Konner cast iron radiators: modern quality, traditional reliability

The main types of radiators of the Conner brand: cast iron batteries

conner radiator

"Conner" - a radiator, which is presented for sale by cast iron products. They are intended for systems with natural or forced water circulation. This heating equipment breaks past stereotypes, as it has a high quality workmanship.

These devices meet aesthetic and technical requirements, so they have been able to become a highly efficient addition to heating systems. It should be noted the affordable cost, as well as durability, corrosion resistance and immunity to any type of coolant. This also applies to water quality. "Conner" is a cast iron radiator that is ready to serve up to 50 years. It can be used in high-rise buildings, or rather in heating systems that operate under high pressure. Due to the fact that the devices have low hydraulic resistance, they can be used in systems with natural circulation. Such products become even more versatile due to the different diameters of the inlet pipes. The accessories are supplied with the device, which is certified and fully complies with state standards.

Cast iron radiators Konner

For many, cast iron radiators are associated with the old heavy-weight MS-140 batteries, which were popular in Soviet times. They are still preserved in many houses, but in new rooms and during the renovation of old ones, they are often replaced with other, more modern steel radiators. However, in terms of reliability, old cast iron batteries are much better than modern ones.

Those who would like to have reliable and at the same time modern-looking battery sections should pay attention to Konner radiators. They are made of high quality durable cast iron. They are used in heating systems with both natural and forced circulation. They were developed by modern scientists as an alternative to not very reliable iron radiators. Conventional batteries have poor heat dissipation and are therefore more energy consuming. For many households, the question was sharply either to use beautiful modern radiators, or to keep the old cast-iron ones. Now this dilemma has been successfully resolved - it is possible to combine a beautiful aesthetic appearance with the excellent thermal characteristics of cast iron.

Modern Konner radiators have already proven themselves both in district heating conditions and in autonomous systems. Consumers note that they are ideally combined with solid fuel boilers, because they smooth out the periods of cooling and heating well, while not feeling any sudden changes in temperature. Cast iron has that special quality that it keeps heat well, unlike ordinary steel.

In addition to the fact that cast iron radiators maintain the desired temperature longer, they also have other exceptional properties:

  • withstand pressure drops in the system up to 18 atmospheres;
  • have good strength with low weight;
  • modern appearance;
  • resistant to rust formation;
  • well pass water inside the system.

The service life of cast iron radiators is several times longer than that of conventional metal batteries. At the same time, there will be no unpleasant problems with their sudden flow due to the fact that their thick walls successfully resist alkaline and corrosive corrosion.

Although Konner radiators were developed for foreign heating systems, they have undergone careful adaptation to domestic operating conditions, which are characterized by a greater load on the batteries.Now this is the most optimal option that can only be found on the Russian market.

Characteristics of Conner aluminum radiators

radiators konner

If Conner cast iron radiators are not for you, you can consider aluminum radiators, which, according to users, are durable, lightweight and matchless in design. The devices have a high elegance of execution, and they work quite efficiently, with increased heat transfer. Consumers also note the high reliability of these batteries.

Cast iron radiators "Conner" may seem quite expensive to some consumers. But aluminum models have an acceptable cost, and they can be performed using casting technology or by extrusion. The depth of these devices can be 70 and 100 mm. The circular cross-section of the manifold, the use of composite glue, and the assembly of laser welded joints allow the radiators to undergo high pressure. If we are talking about cast aluminum radiators, then their depth can vary from 80 to 100 mm. The mean value is 85 mm. The center distance is 500 mm.

About assortment, characteristics and prices

The main products are cast iron sectional radiators. They are available in two sizes: with a center distance of 300 mm and 500 mm. Available in two styles: modern design and retro style.

The campaign catalog does not contain the usual "accordion". The appearance is as close as possible to aluminum and bimetallic models or is stylized in antique style. High quality casting, homogeneous cast iron structure and almost perfect surface inside and outside ensure excellent heat transfer.

Cast iron radiators in a modern style

Cast iron radiators in a modern style

For those who love precision: cast iron is used grade L4 (GOST 4832-95). Its composition according to the norms is as follows:

  • carbon 3.7-4.2%;
  • Mn manganese 0.5-1.0%;
  • Si silicon 2.0-2.4%;
  • S sulfur 0.01-0.04%;
  • P phosphorus 0.08-0.1%

The prices must be said not the lowest, but not the highest either. A section of a cast-iron radiator with a center-to-center distance of 500 mm costs about 500-600 rubles, a stylized antique - three times more.

Cast iron batteries of modern style

All radiators of this group are sectional with a flat front surface. From the factory they are covered with white enamel. Working pressure 12 Bar, pressure test - 16 Bar. With a relatively small weight (3.4 kg - 4.9 kg), these radiators have high heat transfer: in the Konner Modern 500, Konner HIT 500 and MODERN STYLE 500 models, the thermal power of one section is 150 W. Similar models with a center distance of 300 mm have a heat dissipation of 120 W.



