Standard service life of water supply pipelines. Standard service life of steel water pipes

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First, let's remember what types of metal pipes are used in cold and hot water supply systems.

Actually, there are currently only four of them:

  1. Black steel (water and gas pipes GOST 3262-75);
  2. Galvanized steel, manufactured to the same standard;
  3. Copper;
  4. Corrugated stainless.

It is curious: a few decades ago, cold water supply lines were massively laid with cast-iron pipes. However, now they are almost completely replaced by pressure polyethylene ones.

Standard service life of external steel pipes for water supply

In this article, we will look at several types and characteristics of pipes for domestic water supply. Modern pipe manufacturers use a variety of structural materials in the manufacture of their products. However, currently, only plastic or metal pipes are used in water supply systems.

In the documents for the pipe in accordance with GOST 3262-75, the service life is not provided. When using galvanized steel pipes in accordance with GOST 3262-75, their service life will depend on the operating conditions. Duration of operation before overhaul (replacement) ": Cold water pipelines from galvanized pipes - 30 years (residential buildings), 25 years (public utilities).

Black steel

Steel rusts. It rusts especially quickly after prolonged contact with water. That is why the resource of steel risers and liners, laid down in regulatory documents, is, frankly, not striking in duration.

Standard service life

The main document that establishes the standard service life of engineering communications in a residential building is VSN (departmental building codes) No. 58-88, adopted in 1988. They regulate the terms of maintenance, reconstruction and repair of buildings.

Appendix # 3 to the document contains the following figures:

Destructive factors

What factors limit the service life of VGP pipes without anti-corrosion coating:

Corrosion. Rusting of the pipe is accelerated by a damaged outer layer of paint, frequent disconnections of the water supply (in this case, the unpainted inner surface of the pipe is in contact with high-humidity air), and poor ventilation in the bathroom (read - consistently high humidity).
The first holes appear on longitudinal welded seams (VGP pipes GOST 3262 are electrically welded), on threads where the pipe wall thickness is minimal, and in ceilings where the pipe surface is not ventilated and (in the case of cold water risers) is continuously wetted by condensate falling on them.
Overgrowth of pipes with deposits (primarily lime salts) and rust.
The rate of overgrowth is directly proportional to the hardness of the water in the region: where it erodes sedimentary rocks on the way to the consumer, the gap in the water supply system decreases much faster. The narrowing of the lumen leads to a drop in the water pressure on the plumbing fixtures connected to the water supply.
Pipeline diameter. The larger the internal section of the pipe, the longer it retains an acceptable flow capacity.
Wall thickness. In accordance with GOST 3262, ordinary, reinforced and lightweight pipes are produced.
It is clear that those strengthened before the appearance of the first through fistulas will last longer.

Note: Steel liner overgrown with deposits can often be cleaned with a steel cable or string.Even more effective destruction of deposits is provided by chemical flushing of the water supply system: an alkaline or acidic environment dissolves lime and iron oxides.

Real life

In the memory of the author, the minimum period of trouble-free service of the cold-water supply steel in the new building was only 10 years. The house was built and rented out shortly before the collapse of the Union, in conditions of austerity on building materials and the actual inoperability of Soviet norms and standards. Lightweight VGP pipes, purchased for reasons of economy, quickly and massively began to leak on welded joints and threads.

By the way: despite the same standard service life specified for black steel pipes in cold water and hot water systems, cold water pipes fail much faster. They rust intensively due to condensation falling on their surface in the hot season and rapidly overgrow with deposits due to the absence of lime and rust dissolving additives in drinking water.

The oldest black steel engineering systems have been in service for over half a century.

In addition to the large thickness of the pipe walls, their longevity is promoted by:

  • Low humidity level;
  • Lack of condensation on cold water pipes;
  • Periodic painting of risers and liners;
  • Low content of mineral salts in water.

