The cast iron radiator is half cold. Why do batteries only heat up to half from the top?

Incorrect connection

Incorrect piping is one of the possible reasons for a decrease in the efficiency of the radiator. This is a gross mistake, experienced craftsmen do not allow such oversights, most often they occur after the work is done by amateurs.

Incorrect installation of the radiator

The pipe, which is intended for the return, is connected to the upper branch pipe, the supply to the lower one. As a result, a range of related problems arises:

  1. The circulation of water and the full operation of the heating system are completely disrupted.
  2. The efficiency of the radiator and its heat transfer decrease, and water is unable to completely fill all sections.
  3. The process of draining liquid from the battery is disrupted.

Water enters through the bottom pipe, flows in a circle and leaves the radiator. Its sections do not warm up, the real efficiency is significantly reduced. The upper connection does not allow liquid to be drained from the inside, because the design features of the radiator do not allow creating increased pressure for its output through the upper pipe.

Incorrect and correct connection

Getting inside, hot water tries to immediately rise up, because it has a lower density than cold water. The coolant travels the shortest path, and the liquid does not move in the sections.

When properly connected, water enters from the top and flows through the upper manifold. The radiator has a lower pressure, the liquid flows into the columns and is directed to the lower part. With this scheme, the battery is fully heated.

How to fix the wrong connection:

  1. Completely disconnect the pipes from the connections.
  2. Implement a fundamentally different scheme, taking into account that the supply is carried out through the upper pipe, and it must be connected from the top, and the return flow - from the bottom.
  3. Connect the elements to the battery, open the supply and check the operation of the radiator.

The reasons

One of the reasons for insufficient heating of the battery is pipe corrosion.

In fact, a sewer riser is a finicky thing. Therefore, there may be several reasons why the water supply risers turn out to be hot, although the radiator itself is cold. Let's consider the most common ones.

  1. The water supply valves are out of order, or simply blocked in the basement. Through this valve, water flows through the highway to the apartments. Therefore, since it is blocked there, it means that the heat does not go.
  2. There is an option in which the pipe was damaged in the process of welding the riser to the line.
  3. It also happens that when installing the riser of the heating system in the pipe, the master left some foreign object. Rags, mittens, sometimes even stones and animals were often pulled out from there.
  4. Option with incorrect installation of heating pipes in other rooms, in the kitchen, due to which water does not enter the battery, but passes by.
  5. A small amount of heat carrier, that is, water, can pass through the risers of the water supply. This situation can apply to both the whole house, or a separate entrance.
  6. It is possible that the water supply risers, like the entire heating system, were simply incorrectly adjusted, adjusted, due to which the required amount of water does not flow to the heating radiators in the apartment building.

Errors in the installation of a water heated floor. Myths.

The most widespread myth is that it is impossible to heat a building with warm floors only - it is imperative to install radiators. Because underfloor heating is not able to warm up the building.

Error number 1.

In my opinion, the worst mistake in the installation of any heating system is the lack of calculation of the heat losses of the building.When heat losses are not counted, then we can say the heating system is done by eye.

Radiators are selected by eye, usually they are selected according to the size of the window or at the rate of 1 section per 10 square meters, if sectional radiators are used. Heated floors are made by eye. Or they mold radiators in rooms with warm floors "just in case."

If you communicate with such an installer, chase him in the neck. As a result, you will either get a non-working system, or spend extra money on the construction of a heating system. Because the installer insured himself for your money and stuffed unnecessary heating appliances.

Or vice versa - installed low-power heating devices. In any case, these are losses.

Other reasons

A common cause is a reduced flow rate of the coolant. This problem can occur in several cases:

  1. Narrowed pipe section.
  2. The heat carrier moves at low speed directly in the heating system.

A low speed of movement of the coolant occurs when there is insufficient pump power to circulate the liquid inside the system. Water cannot overcome the radiator with sufficient speed and go into the drain. A similar problem often arises in gravitational systems, they completely lack additional equipment.

The simplest gravitational scheme

Narrowing of pipes occurs in several cases:

  1. Incorrect brazing of PP pipes.
  2. Problems arise when installing a narrow section control valve.
  3. The presence of deposits in the pipe, reducing the throughput.

Control valve

Another possible reason is a rather low room temperature. Cooling of the coolant in the radiator is faster, it gives up the maximum amount of energy. It is only natural that the bottom of the battery can be much colder.

