How to remove an air conditioner with your own hands: step by step instructions

If you notice that the cold air coming out of the split system has an unpleasant sweetish rotten smell, this means that the unit urgently needs preventive cleaning.

In addition to an unpleasant odor, clogging of the internal components of the air conditioner leads to faster wear of the power system of the device, increased power consumption and, what is most unpleasant, can cause a number of allergic respiratory diseases.

Of course, this procedure can be entrusted to a service worker, especially if the air conditioner is still under warranty service. But if you have been using the split system for a long time and do not intend to pay big money for something that you can easily cope with on your own, then you should know the procedure for disassembling the air conditioner for preventive cleaning.

In fact, there are quite a few companies producing split systems today, but they all imply a more or less unified system for building indoor units. Therefore, even if you encounter some design differences, the basic disassembly technique will remain the same.

How to disassemble the internal block of a split system for maintenance

The first thing you should do is prepare a set of screwdrivers of various sizes and workspace configurations. Also, do not forget to put boxes next to you for collecting fasteners, as well as the functional and electrical diagram of the air conditioner (in some models, the electrical diagram is printed on the inside of the top cover of the unit). To clean the internal elements of the split system, you will need a vacuum cleaner, detergents and clean rags.

  1. De-energize the air conditioner
    ... This is the first thing to do in order to comply with electrical safety rules. Do not turn off the air conditioner with the remote control button, but simply pull out the plug from the outlet.
  2. Remove the top cover of the unit
    ... Unscrew a few bolts (two or three) covered with decorative plugs and remove the top cover of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. The lid, which is covered with a layer of dirt and mildew, should be washed in the bathroom using a brush and detergent.
  3. Remove the air filters
    ... Remove the plastic coarse air filters. They can be mounted both on the block cover and inside it. We also wash the filters under a strong stream of water, helping ourselves with a brush.
  4. Remove the airflow guides
    ... Bending slightly, take out special blinds from the grooves that direct the flow of cold air into the room. They, too, most likely need enhanced washing.
  5. Disconnect the bottom cover of the indoor unit, the drain pipe and the power supply wire of the split system
    ... Carefully squeeze the three latches, and then disconnect the drain tray with the outlet hose from the indoor unit of the split system.
  6. Disconnect the wiring terminal blocks, remove the electronic control unit and the transformer
    ... To remove the control unit from the split system, gently squeeze the side mounts and then pull the device towards you. Do not forget to unscrew the ground wires before doing this.
  7. Remove the fan motor.
    Unscrew the bolts securing the electric motor to the chassis, raise the evaporator and remove the engine together with the rotary fan outside.
  8. Separate the motor from the fan
    ... First, you will need to carefully warm up the head of the bolt with a soldering iron to unlock the thermal lock on the engine pulley. After the fan blades have been removed from the pulley, they can be thoroughly washed in the bath.

The assembly of the indoor unit of the split system should be carried out in the reverse order.

There are situations when it is necessary to dismantle the air conditioner. The reasons can be completely different - the old split system does not work, a move is possible, or you are going to make repairs in the room. This problem can be solved by calling the wizard from the service center. But if you want to save money, have some skills and desire, then you can cope with this task on your own. How to remove the air conditioner from the wall during repairs, while avoiding negative nuances and mistakes, how to glue the wallpaper under it - we will tell you below in our article.

How to paste the wallpaper under the air conditioner?

This is a rather difficult task. There are people who “will do just fine”, and there are others who want to do everything flawlessly.

You can glue the wallpaper in two ways:

  • Gently stick, slipping a couple of centimeters under the device, new wallpaper. This method will not bring the desired result, since it will be noticeable to the naked eye that the wallpaper is not completely glued under the air conditioner.
  • Take off the air conditioner for a while, and paste the wallpaper perfectly.

How to dismantle the air conditioner from the wall during repairs so that the end result is pleasing - we will consider in detail below.

Precautionary measures

Before figuring out how to remove the air conditioner from the wall with your own hands, you need to understand how it works in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. This device consists of 2 blocks - outdoor and indoor. Their two lines are combined, and the refrigerant moves along them. Freon in a liquid state circulates through a tube of smaller diameter from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit, it also runs in the opposite direction, but already in a gaseous state along a thicker copper tube.