Steel water pipes

Traditionally, it was believed that water pipes, fittings, equipment made of black steel (GOST 3262-75) provide a sufficiently long standard service life. Departmental building codes, approved back in 1988, provided for the trouble-free service life of the elements of engineering networks for 10-15 years. The disadvantages of conventional (black) steel were not taken into account, which led to a large number of emergencies in the water supply and sewerage system.

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The main advantage of steel pipes, strength, has proven its effectiveness exclusively in high-pressure pipelines that provide water supply to objects. Laid in the ground (channel method) and on the surface, water pipes with a sufficiently large internal flow area rarely fail due to the deposition of insoluble compounds. Corrosion of the metal is the main reason for the shortening of the service life of such networks.

Steel pipes used in the internal water supply system of apartment buildings, based on technical and economic feasibility and the current regulation SNIP 2.04.01-85 *, have a smaller diameter and a large number of connections. These characteristics, combined with the poor quality of the water circulating in the systems, contribute to a reduction in the standard life of the water pipes.

Cink Steel

Thanks to the anti-corrosion coating, galvanized steel should be more durable than black steel. How much?

Standard service life

We can find data about him in the same VSN 58-88:

Destructive factors

How and why can a galvanized metal pipe for water supply fail?

During his work as a plumber, the author observed the only scenario of the appearance of fistulas on a galvanized water supply system: they appeared on a welded joint. Strictly speaking, it is impossible to cook galvanized pipes from the word "absolutely": in the area of ​​the seam, zinc burns out completely. You see, it evaporates already at 900 degrees, and steel melts at 1400-1500.

As a result, the owner of a galvanized water supply system, mounted on welded joints, receives a pipeline made of corrosion-unstable (albeit in places) material, but at twice the price.

How to properly mount galvanizing with your own hands in order to ensure the maximum resource of the water supply system?

Here are the instructions used by plumbing fitters in the 50-60s of the last century:

  • All connections are made only and exclusively on threads (cut by hand or on a lathe) using cast iron threaded fittings;
  • The joints are sealed with plumbing flax impregnated with lead lead.

Do galvanized pipes overgrow the water supply? Sediments and rust do not linger on their walls, however, the formation of a water-impermeable plug is still possible under certain circumstances. It goes like this:

  1. Debris accumulates in the water supply (usually cold) - sand, scale from welding and rust flakes. A blockage is formed if the water supply taps always open only partially, and the speed of the water flow does not allow it to carry the debris into the mixer and further into the sewer;
  1. Over time, the accumulation of debris is cemented with lime and iron oxides, gradually turning into a material with the strength of stone.

Real life

The author of the article must confess to the reader: he cannot name either the minimum or the maximum service life of galvanized water in the water supply. The fact is that he has never come across a galvanized pipe that needs to be replaced due to natural wear and tear.

Lines and risers that were opened after 50-70 years of operation were invariably in perfect condition and were no different from new ones.

Standard service life of steel pipes in accordance with GOST

Galvanized steel products grow much more slowly. Firstly, the smoothness of the wall is much higher, and secondly, the actual "debris" - particles of rust, scale, sand is much less. But if the taps in the water supply system do not open completely, and a sufficiently dense flow of water is not created, scale and sand can accumulate.

  • the service life of steel water pipes - riser or eyeliner, is 15 years;
  • the heating system, assembled from gas steel pipes, is suitable for use for 10 years;
  • heated towel rails in the bathroom can "work" for 15 years;
  • according to GOST, the standard service life of a gas pipeline made of steel pipes is 30 years.


The next metal on our list is copper.

How long can these metal pipes for hot water supply last? There are no normative documents establishing specific terms of service. Manufacturers promise vague "50+" years.

In practice:

  • The oldest copper plumbing has been in service for over a century and is still in perfect condition;
  • Copper does not degrade over time, does not corrode and is only afraid of significant mechanical stress: the metal is very ductile, and the pipe walls are only about a millimeter thick.

