Schematic diagram and structural elements of a channel natural ventilation system

Using pipes

When you make ventilation passing through the wall, you cannot do without the use of pipes. At the same time, make sure that each room has its own duct device. One exit is located about a couple of meters above the foundation. Another exit can be located on the roof and removes air masses from the room. It is to him that the vault of all channels occurs.

It is necessary for the piping system to rise about a meter above the roof. Directly below the ceiling there are openings for the entrance, which can be closed by means of dampers that regulate the air flow.

It is possible to combine the exhaust systems of the sauna, as well as the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Such associations are possible in the attic room. Make sure that strong seals are installed at all joints. It is also possible to install such connections inside the ceiling covering so that the lights go out to the roof through the attic. In the attic itself, insulation of passing pipe systems is carried out.

Sometimes pipes are made of polymer coatings, galvanized or concrete materials. During installation, the pipes are lowered between the walls, after which they are filled with cement. It is necessary that the outlet of the ventilation pipe be made as tight as possible. For this purpose, a rubber as well as a silicone element is used. Exhaust duct, and the outlet can also be connected by means of a corrugated pipe.

If necessary, plastic ventilation ducts can be made in the wall covering, even if the latter is not thick. You can also make an opening of 120 mm asbestos cement, where the pipe is lowered, subsequently reinforced with cement.

The pipe itself can be made by wire bonding a pair of slate half-waves of the required size. The pipe itself is fastened to the pedestal, laid out along with the partition. However, another option is also possible, when a pair of bricks are laid on the sides of the partition and the structure is installed.

Ventilation installation

A bit of theory

At the beginning of our story, we will consider the most important theoretical aspects that you need to know. Without this knowledge, the procedure for creating a ventilation system will not be crowned with success.

The order of the masonry of the channel for a wall of one and a half bricks

Methods for organizing the ventilation system

Today, two methods of ensuring air circulation in rooms are actively used: natural and mechanical.


It involves the implementation of air exchange due to the pressure difference inside the building and outside it. When using this technique, fresh air will enter the room through the means of organized openings in the ceilings.

In this case, the laying of brick ventilation ducts should be carried out even at the stage of building a house. In order to increase the efficiency of such a system, it is recommended to install a deflector in the channels.

It is a special aerodynamic device that creates an area of ​​reduced pressure. With an increase in the amplitude of this indicator, the thrust increases.


Such a project is much more difficult to implement with your own hands, but it gives a higher efficiency to the system. It consists in the use of various fans or ejectors. They are installed directly into ventilation shafts.

It is worth noting the advantages of this method:

  • The thrust is increased several times compared to the natural system.
  • Allows you to install special filters that will clean the air from dust.
  • It is possible to create climate control in the house by installing split systems.
  • It does not depend in any way on weather conditions, therefore, it is able to create favorable conditions even in regions with a harsh climate.

Combined ventilation system

However, among all these advantages, one serious drawback slips - the impressive price. In particular, the costs will be for the purchase of special equipment and for electricity (also learn how to organize a brick chimney with your own hands).

Primary requirements

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the list of basic requirements in order to know what to strive for. These guidelines are contained in SNiP 2.04.05-86, which touches on the aspect of ventilation and air conditioning.

In this photo you can see the mine, which is designed for two rooms at once. This solution is very reasonable, since it reduces the number of operations.

  1. A brick ventilation shaft should be built only if there is a design scheme for the building and in compliance with all rules and regulations.
  2. To remove air from heated rooms, it is necessary to create a ventilation system with natural impulse. The combustion products from the furnaces must be removed by means of the flue duct.
  3. It is necessary to place brick ventilation ducts taking into account fire safety rules. In particular, they should not be located in the immediate vicinity of stoves or fireplaces. If this rule is not taken into account, in the event of a fire, they will become ignition catalysts.
  4. Ventilation grilles must be such that their cells are always open. It is desirable that they do not have vertical protrusions.

The lattice can be decorated and then the hole will acquire a presentable appearance.

  1. The dimensions of the ventilation ducts made of bricks for the chimney must be such that the required cross-section is ensured.