In this part, there are problems that can ruin all your actions when you try to remove the air conditioner with your own hands:

  • Full or partial loss of freon can occur if you turn off the main pipelines incorrectly.
  • Moisture containing air may enter the heat exchanger and pipes, which may cause damage when the air conditioner is operating after reconnecting it. Incompressible moisture enters the compressor and destroys the device.
  • The ingress of small particles into the copper pipes during the pulling process very quickly leads to system breakdown.
  • Handle the threaded wedges that are soldered to the tubing very carefully. If they are damaged, expensive repairs will be required.
  • Be sure to mark the terminals so that you can easily reconnect the air conditioner without mixing up the wires.
  • Do not cut too short the drain pipe through which the condensate is drained outside the outdoor unit.

Important! Read the instructions carefully before starting to dismantle the air conditioner, so that it will not need to be repaired in the future.

Preparatory stage

It is necessary to prepare a number of tools, without which it is impossible to cope with the task, before answering the question of how to remove the air conditioner from the wall during DIY repairs.

Required tools:

  • Pipe cutter.
  • Gauge manifold.
  • Socket wrenches.
  • Carob keys.
  • Side cutters.
  • Adjustable wrenches.
  • Drill.
  • Phillips screwdriver.
  • Construction knife.

There are times when you need to acquire safety equipment.

Important! When removing the device, two people must be involved in order to carry out the work without risk to life and health.

Freon descent

There are three options for dismantling the air conditioner with your own hands:

  • Disassembly with the release of freon.
  • Conservation of gas inside the device.
  • Using a special technique, with the help of professional equipment, save freon completely.

All methods are used, but the third one gives the best effect without any loss.

To remove the air conditioner from the wall with your own hands correctly, you need to study the design of the split system, which consists of a closed circuit filled with freon. It consists of such components - a compressor, a system of copper pipes and an evaporator with a condenser, which connects the entire system and ensures the extraction and supply of refrigerant.

To turn off the air conditioner without the loss of freon, it must be pumped into the condenser on its own, for this:

  1. Close the valve between the device and the thin bore pipe while the equipment is operating in cooling mode.
  2. After a minute, when all the refrigerant has been pumped into the condenser, close the valve on the thick pipe. By this action, you turn off the supply of freon and “close” it in the trap.

Dismantling from video

To dismantle the outdoor unit, you need to disconnect the copper pipes. To do this, they need to be cut off at a distance of about 20 cm from the fitting, and then the sections must be stamped so that there is complete sealing.

Important! Copper pipes cannot be reused because their extension is strictly prohibited.

Outdoor unit

Remove thermal insulation after working with copper pipes. It is best when two people work: one is outside the premises, and the other is inside. Removing the device this way is faster:

  • One - turns off the electricity, and the second - disconnects the wires, having previously marked the terminals at the point of their connection.

Important! You need to manually straighten the tubes so that they go through the holes in the wall, no problem.

  • Also, the end of the cable is screwed to them, which is dragged into the room.
  • Then the nuts are unscrewed, which hold the outdoor unit on special brackets.
  • After the two of them, the block is removed and moved inside the room.

Important! The outdoor unit you have removed must be stored vertically only.

Indoor unit

How to disassemble the indoor unit so that the frion does not leak out? Dismantling the internal unit of the device has some nuances, without knowing which you will not be able to do all the work correctly, which can lead to breakage of delicate fasteners.

Here's how to remove the indoor unit of the air conditioner from the wall for wallpapering correctly:

  • Remove the housing cover using the pointers located on the bottom of the unit.

Important! Each manufacturer installs the cover differently. Study the instructions carefully to understand how to do it correctly.

  • Disconnect the electrical cable by unscrewing it from the terminals and pulling it out carefully from the system.
  • Disconnect the branch pipe, place the container first, because water can flow out of it.
  • Remove the heat insulator and then disconnect the freon line. Unscrew the tubes carefully, as was done when removing the outdoor unit, tighten them with caps or wrap them with electrical tape.

Important! You can also cut the tubing, squeeze it, and then screw it back on. The main task is to prevent the ingress of polluting components into them.

Sooner or later, any user of a household air conditioner faces an unpleasant problem - after turning on the split system, a cool breeze bursts out of the blow hole, filled with the sweetish smell of stagnant mold.

This says only one thing - it's time to service your split, or rather, wash it thoroughly.

Here you can do in two ways - call the master and part with a certain amount of money, or rely on your own strength and independently disassemble the air conditioner.

