The standard for the temperature of the coolant in the heating system

The temperature of the coolant in the heating system depends on the air temperature outside, it is maintained according to the temperature schedule developed by experts for each heat supply source in different ways, it all depends on local weather conditions. These schedules are developed so that even at very low air temperatures outside, a comfortable temperature for people, about 20-22 ° C, is maintained in the dwellings.

How warm should the room be?

The list of temperatures in various rooms provided for by the standard:

  • living room - + 18 ° C;
  • corner room - + 20 ° C;
  • kitchen - + 18 ° C;
  • bathroom - + 25 ° C;
  • lobby and staircase - + 16 ° C;
  • lift room - + 5 ° C;
  • basement - + 4 ° C;
  • attic - + 4 ° C.
  • rooms intended for children - from + 18оС to + 230С.
  • pools - not lower than + 300C;
  • verandas for walking - not lower than + 120C;
  • children's schools - not lower than 210C;
  • boarding school bedrooms - not lower than 160C;
  • cultural institutions - from 160C to 210C.
  • libraries - up to 180C.

This temperature is measured on the inner wall of each room, the main condition for this event is that the distance from the outer wall should be 1 m, and 1.5 m from the floor.

The room should have a certain rate of air exchange, for example, the living room area is 18 or 20 m2, in this case the rate should be 3m3 / h per 1m2, the same characteristics should be observed in regions where the thermometer drops below - 31oC.

In the kitchens of the hostel and apartments, which are equipped with gas and electric stoves with two burners, whose area reaches 18 m2, aeration should be 60 m3 / h. In the event that there are three hotplates in the room, the aeration must accordingly be increased to 75 m3 / h, and when the burner is four, this characteristic must be increased to 90 m3 / h.

Bathrooms whose area is 25 m2, the rate of aeration should be 25 m3 / m2, and for an individual toilet whose area is 18 m2 - 25 m3 / h. In the event that the bathroom is combined, the air exchange must be at least 50 m3 / h, and if an urinal is still installed in it, then it is necessary to add another 25 m3 / m to it.

In the case when the room is corner, the temperature in the room should be 2o higher than usual.

In warm weather, the elevator room should not exceed 40 ° C.

In the event that hourly deviations from the established characteristics are noticeable, the fee should be reduced by 0.15%.

How to measure the temperature of the heating medium?

The temperature of the coolant in the heating system provides for the following standards:

  1. Hot water in the tap should be available all year round and its temperature should be from + 50 ° C to + 70 ° C;
  2. Heating devices are filled with this liquid during the heating season.

In order to find out the temperature of the heating radiator, you need to open the tap and substitute a container with a thermometer. During this time, the temperature may rise by 4 ° C.

When a problem arises in this matter, it is tedious to file a complaint with the housing office, but in the case of airing the batteries, the complaint is written in the DEZ. A specialist should come within a week to fix everything.

There are several more ways to measure the temperature of heating batteries in an apartment building:

  1. With the help of a thermometer, the temperature of the heating pipes or the radiators themselves is measured; 1-2 ° C must be added to the result obtained;
  2. For more accurate data measurement, you need to buy a thermometer-pyrometer, which is able to measure the temperature with an accuracy of 0.5 ° C;
  3. It is necessary to take an alcohol thermometer and attach it to a certain place on the heating battery, after which it is wrapped with tape and wrapped with any thermal insulator (foam rubber, flywheel). Now it will play the role of a permanent meter of the heating system temperature;
  4. In the event that an electronic measuring device is at hand, for example, a multimeter, with a temperature measurement function, a wire with a thermocouple is tied to the radiator, and the temperature of the coolant is measured.

If you are not satisfied with the temperature of your heating devices or any other parameters of the coolant, then after filing a complaint, a commission will come to you, whose task will be to measure the temperature of the circulating liquid in the heating system.