You need to choose it based on the thermal power of the furnace:

  • 14x14 cm - with a power of no more than 3.5 kW.
  • 14x20 cm - with a power of 3.5-5.2 kW.
  • 14x27 cm - with a power of more than 5.2 kW.

Factors on which thrust depends

In the cold season, the temperature difference between the outside and the premises will be significant. In such a situation, the amount of exhaust air is significantly increased. Simply put, the warmer it is outside, the less thrust is required.

Thrust is the speed at which air currents travel. The amount of air removed from the room directly depends on it. Also, this indicator is influenced by the cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilation duct. The larger it is, the stronger the craving.

As a result, it can be noted that for the cold regions of our country, a more efficient ventilation system is required.

Tip: The lower the temperature, the faster condensation forms. Therefore, mines ventilation ducts in cold regions need to be coated with antiseptics.

Features of the installation of brick shafts

Ventilation ducts of this type are erected in most cases using double masonry technology with a vertical square move. In this case, the construction of brick mines is carried out as follows:

  • perform markup using a template;
  • lay out 2-3 rows of the mine;
  • buoys are installed along a plumb line - bricks laid across;
  • lay out another 5-6 rows;
  • rearrange the buoys.

Brick ventilation ducts can be laid using single-row or multi-row seam dressing technology. In order to exclude the possibility of penetration of combustion products into the inner space of the house, when building mines, the technique of stacking stone end-to-end is also used.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Bends around the premises from the main brick mines when arranging such ventilation systems are made using plastic pipes. All such sleeves are first combined into one main line and only then they are brought in and joined to the ventilation duct. According to the regulations, all transitions to the pipe system from the main shaft must be tight.

Determination of channel section dimensions and masonry thickness

To correctly determine the size of the ventilation ducts, you need to calculate the air exchange rate that is optimal for a certain type of room, and also take into account the heating power of the building of the heating source. If this indicator does not exceed 3.5 kilowatts, then the ventilation duct can be equipped with a section of 140x140 millimeters.
If the heating device operates with a higher power, it is recommended to make ventilation shafts with a large cross-sectional area - 140x270 millimeters. The cross-sectional standard for ventilation ducts in houses and apartments is not less than 140x140 millimeters, this is the height of half a brick.

The thickness of the brickwork around the opening and partitions between the shafts also cannot be less than fourteen centimeters. Partitions between shafts for different purposes (for example, between a ventilation duct and a chimney) are made with a thickness of at least 25 centimeters.

It's important to know:
Ventilation openings are always equipped at a certain distance from window and door openings. The distance between the window / door and the ventilation shaft must be at least forty centimeters.
When laying ventilation ducts, it is important to pay close attention to the evenness of their internal surfaces, and carefully rub all seams and irregularities.

Installation of air ducts in the kitchen

Installing a hood without additional air ducts will not work. Pipes are required for their installation. As a rule, corrugated ducts or plastic ducts are used. If the hood is connected to the main ventilation system, the quality of air exchange decreases significantly.

Important parameters of ventilation ducts

  • The diameter of the duct should be equal to the diameter of the exhaust duct or slightly larger. A smaller pipe diameter will lead to additional stress on the motor and the formation of external noise.
  • The number of pipe bends should be kept to a minimum. It is not allowed to install the duct with areas where the angle of inclination is 90 degrees.
  • The length of the ventilation duct must be less than 3 m.

When performing installation work on installing the hood above the hob, it is worth considering the distance between these two objects, depending on the type of stove.

Private house ventilation shafts

Ventilation shafts in private houses are built according to the same principles as in apartment buildings. The type of ventilation is initially selected. Next, the air exchange is calculated, depending on it, the diameters and shape of the air ducts are selected.

Ventilation shafts in private homes are often replaced by air ducts. The places where air enters the house and where it is discharged outside are determined by the scheme. It is very important to correctly position the chimney head in relation to the roof. An umbrella is always put on the head of the ventilation shaft of a private house.