Battery Replacement

If the risers are in good condition, and flushing the battery did not give a result, it is recommended to replace it. When choosing this heating element, you should follow some recommendations. Namely:

  1. For rooms with high humidity, radiators made of stainless steel or with a chrome surface are suitable.
  2. There are batteries with heated towel rails especially for bathrooms.
  3. The aluminum radiator can be used by those who live below the 7th floor. This is due to its low operating pressure. From the inside, it quickly becomes covered with rust, so the service life is no more than 10 years.
  4. Cast iron batteries can only be found in old houses. This metal has a low thermal conductivity, therefore it contributes to a weak heating of the room.
  5. Steel radiators are characterized by low cost and high heat transfer. Their service life is 20-25 years.

There are many types of batteries, among which you can choose the best option for yourself.

Removing the old radiator

To remove an old battery you need to:

  1. Remove the lock nut on the lower and upper connections with a wrench.
  2. With the level, determine the place of the intended cut of the pipes.
  3. Cut the pipes according to the existing marks and remove all brackets.
  4. If necessary, add or cut threads if they do not fit the new radiator.

Installing a new battery

If it is problematic to remove the old element yourself, then the installation of a new battery is quite laborious and responsible, and permissible errors can turn into an emergency in the heating system. Therefore, this process should be done by professionals.

Signs and causes of poor heating performance

Characteristic signsPossible reasons
Riser coldTechnical malfunctions outside the apartment
The riser is hot, the batteries are coldClosed valves, clogging of the heating system
Cold bottom of the radiatorInsufficiently open valves, clogging of radiators, low pressure of the coolant in the pipes
Cold top of batteriesAirlock
The last radiator in the system is coldSystem not adjusted, insufficient pressure
The part of the radiator farthest from the connection pipes is coldInsufficient pressure, battery clogged, airlock

An analysis of the events preceding their occurrence will help to identify the causes of malfunctions.

Work carried out, features of operationPossible malfunctions
Replacement of heating devices, pipesAir lock due to air entering the system or changing pipe slopes. Clogged pipes and radiators. Reduced flow areas due to assembly errors
The heating system works without maintenance for many yearsScale has formed, the heat transfer of the batteries has worsened, the parts of the shut-off valves have become stuck.
The beginning of the heating seasonThe boiler room did not reach its design capacity, the employees of the relevant services forgot to open the valves, and air locks formed when filling the system.
Neighbors were doing repairsReducing pressure in the system due to unprofessional actions of neighbors

First of all, in case of poor heating, interview the residents of the house. If they have the same problem, it means that the boiler room is not working well or the valves in the basement of the house are closed. In these cases, you should jointly contact the management company. If only one apartment is cold, check if the valves are open and there are no air locks. Call a technician through your home service provider.

Causes of heating problems ↑

Cold radiator compartments indicate that there is no coolant in them - hot water supplied to the apartment through the central system. The roots of this phenomenon are known, so home craftsmen can only follow the advice and fix the problems.

In order to most accurately identify the cause of the cold heat exchanger, it is recommended to visit the neighbors on the floor above and below, and ask how they are doing. If the situation is similar in other apartments, then, most likely, the culprit is faulty or closed valves in the basement, or clogged pipes and risers.

If there are several risers in the apartment and all the batteries do not warm up well enough, then the low temperature of the coolant should be blamed for this phenomenon. In this case, there will be similar complaints in neighboring apartments, which should be addressed to the housing department.

The situation is sadder if everything is fine in neighboring apartments, and the batteries, powered by another riser, heat up without problems. In this situation, it is most likely that air locks accumulating in the radiator, or blockages in the pipes or in the battery compartments, interfere with the flow of hot water.

How to make radiators hot - looking for solutions

If it is found that the return is too cold, a series of troubleshooting steps should be taken. First of all, you need to check the correctness of the connection. If the connection is not correct, the down pipe will be hot, but should be slightly warm. Connect the pipes according to the diagram.

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot

So that there are no air locks that impede the advancement of the coolant, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a Mayevsky valve or a vent for air removal. Before releasing air, you must turn off the supply, open the tap and release the air. Then the tap is closed and the heating valves are opened.

Often the reason for the cold return is the control valve: the section is narrowed. In this case, the crane must be dismantled and the cross-section must be increased using a special tool. But it is better to buy a new tap and replace it.

The reason may be a clogged pipe. It is necessary to check them for permeability, remove dirt, deposits, and clean well.If the passability could not be restored, the clogged areas should be replaced with new ones.