They must strictly act in accordance with clause 4, which is indicated in the "Methods of control" GOST 30494−96, and the device must have registration, as well as certificates of verification and quality. The measurement range should fluctuate from +5 to + 40 ° C, the permissible error should be within 0.1 ° C.

What does the temperature depend on?

There are several other factors that affect the indoor temperature:

  1. If the outside air temperature is low, accordingly, it will be lower in the room;
  2. Wind speed also affects temperature. The stronger the wind loads, the more heat loss will be through windows and entrance doors;
  3. Tightness of sealing joints in the walls of the house. For example, metal-plastic windows and insulation of front walls can significantly affect the temperature inside the home.

Everything described earlier is undoubtedly important. But, the main factor that strongly affects the temperature in the rooms is the temperature of the heating radiators themselves. Usually the heating batteries supplied from the central system have a temperature of 70 - 90 ° C.

It is known that the required temperature inside the room cannot be achieved only by this factor, taking into account the fact that in different rooms there should be different temperature conditions due to their different purpose.

The temperature regime inside the room is also influenced by how intense the movement of people inside it. The temperature will be higher where people move the least.

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This is the basis for heat distribution. As proof, in sports facilities where people are constantly moving, the temperature is maintained at 18 ° C, since it is not advisable to maintain a higher temperature.

Factors influencing the temperature of radiators:

  1. Outside temperature;
  2. Heating system type. Norm of a one-pipe system: +105 ° C, for a two-pipe system: + 95 ° C. The difference between supply and return should not be more than 105 - 70 ° C and 95-70 ° C, respectively;
  3. Directions of the coolant flow into the batteries. In the case when the wiring is from above, the difference will be: + 20 ° C, from below - +30 ° C;
  4. Heating device type. Radiators and convectors differ in heat transfer, which means that the temperature regime is also different. Convectors have a lower heat transfer than radiators.

It is natural for everyone to understand that regardless of whether it is a convector or a radiator, heat transfer will directly depend on the temperature outside. At zero outside temperature, the heat transfer rate of the radiators should vary within 40-45 ° C supply and 30-35 ° C return. For convectors, these characteristics are as follows: 41-49 ° C supply and 36-40 ° C return.

When the thermometer falls to -20 ° C, these characteristics will be as follows: for radiators - supply 67-77 ° C, return 53-55 ° C, for convectors - supply 68-79 ° C and return 55-57 ° C.But when the thermometer mark reaches -40 ° C, both for radiators and for convectors, these characteristics will be the same: supply 95-105 ° C, return temperature 70 ° C.

How are rates calculated?

As described above, the temperature graph is directly affected by the outside air temperature. Accordingly, the lower the outside temperature, the greater the heat loss. The question arises, what indicators to use for the calculation?

This indicator can be found in regulatory documents. It is based on the average temperature of the five coldest days of the year. A period of 50 years is taken into account and the 8 coldest winters are selected. For what reasons is the average daily temperature calculated in this way?

Firstly, thanks to this, it is possible to be prepared in winter for low temperatures, which occur every few years. In addition, given these indicators, you can significantly save on costs during the creation of heating systems. In the case of mass construction, this amount will be very significant.

Accordingly, the temperature of the coolant will directly affect the temperature of the heated room.

Based on the street temperature indicators, calculations of the coolant temperature are made and have the following values:

In order to comfortably survive the cold season, you need to worry about creating a high-quality heating system in advance. If you live in a private house, you have an autonomous network, and if in an apartment complex, you have a centralized one. Whatever it is, it is still necessary that the temperature of the batteries during the heating season be within the standards established by SNiP. Let us analyze in this article the temperature of the coolant for different heating systems.

The heating season begins when the average temperature on the street per day drops below + 8 ° C and stops, respectively, when it rises above this mark, but at the same time it also lasts up to 5 days.

Standards. What temperature should be in the rooms (minimum):

  • In a residential area + 18 ° C;
  • In the corner room + 20 ° C;
  • In the kitchen + 18 ° C;
  • In the bathroom + 25 ° C;
  • In corridors and stairwells + 16 ° C;
  • In the elevator + 5 ° C;
  • In the basement + 4 ° C;
  • In the attic + 4 ° C.

