How to make a wind generator with your own hands?

The majority of people are convinced that energy for existence can only be obtained from gas, coal or oil. The atom is quite dangerous, the construction of hydroelectric power plants is a very laborious and costly process. Scientists around the world say fossil fuels may soon run out. What to do, where is the exit? Are the days of humanity numbered?

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Water instead of gasoline? What nonsense!

An alcohol-fueled engine will probably find more understanding than the idea of ​​decomposing water into oxygen and hydrogen molecules. After all, even in school textbooks it is said that this is a completely unprofitable way of obtaining energy. However, there are already installations for the extraction of hydrogen by the method of ultra-efficient electrolysis. Moreover, the cost of the obtained gas is equal to the cost of cubic meters of water used in this process. It is equally important that electricity costs are also minimal.

Most likely, in the near future, along with electric vehicles, cars powered by hydrogen fuel will drive around the world. An ultra-efficient electrolysis plant is not exactly a free energy generator. It is quite difficult to assemble it with your own hands. However, the method of continuous production of hydrogen using this technology can be combined with methods of obtaining green energy, which will increase the overall efficiency of the process.

DIY free energy generator
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How to choose a generator for a windmill

Household windmills should be quiet. Therefore, it is better to use a low-speed (low-speed) engine as a generator for wind turbines. Such an engine is capable of performing from 350 to 700 rpm. In addition, the low-speed motor can be used even on a single-blade wind turbine. Also, a low-speed generator can be made from a stepper motor.

To increase the speed of the windmill, you can use a multiplier: it will speed up the rotation of the blades by 5-10 times.

There are a large number of different power generators, which should be chosen based on your own preferences.

Disc motors with neodymium magnets are especially popular. At the same time, magnets can be of different sizes and, accordingly, power. Such a generator is made quite simply, but its cost is quite high.

In order to start the propeller, you can use the pedal bike generator.

Many people make a low-power generator from a gas generator, a car or tractor generator, a battery from a screwdriver. In this case, it should be borne in mind that a gearbox that reduces the speed will need to be installed on a structure with a generator from a tractor and an autogenerator.

One of the undeservedly forgotten

Devices such as fuel-free engines are completely maintenance-free. They are completely silent and do not pollute the atmosphere. One of the most famous developments in the field of environmental technologies is the principle of obtaining current from the ether according to the theory of N. Tesla. The device, consisting of two resonantly tuned transformer coils, is a grounded oscillatory circuit. Initially, Tesla made a free energy generator with his own hands in order to transmit a radio signal over long distances.

If we consider the surface layers of the Earth as a huge capacitor, then we can imagine them as a single conductive plate. The ionosphere (atmosphere) of the planet saturated with cosmic rays (the so-called ether) is used as the second element in this system. Through both of these "plates" electric charges of different polarity are constantly flowing.To "collect" currents from near space, it is necessary to make a free energy generator with your own hands. 2013 became one of the most productive years in this direction. Everyone wants to use free electricity.

DIY free energy generator 2014 diagram
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Fuel cell generator

Fuel cells are a promising, durable, reliable and environmentally friendly source of electrical energy. A fuel cell (or as it is also called an electrochemical generator) is a device that converts the chemical energy of a fuel into electrical energy during an electrochemical reaction. Ideally, the fuel cell requires hydrogen as the supplied fuel to operate. However, the production and storage of such fuel is quite costly. Therefore, "portable" fuel cell generators also operate on hydrogen-containing fuel. As such fuel, we can use the usual hydrocarbons: methane, butane, propane, methanol, gasoline.

When hydrogen is used as a fuel, heat and water are the products of a chemical reaction, in addition to the desired electricity. In this case, such a generator is absolutely harmless to the environment. When using hydrocarbons (for example, propane) as fuel, carbon and nitrogen oxides will also be emitted into the environment. However, their value is significantly lower than with conventional incineration.

Device and principle of operation

The fuel cell generator consists of:

  • fuel processor
  • power generation section
  • voltage converter

The fuel processor converts the hydrocarbon fuel into hydrogen for an electrochemical reaction (reforming). The main element of the device is a reformer. Natural gas entering the reformer, for example, reacts with steam at very high temperatures (about 900 ° C) and high pressure in the presence of a catalyst (nickel). The vapor required for conversion is generated from condensate as a result of the operation of the fuel cell. In this case, heat is used, also released as a result of its work.

