Answers on questions. How to take readings from a heat meter.

What you need to consider when deciding to install a meter

Some difficulties may arise depending on your heating system wiring diagram. So with a horizontal wiring diagram, it will be enough for you to put one meter at the entrance of heating pipes to the apartment, but what if you have a vertical layout. I have a vertical scheme in my apartment and 4 risers of heating pipes, and it turns out that when installing a heat meter, I will have to install one meter for each heating device. Naturally, this option is not profitable, but not all that bad. Manufacturers of heat meters produce distributors that measure the flow rate of the coolant based on the difference between the surface temperature of the heating device and the temperature of the internal air. The cost of this equipment together with the installation will be approximately from 3 to 7 thousand rubles, it all depends on the equipment configuration.

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

How to choose

How to choose

The unit you have selected must be approved for operation in the Russian Federation. For this reason, it is better to give preference to a domestic manufacturer. To reduce the risk of measurement errors, when choosing, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Approximate consumption of heat energy.
  • Pipe diameter. The diameter of the place where the device will be mounted is especially important.

Heat meter prices range from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles. It all depends on the configuration and the number of functions of a particular model.

When flushing the heating system is required

The frequency of flushing is always regulated by individual technical standards, but we can also talk about emergency situations, which include:

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

  • Increasing the hydraulic resistance of the heating system to critical values. This hazard can only be diagnosed using special equipment.
  • Inefficient system operation. This is reflected in an increase in heating costs, uneven heating of devices, as well as significant fuel consumption. When deposits form inside batteries and pipes, their effectiveness drops significantly.
  • Replacement of a separate section of pipes or several batteries.
  • Preventive flushing of the heating system at home. Ideally, it should be carried out upon completion or at the beginning of the heating season, once every 3 years.

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

Installation of an individual heat meter

Step one

... It is necessary to eliminate the existing sources of heat loss, including cracks in the windows, insufficiently insulated entrance doors, freezing corners. Only after this installation of the heat meter will result in significant savings in money.

Step two

... The management company (ZhEK, HOA) must provide the owner of the apartment with technical specifications (TU) - they attribute the requirements that must be met in order to connect. Typically, the text of conditions occupies an A4 sheet. It certainly indicates information about the temperature and pressure of the coolant entering the pipeline of a particular house.

Step three

... Knowing these parameters, you can start buying a heat meter necessarily in a company operating legally. When purchasing a device, you must request a sales receipt and a cashier's receipt, a certificate confirming the quality, rules and instructions for use.

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

Step four

Step five

... The installation of a measuring thermal device is carried out by employees of a licensed organization specializing in this type of service.

When choosing a company, it is advisable to pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • for the availability of information about the organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • for the presence of a package of necessary documentation, including certificates, certificates, SRO approvals;
  • for the availability of qualified specialists;
  • for the presence of special equipment;
  • to perform a complete list of installation works;
  • for the availability of a free visit of a specialist to the client's apartment in order to inspect communications;
  • for the availability of warranty obligations for the work carried out.

Step six

Types of devices

If you plan to install equipment in an apartment, then before starting to search for a suitable company that will carry out the installation, you will need to make sure that there is horizontal heating distribution in the house, when a separate pipe leaves from the central riser to each floor.

With one of the two types of vertical wiring, it is irrational to install an apartment meter, because there are several risers in the house, and for each of them you will need to install a separate apparatus, in this case, common house equipment is mounted, which records the readings of the heat meter of the entire building, and payment is made in accordance with the heated ones. square meters of housing.

You can go to the choice of the type of device. There is no ideal, and you will need to compare the pros and cons of each of them in order to determine the option that is acceptable for yourself out of four possible:

  • Mechanical.
  • Ultrasonic.
  • Vortex.
  • Electromagnetic.

Taking readings from a heat meter of any of these types does not have fundamental differences and can differ only in terms of designations and the number of recorded values.

Why do they hide the readings of the general house heat meters from the residents?

How I took readings of common house water and heat meters.

independent site "Presnya and We"

Afanasyev I.V.

March 25, 2013

It's hard to surprise me, but an event happened that surprised me. Recently, an announcement appeared on bulletin boards in our neighborhood:

Dear tenants!