It should be noted that these temperature standards refer to the heating season and do not apply to the rest of the time. Also, it will be useful to know that hot water should be from + 50 ° C to + 70 ° C, according to SNiP-u "Residential buildings".

There are several types of heating systems:

The effect of temperature on the characteristics of the coolant

In addition to the factors listed above, the temperature of the water in the heat supply pipes affects its characteristics. The method of functioning of gravitational heating systems is based on this. With an increase in the value of water heating, it expands and circulation appears.

Heating media for the heating system

But when using antifreeze, exceeding normal temperatures in the heating batteries can lead to different results. Therefore, for heat supply with a heat carrier that differs from water, it is necessary first to determine the permissible values ​​of its heating. This does not apply to the temperature of the central heating radiators in the apartment, since such devices do not use antifreeze-based liquids.

Antifreeze is used if there is a risk of exposure to low temperatures on the radiators. Unlike water, it does not go from a liquid to a crystal-like state at a value of 0 degrees. But if the work of heat supply goes beyond the norms of the temperature table for heating in a larger direction, the following phenomena can be observed:

  1. foaming. This contributes to an increase in the volume of the coolant and the pressure level. There will be no reverse process when the antifreeze cools down;
  2. the appearance of limescale.The antifreeze contains mineral components. If the heating temperature in the apartment is violated, they precipitate. Over time, this leads to clogging of pipes and radiators;
  3. an increase in the density index. Malfunctions in the operation of the circulation pump may occur if its rated power was not designed for such situations.

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Therefore, it is much easier to monitor the temperature of the water in the heating system of a private house than to control the heating level of antifreeze. Moreover, substances based on ethylene glycol emit gas harmful to humans when evaporated.

Today they are almost never used as a coolant in autonomous heat supply systems. Before using antifreeze in heating, it is necessary to replace all rubber seals with paranite ones. This is due to the high level of permeability of this type of coolant.

Options for normalizing the temperature regime of heating

The minimum indicators of the water temperature in the heating system are not considered the main threat to its operation. This affects the microclimate in living rooms, but does not affect the operation of the heat supply. If the water heating rate is exceeded, emergencies may occur.

Safety group for autonomous heating

When creating a heating scheme, it is necessary to provide a list of measures aimed at preventing a critical increase in water temperature. First of all, this will lead to an increase in pressure and stress on the inside of the pipes and radiators. If this happened once and lasted a short time, then the details of the heat supply will not be affected.

But such cases appear with the constant influence of specific factors. Most often this is the improper operation of a solid fuel boiler. To avoid breakdowns, it is necessary to upgrade the heating in this way:

  • installation of a security group. It consists of an air vent, a drain valve and a pressure gauge. If the water temperature reaches a critical level, these parts will eliminate the excess of the coolant, thereby ensuring normal circulation of the liquid for its natural cooling;
  • mixing unit. It connects the return and supply pipes. Additionally, a two-way valve with a servo drive is mounted. The latter is connected to a temperature sensor. If the indicator of the heating level exceeds the norm, the valve will open and there will be a mixing of streams of hot and cooled water;
  • electronic heating control unit. It distributes the temperature of the water to different parts of the system. In case of violation of the thermal regime, it sends an appropriate signal to the boiler processor to reduce the power.

These measures will prevent incorrect operation of the heating even at the initial stage of the appearance of the problem. It is most difficult to control the value of the water temperature in systems with a solid fuel boiler. Therefore, for them, special attention must be paid to the choice of indicators of the safety group and the mixing unit.

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With natural circulation

The coolant circulates without interruption. This is due to the fact that the change in temperature and density of the coolant occurs continuously. Because of this, heat is distributed evenly over all elements of the natural circulation heating system.

