What is obtained from coal. What is obtained from coal and oil

Synthetic oil from coal

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The production of synthetic oil from a mixture of 50% coal and water under high pressure with cavitation mechanical and electromagnetic treatment has been successfully tested in Krasnoyarsk. In this case, instead of clean water, you can use waste and oil-contaminated water.

Synthetic oil from coal

The production of synthetic oil from a mixture of 50% coal and water under high pressure with cavitation mechanical and electromagnetic treatment has been successfully tested in Krasnoyarsk.

In this case, instead of clean water, you can use waste and oil-contaminated water.

The technology allows for the complete processing of coal (both brown and hard coal), including the production of a water-coal suspension with its further processing into synthetic oil. The use of which, as a heating oil, does not require significant modernization of the boiler. Also, this technology is used for the extraction of non-ferrous metals from the dumps of enterprises. There are no rotating, rubbing and shock mechanical parts in the equipment, as a result of which there is no abrasive wear of the grinding equipment. At the exit, we get fuel with a dispersion of 1-5 microns (a drop of fuel oil when sprayed with a nozzle has 5-10 microns) is similar in characteristics to oil. From the classical technology, only a coarse grinder remained. After which the coal with the treated water enters an electric pulse disintegrator, where it is crushed to 30 microns under an electric discharge (discharge power 50,000 kilovolts). Then it enters the ultrasonic disintegrator where it is crushed to a given fraction. Then it is converted in a plasma reactor, where chemical processes take place, which make it possible to obtain a fuel close to natural oil. At the same time, the energy consumption is 5 kilowatts per one ton of RMS. There are no rotating, rubbing and shock mechanical parts in the equipment, as a result of which there is no abrasive wear of the grinding equipment. At the exit, we get fuel with a dispersion of 1-5 microns (a drop of fuel oil when sprayed with a nozzle has 5-10 microns) is similar in characteristics to oil. From the classical technology, only a coarse grinder remained. After which the coal with the treated water enters an electric pulse disintegrator, where it is crushed to 30 microns under an electric discharge (discharge power 50,000 kilovolts). Then it enters the ultrasonic disintegrator where it is crushed to a given fraction. Then it is converted in a plasma reactor, where chemical processes take place, which make it possible to obtain a fuel close to natural oil. At the same time, the energy consumption is 5 kilowatts per one ton of RMS. Similar methods in the Potram-Coal complex, developed by the Shah design bureau https://www.potram.ru/index.php? Page = 262

The cost of complexes "POTRAM" for coal processing, depending on the productivity.

Processing capacity for raw materials, tons per day 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
Complex production time, in months 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12
The cost of the "POTRAM" complex, in million rubles. 19,77 28,71 37,41 45,86 54,06 62,02 69,73 77,19 84,40 91,37
The number of technological lines in the complex, pcs. 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The output of diesel fuel from the volume of raw materials is 50%, profitability is 400%.

1. Preparation of raw materials for processing.Brown coal is crushed to a size of 0.5 mm and mixed with fuel oil or waste oils and water. In the proportion of 1 part of brown coal, 2 parts of waste oils (hereinafter still bottoms), 0.3 parts of water. The mixture should be a pasty product that can be easily pumped by a screw pump.2. Liquefaction of raw materials.The prepared paste is fed by a screw pump to the molecular explosion unit. The molecular rupture reactor generates powerful acoustic waves by a high-voltage pulsed electric discharge in a liquid medium. Due to the possibility of generating high-amplitude pressure pulses, this method makes it possible to influence certain characteristics of the medium, such as composition, viscosity, dispersion. When exposed to high-amplitude pressure pulses, the processed medium is subjected to compressive and tensile loads. As a result, particles of the dispersed phase of multicomponent hydrocarbon products are fragmented and polyatomic hydrocarbon molecules are cracked. The following mechanisms of these phenomena are assumed: 1. Discontinuity of particles and molecules at a sharp front of a shock wave. 2. Cavitation in rarefaction zones arising behind compression waves with subsequent collapse of bubbles by compression waves reflected from the boundaries. 3. The breakdown of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen under the influence of an electric discharge. The combination of hydrogen molecules with carbon molecules of coal, which leads to its liquefaction in a hydrogen environment. A method of liquefaction of brown coal, based on crushing and activation and liquefaction of coal in organic solvents is carried out simultaneously in the reactor by a pulsed electric discharge in the presence of water at least 5 wt.% of coal.