Destructive factors

As they say in the hero-city of Odessa, "there are still some":

  • The service life of a copper plumbing can be reduced if press fittings with rubber O-rings are used instead of soldering during installation. For 20-30 years, rubber loses its elasticity (primarily in hot water) and is capable of leaking;
  • The destruction of the walls of copper pipes can lead to their banal erosion. At high flow rates, sand and other suspended matter rapidly destroy soft metal;

Note: the problem is solved by installing coarse filters and limiting the water flow rate to 2 m / s.

  • Theoretically, a water hammer and freezing of water in it can break a copper water pipe. However, the water hammer should be downright extreme (the destructive pressure for copper pipes is 200-240 atmospheres), and defrosting should be repeated at least 5-6 times: the plasticity of copper allows it to withstand a slight change in diameter or length without destruction.

PVC pipe service life, plastic pipe service life

  1. Safety, non-toxicity and non-flammability of raw materials.
  2. Practical to use and when laying highways.
  3. Low weight.
  4. Possibility of long-term operation without cleaning blockages.
  5. Absolute neutrality to corrosion, aggressive substances.
  6. Resistance to the effects of various living microorganisms.
  7. High indicators of durability.

The service life of PVC sewer pipes, according to manufacturers, is more than 30 years. However, when purchasing such PVC products, it is necessary to take into account the conditions under which the pipeline model will be operated and what potential factors of influence on it exist. For example, it is necessary to take into account the susceptibility of collectors to manifestations of the external environment (weather conditions, ultraviolet light, etc.) and indicators of humidity in the room. It also does not hurt to assess the likelihood of mechanical impact from the outside and the risk of microorganism growth inside the system.

Corrugated stainless pipe

How long will corrugated stainless steel last for water supply?

In the opinion of one of the leading manufacturers, Lavita - an infinitely long time. Lavita explicitly states an unlimited life for its products.

However: the silicone seals in the press fittings will have to be changed after 30 years. This work is not difficult: the fitting is disassembled to replace the seal with a pair of adjustable wrenches in 30-60 seconds.

What is the real service life of stainless steel on water supply, it cannot yet be said simply because of the limited time of its operation.

Destructive factors

The only thing that can damage the stainless water supply system is rough mechanical impact. Thin (only 0.3 mm) walls are easily crushed by a strong impact.

But you can not be afraid of the notorious water hammer and defrosting:

  • The combination of a tensile strength of 210 atmospheres (according to Lavita), combined with corrugated walls acting as a damper, will allow the water supply system to withstand any short-term pressure surge;
  • When the water freezes, the corrugation will allow the pipe to lengthen and accommodate the volume of ice that has increased during crystallization without destruction.

Service life of water pipes

  • High level of flammability. During a fire, plastic pipes not only burn, but also release a mass of toxic substances into the environment.
  • Poor structural rigidity. Polymer pipes cannot resist either lateral or longitudinal deformations.
  • Susceptibility to mechanical damage. Any sharp or heavy object can damage the pipe.
  • High carbon, structural, unalloyed steel without corrosion protection, otherwise called "black".
  • Highly purified copper with a minimum amount of antimony, lead and arsenic impurities (less than 0.001 percent).
  • High carbon, zinc-based anti-corrosion coated structural steel, otherwise called galvanized steel.
  • Steel alloyed with chrome, or "stainless steel".

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Features of pipeline communications made of steel

Installation of heating pipes when connecting shut-off / control valves or steel pipelines using a flange connection, where 1 is a steel pipe; 3 - steel flange according to GOST 12820-80 with an inner diameter groove (2); 4 - collar sleeve; 5 - gasket; 6 and 7 - fasteners; 8 - a sleeve welded into a socket to a pipeline made of polymeric material and a collar sleeve.

Steel pipes can easily withstand hydraulic loads, and this does not affect their durability and, accordingly, does not shorten their service life. They have good thermal conductivity, and the low coefficient of expansion of the material with temperature changes allows it to be hidden in the wall. They are also great for creating radiant forms of hot water heating.