If the speed of movement of the coolant is insufficient, it is necessary to check whether there is a circulation pump and it meets the power requirements. If it is absent, it is advisable to install it, and if there is a lack of power, replace or modernize.

Knowing the reasons why the heating may work ineffectively, you can independently identify and eliminate malfunctions. Comfort in the house during the cold season depends on the quality of heating. If you carry out the installation and inspection of the heating system yourself, you can save on hiring outside labor.

Quite often, in apartment buildings during the heating season, you can face the following problem: the riser is hot, and the batteries are cold. This applies to both new buildings and old houses. In most cases, residents do not know how to cope with such a situation. That is why their attempts to repair the heating system on their own do not lead to the desired result. In this matter, you definitely need help or expert advice. After all, only a person with the necessary knowledge and experience can solve the problem of why the pipes are hot and the batteries are cold.

How to eliminate air locks in radiators

Airlock is the most common cause of cold radiators. The appearance of air is a natural process caused by water heating, abrupt filling of the system, violation of tightness. It is not difficult to remedy this problem if the system is equipped with bleed valves. On modern radiators, they are located in the upper part of the products and work without interference, periodically bleeding air from the batteries. If automation is not provided, then the valve is opened manually and air is released until water appears.

Modern heating devices are equipped with special valves

In heating devices of the old type, such taps are absent. In this case, you will have to work a little and remove the plug. Before you start unscrewing, be sure to put the basin on the floor. In no case should the lid be completely unscrewed, it is only slightly unscrewed until a barely audible hiss appears. At this moment, the key must be put aside and wait until all excess air is released from the system and water begins to ooze. After that, the plug must be carefully screwed on. Just in case, you can leave the basin for a while to make sure no water drips.

It is not allowed to completely unscrew the plug! This can cause flooding of the apartment!

Causes of problems with the return in the batteries of a private or apartment building

There are several reasons why the return line is not warm enough or completely cold. Common problems are:

  • insufficient water pressure in the system;
  • small section of the pipe through which the coolant passes;
  • improper installation;
  • airiness or contamination of the system.

If a problem with a cold return flow has arisen in an apartment, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the pressure. This is especially true for rooms on the upper floors.

The fact is that the principle of operation of the return flow is to quickly and continuously run the fluid through the system. And if its speed drops, then the coolant will not have time to push out cold water and the batteries will not heat up.

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot

Another reason for the malfunction of the return is contamination of the heating circuit. As a rule, major cleaning of systems in multi-storey buildings is not often carried out. Sediment that builds up over time on the pipe walls impedes the passage of the liquid.

The main reason for interruptions in the operation of the heating system in a private house is improper installation. Most often this happens when the installation is carried out without the participation of specialists.Being incompetent in this matter, it is quite easy to confuse the supply and return pipes or choose the pipes of the wrong size.

Both in an apartment and in a private house, the problem of a malfunctioning heating system may be associated with an insufficient water supply rate or airiness. In a similar way, the contamination of the pipes affects the operation of the return.

Troubleshooting methods. Why is cleaning necessary?

To understand how exactly to solve the problem, you first need to establish its source. If the batteries become cold due to insufficient rapid circulation of water, the installation of a special pump will help in this case. It will regularly push water into the circuit under a certain pressure, thereby preventing the system from stopping or slowing down.

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot

Photo 2. Marking of the Grundfos circulation pump allows you to choose the most suitable one and install it correctly.

If the reason is the clogged pipes, then they just need to be cleaned. This can be done in several ways:

  • using a water-pulsating mixture;
  • with the help of biological products;
  • by means of a pneumohydraulic impact.

Important! Such cleaning is carried out regularly in order to prevent the emergence of new problems. In the event of a malfunction due to improper installation of the equipment, contact the wizard

A qualified specialist will certainly figure out the problem and fix all the problems. In addition, he will give practical advice and recommendations for the maintenance and operation of the system.

In the event of a malfunction due to improper installation of the equipment, contact the wizard. A qualified specialist will certainly figure out the problem and fix all the problems. In addition, he will give practical advice and recommendations on the care and operation of the system.

The consequences of a cold return

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot

Return heating circuit

Sometimes, with an incorrectly designed project, the return flow in the heating system is cold. As practice shows, the fact that the room does not receive enough heat during a cold return is still half of the trouble. The fact is that at different supply and return temperatures, condensate can fall out on the walls of the boiler, which, when interacting with carbon dioxide released during fuel combustion, forms acid. She then can disable the boiler much ahead of time.

