serious than for ordinary buildings. So here I am, I completely trust the domestic certification system, which allowed infrared panels to go to kindergarten.

3. «How long will it last? And will the ceiling light up from the heater

I will answer - the service life of the PLEN is the same as that of the electrical wiring (tens of years).

And the ceiling will not light up if installed professionally. Using the "correct" wires of the required cross-section, connecting and insulating them well.

4. «And if the electricity is cut off?

“Nothing can be done here, of course. But after all, most modern gas boilers are also completely dependent on electricity. In addition, blackouts are not so frequent. Although it will not be superfluous to have a stove or boiler at home. That is why I am in no hurry to demote my water heating.

5. «Yes, fuel is not used for heating, but electricity is used. But electricity at a power plant also appears when fuel (gas, coal, fuel oil) is burned. That is, for ecology, there is no difference - a boiler or a PLEN.


My answer is that PLEN is in any case much more versatile than any boiler. After all, he only needs an outlet. And the electricity in this outlet can already be generated not only by burning fuel, but also in other ways. For example, at a hydroelectric power plant or at a nuclear power plant.

It is very important that PLEN can be used from any alternative energy sources - solar panels or wind turbines. And then there will be no talk at all about any harm to nature.

What other modern heating technology can boast of this?

Well, it's time to draw a general conclusion from all that has been said today.

So, PLEN is more efficient than wood heating: it is avoiding water heating (no boiler room is needed), cleaner, chopping wood, burning it and spoiling the air.

More efficient than gas: safer, MUCH easier to install, connect and operate

More efficient than electric heating: SEVERAL times cheaper, again - avoiding hot water heating

More efficient than a diesel boiler: all the same + no need to carry diesel fuel, bury containers for it, breathe poisonous fumes

All the disadvantages of PLEN are quite surmountable, moreover, the system can be used directly from alternative energy sources. And this is a matter of the near future.

Therefore, we can safely call this technology super-rational and super-efficient.

Undoubtedly, the future belongs to her.

Important characteristics of the "Plan 1.8" heater

Power sq. m.the web is 5 kW, and the operating frequency is 23 Hz. For an hour of continuous operation, the heating element consumes about 6 A per minute. The efficiency is at 86%. Power is supplied through a network with a voltage of 220 V. The control unit is standard in the kit. Economy mode is not provided by the manufacturer. The peak power of the system can be up to 6 kW.

In general, the surface of the web is fireproof. The density of the material is in the region of 8 kg per cubic meter. m. The radiation wavelength in this case is equal to 9 microns. The modulator is installed by default in the MPP 23 series. The connection to the power cable can be carried out using various fasteners. The electrical panel for this heating system is suitable for the "Salute" type. A magnetic starter in this model is provided by the manufacturer. Will cost sq. m. of canvases to the buyer for 1550 rubles. In this case, the installation of the square m. of film costs an average of about 1,700 rubles.

Plan warm floor

The PLEH heating system can be purchased in the cities of the Russian Federation:

During the installation process, I highlighted a solid list of those obvious advantages of this system.

I compared PLEH heating with a traditional water heating system.

That is, one that includes a boiler (gas, solid fuel, electric) and pipes with batteries connected to each room.

So, the pluses of PLEH:

1. I installed it myself, without someone else's help. It took me two days off for one 11-meter room. Tools - saw, screwdriver + screws, knife. Knowledge about the wiring device - initial. That is, he knew what an outlet and a light bulb were, and learned the rest in the process.

2. Installation "by installments". I really liked the very possibility of installing PLHE not all over the house all at once (it seemed risky), but in parts. First, I installed PLHE in one room (see how it will work). Later I will install it in another, third, etc.

From the point of view of savings, this is also important - you do not need to take out a loan or borrow money, you can do everything gradually.

This will not work with water heating - the system must be designed, installed and put into operation at the same time throughout the house.

3. Manufacturer's warranty - 10 years (spelled out in the contract). Although it is written everywhere that at least 25 serves. But this is understandable, because no one has yet been able to check these terms - the technology is too “young”. Although, according to the operating conditions, an analogy can be drawn with a simple electrical wiring that lasts up to 50 years.