3. Cracking of liquefied raw materials.To separate mechanical inorganic impurities from liquefied coal and obtain products of lower molecular weight, we heat liquefied coal. Process temperature 450-500 ° C. As a result, components of high-octane gasolines, gas oils (components of naval fuel oils, gas turbine and furnace fuels), gasoline fractions, jet and diesel fuels, petroleum oils are obtained from liquefied coal. Cracking proceeds with the rupture of C — C bonds and the formation of free radicals or carbanions. Simultaneously with the cleavage of C — C bonds, dehydrogenation, isomerization, polymerization, and condensation of both intermediate and starting substances occur. As a result of the last two processes, a cracked residue (fraction with a boiling point of more than 350 ° C) and petroleum coke are formed.4. Fractional distillation of pyrolysis liquid.The resulting petroleum liquid after the cracking process is subjected to a fractional distillation process to obtain clean commercial fuels. Distillation is based on the difference in the composition of the liquid and the vapor generated from it. It is carried out by partial evaporation of liquid and afterbirth. steam condensation. The distilled fraction (distillate) is enriched with relatively more volatile (low-boiling) components, and the unrecovered liquid (distillation residue) is enriched in less volatile (high-boiling) components. Purification of substances by distillation is based on the fact that when a mixture of liquids evaporates, vapor is usually obtained with a different composition - it is enriched with a low-boiling component of the mixture. Therefore, it is possible to remove easily boiling impurities from many mixtures, or, conversely, to distill the basic substance, leaving hardly boiling impurities in the distillation apparatus. This explains the widespread use of distillation in the production of pure substances. The cube residue is returned to the beginning of the technological process to obtain coal paste.

Typical characteristics of SUN (synthetic coal oil)

Index Value
Mass fraction of solid phase (coal) 58…70%
Grading 100% fraction less than 5 microns
Density About 1200 kg / m3
Ash content of the solid phase (depends on the grade of coal)
Net calorific value 2300 ... 4300 kcal / kg (depending on the grade of the source coal)
Viscosity, at a shear rate of 81s no more than 1000 mPa * s
Ignition temperature 450 ... 650 ° C
Combustion temperature 950 ... 1600 ° C
Static stability $ 1 12 months
Freezing point 0 degrees (no additives)

SUN - synthetic coal oil SUN prepared from various coals, has different characteristics: heat of combustion, humidity, ash content, etc. In addition to these characteristics, SUN changes the ignition temperature. Table 1 shows the typical properties of SUN obtained from coal of various grades. ... Considering that the properties of coals from different deposits can vary, the properties of the RMS will also differ.

Table No. 1 Properties of SUN from bituminous coals

Wrt,% Аd,% Qri, MJ / kg (Gcal) Wrt,% Аd,% Qri, MJ / kg (Gcal)
D 11 12 24,0 35 12 16,9
D 8 16 25,3 33 16 17,8
OS 6 15 27,4 30 15 19,8
SS 8 17 26,0 35 17 17,6
T 7 20 25,1 30 20 18,3
BUT 10 13 26,0 35 13 18,1

Table 2. Properties of brown coal RMS

Wrt,% Аd,% Qri, MJ / kg (Gcal) Wrt,% Аd,% Qri, MJ / kg (Gcal)
B3 25 18 16,9 48 19 11,0
B2 33 7,0 16 50 7,0 11,3
B1 53 17 8,56 60 17 6,9

Heterogeneous reactions on the surface of coal particles lead to an intensification of combustion, and the activation of coal particles by steam leads to a decrease in the ignition temperature of coals than when burning pulverized dry coal. For anthracites, the ignition temperature is reduced from 1000 degrees to 500, for gas and long-flame to 450, and for brown to 200 ... 300 degrees.