Nevertheless, the disadvantages of metal steel communications are no less than advantages. Of course, they are heavy and bulky, which makes them not so easy to use.Installation of pipes is not possible without gas welding, which significantly increases its cost. On average, steel pipes in real life last more than 20 years.

They are operated in terrible conditions underground or in multi-storey buildings as various public utility lines at a coolant temperature that is close to boiling and an internal pressure of more than 6 atm. And with water hammers, it reaches 12-15 atmospheres. It is in such conditions that they are actually used, in a mode in which no metal-plastic or plastic pipe would withstand even 15 minutes of operation. This is the main advantage of metal pipes.

In an ordinary urban multi-storey building, steel pipes are used when they are open or plastered in brick walls. In conditions under which the internal temperature is 6-7 atm., And the water temperature reaches 90 degrees, only pipes made of steel can work.

Due to their mechanical strength and low coefficient of thermal expansion, the types of metal pipes currently have no competitors in the water supply and heat supply system in urban multi-storey buildings. But no one wants to work with such pipes, since they are straight (sometimes up to 12 meters), heavy and difficult to transport. When working with them, the most unpleasant thing is that they are mounted by gas welding.

What is the service life of steel pipes for water supply and heating - material characteristics

These pipe products are distinguished by good thermal conductivity, and the insignificant value of the coefficient of expansion from temperature changes makes it possible to lay the water supply system in the wall. Steel pipes, in addition, are excellent for arranging radiant types of water heating.

The service life of heating pipes made of steel is more than 20 years. They are laid both underground and in the basements of multi-storey buildings, where a very hot coolant moves along them with an internal pressure exceeding 6 atmospheres.

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A few more benefits

It is worth mentioning the lifespan of steel pipes in Stalinist buildings, where they are used in the heating system at a temperature not exceeding 50-60 degrees. Heating systems that are equipped with cast iron radiators can safely serve for more than a century. Although they can't even, they serve. There are cases when such heating systems were built at the end of the 19th century and functioned perfectly until the mid-80s of the 20th century.

Another good property of steel is worth noting. It is difficult to overestimate it - this is the lowest coefficient of thermal expansion among other pipes. So, for example, in copper it is 2 times more, and in plastic - every 15-20. In simple terms, this is the stability of their size.

So, no other pipes can be hidden in the walls or floor, since they increase or decrease in size when the temperature changes (this is especially important if heating is considered). And this already leads to a violation of the integrity of the coating in which they are mounted. Therefore, when using non-metallic pipes, such compensating structures as, for example, soft thermal insulation are used.

A steel pipe, like many metal pipes, is best suited for the construction of radiant (not to be confused with radiant) water heating systems. If we talk about shortcomings, then the most important one can be written down to a high level of corrosion, as well as damage of a different nature. All steel pipes used in heating rust very quickly and become clogged with various deposits. The best protection method is the use of galvanizing technology and laying of larger diameter pipes.

Perhaps the only and main disadvantage of using galvanizing is the impossibility of using antifreeze in this system, which determines the operation, that is, the service time. If we look at it in more detail, then zinc coating increases their resistance to corrosion, from which their service may deteriorate. This contributes to the fact that the life and service life of metal structures is extended by about several years.

Service life of steel water pipes

The reality of our life is that there is no normative document regulating the service life of steel water pipes, although there is an instruction from 1971, which, unfortunately, is better not to refer to, because it is outdated in all respects. There is a term "average standard pipe service life", defined as 20-25 years, which is used in most calculations. And the point is not in bad technical "legislation", but in the pipe itself, since the same pipe in different operating conditions can serve for different times.

Despite the fact that plastic is everywhere crowding out traditional materials, all critical structures are still made of metal, including water mains. It is to the water pipes that we have, for some reason, adopted a "standard" that the degree of wear is the complete failure of the system, when the repair clamps manage to be put on the clamps. However, before determining the service life of steel water pipes, it is necessary to clarify that this period is calculated from the moment the pipeline was launched, and not from the manufacture of the pipe, since there are "stale pipes" on sale.