We would like to inform you that readings of common household cold water consumption meters are carried out on the 24th of every month.

For the reliability of taking readings, you can take personal part in the collection by calling 499_530-19-98 in advance.

Responsible for taking readings: engineer B. Zhidkov.

It is strange that the proposal concerned only a cold water meter. Okay, I’m calling the specified phone number and expressing a desire to record the testimony.

03/24/13, they call me on the intercom and invite me to the basement of the house. I take a pen, paper, camera and go to the basement. First, I take a picture of the cold water meter, it is double.

Cold water meter for the whole house, type "KMV-80".

I am writing down the readings. On the right on the large dial - 3534 cubic meters, on the small dial - 10,029 cubic meters

I ask the locksmith Oleg Maslennikov: why is the counter double? The answer is “I don’t know”.

It doesn't matter, I quickly found this water meter on the Internet, it is quite modern type - "KMV-80" (see. here), from it the wires of the sensors are dangling, which are not connected anywhere.

I doubt that Oleg Maslennikov does not know why the KMV-80 meter has two dials. And if you really don't know, then especially for housing and communal services I quote from the site:

“The KVM water meter consists of two water meters of large and small diameters and a switching valve. At high flow rates, the water opens the spring-loaded valve and flows through both the small diameter water meter and the large diameter water meter. If the water flow rate drops, the valve closes and the water only flows through the small diameter meter. When taking readings from the water meter, the flow from the small and large water meters is summed up

Even in the description on the meter it is stated: "Before the water meter, it is necessary to install a magnetic mesh filter (... you can put a mesh filter)". So, the filter is not there.

Having written down the readings of the cold water meter, I ask you to show me the heat meters.This was clearly not part of Oleg's plans. He's confused. Still leads me to the counters. Shows. In the second photo, this counter is on the right. I write down the readings: 135.5073 gigacalories.

Here you can see 3 heat meters of the "KM-5" type.

On the right meter there is an inscription “DHW” - hot water supply of the house. On the upper heat meter there is an inscription “CH” - central heating of the house.

And then I noticed another counter, in the second photo it is visible from above. This is a central heating (central heating) meter. It was marked "KM-5" - this is an electromagnetic heat meter-flow meter.

And in the second photo, on the left-below, the 3rd heat meter is visible. I did not notice him immediately during the walk, because there are no lamps in the shades in the basement. Darkness.

“How are readings taken from heat meters,” I asked Maslennikov. He replied that a specially trained person comes here with a laptop and reads the readings.

On the wall in the panel there are 4 power supplies of the "BPi-3V" type for powering the "KM-5" meters (see the bottom photo).

Four power supplies of "BPi-3V" type for heat meters.

Judging by the red LEDs - the power supplies are working - this means that I did not notice the 4th counter, because he is in the next room.

I appeal to the State Unitary Enterprise "DES of the Presnensky District": there is no need to hide anything from the residents. I intend to deal with the water and heat consumption of my home. And in this article, a table of meter readings by month will appear at the bottom.


1. Electronic sensors of the cold water meter are not connected anywhere, therefore only visual information can be read.

2. There are no lamps in the fixtures in the basement. Dark.

3. LLC "TK-service" is not interested in the announcement of the readings of heat energy meters.

Why are there secrets around heat meters? Why are common house meters convenient for management companies and heat suppliers?

Answer: any house is full of unscrupulous tenants who pay nothing, including for water and heat. There are 13 apartments in my house - hard-core non-payers. Who pays for heat? Conscientious neighbors pay for them!

Management companies and the heat supplier do not need to strain and run after unscrupulous residents, because they have common house counters. On a monthly basis, the heat energy supplier OJSC MOEK takes readings from the heat meters of houses, issues an invoice and sends it to the EIRC settlement center. MOEK needs to pay 100%, try not to pay the monopolist! Therefore, the readings of the general house counters are ultimately correctly “smeared” across apartments so that conscientious payers cover non-payment of malicious defaulters ...

The situation is similar for hot and cold water, but in this case, residents of apartments without water meters suffer the most.

Conscientious residents pay for themselves and "for that guy."