The circulating water pressure directly depends on the temperature difference between hot and cooled water. Typically, in the first heating system, the coolant temperature is 95 ° C, and in the second 70 ° C.

Heating medium for heating systems

It is customary to use ordinary water or antifreeze to fill heating systems.The use of one or another coolant for a heating system most often depends on the specific operating conditions.

For example, those who have houses in summer cottages know that a gas or electricity cutoff can occur at any time. Naturally, this will lead to the termination of the operation of the heating boiler. If this happens in severe frost, then frozen water in the system can cause pipes to burst and damage heating devices. Therefore, the option of using liquids that freeze at low temperatures can be very relevant.

Experts warn that it is extremely dangerous to use ethyl alcohol, automotive antifreeze, transformer oil as a coolant.

Antifreeze, first of all, must meet fire safety conditions and not contain additives that are unacceptable for use in residential premises. It is better to take care of your health and the safety of the heating system of your home and use a special product as a heat carrier. Ethylene glycol is the basis for most of the antifreezes produced in Russia.

A mixture of ethylene glycol and water tends to freeze at rather low temperatures, its high concentration can lower the freezing point to minus 65 degrees.

It should not be assumed that the antifreeze used in the heating system is a conventional mixture of water and ethylene glycol. Such a mixture will have too active a corrosive effect and it will not be possible to do without special additives that would prevent this phenomenon. Also, the antifreeze contains additives, they prevent the appearance of scale and the formation of foam.

A decision on the quality of the future coolant should be made even before the installation of the heating system begins. This decision can influence the choice of the boiler. The fact is that many of the foreign manufacturers of heating equipment do not approve of the use of their devices in systems with antifreeze filler. Up to the point that they remove their boilers from the warranty.

So, when buying a boiler, first find out whether it is possible to operate it with antifreeze. Also, when using antifreeze, it seems impossible to install a heating system from galvanized pipes - its interaction with zinc leads to a complete loss of the declared properties.

If you decide to opt for this coolant, then you will have to take into account some more factors:

  1. Antifreeze has a heat capacity less than water (15-20%). This will require the installation of more powerful radiators.
  2. Given the fact that the viscosity of antifreeze is greater than water, you will have to plan to purchase more powerful pumps to maintain a proper level of water circulation in the system.
  3. High flow rates of antifreeze will require increased attention to all plug connections available in the system.

On sale you can find antifreeze of various concentrations with a freezing point of 65 degrees and -30 degrees. You can dilute antifreeze to a concentration that provides the freezing point you need on your own. The recommendations indicate the exact ratio in which to mix liquids.

Important! It should be noted here that dilution of antifreeze by more than 50% will lead not only to an increase in the freezing point, but also to a significant deterioration in its anti-corrosion characteristics. Cases of precipitation of salts that are part of the water can be observed. If dilution is necessary, then additives are additionally added to the solution. Dilution should be done with water having a hardness of less than 7 units. This will prevent the formation of sediment.

Propylene glycol antifreezes, non-toxic to humans, began to be produced in Europe in the second half of the 90s.These products are environmentally friendly, which is especially important in conditions of using a two-circuit heating system, when there is a risk of antifreeze penetration from the heating system into the hot water supply circuit. Today, Russian manufacturers also produce such harmless antifreezes.

It should be recalled that too high coolant temperatures for the heating system, of the order of +170 degrees, arising from improper functioning of the heating system, cause the decomposition of anti-corrosion additives and ethylene glycol itself. To prevent the situation, it is necessary to monitor the high-quality circulation of the coolant in the heating system.

The normal temperature of the heating medium for water heating is about 100 ° C, for steam 120 ° -130 ° C, and for air heating 45 ° -70 ° C.

As for the duration of the service life of antifreeze, manufacturers usually declare the preservation of all its qualities for 10 heating seasons or 5 years of year-round operation. The most popular domestic brands of antifreeze are HOT BLOOD, DIXIS, Nord.

