How to choose the right water heater in 29 minutes?

French brand

water heater atlantic

The French company Atlantic began its production in the second half of the 20th century and feels confident in the 21st. Over a long period of time, the organization has significantly expanded its range. The company's products are distinguished by engineering, functional features, and shape. The cost is also different. In addition to the country of the brand - France, Atlantic boilers are manufactured in Ukraine. Odessa is a representative of the Atlantis Group concern.

Features of boilers Atlantic

Long-term manufacture of boilers has led to the appearance of similar functionality in all products:

  • fast heating;
  • anti-corrosion resistance;
  • energy saving;
  • modern design;
  • affordable price.

The storage water heaters are equipped with two types of heating elements: wet and dry. The first resembles a boiler, and the second does not come into contact with liquid. Wet heating elements are susceptible to corrosion, scale, for this the concern has developed a series - O'Pro, which is protected from rust and other negative effects associated with a long stay in water. Dry ones last longer, as they are shielded from liquid by a flask, in addition, the silent heating elements of the Steatite product line heat up perfectly. Prices for such heaters are slightly higher than usual.

Water heaters Atlantic

How to choose a water heater: Atlantic tips


Hot water is the main component of comfort. We use it without even thinking about it. However, before entering the faucet, the water must be heated. Accordingly, your task is to choose a water heater that will produce hot water at the right temperature at the right time, without going beyond your budget.


The amount of hot water you need depends on how many people live in your house and what their habits are. When it comes to reasonable water consumption, then it should be expected that on average, 40 to 50 liters of hot water are consumed per person per day... However, an accurate assessment of your needs is necessary, because if they are underestimated, you risk being in a cold shower. Otherwise, if you overestimate your needs, your hot water bill will go up dramatically as you will be paying for a lot of unused hot water. Some models of water heaters are able to remember how much hot water you consume daily and adjust the production of hot water depending on your habits



The quality of the water in the distribution system has a direct impact on the life of your water heater. With balanced water, the water heater will work out its service life without interruption. However, if the water is hard, this can lead to the formation of limescale, especially on the heating element, while aggressive water can cause rapid corrosion of the inner tank. Therefore, the best choice is a water heater equipped with a "dry" steatite heating element. (technology Steatite), placed in an enamelled steel flask and adapted to balanced, hard and aggressive water. Also, beware of using improperly adjusted water softeners - they produce too aggressive water.


Atlantic technologies for water heater protection

You can choose as traditional electric water heaterand heat pump water heater or solar water heater... Another important point: choose the right place to installbased on how much free space you have. Depending on the model of the water heater, various types of tank installation are possible: wall-mounted vertical or horizontal, floor-standing; installation in a confined space or installation in a technical room such as a garage (for solar water heaters or heat pump water heaters)


Instantaneous storage electric water heater - an economical purchase and an easy-to-install device: the water tank is heated by an electric heating element, like an electric kettle. Modern water heaters are equipped with an electronic thermostat and digital display. The most advanced models are also equipped with function Smart... This means that the appliance adapts to your drinking habits, guaranteeing up to 20% energy and cost savings


By purchasing a solar water heater, you can count on savings from 50% to 70% when paying for hot water. The water in the tank is heated by a solar collector system located on the roof. They contain a heat transfer fluid capable of transferring solar energy through a heat exchanger (mainly a coil) to a hot water tank. This option requires a larger budget, since a lot of space is needed to install a water heater (furnace or utility room), and the roof must already be equipped with a solar collector system. As a result, energy and cost savings will be significant


It is possible the simplest and most modern solution that will cut bills in half... This appliance is a hot water tank combined with a heat pump into a single unit. Depending on the model, the heat pump captures the energy that it transfers to the water tank from the ambient air (the device is installed in an unheated technical room with an area of ​​at least 20 m2) or from the outside air (the device is equipped with a split system and consists of two parts, one of which is installed on the street).


This is enough practical solution associated with a heating boiler: the boiler is compatible with all types of boilers that are used as back-up boilers. In winter, the boiler heats the water in the boiler using the heat carrier circulating in the heat exchanger. In the summertime, the water is heated in the boiler thanks to a back-up, built-in electric heating element (combination models)

Existing types of water heaters by volume

The characteristics that separate Atlantis water heaters can be called their volume, which varies from 10 to 300 tons of liters. Displacement determines functionality in business processes.