4. Does not require maintenance. Installed - and forgot how about the same electrical wiring.

5. No approvals, projects and connections, papers, waiting, queues and other red tape, which is inevitable for all happy owners of gas heating - no need! And so in our country this is enough.

6. Comfort. The warmth is very pleasant. You go into the room - you are literally enveloped from all sides. The floor is slightly warm, it is not cold to walk barefoot. Warming up is uniform, and as a result - no drafts!

7. Versatility. PLEH can be installed anywhere, it only needs two things - a ceiling and electricity! Well, also warm walls. There is no need to pull the batteries!

8. Cheap on a par with gas heating (but the system does not need to be serviced).

9. Dust is 10 times less than from batteries (according to manufacturers), which is quite plausible. As I understand it, this is because there is no circular air circulation around the room, as when heating with batteries. For allergy sufferers, it is very important, and cleaning can be done less often.

10. The technology is completely safe for health. Many people doubt whether the rays are harmful. As I found out, they are not harmful, the radiation spectrum of PLEH is approximately the same as that of the human body. Another great analogy for IR heating is the Russian stove. Language will not turn to accuse her of harm to health. Similar to the previous point - quite plausible.

11. The work of infrared heating increases immunity (also according to manufacturers).Infrared radiation heats the surface of the body, which activates superficial blood vessels. And this is oh-how good for the immune system. As a biologist in the past, I trust this information. Therefore, we will strengthen our health)

12. The system cannot be “frozen”. Infrared heating can be left in winter at any time, or even turned off. With water heating, such a trick will not work in frosty times - you need to drain the water or pour antifreeze into the system (and this is oh, how expensive and dirty).

And even leaving a water heating system with gas "automatic" unattended is quite dangerous. A gas boiler is usually started up with electricity. And if it is turned off or the plugs are knocked out? It's even scary to imagine what will happen if the water in the system freezes ...

In general, here IR heating rules.

13. Saving space. PLEH is installed on the ceiling. It took me 3 cm of the ceiling height. How much usable space will the installation of batteries in a 100 m2 house steal? I figured - more than one square meter of the battery plus pipes around the perimeter is also more than a meter plus the area of ​​the boiler room. Of course, not much, but still this saving on living space is pleasant.

And if we assume that the cost of building one hypothetical square meter of housing starts from 10 thousand rubles - even more pleasant.

14. High heating rate. Just 15-20 minutes is enough to raise the temperature from 15 to 22 degrees.

15. The temperature in each room and in any other room is constant, set using a thermostat. It is more difficult to avoid “jumps” of temperature with water heating, these systems have much greater inertia of heating and cooling, even with “fashionable” thermostats on radiators.

16. Additional savings can be achieved by lowering temperatures when the owners are away from home. For this, programmable thermostats are installed, which will maintain the room temperature only during the presence of the owners.

For example, from evening to morning on weekdays and around the clock - on weekends. The rest of the time, the minimum temperature will be maintained (for example, 10 degrees). In addition, it has already become possible to turn on and off the PLEH remotely, via a cell phone (by sending an SMS command).

17. I remembered one more indisputable advantage: the observance of cleanliness during installation. I didn't have to drill, drill, chisel (although I mounted it on a concrete ceiling). But all this is inevitable when installing batteries and laying pipes around the house. In general, there were no clouds of dust, brick debris and other debris. While I was assembling PLEH, a child was sleeping in the next room.

I found out about such advantages for myself from the installation of PLEH. Conclusions, I think, everyone will make himself.

The question remains - does the technology have disadvantages?

Having described in detail all the advantages of the PLEH heating system, I consider it necessary to mention the difficulties that I had to face during installation.

I must say right away that there were not many of them.

1. The electrical wiring was very hot at the connection point.

The reason was as follows - I used a thin wire - 1.5 mm instead of the required 2.5 + insulated with electrical tape.

As a result, the wire was very hot at the junction and it was scary to leave the system turned on when we left (it would suddenly light up).

I replaced the wire by 2.5 mm, made the insulation with "heat shrink" and the problem disappeared.