Look into your payments for heat - the most expensive form of energy. Perhaps that is why they hide the readings of heat meters from housing activists.

It should be noted that the manager does not have a specialist responsible for working with thermal energy, which does not adorn this UK.



  • From September 1, 2012, the tariffs for heating of JSC "Moscow United Energy Mosenergo" and JSC "Moscow Heating Network Heat Meter": here.
  • Confusion often arises when calculating monthly payments for heating and hot water. If there is a general house heat meter, then the calculation with the heat energy supplier is carried out for the consumed gigacalories (Gcal). At the same time, the tariff for hot water for residents is usually set in rubles. per cubic meter (m3). Conversion formula: the average standard of thermal energy consumption for obtaining 1 cubic meter hot water is taken equal to 0.059 Gcal. See here
  • The rate of heat consumption for heating is 0.016 Gcal per 1 m². It was approved by decree of the Moscow government No. 41 of 1994 and is still in effect. If a heat meter for heating is installed in the house, then payment is made according to its indications. The total amount of consumed heat energy is taken. Divided by the total area of ​​the house. Then it is multiplied by the area of ​​your apartment. Then it is multiplied by the tariff. In this case, the payment for heat may vary from month to month.


Announcement on the website of GUIS CAO

Dear residents!

OJSC "MOEK" notifies you that from April 5, 2013, metering units for heat energy and hot water (UUTE) installed in residential buildings and social institutions of the city of Moscow, previously on the balance sheet of the society, will become the property of the city of Moscow with the right operational management of the State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow "Unified information and settlement center of the city of Moscow" - GBU "EIRTS of the city of Moscow".

Responsibility for the technical condition and operation of the UTE, as well as for the timely provision of UTE readings to OJSC MOEK for use in calculations under heat supply contracts, will be within the competence of the State Budgetary Institution EIRTs of the City of Moscow.

The area of ​​responsibility of OJSC “MOEK” remains the issuance of technical specifications for UUTE, approvals of projects and admission of metering devices to operation in accordance with the current legislation.

We ask you from 05.04.2013 on the above issues to interact with the State Budgetary Institution "EIRTs of the city of Moscow", as well as to provide maximum assistance in matters of taking readings, access to devices, as well as identifying responsible persons for operational contact with the Center's specialists.

Official website of the State Budgetary Institution "EIRTs of the city of Moscow"

109012, Moscow, Bogoyavlensky per., 6, building 2

Hotline telephone for the operation of metering units: 8 (495) 662-72-75

What information does the meter give

A heat energy meter is a complex mechanism that captures signals from sensors of the volumetric flow rate of the coolant, temperature. The calculating unit of the heat meter makes the appropriate calculations and gives results for the following parameters:

  • the amount of heat energy used for a certain period (in giga calories);
  • the amount of cooling energy (in giga calories);
  • thermal power (heat energy consumption per hour);
  • volumetric flow rate of the heat carrier (both in the supply pipe and in the return pipe. Measured in cubic meters per hour);
  • the volume of the heat carrier in each pipeline (in cubic meters);
  • temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline (in degrees Celsius);
  • temperature of the heat carrier in the return (in degrees Celsius);
  • temperature difference (in degrees Celsius);
  • date Time.

Error logging methods

The following factors affect the accuracy of the readings of heat meters in the calculation:

  • readings of temperature sensors;
  • flow sensor data when calculating the volume of the coolant;
  • the accuracy of processing the received signals.

As a rule, all modern metering devices are equipped with a self-test program that regularly checks the equipment and registers an error if damage is found. The most common causes of problems are:

  • lack of food;
  • malfunction of the calculator or temperature regime;
  • memory damage.

Positive and negative aspects of meters

Let's consider how to take readings from a heating meter in an apartment using the example of a mechanical type from SensoStar, Gross and Supercal. Such a device is equipped with an impeller, which rotates when the coolant flow passes. The part is connected to a sensor that reads revolutions and determines the volume of fluid. To set the current consumption, the device is equipped with a liquid crystal monitor, which shows the amount of heat energy in Gcal, the volume of flowing hot water taken into account, the temperature of the carrier on the inlet and return pipes.