To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully consider the design of the heating system, special attention must be paid to such a nuance as the return temperature. Or include additional devices in the system, for example, a circulation pump or a boiler, which will compensate for the loss of warm water

Radiator connection options

Now we can say with more than confidence that when designing a heating system, the supply and return must be ideally thought out and configured. With the wrong design you can lose more than 50% of the heat


There are three options for inserting a radiator into the heating system:

  1. Diagonal.
  2. Side.
  3. Lower.

The diagonal system gives the highest efficiency factor and is therefore more practical and efficient.

The diagram shows a diagonal inset

How to regulate the temperature in the heating system?

In order to regulate the temperature of the radiator and reduce the difference between the flow and return temperatures, a heating system temperature controller can be used.

When installing this device, do not forget about the jumper, which must be located in front of the heater. In the absence of it, you will regulate the temperature of the batteries not only in your room, but throughout the riser. It is unlikely that the neighbors will be delighted with such actions.

The simplest and cheapest version of the regulator is the installation of three valves: on the supply, on the return and on the jumper. If you close the valves on the radiator, the jumper must be open.

There is a huge abundance of different thermostats that can be used in apartment buildings and private homes. Among the wide variety, each consumer can choose a regulator for himself, which will suit him in terms of physical parameters and, of course, cost.

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot
Infrared film heating - pros and cons

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot
Safety valve in the heating system

What to do if the batteries in the apartment are cold and the riser is hot

Regardless of whether the cold heating equipment is only along the riser or in the entire entrance, and possibly completely around the house, it is necessary to seek help from qualified specialists. In the case of an apartment building, this is the plumber of the company that is responsible for the heating of the house.

Cold batteries with a hot riser can be due to a blockage in the system or the formation of an air lock in it. The pressure in the wiring is also an important factor. In some cases, the problem of a low flow rate of the coolant is actual. It is possible to independently find out the reason for the low efficiency of the heating elements. But only a real professional in his field will unequivocally answer the questions that have arisen and correctly eliminate the breakdown. How to make heating radiators warm better video will help:

This article lists the main malfunctions that can happen with the heating system of a private house, and also provides ways to eliminate them. Troubleshooting the heating system can be divided into two types. DIY heating system repair

can be produced in terms of the wiring of the heating system: radiators and fittings. All malfunctions that arise in part of the boiler room and equipment require special knowledge and experience, therefore
repair of the heating system
associated with the equipment, it is better to entrust specialists.

The questions that the owner of the house can solve himself are given below.

Cleaning the system when the battery gets cold

To remove dirt deposits from the centralized heating system, you need to dismantle all complex elements: squeegees, tees, nozzle. Remove all dirt from them. If the riser is hot and the battery is cold, what is the reason? These can be improperly welded polypropylene pipes, taps with a narrow flow section, pipes of a smaller diameter than provided for by the project. All this may well cause poor battery heating. The pressure of the hot water passing through the riser is simply not enough to heat the batteries. In this case, it is advisable to replace the system elements to the required parameters. If the pipe is hot, and the battery is cold, the reasons may be in the wrong connection to the system. Or, the situation why there is a cold battery in the riser in the morning is because the neighbors have installed batteries with thermostats that shut off hot water. This can also be the reason why it is cold in the apartment with hot batteries. If they are installed incorrectly, without a bypass, that is, a bypass pipe, then when the regulator is triggered, hot water will not flow further. And if the bypass tube is clogged, then hot water passes, but not regularly, and does not have time to warm up the batteries. If there is not enough water in the heating system, then all radiators warm up unevenly and even in the bath there is a cold battery, or the pipes are hot, and it is cold in the apartment. That is, in some apartments they will be hot, in others they will be cold.

In order to cope with the problem, balancing valves are installed that regulate the passage of hot water. When the radiators are repaired on their own, it must be remembered that the system has very hot water, and it is supplied under enormous pressure. Therefore, if you do not have the necessary tools and confidence in your strength, it is better to seek help from specialists. But it is not worth waiting for the problem to be solved by itself, because the well-being of all residents in the apartment depends on it.Therefore, all radiators should warm up well. And if the apartment has a cold battery in one room, what to do with it? There are many reasons why the apartment is cold. The main thing is not to panic, but to ask for help, or follow the advice to cope with this problem yourself. After all, as already mentioned, the most common reason is air congestion.