All models of cast-iron radiators are covered with enamel, only "Modern Style" is painted using powder spraying technology. Factory painting solves one of the problems of using cast iron batteries: they do not need to be painted on their own, since both enamel and powder coating last for a very long time. With a careful attitude - the weight is the service life, and this is not much, not a little, 30 years.

Cast iron in the "Retro" style

This is just one Legend model. The sections are decorated in a style typical of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Center distance - 600 mm, total height - 707 mm, installation - on legs, it is possible to paint in any color from the RAL palette.

In style

One Legend model available in retro style

The power of one section is 180 W; one heating device can contain from 4 to 14 pieces. The rest of the technical characteristics of Konner cast iron radiators are shown in the summary table.

Konner aluminum radiators

Manufactured using injection molding technology. These are Konner LUX models. They are characterized by high reliability and high thermal power: at a depth of 70-80 mm, one section can produce 170-180 watts. Working pressure - 16 Bar, test pressure - 25 Bar. Center distance 200, 350, 500 mm, depth from 70 mm to 95 mm.The full set of characteristics is summarized in a table - it is more convenient to navigate and compare.

Cast aluminum radiator Conner LUX (click on the picture to enlarge)


Another direction of the campaign is bimetallic radiators. Konner only manufactures full bimetal. This means that both vertical and horizontal collectors are made of steel. And this frame is welded with aluminum ribs. This design makes it possible to exclude contact of the coolant with aluminum and not to reduce heat transfer too much. The reliability and durability of this group is ensured by high-alloy steel. Therefore, the warranty period for them is 15 years.

Konner Bimetal fully bimetal radiator (click on the picture to enlarge)

There is only one model, but it enjoys well-deserved popularity: it has good indicators and a good level of performance.

Read more about the types of bimetallic radiators and their characteristics here.

Reviews of aluminum models

"Conner" is a radiator, which is also offered by the manufacturer in the form of aluminum devices. Consumers especially emphasize that when purchasing these devices, special attention must be paid to ensure that the product is not defective. This is due to the fact that some buyers face such problems. It will be good if it will be possible to exchange the device. After 3 years, these units in some apartments are leaking, but you can use service support under warranty.

If Konner radiators are to be installed within the same room, then you should consider whether their shades and appearance match. In some cases, the models differ from each other, despite the fact that the boxes are exactly the same.

Aluminum radiators CONNER are designed for heating in residential and public buildings. The radiators are certified in the GOST RF system and comply with GOST 31311-2005.

Radiators are coated with special epoxy baked enamel.

Technical data and models of radiators:

Working pressure, Pa - 16; Test pressure, Pa - 24

Model A type Section height, mm Section width, mm Depth mm Heat transfer, W Section weight, kg
LUX-70 500 575 70 70 180 0.96
LUX-80 500 582 80 80 190 1.2
LUX-350 350 430 85 85 145 0.8
LUX-200 200 280 90 90 130 0.6

Radiator installation:

Installation and assembly of aluminum radiators (batteries) should only be carried out by specialists or organizations authorized to perform these types of work.

For better heat dissipation during installation, the following installation dimensions must be observed:

from the bottom surface (floor) 12 cm;

from the wall to the rear surface of the radiator 3-5 cm;

from the window sill (niche) to the upper surface of the radiator 10 cm.

MANDATORY installation of shut-off valves (vents or valves) at the radiator inlet, which are designed for:

  • thermoregulation or
  • turning off devices for the purpose of prevention (it is recommended to wash the aluminum radiator (battery) 1 time within 4-5 years.)
  • shutdown of radiators in case of accidents.

When filling the system with water or heat carrier, the control valve must be 1/3 open to avoid water hammer. Subsequently, the valve can be fully opened.

MANDATORY installation on an aluminum radiator of an air vent (automatic or manual), which is designed to release air.

MANDATORY installation of a jumper (bypass) between the supply and return pipes in one-pipe heating systems. If you have thermostatic expansion valves without a bypass, you inadvertently regulate the heat transfer of the entire riser in your house. This can threaten you with fines from the Management Company of your home.

Water is used as a coolant in central heating, its characteristics must meet the requirements given in the "Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation RD 34.20.501-95".

As a coolant in a private house, it is possible to use a special fluid. This coolant must have an acidity level from pH7 to pH9 and not be aggressive to the material from which the radiator is made.

Throughout the entire service life of the device, it is recommended to regularly clean the surface of the radiator from contamination with non-abrasive agents that can damage the surface of the radiator.


Close the upper and lower valves, that is, completely disconnect the radiator from the heating system. This is only possible in an emergency, such as an accident or radiator service.

Sharply open the upper and lower valves of the device disconnected from the heating line in order to avoid water hammer inside the radiator and its rupture.

Illuminate the air valve to remove the gas-air mixture with matches, lanterns with an open fire, especially in the first 2-3 years of operation.

Use main pipes as elements of electrical circuits.

Allow children to play with valves and air valve

It is not recommended to drain the heating system for more than 15 days a year.

The need for frequent bleeding of air from the radiator is a sign of improper operation of the heating system, therefore, in this case, it is recommended to call a specialist.

The radiator has a 5-year warranty.