In cafes and restaurants, the head of the ventilation shaft must be 1 meter or more higher than the ridge.

Air ducts, as well as ventilation shafts, in private houses are made of plastic or metal pipes.

Other materials from which you can make a ventilation shaft yourself:

  • boards upholstered with a metal sheet;
  • plastered brick.

To improve aerodynamics and prevent the accumulation of condensate, the walls are insulated from the inside with a thin layer of mineral wool or felt, which must be plastered.It is possible to insulate the shaft from the outside, which greatly facilitates the further operation of the pipe.

Insulation progress:

  1. clean the surface of the walls.
  2. apply glue and apply insulation tightly.
  3. strengthen with dowels.
  4. plaster.

A fairly simple technology that any home craftsman can master.

Ventilation schemes for residential buildings

Depending on the construction plans, ventilation can have a completely different design. In this section, we will try to figure out how ventilation is arranged in a panel house on the diagrams and talk about the degree of efficiency of one or another type of its implementation.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

In this case, the ventilation shafts are not interconnected, it is improved, and polluted air from neighboring apartments does not enter the house. Another type of such a ventilation scheme in Khrushchev is that from each apartment, separate channels lead to the roof, where they are connected into a single pipe that brings air masses to the street.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Unfortunately, quite often the simplest but ineffective ventilation method is used, in which air from all apartments enters a single large shaft - just like ventilation in Khrushchev is arranged. This saves space and costs when erecting a building, but it has a lot of unpleasant consequences:

  • the intake of dust and unpleasant odors from other apartments - residents of the upper floors are especially susceptible to this, where air rises naturally;
  • rapid contamination of the common ventilation pipe;
  • lack of sound insulation.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

There are several more ways to exhaust air through ventilation shafts - with horizontal ducts in the attic and a pipe outlet to the attic without a chimney. In the first case, horizontal air ducts reduce air draft, and in the second, the attic becomes dirty due to the lack of an outlet to the street. The ventilation scheme in Khrushchev and other Soviet-type buildings, although budgetary, is inconvenient for residents.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm
Schematic diagrams of some natural ventilation systems in residential buildings: (a) - without collecting ducts; (b) - with vertical collecting channels; (c) - with horizontal prefabricated ducts in the attic; (d) - with a warm attic

Fortunately, there is a modern ventilation system that automatically draws in and out air. Its design includes a fan that blows air into the mine. It is usually located in the basement of a building. An exhaust ventilation of the same power is located on the roof of the house, which forcefully removes polluted air masses from the air duct. This is the simplest ventilation scheme in an apartment building. It can also be arranged using energy-saving equipment - recuperators. The task of the recuperator is to remove heat (or cold) from the discharged air and transfer it to the supply air.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Ventilation shafts, as a rule, come from the basement of a multi-storey building, additionally providing it with protection from dampness and fumes. Basement ventilation is provided by natural draft, and in modern houses, air handling units are also installed here. To remove raw air from the basement, common ventilation shafts are used, leaving holes on each floor and in each apartment.

Ventilation of the basement, the place where the natural ventilation system begins, is one of the main conditions for its correct operation. For this, air holes are made in the walls of the basement through which fresh air enters the basement. It not only reduces humidity at the base of the house, but also creates traction in the common mine shaft.

The shape of the holes can be simple - round or square. They must be located at a sufficient distance above the ground so that water and dirt from the street do not get inside. The optimal distance from the ground is at least 20 cm. The holes should be placed evenly around the perimeter of the basement, if there are several rooms in it, it is necessary to organize several air vents in each.The vents must not be closed, otherwise the whole principle of ventilation in an apartment building will be violated. To prevent animals from entering the basement, the holes are covered with a metal mesh.

operation and Features of installation of the ventilation shaft

Exhaust ventilation shafts are very large structures and are therefore used in most cases either in multi-apartment buildings, or in houses with two or more floors. But they allow the implementation of high-quality and fairly inexpensive ventilation in all rooms.