Useful information about steel communications

There are several methods for galvanizing steel pipes: diffusion and hot. The hot-dip galvanizing method is a process when everything is immersed directly in liquid zinc at a temperature of 450 degrees. This is a very time consuming process.

Diffuse coating is a process when a pipe is coated directly with zinc atoms at a temperature of 400 degrees. During this, zinc atoms penetrate into the intercrystal lattice of the heating pipe and form a fairly strong bond. This coating is carried out in special powder containers. That is why the galvanized steel pipe receives the necessary electrochemical protection. While other options for metal structures behave in a completely different way during galvanizing, therefore, they get a completely different result.

Installation of steel heating systems usually takes place in two ways: welding and twisting of a threaded thread. The most common option is for heating, which occurs when using self-shielded wire. Its diameter ranges from 0.8 to 1.2 mm. In some cases, it is possible to use electrodes, the diameter of which can reach up to 3 mm.

But non-galvanized pipes are welded mainly with an overlap. If there is, of course, a diameter of 25 mm. At enterprises, pipe joints of this diameter are sometimes used butt-to-end. The main difficulties are caused by welding metal heating pipes, which are under pressure, because they are almost always located close to the walls of the building. When installing the heating system, special requirements are imposed on the weld, the outer surface of which must be uniformly welded without any cuts, cracks or sagging.

Steel pipes have a good 50-year history of use, significant advantages and look quite good against the background of new modern technologies. But still, the use of metal pipes has slightly lost its relevance when polymer pipes began to be actively used in heating systems.

It is very difficult to name those areas in which steel pipes are not used.They are used in oil pipelines, heating mains, main water pipelines, heating systems and many others. Many people are interested in how long a steel pipe can last. Their service life is highly dependent on the operating conditions.

How long can steel heating pipes last?

The heating system, which uses steel pipes, has always been considered strong and reliable, capable of withstanding fairly heavy loads. The service life of steel heating pipes is thirty years. But why do some owners of newly built houses refuse steel pipes and prefer to make heating from plastic? And the thing is that the wrong pipes are chosen. There are two types of steel pipes:


... This is the cheapest type of steel pipe. The choice of this type of pipe for heating is doomed to failure in advance, since its service life is only a few years and they will not live up to thirty years. This is because it is very difficult to bend such a pipe when carrying out a heating system, and the seam simply bursts at the bend. Also, the seam cannot be well processed from the inside, a leak may appear and the pipe will need to be replaced. Therefore, it is not suitable for heating systems;


... Such pipes are much more reliable. For individual heating, such pipes with a diameter of 25 mm are recommended; during tests, they withstand a load of up to 20 atmospheres. Therefore, for twenty years, at least, such pipes will serve without problems.

Remember that previously only steel pipes were installed for the heating system. And often, when installing autonomous heating and replacing steel pipes with plastic ones, it turned out that they could serve for a long time, despite the fact that they were installed twenty years ago.

How long can water supply steel pipes last?

The service life of steel water pipes and sewage pipes made of the same metal is fifteen years. The same pipes made of galvanized steel can last for thirty years. During the first five years of operation, the inner surface of the water supply pipes overgrows, and wet condensation appears on the surface, not to mention the fact that they withstand high dynamic loads. And galvanized steel pipes are covered with an anti-corrosion coating, so they can serve much longer.

Advantages and disadvantages of steel pipes


- low cost, however, this is offset by the high cost of installation work;

- strength;

- weak deformation is present when temperatures rise;

- durability.


- corrosion. However, to delay it, a zinc coating is used, which is on galvanized pipes, which can last the longest;

- welding is required to work with pipes;

- poorly bend;

- with a sharp increase in pressure, the pipe may burst.