The power generation section is the main part of the generator. It consists of many fuel cells, the electrodes of which include a platinum catalyst. With the help of these cells, a constant electric current is generated.

Voltage transformer. The DC current generated by the fuel cells is unstable, low voltage and high amperage. To convert it into alternating current that meets the standards, as well as to protect the electrical circuit from various failures, a voltage converter is used.

In such a generator, approximately 40% of the energy of the hydrocarbon fuel can be converted into electrical energy. Also, another 40% of the fuel energy is converted into thermal energy. It can be used to heat the room, and the same water in the water supply. Therefore, the total efficiency of such a generator can reach 80%.

The advantage of a fuel cell generator is:

  • it is possible to be a source of electricity and heat supply;
  • high efficiency 50%. And if you use the heat obtained as a result of work, then all 80%;
  • lack of vibration and noise;
  • minimum amount of pollutants;
  • reliability (no moving parts)
  • ease of use

Disadvantages and features:

  • relatively high cost;
  • to use hydrogen most efficiently as a fuel;

Manufacturers of accessories for caravanning have also become interested in fashionable and modern technologies and have released several of their developments.

Truma VeGa

The German company Truma, which specializes in gas and electric devices for caravanning, has developed the Truma VeGa fuel cell power generator in collaboration with the IMM Institute of Micro Engineering.The idea was to make an affordable generator on a new and increasingly popular fuel cell technology for the mass consumer. The system received an F-CELL Silver Award in 2007 and an award at the Bavarian Energy Show in 2008. The technological product was presented to the general public at the 2012 Caravan Salon in Dusseldorf. In the same year, its serial production and sales started.

Vega uses liquefied petroleum gas (propane / butane) to generate hydrogen and then convert it to electricity. The maximum productivity of the device is 250 W / hour or 6 kW / day. Thus, VeGa makes it possible to simultaneously use multiple energy consumers in a mobile home. From a standard, filled with propane, 11 kg. cylinder, VeGa is capable of squeezing out up to 28 kW of electricity. Thus, depending on electricity consumption, you can live autonomously for up to several weeks.

The system works fully automatically. As soon as the voltage on the battery "sags" below normal, Vega turns on and charges the battery with a current of up to 20 A. The correct charging current can be adapted to different types of batteries (acid, alkaline, helium). After reaching the optimum voltage at the battery terminals, VaGa returns to standby mode. Also, the VeGa fuel cell generator can be forced to start. The color touch screen displays all the necessary operating parameters: charging current, battery voltages, operating intervals.

The advantage of this system over other alternative energy sources (solar panels and wind generators) is the availability and relative cheapness of the raw materials used (propane / butane gas), stability of operation at any time of the day in a wide temperature range.

And now about the bad news. The market value of the Truma Vega in the Movera catalog was 7,000 euros. The price for new technologies is too high, even for a European caravan. Sales were very sluggish. Truma VeGa disappeared from catalog pages in 2020. Today Truma tries not to remember this system.


EFOY has been more successful in the design and implementation of fuel cell generators. The main difference from Truma Vega is that EFOY generators use methanol (CH₃OH methyl alcohol) as a raw material (fuel). Methanol is sold by the manufacturer itself in 5 and 10 liter cans. (price according to the Movera catalog is 30 and 45 euros, respectively). 5 liters of methanol is enough to generate 5.5 kW of electricity.

For motorhomes and caravans, EFOY produces 3 types of generators:

  • Comfort 80. Maximum power - 40 watts. Capacity - 80 Ah per day. Charge current - 3.3 A. Cost (Movera) - 2600 euros
  • Comfort 140. Maximum power - 72 W. Capacity - 140 Ah per day. Charge current - 6 A. Cost (Movera) - 4000 euros
  • Comfort 210. Maximum power - 105 watts. Capacity - 210 Ah per day. Charge current - 8.8 A. Cost (Movera) - 5600 euros

Like the VeGa, the EFOY has an automatic trickle charge function and is only activated when needed.

Advantages. The generator is quiet and environmentally friendly. It emits only heat, water vapor and very little carbon dioxide. Works regardless of the time of day in the temperature range from - 10 ° C to +40 ° C.

EFOY also produces Pro series generators for industrial scale.

Disadvantages. the cost problem of fuel cells has not yet been resolved. An expensive material, platinum, is used as a catalyst in the cells of fuel cells, which, of course, affects the price.