Reason 1. Lack of thermal insulation

The most common reason why a warm floor does not cope with the functions assigned to it is that you simply forgot to install the thermal insulation properly, or did not install it at all. Often, a conventional polyethylene foam backing is used as thermal insulation. And the substrate is simply not intended for thermal insulation of warm floors. Instead, you need to use polystyrene foam with a thickness of 5-10 cm.

How to fix it?

Consider one thing. You will have to overpay for a warm floor. But perhaps the situation will be corrected by a higher temperature supply to the warm floor and the use of more powerful heating equipment. But don't overdo it. The maximum temperature should not exceed 70 degrees. And it shouldn't be permanent. Otherwise, the pipe will quickly become unusable.

The battery does not heat up

If one or more radiators does not heat or does not heat well, then the first step is to check if there is air in them using air vents. If water comes out of the drains, and the radiator still does not heat, then you need to make sure that both taps of this radiator are open (such inattention can often take place). The next step is to check if the radiator is clogged. To do this, other heating radiators that heat and are on the same branch with the non-working one must be shut off so that all the water goes through this radiator. If he began to warm up, then he is not clogged. In this case, it is necessary to hydraulically level the branch. In simple terms, it is necessary to cover the rest of the radiators on the branch so that the non-working one gets more. You need to be prepared that the alignment will take more than one day, because the heating system can react slowly to changes in settings. If the taps in front of the radiator are completely open, and it is cold, then it is clogged (extremely low probability). Basically, the last radiators on the branch may not heat up. But this can always be eliminated by hydraulic equalization. If someone tells you that "it does not pump there" or "insufficient pump power", do not rush to believe and touch the pump or pipes. In order for the pump not to “pump out” it is necessary to “try hard” when installing the heating system. If one or more of the last radiators do not heat up even after working with the taps, then there may be an air lock in the pipes (see circulation failure in the heating system).

This is interesting: Why does the pressure drop in the heating system, in the gas boiler - the reasons, which should be?

Typical mistakes

If the installation of a new radiator is made, but it does not heat, the reason for this may be an incorrect connection to the riser. If you connect the upper and lower pipes on the same side, the circulation of hot water will be difficult. This situation is typical of apartment buildings with insufficient pressure in the system.

The cause can be eliminated by correctly connecting the heating element. If the upper pipe through which the battery is filled and the lower pipe through which the coolant is drained are connected diagonally, hot water can circulate unhindered.

When doing repairs yourself, it is important to remember that the coolant is supplied to the system under high pressure. Even one mistake can cause a major accident with flooding of your own and neighboring apartments. The best option, when the battery does not heat up with a hot riser, and your own experience is not enough, seek qualified help.

What problems arise in the apartment due to the cold return

Violation of the return flow leads to certain problems and troubles.

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot

Firstly, the batteries in this case do not heat up properly, or even do not work at all. Accordingly, it becomes cold in the room itself, which is certainly not encouraging.

Secondly, in case of violations of the functionality of the return, a strong dissonance of the temperatures of the supply and discharge of the liquid arises.

This entails the accumulation of condensate on the walls of the boiler, which begins to react with carbon dioxide released from the combustion of fuel. The consequence of this process is the formation of acid, which corrodes the walls of the boiler, thereby destroying it.

Alas, the weather in the house does not depend only on our mood. The creation of the necessary, comfortable microclimate is provided by heating radiators, that is, batteries. Inside them, a stream of hot water passes, which heats the device, thereby ensuring the flow of heat in the rooms. Unfortunately, the apartment owners do not check the sewer riser as often as they should. In a panic that the heating riser is hot, and the batteries themselves are completely cold, we begin to take certain actions. Often they do not give any result.

So, first you need to stop panic, and seriously tackle the problem. The heating season has begun, you will have to pay for the heat, even if it did not reach your apartment for one reason or another. In order not to pay for cold batteries, you need to check the water supply risers, check how the sewer is functioning, make sure that heating has really started in your apartment building, and only you have some problems with this.

Actually, the primary task is to understand the reasons. It is they who will make it possible to understand why the water supply risers are hot, and the battery itself is cold. Already from here it will be possible to move on, in the direction of solving the problem that has arisen. Some situations even provide for a scenario in which you have to change the radiators. But, hopefully, it will not come to this, and the issue can be solved by simpler and less drastic methods.

  • 1 Reasons
  • 2 Fixing problems

2.1 Causes and their elimination

  • 2.1.1 Trapped air
  • 2.1.2 Replacing radiators

How not to pay for heating if the apartment has cold batteries. What to do and where to complain?