This manual for disassembling the indoor unit of the split system (for example Toshiba RAS-07EKH

) will also help those who are faced with the problem of air conditioner breakdown and are eager to fix it on their own.

And the very last thing is a typical disassembly algorithm, and is suitable for most modern split systems.

What is needed

Yes, in general, a little. Several positive and negative screwdrivers of different diameters and (for some models) a set of hexagonal sprockets.

If you have stocked up with such a simple arsenal, it's time to get started!

And in order to finally dispel the last doubts, I clarify - in the process of all the operations described below, the internal block of the split system is not removed from the wall, the copper track is not disconnected, the freon is not drained.

Let's start cleaning the air conditioner!

Disassembly process

First of all, turn off the air conditioner and remove the protective filters of the indoor unit. This process is detailed in the manual for any split.

Now you need to remove the bezel. We unscrew the two bolts under the protective plugs,

and pull the frame towards you (two latches hold it on top).

The inner side of the lid is covered with dust and mildew, it should be in the sink.

Now remove the airflow direction blade. To do this, you need to apply a little force and remove it from the grooves.

We get such a picture.

Now disconnect all electrical wiring, remembering to write down the location of the wires.

If you are lazy to write, and your knowledge of radio engineering is worthy of respect, during reassembly you can use the electrical circuit located on the inside of the front cover.

Be sure to disconnect the ground wires before removing the card from the slot.

Now we squeeze out the fastening brackets,

and take out the housing of the electronic unit along with the transformer.

Press out the three support catches and carefully remove the drain together with the outlet hose.

Look at those awful brown spots.

The blow-out hole of the indoor unit, as well as the fan blades, are also covered with a disgusting coating that exudes a stench.

But let's continue

We unscrew the bolt of the electric motor support,

very carefully raise the radiator and remove the motor support,

after which we take out the blade together with the engine from the cell.

We carefully put the radiator back so that it does not fall.

Removing the thermal lock of the motor pulley mounting bolt is not easy.

In order not to burn the energy-transmitting rubber element, use a thin soldering iron to gently heat the head of the bolt, periodically trying to unscrew it. I did it on the third try.

When the blade is separated from the motor, all dirty items must go to the sink.

Get rid of annoying mold with a Feri bottle, long-bristled brush and powerful spray from the shower hose.

Reassemble in reverse order.


As you can see, the design of the indoor unit of the household split system is quite simple, if not primitive.

Therefore, if your hands are growing out of the right place, and your wallet is not bursting with an abundance of unnecessary freaks, it is quite possible to serve your favorite air conditioner on your own ...

Regular maintenance of the air conditioner requires disassembling its indoor and outdoor unit. This is necessary when replacing parts of the split system and its complete cleaning. It is worth understanding the features of the process and the consequences of improper disassembly.

How to disassemble an air conditioner? How to disassemble and clean a household split system on your own?

How to disassemble the air conditioner with your own hands in order to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the split system? To disassemble a wall-mounted air conditioner with your own hands, you must first familiarize yourself with some of the features of household air conditioners.

how to disassemble the air conditioner

Once, any user of a wall-mounted, household air conditioner faces the following unpleasant problem: when the split system is turned on, a stream of cool air comes out of its blow hole, filled with a slightly sweet smell of already stagnant mold. This means that it is time for you to carry out maintenance of your air conditioner, that is, wash it thoroughly, and inside the system.There are two ways to solve this problem: the first is to call the wizard (however, this method is expensive), the second is to independently analyze the split system and then clean it on its own.

We offer you to do everything yourself, because in this way you will be able to save a certain amount of money, besides, this skill may be useful in the future. We present to you a detailed guide for disassembling an air conditioner indoor unit, which will help you in solving the problem of unpleasant odor from the split system. The considered algorithm for disassembling the air conditioner is typical, therefore it is suitable for many brands of modern air conditioning devices. So, in order to disassemble the air conditioner yourself, you will need several negative and positive screwdrivers of various diameters, as well as a set of hex stars (not for all models of split systems). If you already have such a simple arsenal, then you can start disassembling the indoor unit. Please note that in the process of cleaning the air conditioner, you do not have to remove the device from the wall, disconnect the copper track and drain freon.