It should be noted that, in addition to EFOY, a large number of companies are engaged in methanol fuel cells. Toshiba introduces compact methanol fuel cells to power players, phones and laptops. Fuel cells running on ethyl alcohol are by far the most likely replacement for the batteries we are used to.

How to make a free energy generator with your own hands

The diagram of a single-phase resonant device N. Tesla consists of the following blocks:

  1. Two conventional 12V batteries.
  2. Rectifier with electrolytic capacitors.
  3. A generator that sets the standard frequency of the current (50 Hz).
  4. A current amplifier block directed to the output transformer.
  5. Low-voltage (12 V) to high-voltage (up to 3000 V) voltage converter.
  6. Conventional transformer with a winding ratio of 1: 100.
  7. High voltage transformer with high voltage winding and ribbon core, up to 30 W.
  8. Coreless core transformer with double winding.
  9. A step-down transformer.
  10. Ferrite rod for system grounding.

All units of the installation are connected according to the laws of physics. The system is configured empirically.

DIY free energy generator 2013
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Wind generator: principle of operation, types of devices

Most wind turbines are a steel tower - a mast, on top of which three blades are fixed. A modern household visor for 5 kw of the second magnitude can easily generate up to 5000 watts of electricity. This is quite enough to provide electricity for a residential building, a summer residence. The axial generator delivers up to 500 W / h. The most powerful wind generator in the world - 8 MW.

A modern wind turbine can have:

  • Horizontal axis of rotation;
  • The vertical axis of rotation.

The horizontal visor has an axis that rotates parallel to the ground (like a conventional mill). Vertical wind turbines can have both blades and rotors that move parallel to the ground.

You can easily study the principle of operation of a wind generator on the Internet.

Rotors can vary in shape and size, and are divided into:

  • Savonius devices (rotors are made in the form of half-cylinders);
  • Rotors of Ugrinsky (improved rotors of the semi-cilendrie type);
  • Darrieus rotors (can be helical, curved and H-shaped);
  • Multi-blade wind turbines (used in carousel-type wind turbines);
  • Helical rotors (have a tapered rotor).

Often vertical wind turbines are whirligig-shaped (an example is the rotary wind turbine "Genghis Khan"). The most effective device of its group is considered to be a multi-blade design of the top type.

Is it all true?

It may seem that this is absurd, because another year, when they tried to create a free energy generator with their own hands, was 2014. The circuit described above simply uses the battery charge, according to many experimenters. The following can be objected to this. Energy enters the closed loop of the system from the electric field of the output coils, which receive it from the high-voltage transformer due to their mutual arrangement. And the electric field strength is created and maintained by the battery charge. All other energy comes from the environment.

Fuel-free device for getting free electricity

It is known that the occurrence of a magnetic field in any motor is facilitated by conventional inductors made of copper or aluminum wire. To compensate for the inevitable losses due to the resistance of these materials, the engine must operate continuously, using part of the generated energy to maintain its own field. This significantly reduces the efficiency of the device.

In a transformer powered by neodymium magnets, there are no self-induction coils, respectively, and there are no losses associated with resistance. When using a constant magnetic field, currents are generated by a rotor rotating in this field.

self-powered free energy generator
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Homemade wind turbine: advantages and disadvantages

The installation of a wind turbine may be necessary if electricity is not supplied to your site, there are constant interruptions in the power transmission network, or you want to save on electricity bills. A wind turbine can be purchased, or you can make it yourself.

The advantage of a homemade wind turbine is significant cost savings

A homemade wind generator has the following advantages:

  • It allows you to save money on the purchase of a factory device, because manufacturing is most often done from improvised parts;
  • Ideal for your needs and operating conditions, because you calculate the power of the device yourself, taking into account the density and strength of the wind in your region;
  • It is better in harmony with the design of the house and landscape design, because the appearance of the windmill depends only on your imagination and skills.

The disadvantages of homemade devices include their unreliability and fragility: often homemade products are made from old engines from household appliances and cars, so they quickly fail. At the same time, in order for the wind turbine to be effective, it is necessary to correctly calculate the power of the device.

How to make a small free energy generator with your own hands

The scheme is used as follows:

  • take a cooler (fan) from the computer;
  • remove 4 transformer coils from it;
  • replace with small neodymium magnets;
  • orient them in the original directions of the coils;
  • By changing the position of the magnets, you can control the speed of rotation of the motor, which works absolutely without electricity.