Forced circulation

Such a system is divided into two types:

The difference between them is quite large. The piping layout, their number, sets of shut-off, control and control valves are different.

According to SNiP 41-01-2003 ("Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"), the maximum temperature of the coolant in these heating systems is:

  • two-pipe heating system - up to 95 ° С;
  • one-pipe - up to 115 ° С;

The optimum temperature is from 85 ° C to 90 ° C (due to the fact that at 100 ° C, the water already boils. When this value is reached, you have to use special measures to stop boiling).

The dimensions of the heat given off by the radiator depend on the installation location and the method of connecting the pipes. Heat output can be reduced by up to 32% due to poor piping arrangement.

The best option is a diagonal connection, when hot water comes from the top, and the return flow is from the bottom of the opposite side. Thus, the radiators are checked for testing.

The most unfortunate thing is when hot water comes from below, and cold water from above along the same side.

Norms and optimal values ​​of the coolant temperature


Over time, the maximum water temperature in the heating system will lead to a breakdown. Also, a violation of the water temperature schedule in the autonomous heating system provokes the formation of air jams. This is due to the transition of the coolant from a liquid to a gaseous state. This additionally affects the formation of corrosion on the surface of the metal components of the system.


That is why it is necessary to accurately calculate what temperature should be in the heating batteries, taking into account their material of manufacture. Most often, a violation of the thermal mode of operation is observed in solid fuel boilers. This is due to the problem of adjusting their power. When the critical temperature level in the heating pipes is reached, it is difficult to quickly reduce the boiler power.

Calculation of the optimal temperature of the heater

Most importantly, the most comfortable temperature for human existence is + 37 ° C.

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When choosing a radiator, you need to calculate whether the thermal power of the device is enough to heat the room. There is a special formula for this:

S * h * 41: 42,

  • where S is the area of ​​the room;
  • h is the height of the room;
  • 41 - minimum capacity per 1 cubic meter S;
  • 42 - nominal thermal conductivity of one section according to the passport.

Please note that a radiator placed under a window in a deep niche will give almost 10% less heat. The decorative box will take 15-20%.

When you use a radiator to maintain the required room temperature, you have two options: you can use small radiators and increase the water temperature in them (high temperature heating), or you can install a large radiator, but the surface temperature will not be so high (low temperature heating) ...

With high temperature heating, the radiators are very hot and burns if touched. In addition, at a high temperature of the radiator, the decomposition of the dust that has settled on it can begin, which will then be inhaled by people.

When using low-temperature heating, the appliances are slightly warm, but the room is still warm. In addition, this method is more economical and safer.

Cast iron radiators

The average heat output from a separate section of a radiator made of this material is from 130 to 170 W, due to the thick walls and the large mass of the device. Therefore, it takes a long time to warm up the room. Although there is a reverse plus in this - a large inertia ensures a long retention of heat in the radiator after the boiler is turned off.

The coolant temperature in it is 85-90 ° C

Aluminum radiators

This material is lightweight, easy to heat up and with good heat dissipation from 170 to 210 watts / section. However, it is negatively affected by other metals and may not be installed in every system.

The operating temperature of the coolant in the heating system with this radiator is 70 ° C

Steel radiators

The material has an even lower thermal conductivity. But due to the increase in the surface area with partitions and ribs, it still heats well. Heat output from 270 W - 6.7 kW. However, this is the power of the entire radiator, and not of its individual segment. The final temperature depends on the size of the heater and the number of fins and plates in its design.

The operating temperature of the coolant in the heating system with this radiator is also 70 ° C

So which one is better?

Probably, it will be more profitable to install equipment with a combination of the properties of an aluminum and steel battery - a bimetallic radiator. It will cost you more, but it will also last longer.

The advantage of such devices is obvious: if aluminum can withstand the temperature of the coolant in the heating system only up to 110 ° C, then bimetal up to 130 ° C.

Heat dissipation, on the contrary, is worse than that of aluminum, but better than that of other radiators: from 150 to 190 W.