  • The main channel located strictly vertically, in most cases having a cross-sectional size of 30 by 60 cm. It is this channel that begins in the basement, passes through all the floors and goes to the roof.
  • Small side ducts connecting the main part of the shaft with the exhaust openings located in the premises.
  • The exhaust ventilation duct is the point where the system exits to the roof.
  • Exhaust box.
  • Above, the construction is finished with a special cap to prevent precipitation from entering the ventilation.

Advice: it is recommended, if you have money, to install a deflector at the exit of the mine. It will not only protect against snow and rain, but also provide an increase in traction due to the wind, which will allow you to save on the installation of fans.

In industrial premises, a ventilation shaft sleeve is often used, which makes it possible to connect to the main channel more quickly and economically.


SNiP instructions assume the following distances between the point and the air intake duct:

DirectionDistance, m

The rise above the level of the roof is determined by removing the shaft exit from the ridge:

  • If the placement is actually near and does not exceed 150 cm, then the box must rise at least 50 cm above the ridge. The same applies to flat, flat roofs.
  • If the distance is from 150 to 300 cm, then it is possible to place both objects on the same level.
  • If the distance exceeds 300 cm, then the hole is taken out at an inclination of 10 degrees in relation to the ridge.

It is curious that for catering premises, the rules provide for the necessary elevation of the mine above the ridge of at least 100 cm.


In residential and public buildings, for the manufacture of a ventilation shaft with all its outlet ducts, in most cases, concrete, brick or wood, upholstered with galvanized iron, are used. In the same they are covered with felt soaked in a solution of clay and plastered.

Industrial facilities are made of sheet steel.

Fire safety

This is a fundamental point in relation to the entire ventilation system. Just imagine, if it is successfully implemented in your home, an air connection of all rooms is obtained, which is the perfect place for the flame to spread. Based on this, when equipping channels, either fire-resistant materials or barriers with similar properties must be used.


Why is the output box insulated with your own hands?

Let's see:

  • The possibility of the appearance of condensation on the surface of the pipe, which is a circumstance for the formation of ice and the spread of mold in winter, is excluded.
  • The level of heat transfer is reduced, which has a beneficial effect on increasing traction.
  • The risk of fire is significantly reduced.
  • The strong vibrations and noise effects that occur during the operation of the system are not made.

The thickness of the insulating layer must be chosen, guided by the following parameters:

  • The presence of a "dew point".
  • the size and shape of the mine.
  • The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material used.
  • The temperature difference between the interior of the building and ventilation.

go to know: condensation does not form in a brick mine, therefore, it is not necessary for them to carry out insulation.

The insulation process can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Outer... Contained, in fact, in putting on an insulating sandwich over the box. Along with this, during operation, it is possible to easily take care of the heat-insulating material, preventing its deformation.
  2. Interior.

It is done like this:

  • We clean the inner walls of the mine.
  • We glue the pages of mineral wool on them.
  • We fix with dowels.
  • We cover with plaster.


Cleaning of ventilation shafts, in most cases, is carried out from the inside when immersed in it from above. Along with this, be sent to stock up on a complete set of personal protection, including a respirator.

After that, on a strong rope with a safety net, slowly lower yourself, inspecting the walls and cleaning the contaminated places. At the bottom, the removed garbage is planned with a vacuum cleaner.

If the dimensions do not allow getting inside, then cleaning is done with long brushes through the side channels.

Experienced workers can be expensive to call in, but you won't have to risk yourself falling into tight spaces and you will be confident in the result. In addition, a team of experts in most cases also disinfects the air duct.

Exhaust ventilation calculation

The calculation of exhaust ventilation for large production workshops and enterprises begins with the determination of areas for the spread of unsafe substances and emissions. At the next stage, specialists determine the volumes of air masses for removal and supply in order to ensure sanitary standards.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

In the absence of active sources of unwanted substances in space, it is advisable to use a simple formula:

O = m * n

  • O is the volume of pure oxygen provided for by sanitary standards and regulations;
  • m is the averaged value of oxygen consumption for 1 hour of active work;
  • n is the constant number of workers working in the premises daily.