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

Ultrasonic equipment measures the speed and wavelength that travels along the flow of the coolant and back. In accordance with the received data, the calculation takes place. This type of device is ideal for metering the consumption of thermal energy in closed and open water supply systems. It is advisable to take readings of the heat energy meter from equipment from the German Sharky or the Ukrainian Sempal.

Vortex devices analyze the vortices formed when the coolant flow passes through the obstacle. It is not difficult to take readings from a heat meter of this type, but you will need the help of a qualified specialist who understands all the capabilities of the equipment and knows how to manage it. For installation we recommend Ultraheat, Karat and TSK products.

The readings of an electromagnetic heating meter are more accurate because the analyzer makes calculations based on measurements of the current generated by the passage of hot water through a magnetic field. Data retrieval is carried out directly, through a monitor with a control system, by connecting external drives, where archived data are copied, or through a remote connection. Among manufacturers, users also note Pramer.

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

How does a heat meter work

Heat meter elements
Heat meter elements
Each such device consists of the following elements:

  • calculator of the amount of heat energy;
  • primary flow transducer;
  • resistance thermocouple;
  • if necessary, power supplies for flow meters and pressure sensors;
  • at the request of the consumer, excess pressure transducer.

Such an aggregate can define many parameters. Here is some of them:

  • it can measure the operating time of devices that are installed at a specific place of metering;
  • measures the average hourly and average daily temperature of the coolant;
  • the number of heat energy used for each hour and in general;
  • the amount of coolant at the outlet and inlet of the entire heating system;
  • the amount of coolant required to make up the system.

With sensors
With sensors

The purpose of heat meters is to record the exact amount of heat used by the consumer. It shows the real figures of energy consumption. By installing the meter, you will reduce costs. A special calculator determines the total amount of energy consumed by the heating system per hour. This takes into account the difference in the temperature of the coolant at the outlet and inlet and its consumption for the same time. Temperature sensors and flow sensors are responsible for supplying data. One of them is installed in the supply pipeline, and the other in the return pipeline of the water supply system. The processed information on the amount of consumed heat from the calculator goes to the LCD screen or is removed using the optical interface. Such a counter is so accurate that the error that can be tolerated is 3–6%.

Types of heat meters

All heating meters available for purchase are divided into the following types:

Tachometric or mechanical

It measures the amount of coolant passing through the cross-section of the pipe using a rotating part. The active part of the apparatus can be screw, turbine, or in the form of an impeller.The devices are affordable and easy to use.

The weak side of such devices is their sensitivity to dirt and dirt, rust, and water hammer sedimentation inside the mechanism. For this, a special magnetic mesh filter is provided in the design. Also, the devices are not able to store the data collected per day.

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute


It is more often used as a general meter in an apartment building. Has varieties:

  1. frequency,
  2. temporal,
  3. Doppler,
  4. correlation. Works on the principle of generating ultrasound passing through water.

The signal is generated by the transmitter and picked up by the receiver after passing through the water column.It guarantees high measurement accuracy only if the coolant is sufficiently clean.


Differs in high accuracy of readings and cost. The operation of the device is based on the principle of passing a magnetic field through the flow of the coolant, which reacts to its state. The device needs periodic maintenance and cleaning. Consists of a primary converter, electronic unit and temperature sensors.


It works on the principle of measuring the number and speed of vortices. Not sensitive to blockages, but reacts to the appearance of air in the system. The device is installed horizontally between two pipes.

Is it possible to be present when taking readings of heat meters

It is possible and even necessary. It is necessary to be present when taking readings from heat meters first of all for the peace of mind of the residents of the house, for the correctness of taking readings there is no need for this.

Why exactly for the peace of mind of the tenants?

Unfortunately, the times of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev taught many to steal. I remember when the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty first appeared, it was something like Leninskaya Iskra, a piece of paper folded in half from the cheapest gray and yellow paper, it was 1980. We read the newspaper to the holes, passing it from hand to hand. I read there a conversation between Leonid Ilyich and someone from his entourage

Unfortunately, I don't remember with whom, but it doesn't matter

Leonid Ilyich was informed that the people live in poverty, the wages are miserable - although of course now one could argue with this. Leonid Ilyich replied - "so they can steal, no matter how lazy they are, I myself worked as a student unloading cars - I know."