  • 10-15 liters. - the minimum size for installation in hard-to-reach places, heated water is enough for washing dishes, hands;
  • 30 l. - one person is enough for water procedures;
  • 50 l. - compact, the most popular volume, there is enough hot water for two;
  • boilers Atlantik 80 liters (Slim series) - a small-sized case, good capacity, for two or three people;
  • 100-liter - medium size, fit in houses without inconvenience, enough heated liquid for three;
  • From 100 to 500 liters. - large, for private houses and businesses.

Do you know that…

large capacity boilers, mainly floor-standing installation. Other electric heaters are wall-mounted, vertically or horizontally.

Water heaters Atlantik have different serial markings, we will get acquainted with the most famous models in this rating.

Hot water consumption

To resolve the issue of how much minimum hot water is needed, the most active period of hot water consumption per day is taken and approximately how much water was used is considered. Almost always, the hottest (both literally and figuratively) for a water heater is the morning hours, when adults are going to work, children are going to school: someone needs to take a shower, someone needs to wash and brush their teeth, then wash the dishes. Of course, it is desirable to have a small margin.

In general terms, you can use the following rough calculation. For one person using a shower and a kitchen sink to wash dishes, a water heater with a 30 liter tank will suffice. This volume of the tank is suitable for installing a boiler just in case. A family of 2 people taking a shower every morning will not be enough. Here, the installation of a storage water heater of 50 liters will be optimal. For 3 people, a tank of 80 liters will be sufficient, and for 4-5 residents in the same water use conditions, a boiler with a water supply of 100-150 liters will be needed. Special attention should be paid to taking baths, since even a single bath can consume the entire volume of hot water in a 100 liter tank.

Hot water consumption depending on the number of consumers

OPRO Central Domestic Series

  • Price - from 20,000 rubles;
  • Volume - 150, 200, 300, 500 liters
  • Dimensions (edit) - 1220x505, 1550x505, 1765x570, 1840x750 mm;
  • The country of manufacture - France, Ukraine;
  • Color - white, gray, white with a light green tint;
  • Using - in organizations: hospitals, cafes, hotels, beauty salons, large houses.

OPRO Central Domestic water heater atlantic

Sufficient volume for production and household needsDimensions and weight. Take up a lot of space and are heavy
Environmental friendliness. Harmless polyurethane foam insulationExploitation. Inexpensive parts
Heats up fastDear Series
Independence from housing state-owned companies, pays off in matters of hot water supply
Anti-corrosion. O'Pro system protects heating elements from rust and wear

Economical boiler Atlantic: types and tips for choosing

Before deciding to buy a water heater of any company, you should figure out what they are and understand the nuances of their work.

Boilers Atlantic are presented in various models, which you can familiarize yourself with on the Internet or in a specialized store

Water heating tank Atlantic can be:

  1. Horizontal - in this case, the heating element at the device is on the side, and the water inlet pipes are very close, therefore, the liquid is mixed in the structure itself, which can cause sharp temperature jumps at the outlet. But at the same time, such models are compact and they can be placed under the ceiling, thereby not taking up much space.
  2. Vertical - is cheaper than horizontal. The heating element is located at the bottom of the unit, where the cold flow of liquid enters. Thanks to this, the water heats up faster.

Heaters Atlantik can have a dry heating element, enclosed in a special flask or submersible.

In order not to be mistaken in choosing a unit, you should consider:

  1. The need for heated liquid, which directly depends on the number of its consumers. For example, the average amount of water for bathing one person in a shower stall is about 30-50 liters, while washing dishes and hands takes about 20.
  2. The power of the device and its compliance with the permissible network load. In order for the water to heat up as quickly as possible, models with a power of 2-2.5 kW are often taken. But if you have old wiring in your house, do not overclock too much. It is better to take a 1.2-1.5 kW unit, however, the heating time will increase.
  3. Location of the device. If there is not enough free space in the room where the unit is planned to be installed, it is better to choose a horizontal model.
  4. Water quality. If it is too hard, then the tank will have to be cleaned often due to the scale appearing on its walls, which will shorten the service life of the device.

When choosing a water heater, special attention should be paid to the volume of the container.The tank, designed for 50 liters, is enough for one person or a couple who are at home mostly in the evening. 80 liter tanks are larger and more capacious. It is convenient to buy them for a family of 2-3 people who are often at home.

A 100 liter boiler can be connected to various fluid supply points, while allowing them to be used at the same time. This volume is quietly enough for 3-4 people. The instruction will help to understand the connection of the device.