Warm floor

Another way to create a comfortable temperature environment in the room. What are its advantages and disadvantages over conventional radiators?

From the school physics course, we know about the phenomenon of convection. Cold air tends downward, and when it heats up, it rises up. Therefore, by the way, my feet are freezing. The warm floor changes everything - the air heated below is forced to rise up.

Such a coating has a large heat transfer (depending on the area of ​​the heating element).

The floor temperature is also spelled out in SNiP-e ("Building codes and regulations").

In a house for permanent residence, it should not be more than + 26 ° С.

In rooms for temporary stay of people up to + 31 ° С.

Institutions where classes with children are held, the temperature should not exceed + 24 ° C.

The operating temperature of the coolant in the underfloor heating system is 45-50 ° C. Surface temperature on average 26-28 ° С

Comments (1)


12/13/2017 at 07:51 | #

Dear Sirs! In the fall I bought from, through dealers, convectors built into the windowsill - 3 pieces (one 3m, the other 2 by 1.2m). I installed them in a window sill with a depth of 50 cm, the heating season began and it turned out that they did not even heat up. We have a townhouse of 4 floors, I live on the fourth, the 5th floor is supposed to be, there is a boiler, it is fired with coal. I have water heating in the floor. The floor is warm enough, but as for the convectors, they are slightly warm and, accordingly, do not cut off cold air. The temperature in the comb reaches a maximum of 51 degrees, and as your dealers explained to me that this temperature is not enough for the convector, at least 70 degrees is needed, but unfortunately if our boiler delivers 80 degrees, then it will be very hot in the lower floors. In this regard, I would like to ask your opinion about what can be done in my case. Can I get convectors and change them to electric ones, although the repair has already been done? Then how much more expensive will it be if you pay the electricity bill? It is possible to install an electric boiler on convectors, although I have very little space in the boiler room and how much will the electricity bill grow? maybe just install wall radiators? Do not misunderstand me, I was advised to put built-in convectors in the window sill, since the window sill is deep, and I, in turn, gave up wall radiators.At the moment, my convectors do not heat up and there are no radiators, which, you must agree, is very offensive. I am writing to you in the hope of an answer and for help. Thanks.

On the supply, it is from 95 to 105 ° C, and on the return - 70 ° C. Optimal values ​​in an individual heating system H2_2 Autonomous heating helps to avoid many problems that arise with a centralized network, and the optimal temperature of the heating medium can be adjusted in accordance with the season. In the case of individual heating, the concept of norms includes the heat transfer of the heating device per unit area of ​​the room where this device is located. The thermal regime in this situation is provided by the design features of the heating devices. It is important to ensure that the heat carrier in the network does not cool below 70 ° C. The optimal indicator is 80 ° C. With a gas boiler, it is easier to control heating, because manufacturers limit the possibility of heating the coolant to 90 ° C. Using sensors to regulate the gas supply, the heating of the coolant can be controlled.

Heat carrier temperature in different heating systems

It is only important to observe the degree of heating of the air in the room. Therefore, in principle, the operating temperature of one system can be different from another. It all depends on the influencing factors that were mentioned above.

In order to determine what temperature should be in the heating pipes, you should familiarize yourself with the current standards. In their content, there is a division into residential and non-residential premises, as well as the dependence of the degree of air heating on the time of day:

  • In the rooms during the day.

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Water heating system at home

A common misconception is that the higher the heating level of the coolant, the better. But at the same time, fuel consumption increases, respectively - current costs. Often the low temperature of the radiators is not considered a violation of the heating standards for the room. A low-temperature heating system was simply formed.