As for the value of m, it has specific definitions documented by SNiPs:

  • m = 30 m3 - for ventilated rooms;
  • m = 60 m3 - for facilities without access to clean air.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm
Description of certification of ventilation systems of industrial premises
The peculiarity of harmful substances is that they tend to spread throughout the entire volume of the workspace, pavilion or production workshop. In this case, the main task comes down to lowering the level of their concentration to values ​​at which a person can be and work in the room.

There are specific threshold values ​​for each hazardous substance. With this in mind, the volume of fresh air inflow is calculated by the formula:

O = Mb / (Ko-Kp);

  • Mb is the average weight of an unwanted or potentially hazardous substance entering the workspace per unit of time (1 hour);
  • Ko is the value of the remote concentration of a potentially hazardous substance in the surrounding space;
  • Kp is the concentration of unwanted substances at the inlet of the air handling unit.

Secrets of proper ventilation

The specialist tells about how to avoid common mistakes in the ventilation device, what simple measures will allow you to create an optimal microclimate in the house and ensure the safety of its structures with the help of natural ventilation.

Ventilation is an organized exchange of air in rooms, created to remove excess heat, moisture, harmful substances that accumulate in the atmosphere of the premises. With its help, a microclimate and air quality that are acceptable or optimal for humans are created. Ventilation is needed to protect and preserve buildings under various natural and man-made influences and phenomena.

General device

Before making ventilation in an apartment, it is important to understand the principles of its operation, to understand how the system works, and what problems may arise in the process. If we consider it using the example of a multi-storey building, many channels are laid in it during the construction phase through which dirty air is removed from the premises.

The ventilation system is designed in such a way that the fresh flow enters in a natural way - through a doorway, windows or a window.

The advantages of a natural ventilation system are obvious:

  • Minimum installation costs, which allows you to reduce the cost of the structure.
  • Ability to work offline.
  • Electricity independence.
  • Providing optimal conditions that most favorably affect human health.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Natural ventilation also has a number of disadvantages:

  • In strong winds, reverse draft may occur, which leads to the ingress of debris into the room.
  • For ventilation to work normally, a special rule must be followed - the temperature inside is higher than outside.

But even a high-quality installation of ventilation in an apartment during the construction phase may turn out to be ineffective if “non-breathing” materials are used. Installation of plastic windows, sealed doors and other modern structures leads to a violation of ventilation, and then to a deterioration in the indoor climate. To correct the situation, it is necessary to check and repair the ventilation in the apartment.

One of the options is to equip a forced-type system when fans are connected to work. Their task is to remove old air from the room and free up the area for the inlet of a clean stream. Products are installed in special holes (toilet and kitchen shafts).

Such an apartment ventilation project involves the installation of special valves that facilitate air exchange. It is through these holes that the flow enters inward, and removal occurs naturally, through the existing ventilation ducts.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm
Apartment ventilation project

Consequences of errors in the device

If the ventilation system is arranged correctly, then the microclimate in each room of the house will be comfortable, regardless of the total area and the number of residents. But often the owners of cottages and country houses of permanent residence are faced with various troubles. This is due to improper air circulation.

Problems faced by the owner of a home without ventilation:

  • the windows are crying;
  • fumes and smoke from the kitchen enter the living rooms;
  • mold in the bathroom;
  • unpleasant odor in all areas of the house;
  • if the boiler room is gas, then gas workers will not accept it without proper arrangement of ventilation ducts.

The combination of all this leads to the fact that the tenants feel uncomfortable. Lack of fresh air can cause headaches, increased irritability, and bad mood. Unpleasant odors from bathrooms and kitchens also interfere with the comfortable life of all the inhabitants of the house.

Layout of ventilation pipes in the attic
The distribution of ventilation pipes in the attic is the most convenient option. This is provided that there is free space.

Another unpleasant phenomenon that occurs when the ventilation ducts are improperly organized is the overturning of ventilation. This happens if, instead of warm air from the room, which should leave, cold outdoor air begins to pass through the duct channel.

This problem must be fought. After all, no heating system is able to cope with such heat losses. Here, in the literal sense, the owner's money will actively fly into the ventilation pipe.