It is not advisable to purchase equipment in unsuitable places or in points where there are no certificates of conformity to GOST.

OPro Small Series

  • Price - from 4000 rubles;
  • Volume - 10 and 15 liters
  • Dimensions (edit) - 456x256, 399x338 mm;
  • The country of manufacture - France, Ukraine;
  • Color - white;
  • Using - for sinks and sinks.

OPro Small water heater atlantic

Minimum size to fit and fit harmoniously in the roomWater restriction. The liquid heats up only for washing dishes or hands, not enough for taking a bath
Fast water heating
Saving. Low power - low power consumption
Installation and management. Clear and simple
Protection. Anti-corrosion function
Inexpensive price

Vertigo Steatite Essentia Series

  • Price - from 13,500 rubles;
  • Volume - 30, 50, 80, 100 liters
  • Dimensions (edit) - 601x490, 765x490, 1090x490, 1300x490 mm;
  • The country of manufacture - France, Ukraine;
  • Color - white with a gray stripe;
  • Using - apartments and houses.

Vertigo Steatite Essentia water heater atlantic

Practical at home. Suitable for household purposes in the kitchen and bathroom, or in other areasRestriction in fluid. There is enough water for one or several people, then you have to wait for the next batch to heat up (depending on the displacement)
Rapidity. Vertigo really quickly heats up the liquid, the function is Steatite
Saving. Energy saving function, incorporated in the specificity of the electric heater
Equipment. Easy installation
Control. Simple
Operation and work. Dry heating element - allows the device to last longer and works quietly

Popular models for an apartment and for a country house

Installed boiler in the apartment

There are no specific criteria that would distinguish an Atlantic boiler for an apartment or a private house. When choosing equipment, it is important in both cases to take into account certain parameters.

Volume of the tank

This parameter is one of those that affects the cost of equipment, the amount of energy consumed, power and aesthetic appearance. It is important to correctly determine the volume in order to ensure the normal life of consumers. Considering that the boiler can be 10, 15, 30, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200 and more liters, the range of their application is quite wide. The more conclusions and consumers there are, the larger the capacity of the storage tank should be.

Device power

Power affects the heating rate, the amount of heated water, and power consumption. The higher the heating rate and the volume of the tank, the larger the parameter is needed. But modern models have additional systems that allow you to use storage heaters, while saving electricity.

Tank material

Knowing what the tank is made of, we can assume the service life of the device. After all, corrosion quickly destroys the structure. The longer the warranty period for the product, the better the materials used for manufacturing.

Heating element type

Electric heaters can have heating elements of two types: "dry" and "wet". They are called so because the first does not come into direct contact with water, and the second works on the principle of a conventional boiler.

"Dry" heating element is located in a special flask that protects it from scale, thereby extending its service life by 2-3 years. Moreover, the "wet" heating element over time becomes overgrown with scale and starts to heat worse, while spending more energy.

Mounting method

According to the method of installation, water heaters are: horizontal and vertical.This is due to the location of the heating element inside the tank, so do not neglect the instructions for installing the equipment and install it the other way around. Such a decision will lead to a decrease in efficiency and soon to damage the device.

Control system

According to the control method, boilers can be: mechanical and electronic.

Mechanical control has no special features. Its essence lies in the presence of a rotary mechanism with an arrow indicating the value. It differs in its simplicity, reliability, durability and affordable cost. The disadvantage of this control is that it is not possible to set the exact water temperature, find out the state of the boiler, and also determine the temperature of the flowing water.

The electronic control system is superior to the mechanical one in its efficiency. With its help, you can adjust the water heating temperature with an accuracy of 1 degree, diagnose the boiler, remember the user's preferences, use the economy mode and adjust the power of the heating element. Such a control system consists of a screen and buttons.

Disadvantages: high cost, sensitivity to voltage surges.

Steatite Elite Series

  • Price - from 9900 rubles;
  • Volume - 50, 80, 100 liters
  • Dimensions (edit) - 613x433, 860x433, 1022x433 mm;
  • The country of manufacture - France, Ukraine;
  • Color - white;
  • Using - apartments and houses, cottages, for hard water.

Steatite Elite water heater atlantic

Household functions. For household purposes in the kitchen and bathroomPrice. More expensive than heaters with wet heating element
Rapidity. Elite electric water heaters quickly heat water
Thermal protection. Low heat loss
Completion and management. Easy installation and absolutely accessible controls
Works with hard water due to the characteristics of the magnesium anode. No noise
Exploitation. Dry heating element - protection against premature corrosion
Security. Protection against the functioning of the device if there is no water in it

Water heater under the sink Atlantic O'Pro Small 15 l.