First of all, de-energize the air conditioner, and then remove the protective filters from the indoor unit of the device. This process is described in detail in the standard maintenance manual for your split system. Next, remove its front panel from the unit, for this, unscrew the two bolts, which are covered with protective plugs, and then pull the frame towards you (it is held on top by two latches). The lid on the inside will be covered with mold and dust, so send it to the sink immediately. Then remove the blade, which directs the air flow, for this, apply a little physical force and pull it out of the grooves. Then remove the lower part of the indoor unit of the air conditioner from the latches, and then disconnect the drain hose of the split system and its supply wire.

Next, you need to disconnect all the electrical wiring, while it is better to write down how the wires are located. If you are too lazy to write down, and besides, you can boast of your grandiose knowledge in radio engineering, then when you assemble the air conditioner back, you can use its electrical circuit, which is located on the inside of the front cover of the indoor unit.

how to disassemble the air conditioner

Then squeeze the fastening brackets, then take out the housing of the electronic unit and the transformer. Then you need to squeeze out the three support latches and carefully remove the drain and outlet hose. The hole for blowing out air from the indoor unit, as well as the blades of the built-in fan, will be covered with a strong coating, which gives off an unpleasant odor. After that, unscrew the support bolts of the air conditioner electric motor, carefully lift the radiator, and remove the motor support. Then remove the blades, as well as the engine from the cell, and you can carefully put the radiator back so that it does not suddenly fall.

Then remove the thermal lock that is located on the electric motor pulley mounting bolt. Please note that this is not easy to do. To prevent the rubber element transmitting energy from accidentally burning out, you need to gently heat the head of the bolt using a thin soldering iron, while periodically try to unscrew it. When you manage to separate the blade from the motor, send all contaminated elements of the system to the sink. To clean all the parts, you will need a bottle of detergent, a brush with rather long bristles, and plenty of water. The assembly of the air conditioner is carried out in the reverse order.

You can see for yourself that the design of the indoor unit of the wall-mounted split system is not very complicated. Therefore, in order not to spend extra money, you can clean the device yourself, besides, you now know how to disassemble the air conditioner with your own hands.

How to remove the indoor unit

To remove the indoor unit of any type of air conditioner, you need to snap off the lower clips.Most devices have them on the bottom and are indicated by arrows or serifs. Clip types:

  • The hook on the wall plate is made from above. In these cases, the clips are pushed upward.
  • Lower hook for the plate. In such devices, there are additional holes at the bottom. The fasteners are pulled down from the block.
  • Clips located under the decorative cover. First, remove the cover, and then squeeze the fasteners.

The removed indoor unit of the air conditioner is easier to disassemble.

Complex work

Filters are the first and often the only barrier for dust and dirt on the way to the heat exchanger unit. Over time, anyway, part of the dust settles on the fins of the radiator and fan blades, so a major cleaning of the indoor unit of the air conditioner is required. The same applies to the outdoor unit, which has a heat exchanger through which excess heat is discharged outside.

Complex cleaning of the air conditioner should be carried out twice a year, or at least before the next season, the beginning of hot weather. However, it is better to entrust such tasks to specialists who can effectively clean the equipment and not damage it.

Dismantling the indoor unit of the air conditioner

You can disassemble the indoor unit of the split system after disconnecting the device from the network. Then open the housing cover and take out the filters. The next step is to remove the case:

  • Any air conditioner has self-tapping screws on the bottom, which are easy to find under the plugs. They must be unscrewed.
  • There may also be self-tapping screws or latches under the cover behind which the filters are located. After unscrewing them, you can open the lower housing element.
  • The next task is to release the latches located at the top of the case. They are quite tough; to detach them, you need to find out the fastening features. Most often, they can be unlocked by pulling the bottom of the case towards you and up.
  • It remains to disconnect all wires, if any.
  • Having opened the blinds, it is easy to remove the body by pulling it towards you.

    The next step is to remove the drainage container. Some models are made monolithic, so it will not be possible to separate the tray from the body in them. It is important to understand the features of its installation in order to properly install it in place during assembly.

    It is recommended to prepare a container for condensation from the tray. To disassemble the container, it is enough to unscrew one self-tapping screw, and then disconnect the clips at the bottom. Disconnect the louver motor from the tray. After removing the container, separate the "tail" of the drainage hose.