Heating bills are getting bigger and bigger: heat tariffs are rising, but the quality of heating does not always keep up with the price. Probably, many people would like their apartment to be warm and cozy, and the fee for this was small.

But what about when the apartment is NOT warm (and maybe even cold), and large heating bills continue to come regularly. Agree, this is an offensive situation when you are actually required to pay for services that were provided inappropriately.

In any sphere of civil legal relations, the issues of interaction between the buyer and the seller in the delivery of low-quality goods are determined by the civil code and the law on the protection of consumer rights. The necessary actions of the buyer when buying a bad product are well known. For example, if you buy a faulty TV in an electronics store, then it is not difficult to return the faulty product and get money back for it.

In the field of housing and communal services, consumer rights are also protected. But the interaction between the consumer and the supplier or utility provider in the delivery of substandard services will differ from the usual interaction between the buyer and the seller. This is due to the fact that if the management company delivers a low-quality heat supply service (for example, there are cold batteries in the apartment or the air temperature is too low), then the consumer does not have the physical ability to fidelity to the consumed heat.

But in this case, he has the right to pay less for the consumed heat. Or maybe not pay for heat this month at all.

Unfortunately, few people know how to act in a situation when the apartment has cold batteries: where to complain and go to change the situation. Let's take a look at how the legislation prescribes the actions of the consumer when such a situation arises.

The normative values ​​of the air temperature in the residential premises are defined in clause 15 of Appendix 1 to the "Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354. It is indicated that: should be "ensuring the standard air temperature in residential premises - not lower than +18 ° C (in corner rooms - +20 ° C), in areas with a temperature of the coldest five-day period of -31 ° C and below - in residential premises - not lower than +20 ° C ( in corner rooms - +22 ° C) ".

In other words, the minimum temperature in the rooms of an apartment must be at least 18 degrees for non-corner rooms and at least 20 degrees for corner rooms. In areas of severe winter and cold weather - even higher by 2 degrees, respectively. That is, it does not legally regulate the temperature of the coolant in the batteries: there may be cold batteries and heating pipes in an apartment, but the temperature must be within the approved norm.

It should be noted that in accordance with the same paragraph 15 of Appendix 1: “the permissible excess of the standard temperature is no more than 4 ° C; permissible decrease in the standard temperature at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 3 ° C; decrease in the air temperature in the living room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) not allowed.

What to do and where to complain if the batteries in the apartment are cold and the above temperature limits are not respected? On the pages of the portal, we have already described how, according to the law, to calculate the payment for heating in an apartment.

Here we will tell you how this board in law can be reduced.

The law defines in sufficient detail the order of actions of the consumer when providing him with a communal service of inadequate quality. In the already mentioned "Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354, there is a whole section devoted to this problem. This section is number X and it is called “The procedure for establishing the fact of the provision of public services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration (paragraph 104-113 of the Rules).

If the apartment is cold, then you need to follow these steps:

1. Call the phone or the hotline or the emergency dispatch service of the utility contractor (management company or HOA). A complaint about cold batteries must be filed with a hotline or emergency dispatch officer and provide you with your name, surname and title and the registered number of your complaint about a low temperature in the apartment. You can apply in any other way, but you need to keep in mind that it is possible that you will need to prove the fact of notification in the future.

2. If the employee of the contractor's emergency dispatch service is not aware of the reasons for the cold in the apartment, he is obliged to agree with the consumer the date and time for checking the fact of violation of the quality of the utility service.

The time for the inspection is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receipt from the consumer of a message about the violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time has been agreed with the consumer.

In other words, employees of the utility contractor must arrive to draw up an act at the apartment at a convenient time for the consumer or no later than 2 hours from the moment of contact.

3. If, for some reason, the employees of the utility contractor did not arrive by the scheduled date for drawing up an act, the consumer can draw up such an act on his own.However, in this case, it is necessary to fix the air temperature in the apartment in the act, and sign the act by the chairman of the council of the apartment building, as well as by 2 neighbors - apartment owners.

An approximate sample of an act of measuring the temperature in an apartment

4. After drawing up such an act, the contractor is obliged to take measures to provide public heating services of proper quality. These measures can be: settlement of necessary issues with heating networks (boiler room) to increase the temperature of the coolant, repair of heating risers in an apartment building, pumping pumps, and more.

If no action has been taken by the end of the month, and the consumer has not been informed of the fact of the start of the supply of heat of proper quality, then the consumer has the right to apply for a recalculation of the cost of heating for the month.