To prevent this from happening, the regulations stipulate that the ventilation duct that removes the exhaust air from the premises must go out on the roof at a height of at least 2-3 meters.

It often happens that the owner does not know through which outlet pipe the inflow is taking place. There is a simple way to detect warm air leaks. To do this, taking a lighted candle, you have to go around all the rooms, paying attention to how the flame behaves at the places where air is removed from the room.

Traction check
Any other small open flame can be used in place of a lighted candle. For example, take a pocket lighter

If the candle flame draws out, then everything is in order. If it is blown into the room, then the source of the unauthorized influx of street air has been found and it will have to be dealt with, taking appropriate measures to eliminate the problem.

How to decide when choosing a hood and fan

Before installing this or that system in the kitchen in an apartment, it is important to take into account not only the appearance, but also other factors that are necessary for normal life. To begin with, the size / diameter of ventilation systems is determined

To do this correctly, you need to measure the ventilation shaft - the size of the fan will be 10-15 cm larger

Next, it is important to start calculating the performance of the device. To do this, you need to carry out several mathematical actions: multiply the length with the width and height, and then subtract the volume occupied by the furniture

The resulting figure is multiplied by 6 and separately by 12. When calculating these limits, you can choose the right fan in the kitchen.

If any other room is combined with the kitchen, then both rooms are taken into account. Do not forget about the loudness of the powerful device. In general, a 6 meter kitchen will be fully equipped with a fan with a capacity of up to 180 cubic meters per hour. It is possible to install ventilation in a kitchen 10 meters in size with a capacity of 220 to 300 cubic meters.

In the case when the vein has a smaller size than the fan, you should pay attention to turbo devices with higher power.

How to make ventilation with your own hands

In private housing, supply and exhaust ventilation is optimal. After calculating the power and choosing a brand of equipment, ventilation in the room with their own hands can be done by anyone with the skills to work with the tool.

Step 1. Calculation of the duct cross-section. It is determined according to the formula 1m2 of the room for 15 mm holes. In some cases, instead of one large diameter duct, it is possible to replace it with two shafts.

Step 2. Punching holes with a puncher. Installation of branch pipes to protect the system from small debris in the wall openings.

Step 3. Arrangement of the opening for the shaft, laying the supply air duct. Placed horizontally or vertically, just above the floor. In the outer walls, the height of the shaft to the floor is about 40 cm, protected by a grating and a canopy.

Step 4. Exhaust duct construction. It is located under the ceiling on the wall opposite to the inflow, fastened with clamps, brackets. It is displayed at a level of 50 cm from the roof and is protected by a grill with a canopy. If necessary, use tees, adapters.

Step 5. Installation of ventilation grilles and fans. Supply and exhaust elements are located on different walls.

DIY ventilation video:

To arrange natural ventilation, it is enough to install a supply window or external wall valve and a vertical exhaust hood on the roof.

Optimal places: between the battery and the floor, above or below the window opening. It is better to arrange a window opening with a valve when ordering double-glazed windows.

You can also buy a ready-made solution - supply monoblocks. One unit contains: fan, heater and filter.

How to clean

To restore normal operation of the air handling unit, start by checking each vent. If the sheets of paper are attracted with different forces, the cause is dirty boxes inside the apartment. Restoring ventilation in an apartment with your own hands, start by preparing a steel cable of small thickness or wire with an aluminum core. Take the "tool" and clean the channel from debris.

Residues can be removed with a vacuum cleaner with a long tube (you can use a vinyl spray hose). If the efforts are in vain, and the ventilation in the apartment still does not work, you will have to clean the main channel. For this, a larger diameter ruff and a barbell (as a shoulder) are useful

Next, clean the passage, but proceed carefully, because there may be nests of birds or other animals inside. If the reason was precisely pollution, the ventilation in the apartment will be restored

The approach described above is typical for a private house. If the ventilation and air conditioning of apartments in a multi-storey building with a large number of apartments is disrupted, the issue of cleaning the central canals is the task of the homeowner, and the tenant is prohibited from doing this work. If there are complaints about the operation of ventilation, you must submit an application and in this way call the master to the apartment.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Types of ventilation systems

The design of the ventilation elements depends on the selected type of system. Moreover, any of them contains a mandatory set: air ducts, ventilation shaft, umbrella.