2. The maximum electrical power is high if the PLHE is installed throughout the house.

I figured that if you install heating throughout the house, the total power of the system will be 15 kW (120 m2).

And only 6.6 kW is allocated to my house. It would seem that the problem puts an end to the installation of PLEN in the house.

Or it is necessary to increase the allocated power to at least 20 kW. And this is again technical conditions, projects, approvals, replacement of wiring, delivery, etc.

But the solution was found to be simpler and more elegant.

As you know, the PLEH in each separate room works only 6 minutes per hour.Therefore, God himself ordered to turn on different rooms in turn, and not all at once.

Technically, this is possible thanks to the installation of a heating system control unit (it costs 6.5 thousand rubles).

The principle is as follows.

The entire heating system in the house is divided into 4 zones. All 4 zones are connected to the control unit, which turns them on one after the other, in turn.

As a result, the peak power of the entire heating system is reduced by 4 times! And if the power of all panels is 15 kW, then the simultaneous consumption will be no more than 3.75 kW.

This is how you can easily and painlessly get around the problem of the high power of the PLEH (as well as the small allocated power).

3. Economically, but on condition ...

For 2 months of operation, I paid for electricity about 750 rubles per month with a heated area of ​​19 m2. Although there was no severe frost outside and I was still heating the house with wood.

By the way, with an estimated consumption of 20 W per m2 per hour, on average for the heating season, I should have had about 450-500 rubles per month (with the same 19 meters).

Well, manufacturers lie about high efficiency?

As I found out - not at all.

The declared average of 20 watts per square meter per hour is achieved under one condition. If the building complies with SNiPu 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings". And the requirements of this SNiP are quite serious. For example, a brick wall must be almost 4 meters thick to meet these guidelines.

As a true heating engineer, I considered that the walls of my house are somewhere 50% below the norm, i.e. not warm enough. So much for the difference in electricity bills)

I decided that the walls need to be insulated with another layer of insulation in order to comply with SNiP. I will do this next year. I think further - investments in insulation (about 12,000 rubles) will pay off in 2 years.

As you can see, all the "disadvantages" of the PLEH are completely removable. Unfortunately (or rather, fortunately) I did not find others.

But just in case, I have compiled a list of possible doubts that people may have when meeting with PLEN.


1. "Does it really warm?" This was the question that stood before me until the moment I plugged the system into the network. Indeed, logically, heat rises from the bottom up, and here the panels are at the top ...

Now I can say with confidence - the system is heating up! And how warm it is - I'll tell you! And what is especially pleasing is that it is warmer below than above.

2. "Isn't it harmful?" I answer this question as follows - the very fact that PLEN was allowed to be used in kindergartens already speaks volumes. After all, building codes and requirements for childcare facilities are much more serious than for ordinary buildings. So here I am, I completely trust the domestic certification system, which allowed infrared panels to go to kindergarten.

3. “How long will it last? And will the ceiling light up from the heater? "

I will answer - the service life of the PLEH is the same as that of the electrical wiring (tens of years).

And the ceiling will not light up if installed professionally. Using the "correct" wires of the required cross-section, connecting and insulating them well.

4. "And if the electricity is cut off?" Here, of course, nothing can be done. But after all, most modern gas boilers are also completely dependent on electricity. In addition, blackouts are not so frequent. Although it will not be superfluous to have a stove or boiler at home. That is why I am in no hurry to demote my water heating.

5. “Yes, fuel is not used for heating, but electricity is used. But electricity at a power plant also appears when fuel (gas, coal, fuel oil) is burned. That is, for ecology, there is no difference - a boiler or a PLEH. "

My answer is that PLEH is in any case much more versatile than any boiler. After all, he only needs an outlet. And the electricity in this outlet can already be generated not only by burning fuel, but also in other ways. For example, at a hydroelectric power plant or at a nuclear power plant.

It is very important that PLEH can be used from any alternative energy sources - solar panels or wind turbines. And then there will be no talk at all about any harm to nature.

What other modern heating technology can boast of this?

Well, it's time to draw a general conclusion from all that has been said today.