The table below shows data on air emissions

Harmful substance in emissions Coal Fuel oil SUN
Dust, soot, g / m3 100 – 200 2 — 5 1 – 5
SO2, mg / m3 400 – 800 400 – 700 100 – 200
NO2, mg / m3 250 – 600 150 – 750 30 – 100

1. Bunker for coal supply; 2. Electric discharge disperser; 3. Intermediate tank; 4. Four rotary pump; 5.5-7-9-11. Ultrasonic disperser; 6-10. Electromagnetic reactor; 8-12. Plasma reactor; 13. High pressure pump; 14. Jet cavitator.

The four stages of the synthetic oil production unit are marked in color. The principle of operation. The production of the CPS is carried out in three stages: Purification and preparation of water with an increase in PS; Obtaining a water-coal suspension in an electric discharge disperser; Receiving CPS in magnetic-ultrasonic and plasma reactors.

Water treatment plant.

Ultrasonic action on the liquid phase (water) leads to a change in its physical characteristics, which contributes to the dispersion and stability of the emulsion, these changes persist for a long time. The destruction of the carrier phase is observed as a result of ultrasonic action and the mechanical reactions caused by it:

Pre-crushed coal is fed into the feed hopper 1, from where it enters the electric-discharge disperser 2. Electric-discharge grinding. ERDIFor crushing of mineral raw materials, a new unparalleled technology of electric-discharge dispersion is used. The water-coal suspension, passing through the electric discharge unit, is subjected to a massive electro-hydro-shock with a frequency of 180 electric discharges per minute. Water in the implemented grinding method is not only a conductor of impact energy, delivering it to the smallest cracks of coal particles, but also in full accordance with the effect of P.A. Rebinder reduces the strength of a solid, facilitating its destruction Differences between mechanical and electric-discharge methods of dispersion: the properties of the resulting products differ, since with the mechanical method, grinding is carried out due to compressive mechanical stresses - the product is compacted, and with the proposed electric-pulse method, grinding is carried out due to tensile mechanical stresses - the product loosens, i.e. additional pores appear, increasing the access of the solvent to the coal particles. (V.I.Kurets, A.F. Usov, V.A. Tsukerman // Electric pulse disintegration of materials - Apatity. To this it should be added that when coal is ground by pulsed electric discharges, many phenomena similar to cavitation occur: shock waves, plasma and active particles In water, when exposed to a high voltage pulse, hydrated electrons (e) with a lifetime of 400 μs appear, dissociation of water molecules occurs - the appearance of active radical particles (O), (H), (OH).These active particles (e), (O), (H), (OH) interact with the coal substance, producing its liquefaction (hydrogenation). Energy consumption is also significantly reduced, moving mechanisms of grinders, their periodic replacement and abrasive wear of grinding parts.

Technical characteristics of ERDI Productivity: up to 12 cubic meters / h (expandable up to 15 cubic meters / h), Humidity VUT: adjustable from 30% and more Power consumption: 30 kW Dimensions (without feeder), mm: 3280 × 2900 × 2200 Time to work mode (estimated by the output of the suspension with the specified parameters): ~ 60 seconds. Thus, the energy consumption for the preparation of the water-coal suspension was 3.3 kWh per ton from pre-crushed coal (grain size 12 mm), which is more than 1.5 times lower than when using the VM-400 vibrating mill. In this case, the granular composition of the resulting coal-water suspension can be promptly changed depending on the requirements for combustion, storage and transportation. Further, the resulting coal-water suspension is fed into the intermediate tank 3. After filling it, a four rotary pump 4 is turned on, which emulsifies and delivers the solution to the first stage of the block for the production of synthetic oil. Block of synthetic oil. The basis of the process of preparation of the SUN of this type are: magnetic-ultrasonic destruction of coal molecules; magnetic activation of coal particles and their homogenization; hydrocracking, etc., in the course of which the structure of coal as a natural "rock" mass is disturbed. Coal decomposes into separate organic components, but with an active surface of the particles and a large amount of free organic radicals. The initial water in the plasma reactor undergoes a number of transformations, as a result of the action four main products are formed: atomic hydrogen H; hydroxyl radical-OH "; hydrogen peroxide H20; and water in an excited state H20, the chemical activity of which contributes to the formation of an active dispersed medium saturated with fine and cationic components.