Working hours:

- phone calls are accepted from 9:00 to 19:00 on weekdays - on weekends and holidays you can place an order on the website or write to us by e-mail. mail


Cash payment:

- You can pay for the order in cash upon delivery to the courier - You can pay for the order in cash upon pickup Payment is accepted only in rubles

Payment by bank transfer:

To pay for the goods by bank transfer from our online store, we will send you an invoice with the payment method agreed with you. The invoice and goods reserve are valid for three banking days. If during this time you do not transfer funds to pay the invoice, it will become invalid and you will need to receive a new invoice for payment. If you need to extend the reserve, you must contact us in any convenient way. After paying the invoice, we ask you to send a payment order by e-mail so that we do not cancel the reservation at the warehouse. The goods are released after the funds are credited to our current account. To receive the goods, you must provide the original power of attorney from the paying organization indicating the material values ​​received or certify our copy of the consignment note with the seal of the paying organization. Please confirm the payment of your order by sending a copy of the payment order.

Payment by bank cards:

You can pay for the order upon delivery by credit card. This service is possible only upon delivery by courier in Moscow and the Moscow region or upon self-pickup

Rules of payment for goods from regions:

Payment for goods from regions occurs ONLY by bank transfer. We send (by e-mail) a receipt for payment through the bank. The name of the payment must contain the order number. After the receipt of money on the account, we take the goods to the transport company, having previously notified you about this.


Delivery terms:

- delivery is carried out the next day after ordering the goods, but there may be exceptions - delivery time: weekdays from 11:00 to 22:00 - delivery of goods is paid directly to the courier and only in rubles

Delivery of goods is accompanied by all the necessary documents:

- cash register receipt - warranty card - invoice - instructions in Russian

Delivery cost in Moscow and Moscow region:

- delivery in Moscow is free of charge - delivery in the Moscow region: 30 rubles per 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road - delivery of bulky goods is made to the entrance


You can pick up the goods yourself at the address: Moscow, st. Chermyanskaya, 1, building 1, after placing an order and agreeing on the time

Delivery to regions:

- carried out by transport companies - payment for delivery to the transport company is free of charge - the services of transport companies are paid by the recipient upon receipt of the goods You can calculate the approximate cost of delivery using the calculation program on the websites of transport companies: Autotrading PEC https: / / Business lines

Upon receipt of the goods:

Carefully inspect the goods, make sure there are no visible mechanical damages, the presence and correctness of filling out the documents. Remember that claims for the appearance of the goods delivered to you, in accordance with Art. 458 and 459 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you can present only before the goods are handed over to you by the Seller. The risk of accidental loss or damage to the product passes to the Buyer from the moment the goods are handed over to the Buyer by the Seller. If the presentation of the purchased goods does not correspond to the proper one, you have the right not to accept the goods. In the event of a problem of this nature, we strongly recommend that you contact our manager at the time of the discovery of the defect.


If the presentation of the purchased equipment does not correspond to the proper one, you have the right not to accept the goods. You can refuse the goods delivered by us in the event that the delivered goods do not correspond to what you ordered, and the goods can be returned immediately at the time of delivery. The item must be returned in its original packaging with accompanying documents. The return of a good quality product is possible if its presentation (including labels, seals, packaging, etc.), consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified product (cash and sales receipts, warranty ticket). The return is possible after the transfer of the goods within 7 (seven) calendar days in accordance with Article 26.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" Goods of inadequate quality. A product of inadequate quality means a product that is defective and cannot ensure the performance of its functional qualities. Exchange of goods or refund of funds to the Buyer is carried out after an independent examination of the service center.

EGO Steatite Series

  • Price - from 8500 rubles;
  • Volume - 50, 80, 100 liters
  • Dimensions (edit) - 612x433, 861x433, 1021x433 mm;
  • The country of manufacture - France, Ukraine;
  • Color - white;
  • Using - apartments and houses, cottages.

EGO Steatite water heater atlantic

Compactness. Medium size and configurationPrice. More expensive than water heaters with wet ten
Heats water quickly
Saving. Ego water heaters have the function of low energy consumption
Installation. Accessible and understandable
Mechanical control
Security. Protection against corrosion and all kinds of leaks
Reasonable price for an electric heater with a dry heating element
Noise isolation. Quiet operation
Aesthetics. Modern case design

Atlantik devices have a magnesium anode, which is necessary to protect the inner tank from corrosion.