Without pipes, it is impossible to imagine the life of not only an individual house or enterprise, but also entire districts and cities. Pipes are used to move cold and hot water, to create heating mains, sewage systems, for many other purposes. The quality of pipes depends not only on their service life, but also on the ecology of both a separate section and the country as a whole.

The length of networks (in one-pipe dimension) in Russia is impressive - it is more than 1 million km! At the same time, about 30% (!) Of pipelines are so worn out that they need urgent replacement and repair.

Let's take a closer look at various types of pipelines (water supply, heat supply, sewerage), their condition and problems arising from their deterioration and poor quality.

Water supply pipelines

The total length of water supply networks is more than half a million km and about 30% of them need replacement and repair. What are the risks of old, rusty steel pipelines?

Firstly: with leaky pipelines, it is impossible to ensure the supply of water from its intake to the tap without reducing the quality.Water pollution during its transportation occurs both by corrosion products and as a result of groundwater suction through leaks. Contaminated water worsens health and at the genetic level affects the life expectancy of every Russian.

Secondly: the overgrowth of the inner surface of the pipelines entails an increase in the energy transfer requirement. The inner surfaces of about 80% of water pipes have such deposits that their throughput is reduced by 2-2.5 and even 3 times compared to the design one! According to the calculations of the Academy of Public Utilities, overgrowing of the inner surface of pipes leads to an increase in the cost of 1 m 3 of water up to 50%, and the cost of electricity for the production and sale of 1 m 3 of water is 30% higher than the average European level.

Thirdly: through the holes formed in old rusted pipelines, water enters the ground, causing an increase in the level of groundwater, which in turn contributes to corrosion damage to the outer surface of the pipeline. It is obvious that an increase in the level of groundwater due to leaks from pipelines also threatens the safety of utilities and buildings.

Fourth: the loss of water during its transportation through leaky pipelines, amounting to tens of percent, leads to the fact that the consumer is forced to pay for water that he does not receive. Russia annually takes about 80 billion m3 of water from open and underground sources for municipal, industrial and agricultural needs. If we take losses in the amount of 30% of the volume of water supplied to the network (25 billion m3), and the cost of 1 m3 of water at the level of 30 rubles, then the cost of the annually lost water will be 225 billion rubles.

District heating pipelines

Hot water is supplied through these pipelines for heating systems and hot water supply. Out of about a third of a million km of heat supply networks (in one-pipe dimension), about a sixth of them are in need of replacement and repair. Obviously, in heating mains, one more important component is added to the problems described in the story about pipelines for water supply (overgrowth and leaks) - heat loss during transportation of hot water from a heat source to its consumer. The following, truly depressing, figures speak about the deterioration of modern heating networks:

  • in a number of regions there are up to 400 accidents per 100 km of networks,
  • due to leaks in the networks, more than 70 million tons of standard fuel is lost without benefit, the total cost of which (at a cost of 1 ton of fuel equivalent, 2100 rubles) is 147 billion rubles.
  • according to the Association of Producers and Consumers of Industrial Polymeric Insulated Pipelines, about 300 thousand accidents in heating networks occur in the country annually. With the average cost of eliminating one accident 30 thousand rubles. annual costs may amount to 9 billion rubles.
  • the durability of heating networks is 1.5-2 times lower than abroad, and does not exceed 12-15 years.

It is worth noting that the quality of heating mains is most relevant for Russia, because we have the highest level of district heating (up to 80%).

The predominant way of laying heating networks in the Russian Federation is laying in non-passable channels with mineral wool thermal insulation (80%). Channelless laying made of prefabricated structures using insulation made of reinforced foam concrete and bitumen-containing masses (bitumen perlite, bitumen-vermiculite, bitumen-claydite), makes up 10% of the total length of heating networks.

Due to the humidification of the materials used during operation, the heat-shielding properties of heat-insulating structures are sharply reduced, which leads to heat losses that are 2-3 times higher than the norm.

Total heat losses in district heating systems account for about 20% of the supplied heat, which is 2 times higher than the same indicator in the advanced countries of Western Europe.