The following types of air exchange systems are used in apartment buildings:

  1. Air exchange is natural.
    Traction is caused by the difference in air indicators outside and inside the house. Air is supplied through slightly open windows or vents.
  2. Combined ventilation.
    Air supply or exhaust is provided by mechanical devices.
  3. Mechanical ventilation.
    The movement of air in and out of apartments is carried out only with the help of mechanisms.

With natural air exchange in a multi-storey building, ventilation shafts are an indispensable component of the system. Forced ventilation of low-rise buildings can only consist of air ducts that extract air from each individual apartment.

Checking and cleaning ventilation

From time to time it is necessary to check the ventilation ducts for blockages. This is done in such cases:

  • Annual scheduled inspection
  • Initial check of ventilation ducts before use. During its implementation, the following are checked: the presence of blockages, the density of the channel and its remoteness from the smoke channel, draft.
  • After repair of canals

Household dust contains bacteria, mites, and their waste products. When a person breathes air with a lot of dust, they develop allergies. In addition, dust is dangerous for people with asthma. When dust accumulates in the lungs, it leads to chronic diseases of the lungs and the immune system. With the accumulation of dust in the ventilation, these organisms also accumulate, harming human health. This is how small rodents and birds find refuge there.

When the channels become clogged, their draft becomes weaker, the filters become dirty, the cross-section of the channels becomes smaller, grease and dust collects on the walls, and the supply and exhaust systems stop working. Cleaning of ventilation ducts in industrial buildings should be carried out at least twice a year, as well as in administrative and public buildings. It is necessary to clean the ventilation in the buildings of fire services at least once a year. After cleaning, the channels are disinfected, and a special journal is drawn up, in which data on the actions taken is entered.

Apartment ventilation calculation

Natural or artificial ventilation of a residential building is calculated during the construction of the building by specialists, and the residents of the building receive apartments with a "default" ventilation system.It will not work to change the ventilation system in Khrushchev; this will require serious intervention in the structure of the building. However, with the help of various devices, you can improve air circulation in your apartment. For this, it is necessary to carry out calculations.

If you are not satisfied with the ventilation in the apartment, you can install additional hoods in the kitchen and fans on the grilles in the bathroom. In this case, one should remember the basic rule - the amount of air drawn out should not exceed the amount of air entering the apartment. In this case, the ventilation systems will work as efficiently as possible. Some models of hoods and fans can operate on air intake - they should be installed if the room is not sufficiently ventilated through windows and doors.

Particular attention should be paid to the capacity of the exhaust devices; for small apartments, a capacity of 50 to 100 m³ of air per hour will be sufficient. To accurately determine what load for the device will be optimal, you can measure the amount of air masses in the room.

To do this, the area of ​​the apartment is summed up and multiplied by three times. The resulting air volumes must completely pass through the fans within an hour.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Additional air flow can be organized using air conditioners, hoods and fans. Together, these devices will perform the main tasks for ventilation of premises:

  • the hood in the kitchen will clean the room from unpleasant odors, grease and smoke, filling it with clean air;
  • fan in the bathroom - remove humid air;
  • air conditioner - to cool and dry the air in the room.

These devices will ensure good circulation of air masses in different rooms and regulate their cleanliness - they are simply irreplaceable in the bathroom and kitchen.

Ventilation options in a private house

Ventilation of the room is necessary in order to create optimal living conditions for people and the existence of pieces of furniture and equipment in the house.

If in apartment buildings everything has already been done by the specialists who erected the building, then in the construction of private real estate this issue is often overlooked.

Arrangement of ventilation ducts
Sometimes the arrangement of ventilation ducts is considered a waste of time and money. However, they are an indispensable part of the project implementation, providing favorable conditions for life and long service life of building structures.