Such an almost perpetual motion machine retains its operability until one of the magnets is removed from the circuit. By attaching a light bulb to the device, you can illuminate the room for free. If you take a more powerful engine and magnets, the system can power not only a light bulb, but also other household electrical appliances.

How does an electric generator work

An asynchronous generator of electricity produces a resource if the speed of rotation of the motor is faster than the synchronous one. The most common generator operates at parameters from 1500 rpm.

It produces energy if the rotor runs faster than synchronous speed when starting. The difference between these indicators is called slip and is calculated as a percentage relative to the synchronous speed. However, the stator speed is even higher than the rotor speed. Due to this, a stream of charged particles that change polarity is formed.

We watch the video, the principle of operation:

When energized, the connected generator device takes control of the synchronous speed by self-controlling the slip. The energy leaving the stator passes through the rotor, however, the active power has already moved to the stator coils.

The basic principle of operation of an electric generator is reduced to the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. Strong torque is needed to start the rotor to generate power. The most adequate option, according to electricians, is "perpetual idling", which maintains one rotation speed during the generator's operating time.

On the principle of operation of the Tariel Kapanadze installation

This famous DIY free energy generator (25kW, 100kW) is assembled according to the principle described by Nikola Tesla in the last century. This resonant system is capable of delivering a voltage several times higher than the initial impulse. It is important to understand that this is not a "perpetual motion machine", but a machine for generating electricity from natural sources that are freely available.

To obtain a current of 50 Hz, 2 rectangular pulse generators and power diodes are used. For grounding, a ferrite rod is used, which, in fact, closes the Earth's surface to the charge of the atmosphere (ether, according to N. Tesla). The coaxial cable is used to supply powerful output voltage to the load.

In simple words, a DIY free energy generator (2014, T. Kapanadze's circuit) receives only an initial impulse from a 12 V source. The device is capable of continuously supplying standard electrical appliances, heaters, lighting, and so on with a normal voltage current.

The assembled self-powered free energy generator is designed to close the circuit. Some craftsmen use this method to recharge the battery, which gives the initial impulse to the system. For your own safety, it is important to take into account the fact that the output voltage of the system is high. If you forget about caution, you can get a severe electric shock. Since a 25kW do-it-yourself free energy generator can bring both benefits and danger.

DIY free energy generator circuit
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Beginning of work

Work on the manufacture of a wind power generator begins with the fact that you need to take a container made of stainless steel or aluminum. Most often, a bucket, a large saucepan, boil and so on are used. This will be the basis for the future wind turbine.

Using a tape measure and a marker or pencil, divide the container into 4 equal parts. Further, of course, it is necessary to cut this metal according to the marking. For this, a grinder is usually used, but if the base is made of a material such as galvanized metal or painted tin, then you will have to work with scissors, since such materials will simply overheat during cutting with a grinder. These will be blades, but it is not worth cutting the entire structure. Now you need to start reworking the generator pulley.

Both in the bottom of the tank and in the generator pulley, you need to make markings and drill holes for the bolts. Here, it is very important to maintain a symmetrical arrangement so that there is no imbalance during rotation.

After that, it is necessary to bend the blades, but not too much. It is important to take into account the side in which the generator will rotate. Most often, the direction is clockwise.

As for the bending of the blades, the area of ​​these devices will directly affect the speed of rotation, since the plane of action of the air flow on the device changes.

After all these manipulations, a bucket or other container with ready-made bolt holes is attached to the generator pulley.

The generator is attached to the mast and secured with prepared clamps. After that, you need to connect the wires and assemble the electrical circuit.

Fastening the generator to bolts

Here you will have to have a diagram on hand, you will have to remember the colors of all wires and the marking of the contacts. Later, all this will definitely be needed, but for now, you can also fix the wires on the windmill mast.

A home wind generator also requires a battery connection. To connect it, you will need previously purchased wires with a cross section of 4 mm2. A length of 1 meter will be enough. To connect the load to this network, that is, consumers of electrical energy (light lamps, household appliances, etc.), 2.5 mm2 wires are enough. After that, you need to install and connect the inverter to the circuit, for this you again need 4 mm2 wires.

( 2 grades, average 4.5 of 5 )