    Air conditioner indoor fan (impeller)

    The next task is to remove the fan (shaft). This procedure is the most responsible and complex. A simple option for removing the shaft is applicable when it is removed to the left, without affecting the control unit and the engine:

    • Unscrew and release the left side of the radiator from the device case.
    • Unscrew the fastening on the right in the shaft itself a few turns. This screw is often overtightened, so it is important to be careful not to damage the head of the fastener or break the blades.
    • Remove the shaft from the bottom of the housing, taking care of the safety of the parts. Since the fan is often installed quite tightly, it takes a lot of experience to remove it. The screw can be held with a screwdriver while pushing the shaft.

    When installing the shaft into the housing of the device, the screw must be exactly in the original position. Otherwise, the fan will touch the walls.

    There is also a more difficult option for removing the fan. If the shaft is pulled out from the right side, you will have to remove the electric motor and control unit.


  • Remove the control unit from the housing. This will require disconnecting all wires and sensors. Then the latches are disconnected and the self-tapping screws securing the control unit are unscrewed.
  • Unscrew all motor mountings. Detach cover with shaft.
  • Carefully study how the shaft is disconnected from the motor. Carefully bend the copper pipes that fit the radiator.

Dismantling the air conditioner, in which the shaft is pulled out on the right

  • the most difficult situationwhen you have to remove the control unit and the shaft motor (we warn you that in this case it is highly advisable to contact a specialist):
  • remove the control unit from the air conditioner housing. To do this, we disconnect all sensors and wires that fit to it. Then we release the clips and unscrew the screws that secure it;
  • unscrew the motor mounting cover (usually 4 screws). We unscrew all the screws that will help free the casing and shaft;
  • we carefully study how to disconnect the shaft from the motor and remove it from the housing. Most likely, you will have to carefully bend the copper pipes that fit the radiator.

For more details on this case, see the article on cleaning the air conditioner.

To assemble the air conditioner, we perform the described operations in reverse order. Thus, we have got a rather long, but rather detailed instruction on how to disassemble the air conditioner.

Disassembling the outdoor unit

Dismantling a mobile or window air conditioner does not take much time - just remove the device from the window or remove the air duct. When disassembling a complete split system, all refrigerant must be retained.

The connecting pipes, through which freon is transported, have different diameters. The thin channel is used to transport liquid refrigerant. The large tube is designed for pumping freon gas. When disassembling the air conditioner, it is necessary to "drive" the refrigerant into the outdoor unit. Then you can disconnect the trunk lines. To pump refrigerant, it is necessary, while the device is running, to screw the pipe with liquid freon, which goes from the outdoor unit to the room. The device pumps the gaseous substance into the outdoor unit in 1 minute. After that, switch off the device immediately.

Dismantling the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is carried out by two people. This way you can eliminate unnecessary risk and shorten the work time.

After disconnecting the device from the mains, disconnect the cables by marking the terminals.

The copper channels that carry the refrigerant can be straightened by yourself with care. Together with them, the electrical cable is removed into the room. It is screwed onto the end of the tube. Then you need to unscrew the nuts that hold the outdoor unit. Remove the block together. Last of all, the brackets are removed from the wall.

The removed outdoor unit requires vertical storage and transportation. To exclude possible damage, it is placed in a box with foam.

Removing the compressor

In some cases, only the dismantling of the outdoor unit is required, for example, when it is required to adjust the operation of the compressor. In this case, the indoor unit remains in place. The main task is to properly remove the compressor:

  1. dismantle the cover of the outdoor unit;
  2. disconnect the discharge and suction pipes;
  3. disconnect the electrical wires;
  4. unscrew the fasteners of the fan and condenser;
  5. remove the capacitor from the case;
  6. dismantle the compressor mounts and the part itself.

By following this sequence of actions, you can reduce the risk of damage to the piping and gain access to other elements located in the housing.

Consequences of improper dismantling

It is easy to damage the air conditioner if it is removed incorrectly. Possible unpleasant consequences.

how to open the air conditioner to get to the fan bottom 2 screws found what needs to be done to open

Vadim Unscrew two or three screws under the horizontal blind.

Then gently push back the bottom of the case, making sure that the blinds go through the slot. There are three hooks on top, they will unhook themselves. After removing the case, carefully remove the thermo-resistor from the slot.Then on the left side, unscrew one screw holding the drain pan, gently slide it off the hooks and let it hang from the drain hose. The fan will be freely accessible. Be careful when assembling. Don't break the hooks.