So, PLEH is more efficient than wood heating: it is avoiding water heating (no boiler room is needed), cleaner, chopping wood, burning it and spoiling the air.

More efficient than gas: safer, MUCH easier to install, connect and operate

More efficient than electric heating: SEVERAL times cheaper, again - avoiding hot water heating

More efficient than a diesel boiler: all the same + no need to carry diesel fuel, bury containers for it, breathe poisonous fumes

All the disadvantages of the PLEH are quite surmountable, moreover, the system can be used directly from alternative energy sources. And this is a matter of the near future.

Therefore, we can safely call this technology super-rational and super-efficient.

Undoubtedly, the future belongs to her.

Blog about the right and smart technologies

Owners' opinions about the system

The specified "Plan" system deserves positive reviews from the owners, because this film can be used in various rooms. It is ideal for brick houses. At the same time, she will also find a place in various workshops. The resistive electric heating element is installed in the canvas. This heating system is very easy to maintain.

If necessary, it can always be cleaned by wiping with a dry cloth. Also, the "Plan" system has good reviews because of its absolutely noiseless operation. In winter, infrared rays have a beneficial effect on the skin, and this should be taken into account. Thus, on cloudy days, this film is able to have a positive effect on the human body.

Installing film in the house

Using the fastening elements, you can independently make the installation "Plan". The heating is then regulated by the control unit. It is quite simple to install, any person can switch modes. To fix the film, you need to take all measurements and prepare the fasteners. Work should always start from the edge. If the heating element is damaged, the cloth can be thrown away immediately. Thus, the sheets must be fastened very carefully.

The minimum overlay must be 5 cm. Hooks are not recommended in this case. In the opposite situation, after a while the sheet may sag, and this is undesirable. In this regard, with dowels, everything is done very quickly. They are expensive on the market, but such elements are reliable. As a result, you can ignore them for many years.

PLEN complete set

Heating equipment PLEN

Studying the video about PLEN heating, you can see that much attention is paid to the choice of the contour model of the heating element, as well as to the control units. The choice of installation technology, as well as the coverage area, largely depend on the dimensions of the installation surface.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the optimal width of the heating roll of the new generation of PLEN. This takes into account the rated power per 1 m² of its area. To install heating PLEN with your own hands, you need to purchase the following additional elements:

  • Fastening material... These can be mounting brackets or dowels. It is important that their width does not exceed the distance between the resistive strips;
  • Reflective backing... It is installed on the rough surface of the ceiling and is designed to concentrate infrared radiation towards the room;
  • Thermostats and temperature sensors... With their help, manual or automatic adjustment of the operating modes of the PLEN ceiling heating is performed.

One of the installation conditions is a flat surface. Therefore, it may be necessary to make a crate for the PLEN ceiling heating.To do this, you can use a plasterboard profile or install a wooden structure.

For the convenience of regulating the heating temperature of the new generation of PLEN, you can purchase a thermostat with a remote control or a GPS module.

Heater parameters "Plan 2.0"

The maximum surface heating temperature is 30 degrees, and the maximum voltage is 200 V. The heater can withstand a load of 30 A. The thermostat in this model is installed in the PP233 series. The connection to the network can be carried out in various ways, and the cable length is 3 meters. As you can see from the name of the heater, the thickness of the curtain is 2 mm. The radiation wavelength in this case is 9 μm.

The working power of this heating system is 5 kW. For an hour of continuous operation, it consumes an average of about 8 kW. In this case, the efficiency reaches a maximum of 85%. The density of the material inside is 8 kg per cubic meter. m. Power supply of the control unit is carried out from a network with a voltage of 200 V. The maximum power of the modulator is exactly 5 kW. Worth sq. m. film in a specialized store for about 1800 rubles. The installation will cost the owner about 1600 rubles. per sq. m.

Do-it-yourself heating plan

Reviews of the Plan 2.0 system

Most of all, the film with a thickness of 2.0 mm is suitable for heating various administrative premises. At the same time, it can be installed in a residential building. In operation, it is simple and does not require special attention. Heating the room takes a long time, but this is perhaps the only drawback of this system. In winter, this heater is best used with other heating appliances.