These were the words of our leader, and it was the bitter truth; unfortunately, they cannot get rid of the very notion that one can live without stealing our older generation. Moreover, the years of perestroika have even more convinced us in this. Therefore, the presence of representatives of the house at the first stages is simply necessary for the peace of mind of the tenants.

what it is necessary to have for taking readings from the heat meter

... Start a notebook or a small notebook, put it in a shield or box with an installed heat meter, and record the readings of the heat meter simultaneously with the reading by the service organization.

Apartment heat energy meter how to correctly remove and transmit readings

Readings from apartment heat meters should be taken by analogy with water meters. The only difference is that heat meters display several indicators on the indicator and in order to choose the one you need, you should carefully read the operating instructions and strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. After receiving the necessary information, the difference in readings for the previous and reporting periods should be entered into the receipt for payment for heat energy, multiplied by the tariff set in the region, and the amount received should be paid.

At present, modern heat metering devices are equipped with a built-in interface that allows you to read data in automatic mode. For example, the domestically produced "Kombik-T" counter has a built-in radio antenna, which allows you to take readings from the device even without entering the apartment. It should be noted that a water meter (water meter) with a pulse output can be connected to such a device, which will allow taking readings of water consumption (hot and cold) also without visual contact.

The installation of such metering devices will be a good solution for people who often go on business trips or trips and cannot personally meet the controller who comes to take readings. Please note that an individual heat meter can only be installed in apartments with horizontal piping and separate heat carrier inputs.In houses where heating systems with vertical wiring are equipped, individual meters are not installed

From the information provided in this article, we can conclude that the procedure for taking and transferring readings from heat meters should be treated with a sufficient measure of responsibility.

Currently, in almost all Russian regions, charges for utilities occur according to the same scenario: the tenant transmits readings from his metering devices to the management company, and the Criminal Code takes readings from general household meters and calculates the difference in readings between them and individual metering devices.

If this difference is not more than the standards for common areas (staircases, corridors, basements, etc.), it is proportionally divided among all tenants. Otherwise, the management company pays the difference from its income. If the tenant has not submitted the readings from his metering devices to the Criminal Code in a timely manner, or his devices have expired the calibration interval, then the first two months the management company charges payment for the resources consumed, taking into account the average consumption for the previous period. In the future, the CM charges the payment based on the standards for a particular region.

Typically, the standards are significantly higher than the actual need for resources. For example, in central Russia in modern energy-efficient houses, the real heat consumption in 2-2.5 times less than the standard

... Accordingly, the timely transfer of testimony is primarily in the interests of the tenant himself.

The process of taking readings from a heat meter is described in. In this article, we will tell you a little more about how to take readings from the SANEXT heating meter.

Household heat meter: how to take readings?

Heat meters can measure this very heat in different units (for example, megawatts, giga calories or kilojoules). Most often, heat is measured in gigacalories, since it is in these units of measurement that the price for heating is calculated and set by the heat supplying organization.

A good solution would be to create a separate log where the readings of the heat meter will be regularly recorded (see example below). It is optimal to record information on the last day of each month, when it is already known exactly how much heat was consumed per month. Keeping such a log will help to control and check for reliability the data of the management company, on the basis of which consumers are billed for heat.

At the moment, according to the new rules for accounting for commercial heat, the keeping of the accounting log has been canceled. This is due to the fact that modern metering devices can read information from the meter directly, or through a computer or flash drive.

Among the new type of heat meters, there are quite compact models made of special grade steel. The functioning of such devices is ensured by accumulators, the service life of which is 10 years. At the top of the meter there is a screen that displays data regarding energy consumption, as well as the main parameters of a specific heat supply system, such as: flow rates (current and instantaneous), information about temperatures, information about the state of the heat meter (taking into account error codes), and See also archive information for several previous months.

It is important to keep in mind that if an old metering device is installed in an apartment building, then at the next calibration it will necessarily need to be replaced with a new one, but for now, you should continue to keep a record log. To fill it out correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the meter operation manual (maintenance section), which must be attached to each heat meter.