Direct telephone for buying radiators + 7-952-399-25-96

Reviews of Konner bimetallic radiators

cast iron radiators conner

Konner bimetallic radiators are the most innovative development in the field. They are manufactured taking into account the operating conditions in Russia. The construction is very robust, which is ensured by the presence of an internal manifold. According to buyers, it is made of high alloy steel, which gives the assemblies resistance to corrosion. This feature excludes contact between the coolant and water, which is why bimetallic devices are able to work in conjunction with any coolant. As buyers emphasize, it does not matter at all what the acid-base balance is.

During the manufacturing process, these devices are tested, and at the final stage they are covered with epoxy enamel. Users like this very much, since this approach allows you to preserve the primary properties and the surface does not violate the integrity during the entire service life, while it remains resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Advantages of Konner radiators

One of the features of Konner radiators is their increased resistance to corrosion. The increased corrosion resistance is given by a cast-iron radiator by the phosphating process carried out during their manufacture. Other advantages of Konner radiators include:

  • modern European design, high quality cast iron and assembly;
  • adaptability to work with domestic heating systems and in Russian operating conditions;
  • high heat transfer;
  • optimal ratio of quality and price;
  • variety of assortment;
  • each radiator is factory tested;
  • significant warranty period (15 years)

Batteries Conner Modern 500
Conner Modern white batteries 500

The quality of the radiators is confirmed by the SanROS certificates of conformity, the material and method of their manufacture fully comply with the Russian GOST and the international quality system ISO 90001-2000. Thanks to their modern design, they can be used in the interior of both residential premises and offices. Such, for example, are cast iron radiators Conner Modern. The Retro line allows you to decorate your office or library in the old style.

The buyer can choose a complete set according to his taste and needs; number of sections; required diameter of the inlet pipe; the desired center distance. Radiators are produced in several versions: primed and painted.Some of them (for example, cast iron radiators Conner Heath and Modern) are produced in both versions. Painted radiators are supplied in a reinforced package (three-layer laminated cardboard and a bag of air-bubble polyethylene). In addition to the radiator, the kit includes an air vent, four pass-through plugs, and four anchor brackets.

Negative reviews of Konner cast iron radiators

cast iron heating radiators price

Conner heating radiators, as mentioned above, can be bimetallic, aluminum or cast iron. The latter will be discussed in this section. Some consumers argue that this acquisition cannot be called profitable, since the quality makes itself felt during operation. Outwardly, such batteries look aesthetically attractive, look stylish, heat dissipation, according to the supplier, is excellent and reaches 150 watts from each section.

Consumers claim that the installation is successful in any case, without difficulty and quickly enough. But after starting the heating, all the most unpleasant begins. It's cold in the premises, the declared indicators are just a publicity stunt. The temperature does not rise above 23 ° C. Some, choosing cast iron heating radiators, the price of which will be mentioned below, then change them to traditional aluminum ones. From this, it should be concluded that it is necessary to get acquainted with the quality characteristics of these devices before purchasing, and also correctly calculate the heat capacity.

Specialist reviews about Chinese bimetallic heating radiators

Andrey Vladimirovich, sales manager

For Chinese bimetallic heating radiators, an important indicator is the heat transfer coefficient. It can vary widely depending on the design. After all, the thickness and quality of the metal from which the inner part is made affects a lot.

Many manufacturers overestimate the real heat dissipation of radiators. In China, they turn a blind eye to this, so sometimes there are embarrassments. For example, a person independently calculated heat loss, selected the number of radiator sections, and it is cold in his house. And all due to the fact that he did not consult with experts.

Sergey N., sales assistant in a heating systems store

I professionally deal with heating systems, mainly with radiators - we sell, install, service. Previously, they sold more Italian and Russian, now mainly China. We put Konner, these are good Chinese radiators, but they have their own peculiarity. They work fine, bimetallic radiators have shown themselves well. But there is a percentage of defects. Although we change without problems under warranty - the company is okay with this.

Olga, online store consultant

Chinese radiators have their own characteristics. First, the unstable quality. Maybe in one batch there will be a large percentage of poorly painted ones, and in the second - everything is fine with it. Sometimes part of the radiators with gaskets, the other with a sealant or nothing at all. There are also questions about the quality of the metal.

The cost

heating radiators conner

If you decide to purchase Konner cast iron radiators, then you should pay attention to the cost of one section, which is limited to 430 rubles. In this case, we are talking about the device "Modern 500", the heat capacity of which is 150 W from one section. If you prefer 4 sections, the power will be 600 W, and the cost will increase to 1,720 rubles. Cast iron heating radiators, the price of which reaches 6450 rubles, can have a heat capacity of 2250 W. The number of sections will be 15. It should be noted that this equipment is manufactured by injection molding, which is most often preferred by modern consumers.

If you do not need such a heat capacity, then you can choose a device, one section of which produces 120 watts.Thus, for the "Modern 300" model you will have to pay 420 rubles, whereas if the heat capacity increases to 1800 W, and the number of sections is up to 15, the cost is already 6300 rubles.

bimetal radiators konner

( 2 grades, average 4.5 of 5 )