They say that it is quite easy to save on electricity with this film. In this case, it is important to learn how to use the control unit correctly. In damp rooms, the specified heater can also be used. After several hours of operation, the humidity returns to normal. Also, many people fell in love with this system for its long shelf life. Given the low cost of the product, this is considered a significant advantage.

Specifications Plan

First of all, the user should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Power. It's good to know your own heat loss at home. This takes into account not only the number of windows and doors, but also the material of construction. In addition, you need to take into account the presence of insulation. As a rule, negative reviews are left by owners who have not adequately insulated their own house.
  • Required voltage. It is better if a separate input with a power cable and grounding is provided for heating. The risk of damage to the unit due to interruptions is reduced, as is the overall risk of using electricity.
  • Efficiency. It is not the same for different models. Film options always delight buyers with a high value - up to 90%. Of course, the level depends on correct installation and compliance with the two previous points.
  • Heating temperature. Infrared emitters are considered low-temperature - models that burn dust and oxygen are no longer produced. Plan is not capable of setting fire to the ceiling or floor covering - this should not arise.

Depending on the length and width of the sheet, the parameters may vary. For example, Plan-heating, the characteristics of which are maximum - the length of the plate is 5 m and the thickness is 0.5 mm, displays the following:

  1. Power up to 575 W;
  2. Efficiency - 90%;
  3. Heating temperature - up to 50⁰.

This will be enough to provide warmth for a room with an area of ​​more than 20 m². In addition, alloy materials are able to withstand short-term humidity and do not contain harmful impurities for humans.

In addition to the characteristics described, the buyer must assess the condition of each plate - it must be undamaged. It is possible that when lavsan or plastic is turned on, a small web of cracks will appear on the surface. Do not be afraid - it only speaks about the work of the conductors.It will be quite difficult to consider the cracks, therefore, they will not threaten the decorative appearance.

What is the best way to fix the film?

In order to qualitatively install "Plan" (heating) in the house, do-it-yourself installation must be carried out using only dowels. The power supplies are fixed directly next to the outlets. The modulator is also fixed there. To safely use the heating system, the minimum distance from the edge of the wall should be 3 cm. In this case, the indentation should be at least 4 cm based on the square of the room.

Before work, the wiring must be checked by a tester. Otherwise, situations with a short circuit are possible. It is strictly forbidden to use metal objects during installation. It is also not recommended to use glue when fixing the film on the surface. The protective layer must be pierced carefully so as not to damage the heating elements.

Plan heating specifications

About PLAN in a nutshell

The abbreviation PLEN stands for a radiant film electric heater. Heating is carried out by converting electrical energy into infrared radiation. The system itself is a kind of cake of non-conductive polymer films and resistors enclosed between them.

Find out the cost of heating

PLEN film for infrared heating as it is

When an electric current passes through the resistors, they heat up, transfer heat to the distribution surface from a composition with high thermal conductivity, and it emits infrared waves with a length of 9-12 microns. The radiation hits the opposite surface, which absorbs the radiant energy and releases heat. Manufacturers take solar energy as an example, inviting you to be heated by your own sun. What do we actually have, and if we get together, how will we install the PLAN with our own hands?

Repair of heating systems

Characteristics of the "Plan 2.2" heater

The power of the ceiling "Plan 2.2" is 5 kW, and the operating frequency is 55 Hz. There is only one thermostat installed. Aluf is used as an additional layer. In this case, it significantly improves system performance. The efficiency is at 77%. The wiring in the system is of the PV3 series with increased thermal insulation. Electroautomatics are present in the control unit, the modes are set only manually.

A magnetic starter is also installed in the system. The maximum temperature of the resistive heating element reaches 55 degrees. The radiation wavelength is on average 10 microns. The power source of the system is a network with a voltage of 220 V. The peak power of the modulator is at the level of 6 kW. Sq. m. of canvas weighs exactly 800 g, and the density of the inner material is 8 kg per cubic meter. m.

( 2 grades, average 5 of 5 )