Heat meter readings: reading and transmission

Specific readings are displayed on the indicator by pressing the button / buttons on the front panel of the device.For a competent presentation of information, you will need to remove the following information:

  • Heat energy Q (Gcal, GСal, GJ, MWh);
  • Mass of the coolant in the supply pipeline M1 (t);
  • Mass of the coolant in the return pipeline M2 (t);
  • Temperature in the supply pipeline T1 (° С);
  • Return line temperature Т2 (° С);
  • Timer (h).

An example of filling out the log of readings of a heat meter

dateHeat quantity, Q, GcalHeating agent temperature on the supply pipe-line Т1, ° СHeat carrier temperature on the return pipe-line Т2, ° СHeat carrier mass along the supply pipe-wire М1, tHeat carrier mass along the return pipe-wire M2, tTimer, h

As a rule, the meters can also display information on the volume of the coolant (V, cubic meters), both in the supply and return pipelines, however, during the filling of the log, one should indicate that parameter (mass or volume of the coolant), which is determined by the act acceptance into operation of a specific metering device. The heat meter readings are taken every day (exceptions - weekends and holidays), at a certain time, and with entry into the corresponding columns of the heat consumption log. Based on this information, a protocol / statement is drawn up for subsequent transfer to the heat supply company within a specified time. This should be done until a specific date that each heat supplier sets for consumers on their own.

Tips for operating a heat meter

Quite often, there are cases when persons authorized by consumers to control and take readings from the meter for heating make mistakes. In order to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the heat meter and correctly take readings from it, the following rules should be observed:

  1. It is impossible to entrust the taking of readings from the heat meter to unprepared persons;
  2. The data collection must be carried out in a timely manner, and then the readings of the heat meter must be transmitted in due time;
  3. If any malfunctions are noticed in the operation of the heat meter, then this should be immediately reported to the appropriate authorities (heat supply and service organizations).

Stage 6. Re-commissioning of UUTE into commercial operation.

Before each heating period and after the next verification or repair of the UUTE, the readiness of the UUTE for operation is checked - the re-entry of the UUTE into commercial operation. Based on the results of this inspection, an act of periodic inspection of the UUTE is drawn up.

The re-commissioning of the UUTE is carried out by a commission, which is created by the owner of the UUTE. The composition of the commission is similar to the composition of the commission created during the initial commissioning of the UUTE into operation.

A call from a representative of Branch No. 11 "Gorenergosbyt" of PJSC MOEK to draw up an act of periodic inspection of UUTE is carried out at the written request of the client (owner of UUTE) addressed to the Director (or deputy director - head of the sales department) of Branch No. 11 "Gorenergosbyt" of PJSC "MOEK", provided in:

The application is submitted by the client at least 10 working days prior to the day of the proposed check of the UUTE. When re-putting the UUTE into operation, the commission checks:

  • Compliance of the installation of UUTE components with the design documentation agreed with PJSC MOEK;
  • Availability of passports, certificates of verification of measuring instruments, factory seals and stamps;
  • Compliance of the characteristics of measuring instruments with the characteristics specified in the UUTE passport data;
  • Correspondence of the measurement ranges of parameters allowed by the temperature schedule and the hydraulic mode of operation of heating networks, the values ​​of these parameters determined by the contract and the conditions for connecting to the heat supply system.

In the absence of comments, the commission signs an act of periodic inspection of the UUTE installed by the client.When the act is signed, the UUTE is sealed in accordance with the design documentation for the UUTE, while the number of seals and their placement must exclude unauthorized interference with the UUTE operation.

If the members of the commission have comments on the UUTE and identify deficiencies that impede the normal functioning of the UUTE, this UUTE is considered unsuitable for commercial metering of thermal energy, heat carrier. In this case, the commission draws up an act on the identified deficiencies, which provides a complete list of the identified deficiencies and the time frame for their elimination. This act is drawn up and signed by all members of the commission within 3 (three) working days. Re-acceptance of UUTE is carried out after the complete elimination of the detected deficiencies.