If the apartment is cold, then the amount of recalculation of the cost of heating is determined as follows: for each hour of the deviation of the air temperature in the dwelling, in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of payment for the utility service for such a billing period decreases by 0.15 percent for each degree of deflection.

For clarity, here's a simple example. The air temperature in the apartment at the time of drawing up the act was 16 degrees. Therefore, the deviation from the norm is 2 degrees. The period during which this temperature was kept was 10 days or 240 hours.

The size of the reduction in the cost of heating will be: 2 degrees x 240 hours x 0.15% = 72%. That is, the cost of heating this month should be reduced by 72%. With the usual average monthly payment for heat of about 3,000 rubles, this month the consumer must pay 3,000 rubles - 2,160 rubles = 840 rubles.

To do this, the consumer needs to write a statement to the address of the utility service provider, attach a copy of the drawn up act, indicate the date and registration number of his initial appeal on the fact of the cold in the apartment.

An example of a complaint about poor heating in an apartment.

After receiving a complaint, the contractor is obliged to recalculate the cost of heating.

If for some reason he does not want to do this, then you can contact:

1. To the state housing inspectorate with a complaint about the actions of the contractor.

2. To the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

3. To the court with a claim to reduce the cost of heating and forcing the contractor of the utility service to properly fulfill its obligations to supply utility resources.

At the end of the article, I would like to wish you to live in a warm apartment with hot radiators, while heating bills were not affordable.

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Why the batteries are cold, but the riser is hot, experts explain

Do not warm your hands on cold batteries.

There can be a lot of reasons why the supply pipe is hot and the radiator is cold. Specialists for general development name only the main ones:

  • the central tap on the heat supplying line is closed or the return line is closed;
  • insufficient coolant flow;
  • airing a system or a concrete riser, a radiator;
  • the heating system is not balanced;
  • pollution in the heating circuit;
  • reducing the cross-section of the pipe supplying the coolant.

However, the following actions of the residents of the house will help the masters who have come to the call to quickly eliminate the malfunction of the heating circuit:

  • it is necessary to install the pipe hot, and the radiator is cold only in one apartment, or this problem affects the entire riser. Perhaps the heating wiring of the entire entrance is faulty;
  • it does not bother to go around all the entrances and see if the heating elements are hot there;
  • you can go down to the basement and examine the pipes for breakdown. Even drip leads to a fall. This adversely affects her work.

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot

Contour cleaner.

If the batteries do not heat up the riser

... If the riser is cold, the battery is cold - this is a sure sign that the main line through which the coolant flows is blocked. In confirmation of this, it is necessary to walk through the neighboring apartments. They should warm up well. In this case, only a plumber can fix the breakdown, who will have on his hands the drawings for the wiring of the heating of the house.

The next state of affairs, when the pipe is hot and the battery is cold, indicates a blockage in the system or the presence of an air lock. They prevent the penetration of the coolant into the heating element. From this, the latter does not warm up. Clogs are removed only if the radiator is completely disassembled and air under pressure is forced through it. This can only be done by a specialist who has the necessary tools and equipment.

If the radiators do not heat up all over the entrance

... When the radiator is cold and the riser is hot, attention must be paid to the pressure in the circuit. With insufficient pressure, the coolant cannot pass through all the radiators in the circuit

As a result, the batteries lower their temperature as they move away from the heat-carrying line. Residents of the house cannot independently increase the pressure in the system, and therefore it is recommended to seek professional help. More specifically, call the organization that is responsible for the heat supply of the building.

Supply and return can be mixed up.

Residents of a new house, when starting the heating system for the first time, can observe the following situation when the battery is cold and the return is hot. Here it is appropriate to assume that mistakes were made during the installation of the heating elements. In this case, the pipes supplying the coolant and the return flow of the circuit are reversed. If we are talking about an individual heating circuit, then it is worth taking a closer look at the circulation pump. It may have been installed incorrectly.

When asked why there is a cold return in the batteries, experts unequivocally point to an incorrectly designed heating system. In some cases, it is appropriate to talk about a small flow rate of the coolant.