Nikita with all the foolishness on a swing on the floor

Victoria Download instructions on it - there is a disassembly in pictures. At least on my HITACHI so.

Yuri He is taken out of the case. very tight.

Tags: How to remove the cover of the indoor unit of the Samsung air conditioner

How to remove the case from the indoor unit?

Hello! If anyone has come across a similar one, tell me. Split Toshiba needs to remove the case of the indoor unit. The case cover rises with 2 latches, but I don’t understand the plastic case itself. There are several screws on the front panel, but not quite I unscrewed them and tried to move them the case does not move. I can not find the instruction.

there are screws at the bottom at the air outlet, probably

, then with a professional movement remove the cover by the bottom lifting it up.

the lomaster wrote: then, with a professional movement, we remove the cover by the bottom, lifting it up.

Until a characteristic click. And.

Let's go buy a new one.

P.S. Do not judge strictly, just joking.

If you understand one thing, you will understand eight.

look for about somewhere here ..

2 the master has looked through everything, there are no more screws

Boriska66 I. This is what the user is afraid of. What to look for, a screw or a latch?

I unscrewed two screws completely and began to try to move the plastic case up, down, towards myself, nothing happens, the feeling is (when you move it up) that it will be completely removed from the wall. hull, then walked away for a couple of minutes, and when he came, everything was already assembled.

Alexander wrote: He unscrewed two screws completely And began to try to move the plastic case up, down, towards himself, nothing happens, the feeling is (when you move up) that it will be completely removed from the wall. After all, I remember when they put the split, then the tubes and the electrician was connected without a case, then went away for a couple of minutes, and when he came everything was already assembled.

There, at the bottom, Toshiba has latches with which the case is attached to the mounting plate, you need to press on them and snap off the bottom.

Something like that, but in general, for example, I take off such things without thinking about how they are removed, somehow it already automatically turns out, since the lid is in my hands.

If you understand one thing, you will understand eight.

Boriska66 wrote: but actually, for example, I take pictures of such things without thinking about how they are removed, somehow it already happens automatically, since the lid is in my hands.

Lucky! I will try.

Alexander wrote: Lucky!

What does this have to do with it?

If you understand one thing, you will understand eight.

At that time I did not take off the plastic case, I wanted to take it off to clean it inside, in general I did not dare to risk breaking the thread. wallpaper new glued and there was a desire to glue them under the body. Can anyone come in handy, first I removed the front cover (which rises and falls) of the arrow, this is where it holds, then the air direction bar. flow (if it is called that), it can be removed easily, bend it slightly and shift it to the left. Then we unscrew the 2 self-tapping screws that hold the plastic case in front, one on the left and the other on the right. Further, it may be wrong and it is necessary to start from the bottom, but I started from the top, since the body is located in the immediate vicinity of the ceiling and it is very difficult to hook this upper part with my fingers, but I still hooked in the middle and pulled it up, there was a slight click, as it turned out later, there are two latches in the middle, then he moved to the edges on the left and right on top and also pulled up a little, clicks also followed, after which it immediately became clear that the case does not hold anything at the top. , left, right, side view, after that pulled pulled the case, but it does not come off But as it turned out there is another latch in front of the very nose, and did not notice, it opens by lightly pressing it and it is better to press it after removing the top, and only after her to do the bottom

Service maintenance of the indoor unit of the air conditioner ...

Hello everybody! At the request of my friends and my accomplices in general, I want to write a post about servicing air conditioners, because it is relevant already at the moment (I hope the moderators will understand)! The fact is that the consumer is often misled by offering them maintenance of the air conditioner ANNUALLY !!! This is not necessary, because everything depends on the degree of pollution of the room itself, where the air conditioner is located! How to understand that cleaning is already inevitable? Let's take a look at the process of cleaning the indoor unit, perhaps you yourself are able to perform this operation: So we have a usual indoor unit:

At the bottom, so as not to dirty the repair, we glue the film onto ordinary masking tape: Open the lid, remove the mesh filters and rinse them under running water (this can be done at any frequency, but at least once every 2 months!) Now we remove the entire upper part of the case , together with the lid ... We unfasten the bath (through it the condensate enters the street) ... and then we enjoy the terrible sight! Here we can already understand what we breathe, including a clogged air conditioner ... So we got to the main point that I wanted to tell you about! WITHOUT DISASSEMBLING THE AIR CONDITIONER, you can see the degree of its contamination and make your own conclusion ... but should it be cleaned? Pay attention ... The fan impeller that we need to clean !!! We remove the impeller (if possible), rinse it with a stream of water and a brush, and clean the radiator with a steam generator ... VOIL: Then we proceed to the assembly of the indoor unit, in reverse order! But the same mesh filters ... We fasten the lid, put the mesh ... Close the lid of the indoor unit ... We turn on the remote control 22-25 degrees (do not turn on the minimum ... never in the heat, not a single condo will give you 16-17 degrees !!! ditch!) and enjoy the coolness!