This is a fundamentally misconception. Musty air, sweating windows, unpleasant smells from bathrooms and aromas of fried food, along with foul smoke, will enter all rooms and even into the bedroom. Without a properly designed and assembled ventilation system, the comfortable life of the inhabitants of the house will be at risk.

Ventilation in a private house can be:

  • natural;
  • mechanical;
  • mixed.

The first type is based on the natural circulation of air masses. No mechanisms are used to force air into the house. It enters from the street, penetrating through micro-ventilated windows or supply valves, organized in the most suitable places for this.

In the rooms of the house, in which valves are not installed, air circulates through doorways and through gaps between the door and the floor.

The exhaust air also leaves the house in a natural way through ventilation shafts arranged in one of the walls of the house (+)

With a mechanical type of ventilation device, fans and special supply equipment are used. The required volume of clean air is supplied to each room of the building, and the exhaust air is discharged outside. This is a more complex system used for large country houses and cottages.

The mixed version of ventilation assumes the use of the first and second types. This can be the installation of mechanical supply valves in a company with a natural exhaust system for removing air through the ventilation shafts in the bathroom and in the kitchen.Or, on the contrary, the inflow is natural, and mechanical equipment is used for removal.

A mechanical forced air ventilation system consists of equipment that requires periodic repair or replacement. Most often you need to change filters (+)

The main advantages of the natural type:

  • energy independence;
  • the cheapest cost;
  • does not require repair;
  • minimal maintenance;
  • you can organize it yourself.

In addition to the positive aspects, this type of ventilation has significant disadvantages. If everything was perfect, then other options for arrangement simply would not be used. The main disadvantages are dependence on air temperature and weather conditions, limited service area.

Ventilation system in the house
In other words, with natural ventilation in the hot season, you can forget about the existence of a ventilation system in the house.

The mechanical system is convenient to use, because it can serve any area of ​​the house / cottage and is completely independent of the weather. Moreover, it can be controlled at your own discretion, maintaining a comfortable temperature regime in the premises.

Forced ventilation systems
Many forced ventilation systems that have sensors to monitor the state of the indoor microclimate are controlled by a remote control.

Additional possibilities for heating the incoming air, for ionizing and humidifying the air masses of the room, etc., can be organized by installing the appropriate equipment in the ventilation system.

The main disadvantages of the mechanical ventilation method:

  • higher cost of equipment;
  • the need for repair and periodic replacement of individual elements of the system;
  • dependence on electricity supply;
  • professional installation and configuration of equipment may be required.

Given the positive and negative qualities of ventilation types, the mixed type is most often used for country houses and cottages. This is justified from an economic point of view and is quite doable with your own hands.

Connecting the hood to electricity

This stage is the simplest. It is very good when you initially planning your kitchen, correctly laid down the location of all sockets and electric outlets.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

How not to make a bunch of elementary mistakes and observe all distances, you can find in a separate article.

If you do not have a free outlet for the hood, you will have to mount it. To do this, you will need the following materials:

three-core cable VVGngLs 3 * 2.5mm2

In home wiring, use the cable of this particular brand (with the Ls index).

regular socket for current 16A with grounding contacts

The hood itself, unlike other kitchen appliances, is a low-power device. Accordingly, it is not at all necessary to pull a separate wiring under it directly from the panel room.

The same cannot be said about the hob or dishwasher.

It turns out that this unit can be connected from a common outlet group from the nearest distribution box.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Pull the strobe or cable channel from the junction box to the place of the future outlet and mount the socket box.

This outlet is located on top, almost under the ceiling, just above or to the side of the hood itself. The choice of a specific location will depend on the length of the cord and the requirement for a minimum installation height of the hood above the cooker.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Often you have to cut a hole in the nearest kitchen cabinet for this case.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

Next, you remove the insulation from the cable, mark the cores and connect them together in the junction box.

Horizontal section of the ventilation duct of the norm

All that remains is to connect the outlet correctly.

You have the wiring for the kitchen unit ready. We pass to the duct.

( 2 grades, average 4.5 of 5 )