Causes of cold batteries and what to do if the riser is warm and the battery is cold

There are many reasons why the heating system does not work and the batteries are cold. How to check the system and find out what's the matter? For example, neighbors added a number of radiators or sections to their apartment, or a neighbor turned off the heating and it became cold in your apartment. Also, the reason for the disturbance in heat exchange may be an increase in the diameter of the pipelines or a change in the connection diagram. Because of this, residents often turn to plumbers with the question, "Why are the neighbors' batteries hot, but our apartment is cold, what is the reason?" And it lies in the imbalance that has formed in the heating system, and therefore, the apartments are poorly heated. It happens that a company that supplies heat to houses does not cope. But in this case, cold batteries will be in the whole house, and not in one apartment. At the beginning of each heating season, many complaints come from tenants that they have cold batteries in the apartment or in the apartment, one battery is cold and the other is warm. The reasons for this are air locks that form when the system is filled with water. Modern risers and radiators have special valves that react to the air in the pipes and automatically release it outside. But more often, in apartments on the upper floors, there are radiators with taps, through which air jams are eliminated. This is done very simply: you need to open the valve and wait until the water flows, if cold water flows from the battery, then you will not be able to fix the problem on your own. Sometimes a plug will form in a battery without a tap. It is necessary to install the Mayevsky tap, and by turning the stopcock, close it after the water has flowed out.Thus, bleeding air, it is possible to eliminate air locks, and restore the correct functioning of the heating system. Without such cranes, it is extremely difficult to get the system working. You can try to unscrew the cap on the radiator while the air hiss, and close it when water flows. But for this, it is better to call a specialist or write a complaint that it is cold in the apartment.

The main malfunctions of heating systems and their elimination

Air congestion

Air locks appear in radiators, pipes and interfere with the normal circulation of water in the heating system. They appear for various reasons:

  • violation of the technology of filling the system with water after the summer period;
  • non-observance of the water deaeration regime;
  • repairs with disassembly of pipelines;
  • non-observance of slopes when installing the heating system;
  • air leaks through leaking joints.

To remove air from the system, a Mayevsky valve installed on the radiator is used. You should open it, wait until the air comes out, the hissing stops, the water starts pouring out calmly without bubbles. The valve is then closed. Do not forget to substitute a container for draining water or a towel.

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot

There are no Mayevsky cranes in old cast-iron batteries. The air is released without completely unscrewing the plugs at the ends of the radiators. It is better to entrust this operation to plumbers - if you unscrew the plug completely, you can flood the apartment.

Cold batteries identify causes and troubleshoot

The heating system is a complex structure consisting of several elements combined into one circuit and is put into operation through a chain reaction.

But it happens that the system fails and the water in the batteries becomes cold. The reason for this may be problems with the return.

where they pass, the temperature difference between them, the pressure on the radiators

The comfort of the family in winter will depend on how effectively the heating system in the house is working.

If the batteries do not heat up well, it is necessary to eliminate the malfunction, and for this it is important to know how the heating works as a whole.

Water heating of the space is a heat source and heat carrier, which is carried through the batteries. Supply and return are present in one- and two-pipe systems. In the second, there is no clear distribution, it is conventionally accepted to divide the pipe in half.


Features of supply in the heating system

The heat is supplied directly from the boiler, while the liquid is carried through the batteries from the main element - the boiler (or the central system). It is typical for a one-pipe system. If it is improved, then it is possible to insert pipes into the return line as well.

Photo 1. Heating scheme for a private two-story house with an indication of the supply and return pipes.

Where is the return line

In short, the heating circuit consists of several important elements: a heating boiler, batteries and an expansion tank. In order for the heat to flow through the radiators, a coolant is needed: water or antifreeze. With a competent construction of the circuit, the coolant heats up in the boiler, rises through the pipes, increasing its volume, and all the excess enters the expansion tank.

Based on the fact that the batteries are filled with liquid, hot water displaces cold water, which, in turn, enters the boiler again for subsequent

How to flush a radiator

During the operation of the heating system, rust, salt deposits and other impurities are deposited inside the pipes. All these deposits over time can be the reason why the battery does not heat well.

Advice! Regular cleaning of the inside of the radiator can improve the quality of its performance.

The procedure for cleaning the battery is best done in the summer, between the operation of the heating system. If necessary, this can be done in the fall, before hot water is supplied and the following technology must be observed.

  • turn off all taps;
  • remove the battery using a wrench and divide it into sections;
  • rinse each individual element under a strong pressure of water;
  • in the presence of a large amount of deposits, use special chemicals;
  • assemble the structure;
  • connect to the heating system.

If the batteries are heavy and cannot be removed, they are washed in place. For this, the plug is removed and a chemical agent is poured inside. In order for the solvent to be able to cope with all existing deposits, it is left for 2-3 hours, after which it is rinsed 2-3 times.

the battery is cold and the riser is hot

( 1 estimate, average 5 of 5 )