That is why attention must be paid to the exact calculation of water heating. The suitable temperature of the water in the heating pipes depends on external factors. To identify it, it is necessary to take into account the following indicators:

  • heat loss at home. They are considered the main ones for calculating any type of heat supply. Their calculation will be the first step in the design of heat supply;
  • boiler indicators. If the operation of this component does not meet the design requirements, the water temperature in the heating system of a private house will not rise to the required level;
  • metal production of pipes and radiators. In the first situation, you need to use pipes with a minimum value of thermal conductivity. This will reduce heat losses in the system at the time the coolant moves from the boiler heat exchanger to the radiators. For batteries, the main opposite is high thermal conductivity. Therefore, the water temperature in central heating radiators made of cast iron must be higher than aluminum or bimetallic devices.

Is it possible to find out the appropriate temperature in the radiators yourself? It depends on the details of the system. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the batteries, boiler, heating pipes. In a centralized heating system, the temperature of the heating pipes is not considered the main indicator. The main thing is that the norms for heating the air in the living quarters are observed.

Water heating system

Heating in a private house. there are doubts about the correctness of the system made.

For these reasons, sanitary standards prohibit more heating. To calculate the optimal indicators, special charts and tables can be used, in which the norms are determined depending on the season:

  • With an average indicator outside the window of 0 ° C, the flow for radiators with various wiring is set at a level of 40 to 45 ° C, and the return temperature is from 35 to 38 ° C;
  • At -20 ° C, the feed is heated from 67 to 77 ° C, and the return rate should be from 53 to 55 ° C;
  • At -40 ° C outside the window for all heating devices set the maximum permissible values.

Heating medium temperature in the heating system: calculation and regulation

According to regulatory documents, the temperature in residential buildings should not fall below 18 degrees, and for children's institutions and hospitals it is 21 degrees of heat. But it should be borne in mind that, depending on the air temperature outside the building, the structure through the enclosing structures can lose different amounts of heat. Therefore, the temperature of the coolant in the heating system, based on external factors, varies from 30 to 90 degrees.

When water is heated from above in the heating structure, the decomposition of paint and varnish coatings begins, which is prohibited by sanitary standards. To determine what should be the temperature of the coolant in the batteries, specially designed temperature charts are used for specific groups of buildings. They reflect the dependence of the degree of heating of the coolant on the state of the outside air.

Advantages of using a regulator in the system

  1. The temperature schedule is clearly maintained (especially if the sensor is used indoors);
  2. Increased heating of the coolant in the heating system is excluded and energy and fuel savings are ensured;
  3. The generation and transportation of heat is carried out at the most effective parameters for boiler houses or CHPPs, the necessary characteristics of the coolant in the heating system and the temperature of hot water are provided by the regulator in the heat point or unit close to the consumer;
  4. The regulator makes it possible to ensure the same conditions for all consumers, regardless of their distance from the heat supply source, since the parameters of the network water suitable for it are higher than those needed for heating.

How the water circulates in the heating system and how to ensure its efficient and long-term operation, see the video:

Heating water temperature

  • In the corner room + 20 ° C;
  • In the kitchen + 18 ° C;
  • In the bathroom + 25 ° C;
  • In corridors and stairwells + 16 ° C;
  • In the elevator + 5 ° C;
  • In the basement + 4 ° C;
  • In the attic + 4 ° C.

It should be noted that these temperature standards refer to the heating season and do not apply to the rest of the time. Also, it will be useful to know that hot water should be from + 50 ° C to + 70 ° C, according to SNiP-u "Residential buildings". There are several types of heating systems: Content

  • 1 With natural circulation
  • 2 With forced circulation
  • 3 Calculation of the optimum heater temperature
  • 3.1 Cast iron radiators
  • 3.2 Aluminum radiators
  • 3.3 Steel radiators
  • 3.4 Warm floor

With natural circulation The heating medium circulates without interruption.

Optimum water temperature in a gas boiler

Usually, a lattice fence is installed that does not impede air circulation. Cast iron, aluminum and bimetallic devices are widespread. Consumer choice: cast iron or aluminum The aesthetics of cast iron radiators is the talk of the town. They require periodic painting, since the rules stipulate that the working surface of the heater has a smooth surface and allows dust and dirt to be easily removed. A dirty coating forms on the rough inner surface of the sections, which reduces the heat transfer of the device. But the technical parameters of cast iron products are at a height:

  • slightly susceptible to water corrosion, can be used for more than 45 years;
  • have a high thermal power per section, therefore they are compact;
  • are inert in the transfer of heat, therefore they smooth out temperature changes in the room well.