Water heaters Аtlantic - have good reviews, reliable, convenient, with reasonable prices.

Varieties and features

The French brand "Atlantic" presented three main types of boilers for the choice of users:

  • Electric - use only electricity for power supply.
  • Indirect heating - they take heat from heating systems.
  • With heat pumps - an environmentally friendly series that uses heat from the environment to heat water.

The latter category of boilers is distinguished by its high cost.

In our review, we will touch upon Atlantic electric and indirect boilers. We will consider both simple models, made in cylindrical cases, and design ones, which are distinguished by a solid appearance and well-thought-out ergonomics. Their production involves the developer's proprietary technologies - Diamond-Quality tank protection, Smart Control control system, Steatite dry heating elements, ACI Hybrid and O'Pro corrosion protection technologies. They make it possible to manufacture reliable and durable water heaters.

User's manual

Atlantic - modern approaches, security. The current equipment is easy to operate, with the slightest knowledge and meaningful instructions.

  • Accommodation. Should be closer to the water supply units;
  • Warming. The boiler must not be installed in rooms with sub-zero air temperatures. If it is a garage, the heater needs to be double insulated;
  • Temperature conditions. Better if it does not exceed +40;
  • Space. There should be free space near the water heater for repairs and other actions;
  • Electrician. The cable from the boiler must not come into contact with other electrical appliances, the device must be grounded;
  • Water in the system. Open hot and cold water taps to the device;
  • Drain valve. Must be closed when opening taps;
  • A sign that the tank is full. When hot water appears in the kitchen, the taps on the equipment can be closed;
  • Safety before power on. Make sure that the equipment is full, check the reliability of the connections;
  • Turning on;
  • Job. After a while, water will flow from the drain hole - this is a feature of normal operation, you need to immediately connect the unit to the sewer;
  • Conclusion. We check the device and connections again.

Did you know that ...

Sometimes during operation, the water heater may emit loud noises such as hums. Such a process is possible due to poor-quality water, and not due to a breakdown of the mechanism.

If you take good care of household appliances, operation is possible for a long time.

Boiler Atlantic 80 liters: what is good about dry heating elements

Water heaters Atlantik can be both with immersion and dry heating element. Moreover, the latter are considered more popular models. How does this happen?

Advantages of dry heating element:

  • Longer service life - this is due to the fact that it is enclosed in a special flask and does not come into contact with the liquid, which means it is not affected by it;
  • Lack of scale on the element;
  • There is no need to regularly clean the device or use any means to improve the functioning of the unit;
  • The cost of dry heating oil is cheaper than "wet".

By the way, if the dry type heating element breaks down, it will be quite easy to get to it. And you don't have to spend a lot of time looking for a replacement or repairing a part.

And yet, despite the indisputable advantages, a water heater with a dry heating element has one drawback - the water in such a boiler heats up rather slowly, since the heating element is located in a separate container, and not in water.

Customer Reviews

Water heaters Atlantic have positive and negative reviews, consider them:

Positive reviewsNegative reviews
The equipment helps a lot when hot water is turned off, Atlantis 80 liters was suitable for washing a familyStorage water heater Atlantic Steatite Cube VM 30 S3C - 3 years and landfill. Compact, poor quality manufacturer
ATLANTIC STEATITE VM 080 - Perfect design, excellent quality - 8 years warranty. Saves electricity, serves for almost a year and a half and no worries or problems, there is always warm water in the house! The maximum heating temperature is 90 degrees.Electric storage water heater Atlantic Optima - Awful quality. I have been using the boiler for the 2nd year. Very bad quality. Outside, the tank is warm, the water heating indicator always shows that the tank is half heated, even if it is heated to the maximum. Does not keep warm
Atlantis is a very necessary and useful thing in the house. Quality + reliability = convenience!
Accumulative water heater Atlantic Steatite - at the moment it is the best water heater! Simple regulator

If a person wants to buy a boiler, a few negative reviews will not frighten him, at least, having the necessary knowledge, you can solve any urgent problem.

Conclusion: the Atlantic boiler has modern components; efficient, reliable; aesthetically made; differs in versatility, affordable prices. An experienced manufacturer that produces quality, competitive equipment.

( 1 estimate, average 4 of 5 )