(Synthetic oil block)

Technical characteristics of the synthetic oil block: Productivity: up to 12 cubic meters / h (expandable up to 15 cubic meters / h), i.e. about 5.5 t / h Granular composition of SUN (100% particles): adjustable from 1 to 5 microns CWF humidity: adjustable from 30% and more Power consumption: 15 kW Overall dimensions of the unit: 4455х2900х2200 The obtained synthetic oil (SUN) has a high reactivity in comparison with the initial fuel , lower temperature in the torch core, high burnout rate (up to 99%). The dispersed medium, playing the role of intermediate oxidation at practically all main stages of fuel combustion, is activated by the surface of the solid phase particles. Therefore, the ignition of sprayed droplets begins not with the ignition of volatile vapors, but with a heterogeneous reaction on their surface, including with water vapor. The activation of the surface particles of droplets leads to a decrease in the ignition temperature of the RMS compared to the ignition of coal dust: for fuels from anthracite - by 2 times; for fuels made of coal of grades G and D - by 1.5-1.8 times; Ignition of the RMS with proper organization the combustion process begins immediately after spraying, at the “nozzle exit”, the fuel burns steadily, without the need for illumination. Combustion proceeds according to a mechanism that has been sufficiently well studied in the studies of RLS and is characterized by an increased content of the gasifying agent (water vapor) in the reaction zone, at a slightly reduced combustion temperature, corresponding to a shift in the ratio of the intensity of many simultaneously occurring valuable combustion reactions to the zone of gasification and reduction processes, which, in turn,leads to a deeper diffusional penetration of reacting gases into the volume of individual particles and their conglomerates, providing, simultaneously with a high degree of fuel use (up to 99%), a significant reduction in the generation of nitrogen oxides. SUN is suitable for direct combustion in boilers by spray nozzles, combustion in boilers with a circulating fluidized bed, in catalytic heating plants, by spraying over a coal bed. It can be used as the main fuel in steam and hot water boilers, in various roasting furnaces, as well as as a ready-made initial mixture for obtaining synthesis gas, and later synthetic Motor fuels. Technologies for the production of synthetic oil from coal are actively developed by Sasol in South Africa. The method of chemical liquefaction of coal to the state of pyrolysis fuel was used in Germany during the Great Patriotic War. By the end of the war, the German plant was already producing 100 thousand barrels (0.1346 thousand tons) of synthetic oil per day. The use of coal for the production of synthetic oil is advisable due to the close chemical composition of natural raw materials. The hydrogen content in oil is 15%, and in coal - 8%. Under certain temperature conditions and saturation of coal with hydrogen, coal in a significant volume turns into a liquid state. Hydrogenation of coal increases with the introduction of catalysts: molybdenum, iron, tin, nickel, aluminum, etc. Preliminary gasification of coal with the introduction of a catalyst allows the separation of various fractions of synthetic fuel and use for further processing. Sasol uses two technologies in its production: "coal to liquid" - CTL (coal-to-liquid) and gas-to-liquid - GTL (gas-to-liquid). Using its first experience in South Africa during Apartheid and ensuring partial energy independence for the country even during the economic blockade, Sasol is currently developing synthetic oil production in many countries of the world, it has announced the construction of synthetic oil plants in China, Australia and the United States. The first Sasol refinery was built in the industrial city of South Africa, Sasolburg, the first industrial-scale synthetic oil plant was Oryx GTL in Qatar in Ras Laffan, the company also commissioned the Secunda CTL plant in South Africa, participated in the design of the Escravos GTL plant in Nigeria together with Chevron. The capital intensity of the Escravos GTL project is $ 8.4 billion, the resulting capacity of the refinery will be 120 thousand barrels of synthetic oil per day, the project was launched in 2003, and the planned commissioning date is 2013.

Pearl GTL construction in Qatar

LLC "Enkom", Buryatia. “German plants give 20% oil yield from brown coal, Chinese ones - 40-45%. We will not disclose all the details yet, we will only say that at the moment we have a safe and effective technology that gives an oil yield of 70% using cavitation. " Sergey Viktorovich Ivanov, head of the innovative enterprise "Enkom"