Another type of radiator is made of aluminum. One-pipe heating system can be vertical and horizontal. In both cases, air locks appear in the system.At the entrance to the system, a high temperature is maintained to warm up all the rooms, so the piping system must withstand high water pressure. Two-pipe heating system The principle of operation is to connect each heating device to the supply and return pipelines. The cooled heat carrier is directed through the return pipeline to the boiler. During installation, additional investments will be required, but there will be no air locks in the system. Temperature standards for premises In a residential building, the temperature in corner rooms should not be lower than 20 degrees, for indoor premises the standard is 18 degrees, for shower rooms - 25 degrees.

Temperature standards for rooms

In a residential building, the temperature in the corner rooms should not be lower than 20 degrees, for indoor premises the standard is 18 degrees, for shower rooms - 25 degrees. When the outside temperature drops to -30 degrees, the standard rises to 20-22 degrees, respectively.

Their own standards are established for the premises where children are. The main range is 18 to 23 degrees. Moreover, for premises for different purposes, the indicator varies.

At school, the temperature should not fall below 21 degrees, for bedrooms in boarding schools it is allowed not lower than 16 degrees, in the pool - 30 degrees, on the verandas of kindergartens intended for walking - not lower than 12 degrees, for libraries - 18 degrees, in cultural mass institutions, the temperature is 16-21 degrees.

When developing standards for different rooms, how much time a person spends in motion is taken into account, so the temperature for gyms will be lower than in classrooms.

Approved building codes and regulations of the Russian Federation SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", regulating the air temperature, depending on the purpose, number of storeys, the height of the premises. For an apartment building, the maximum temperature of the coolant in the battery for a one-pipe system is 105 degrees, for a two-pipe system it is 95 degrees.

The recommended regulation range is 80-90 degrees, since at a temperature of 100 degrees, the water boils.

In the heating system of a private house

The optimum temperature in an individual heating system is 80 degrees. It is necessary to ensure that the level of the coolant does not drop below 70 degrees. With gas boilers, it is easier to regulate the thermal regime. Solid fuel boilers work in a completely different way. In this case, the water can very easily turn into steam.

Electric boilers allow you to easily adjust the temperature in the range from 30-90 degrees.

The standard for the temperature of the coolant in the heating system

Staircase heating Since we are talking about an apartment building, the stairwells should be mentioned. The norms for the temperature of the coolant in the heating system read: the degree measure on the sites should not fall below 12 ° C. Of course, the discipline of residents requires tightly closing the doors of the entrance group, not leaving the staircase windows open, keeping the glass intact and promptly reporting any malfunctions to the management company.

If the Criminal Code does not take timely measures to insulate the points of probable heat loss and maintain the temperature regime in the house, an application for recalculating the cost of services will help. Changes in the design of heating The replacement of existing heating devices in the apartment is carried out with the obligatory agreement with the management company. Unauthorized changes in the elements of the heating radiation can disrupt the thermal and hydraulic balance of the structure.

Optimum temperature of the coolant in a private house

This device, shown in the photo, consists of the following elements:

  • computing and switching node;
  • working mechanism on the hot coolant supply pipe;
  • an executive unit designed to mix the coolant coming from the return.In some cases, a three-way valve is installed;
  • booster pump in the supply section;
  • not always a booster pump on the “cold bypass” section;
  • sensor on the coolant supply line;
  • valves and valves;
  • return sensor;
  • outdoor temperature sensor;
  • several room temperature sensors.

Now you need to figure out how the coolant temperature is regulated and how the regulator functions.

( 2 grades, average 5 of 5 )