… I will tell you about the outdoor unit later! I would like to inform you that I have been dealing with air conditioning and ventilation since 2000 and I am ready to help with advice and business in this area !!! So ask! I will answer later, in the evening I will answer everyone, because now there is a lot of work .. I run away) Have a good day everyone!

Constructional features of the indoor unit

Wall-mounted SPLIT systems from LG and others, including Daikin, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Ballu, Samsung and Hitachi, have a similar design of the internal module. Thanks to this, if you know the basic principles of disassembling the air conditioner, each owner can easily cope with such a task on his own, only for this you should designate the main nodes and parts that make up such a block:

Wall mounted air conditioner standard design

  1. Front (front) panel
  2. Coarse filter
  3. Fine filter
  4. Fan
  5. Evaporator
  6. Horizontal blinds
  7. Indicator panel
  8. Vertical blinds

You need to understand that correct disassembly consists in observing a certain sequence of actions that allow you to gradually get to those elements that need to be cleaned. Only careful dismantling can eliminate the risk of damage to internal components and modules, so you should act carefully, without applying excessive physical effort. Of the tools, you need several curly (cross-shaped) and straight (flat) screwdrivers of different sizes, as well as several hex stars.

Before disassembling, make sure that the air conditioner is switched off from the mains! This is very important to avoid electric shock.

How to properly remove the air conditioner from the wall with your own hands

disassembled indoor unit. How to remove the air conditioner compressor and the outdoor unit itself with your own hands ... Remove the protective cover from the case; ...

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How to clean the indoor unit of the air conditioner yourself

The split system includes two blocks - indoor and outdoor. When cleaning the indoor unit, you must stock up on a respirator and gloves - this will help protect against fumes of preventive substances and suspended dust. Bacteria with viruses, which are breeding grounds for the insides of the air conditioner, also pose a threat to the respiratory tract. Unplug the device and spread cellophane wrap on the floor.

how to clean the air conditioner at home by yourself samsung

It is recommended to wash the filters weekly, which are constantly clogged. The action can be combined with general cleaning of the apartment. Regular prophylaxis will remove the clogging issue for years to come. In case of severe blockages, you will have to arm yourself with special cleaning agents, and then wash the filter in running water.

how to clean a samsung vent air conditioner

Now you will learn how to clean the Samsung split system yourself, without the help of a wizard. The described algorithm is universal; it is suitable for most modern air conditioners. The operation is divided into several stages:

  1. Opening the lid with lattice protection.
  2. Gentle removal of filters.
  3. Removing the cover, under which the fastening elements are located (you will need to unscrew the cover or remove it from the latches - it depends on the specific model).
  4. Removing the display panel.
  5. Separation of the plastic housing, removal of the filtration devices.
  6. Isolation of the electrical unit with plastic bags (or medical shoe covers) from splashes of detergents.
  7. Wall mounting under the air conditioner of the service package.
  8. Removing dust deposits from the grate with a brush.
  9. Preparation of a disinfectant solution.

You will find the cooking recipe on the packaging. The solution is sprayed onto the internal components of the unit. The radiator grille and fan must be treated with particular care. Heat exchange plates are also cleaned with special means. Flush all structural elements to avoid re-contamination in the near future. First, the drug "Alphadez" is applied, then - "Winns 302022" (sold in cylinders, it foams strongly).

Do not touch the treated insides of the air conditioner for 20-25 minutes - in how to clean the Samsung air conditioner, the substances will be sorted out without you. The foam will settle, corroding the dust layers. Flush the split system with a spray bottle filled with clean water. Take care of the filters separately, let them dry on their own (you cannot wipe them off). But fine filters will have to be replaced. Wait until the system is completely dry and assemble the equipment. Remove the cellophane after you.

Samsung Vacuum Cleaner Warranty

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