The latest developments, which we are conducting with the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will make it possible to use gas synthesized from brown coal for heating budgetary organizations, the residential sector, detached complexes, etc. For this, it will be necessary to replace conventional boiler houses with gas ones, equipped with gas generators. Replacement of one boiler house will cost about 3 million rubles. This money will pay off in 1-2 years. The technology is the most effective and safe of all existing ones. It allows you to fill up 6 tons of coal at a time and for 3-4 weeks the gas generator will heat a three-entrance, five-storey building. In the near future, after detailed preparation, we will start manufacturing a semi-industrial unit. God himself ordered him to test this installation in Buryatia, which has no competitors in terms of the number of brown coal deposits. In addition, we are engaged in the production of synthetic oil from brown coal. We are not interested in existing installations. This is 20-30% of oil or gas yield. The Chinese have 40-45%, adding quicklime there is their patented know-how. But there is an opportunity to receive 60-70% of gas. We have this technology for both gas production and oil production - it is economical, efficient and safe. It remains to put it on stream.What we are doing now. The most serious interest in AIIS KUE, and in heat pumps, and in gas generators, and a number of other innovations we are introducing were leaders from the Irkutsk region and Kazakhstan, where the projects are not just approved, but are already at the design stage. ... Even with low tariffs, it is economically beneficial for them. And they are not even ready to allow our participation in the implementation of projects, but also to attract budgetary resources for their implementation. In Kazakhstan, we are already participating in competitions organized by the government of the republic. In general, with the government of Kazakhstan, which is very serious about modernizing its economy on the basis of innovative technologies, we have developed very fruitful and diverse business relations. We also cooperate with the leadership of this republic on the introduction of other unique technologies - utilization of any types of solid and liquid household waste and high-tech developments, in which there is no need for treatment facilities. Huge areas of sedimentation tanks are being replaced by small, innovative wastewater treatment machines. At the same time, there is no smell, no costly modernization. Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region. KPM LLC Using vortex swirling flows, passive cavitators force liquids to boil in the low-pressure region with the appearance of a vapor-gas phase close to 100%, at a low temperature of the liquid itself. Violent boiling processes take place, with the appearance of bubbles up to 5 mm or more (depending on the design), followed by entering the zones of increased pressure. In zones of increased pressure, there is an intense compression of bubbles, collapse, and the release of a powerful cavitation pulse of energy. The released energy radically rebuilds the structure of the processed liquid. KPM LLC has been conducting scientific cooperation with the Karaganda State University named after V.I. Academician E.A. Buketova. The Department of Chemical Technologies and Ecology of the Faculty of Chemistry, headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Baikenov Murzabek Ispolovich, is engaged in research on cavitation processing: viscous oils, oil products, coal tar. The specialists of KPM LLC assisted the department in the creation of several laboratory installations, based on our developments, where the structural changes of the processed liquid hydrocarbon materials are studied. Based on the results obtained, new modern technologies for the processing of oil and other liquid materials are modeled and created. RUMORS Yes, cavitation installations work and drive home-made gasoline from coal, I even know where! And I have a diagram and a photo! But they just do not advertise themselves. the niche is golden! https://dxdy.ru/topic15849.html




Processing of this type of raw material is carried out in three directions: hydrogenation, coking and incomplete combustion. Each of these types involves the use of a special technological process.

Coking implies that the raw material is kept at a temperature of 1000-1200 ° C, where there is no access to oxygen. This process makes it possible to carry out the most complex chemical transformations, the result of which will be the formation of coke and volatile products. The first, in a cooled state, is sent to metallurgy enterprises. Volatile products are cooled, after which coal tar is obtained. There are still many uncondensed substances left. If we talk about why oil is better than coal, then it should be noted that much more finished products are obtained from the first type of raw materials. Each of the substances is sent to a specific production.

At the moment, even the production of oil from coal is being carried out, which makes it possible to obtain much more valuable fuel.


Also, oil is a raw material for obtaining fuel for engine units.Oil processing takes place by distillation under the influence of high temperatures, due to which hydrocarbons are decomposed into components, from which the final products are already obtained. These are gasoline, kerosene, diesel and fuel oil.

Gasoline is used as fuel for automobile engines, refined kerosene - for aircraft and rocket complexes, diesel is used to refuel diesel engines of equipment. Fuel oil is used as a fuel material in boilers, and when distilled, oils for lubrication are obtained. The remainder of the product is called tar, from which bitumen is obtained, which is widely used in road construction.

( 1 estimate, average 4 of 5 )