Drainage (sewerage) pipelines

More than 150,000 km of pipelines are used for wastewater disposal, of which more than 30% need replacement and repair. Worn out and old systems are depressurized, which creates a danger of contamination of water bodies. In addition, sewer networks are often laid next to water pipes, and given that there are leaks in both of them, there is a suction of sewage or soil contaminated by them and their penetration through the aquifers into the water pipelines. Worn out underground pipelines are one of the main causes of intestinal infectious diseases, which have long been forgotten in developed countries!

We examined the current deplorable situation. Question: "Who is to blame?" we will leave it for other authors and other publications, but here we will try to answer another eternal question:

What to do?

One of the main problems is that about 70% of the existing engineering networks in Russia consist of steel pipes.

The main advantage of steel pipes is their strength. This is important when moving high-pressure media through pipelines. At the same time, in the housing and communal sector, the strength qualities of steel pipes are used no more than 30%. Thus, the main advantage of steel pipelines turns out to be practically unnecessary, and the disadvantages (corrosion, and as a result through damage, loss of pumped liquid, suction of groundwater, deteriorates the quality of the transported water, overgrowth of the inner surface and a decrease in the internal section, and as a result, an increase in the energy expended on pumping water, etc.) take a lot of money.

In recent years, throughout the civilized world, steel pipes are being replaced by pipes made of polymer materials. This is not at all strange, because they are not subject to corrosion, and their service life is many times greater than the "life span" of steel ones. This is clearly seen in Table 1.

Standard service life of external water pipes

Their throughput with an equal internal section is lower than that of copper or polymer products. This is due to the fact that the surface of steel pipes is rough from the inside, which prevents the free movement of fluids due to the formation of vortices.

If we take losses in the amount of 30% of the volume of water supplied to the network (25 billion m3), and the cost of 1 m3 of water at the level of 30 rubles, then the cost of the annually lost water will be 225 billion rubles. District heating pipelines These pipelines supply hot water for heating and hot water supply systems. Out of about a third of a million km of heat supply networks (in a single pipe dimension), about a sixth of them are in need of replacement and repair.

Service life of steel pipes for water supply according to gost

  • practically does not undergo corrosive destruction;
  • has high resistance to chemically aggressive substances;
  • from an environmental point of view, it is absolutely safe;
  • has the highest mechanical strength and heat resistance;
  • the thermal expansion coefficient of steel is 1.5 times lower than that of copper, and 6 times lower than that of plastics, which makes it possible to lay such pipes directly in floors.
  • corrosion and a tendency to accumulate biological deposits, as a result of which the throughput of the system is reduced;
  • the need for systematic preventive maintenance (painting, cleaning the inner surface);
  • when laying external networks, the involvement of special equipment is required;
  • installation requires significant time and labor costs;
  • relatively short service life of steel water pipes (25–30 years).

Types of pipeline

Several types of metal products are used in heating and water supply systems:

  • black steel pipes - different grades of steel are used in the manufacture, but they do not have corrosion resistance. Such rolled metal needs additional protection - painting, for example;
  • galvanized steel pipes - products are coated with a zinc layer. The latter forms a galvanic pair with iron and is destroyed under the action of an electrochemical reaction, protecting steel from corrosion. Obviously, the service life according to SNiP and GOST for such a model is much longer;
  • stainless steel - alloys with the addition of nickel and chromium. Depending on the amount of the alloying additive, steel can be resistant to corrosion under normal conditions, it is characterized by increased resistance, which makes it possible to use it in seawater, for example, and also not to oxidize under the influence of not only moisture, but also high temperature. The product does not need protection, however, its cost is noticeably higher;
  • copper - rarely, but used in a domestic environment. They are distinguished not only by their resistance to corrosion, but also by their disinfecting properties.

Each option from the list can be used for water supply, gas supply, heating, and not only water, but also steam. However, their service life will be different.

( 1 estimate, average 4 of 5 )