Application for periodic verification of ODU

Choosing a heat meter for a private house

First, let's figure out if a heat meter is needed at all. Practical experience has shown 2 main signs of the need to install a heat meter: 1. In the coldest month, the price for heating is more than 22.3 rubles per square meter

(at a tariff of 1200 rubles / Gcal). For example: the bill for heating a house with an area of ​​150 m2 in January was 6,000 rubles at a rate of 1,800 rubles / Gcal. 6000 * 1200 / (1800 * 150) = 32 rubles per square meter.
2. Payment for heating takes place all year round.
If at least one of these conditions applies to your home, you can not even doubt the feasibility study for installing a heat meter.

First, let's decide on the algorithm for installing the heat meter.

Obtaining technical specifications in a resource-supplying or managing organization

To obtain Tech. Conditions, you must write a statement addressed to the head of the resource-supplying or managing organization. Within 10 days you should be provided with those. terms.

Development of a project for a heat metering unit.

On the basis of the obtained technical conditions, a project of a heating unit of specialized organizations is being carried out. The project defines all the basic solutions for the installation of a heat meter. The boundaries of the balance sheet are determined.

Project approval.

The completed project is coordinated with the resource-supplying or managing organization.

Installation of the heat meter selected in the project.

In accordance with the completed project, a heating unit is being installed. The heat meter is being adjusted

Sealing the knot.

Performed by the resource-supplying organization. As a result of sealing, the passport data of the installed devices are entered, the compliance of the scheme is checked. The act of sealing is signed.

Consider the main available solutions for organizing heat metering in a private house

All the main decisions are determined in the project, therefore, for a detailed determination of prices and decisions, we will take approximate initial data: The area of ​​a private house is 150 m2 The diameter of pipes is 32 mm. Heating system: Closed

Basic Solutions for installing a heat meter in a private house

Solution No. 1 Apartment heat meter

apartment heat meter

The device is a monolithic structure containing a flow meter, thermal resistances, and a calculator. These heat meters have the following nominal flow rates 0.6, 1.5, 2.5 m3 / h By installation, they are divided into: - installed in the supply pipeline

- installed in the return pipeline

The differences in these heat meters are only in the ease of installation on the supply or return pipeline. Please note that the heat meter intended for installation in the return pipe cannot be installed in the supply pipe, and also the heat meter intended for installation in the supply pipe cannot be installed in the return pipe. This requirement is due to different formulas for calculating thermal energy. By the type of flow meter, apartment heat meters are divided into mechanical and ultrasonic.Mechanical heat meters use a vane flow meter similar to those used in water meters. The number of revolutions of the impeller corresponds to the flow rate of the passing fluid. In ultrasonic heat meters, the ultrasonic principle of flow determination is used. The ultrasonic signal is directed upstream and downstream. Due to this, the difference in transit time of the signal is determined. There are no moving parts in these heat meters, which makes these devices very reliable.

Cost of turnkey works:

Heat meterVerification intervalTurnkey cost
Itelma STE-21 (mechanical)
4 years13 500 RUB
STK MARS (mechanical)
6 years14 800 RUR
Thermal water meter ELF (mechanical)
6 years18 300 RUR
Triton (mechanical)
5 years16 200 RUR
Multical 302 (ultrasonic)
6 years28 300 RUR

* Approximate calculation of the cost of all work and equipment
Scheme of the metering unit when installing an apartment heat meter:

Installation diagram of an apartment heat meter

Scheme 1. Heating unit of a private house

5 - apartment heat meter
»Please note that this decision may not suit the resource-supplying or management organization, since according to Government Decree No. 1034 it is necessary to control the volume of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines. To comply with this condition, decision 2 applies. "

Solution no. 2 Apartment heat meter with hot water meter.

Apartment heat meter and hot water meter

According to clause 98 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 1034 "On commercial metering of heat energy, heat carrier": ".. In open and closed heat consumption systems, the total heat load of which does not exceed 0.1 Gcal / h, at the node metering with the help of instruments is determined only by the operating time of the metering unit instruments, the mass (volume) of the received and returned coolant, as well as the mass (volume) of the coolant consumed for make-up ... "

Based on this, flowmeters must be installed in the supply and return pipelines. This solution differs from solution No. 1, only in the installed hot water meter. Due to this, this heat meter fully complies with the rules for accounting for thermal energy.

Cost of turnkey works:

Heat meter / Water meterVerification intervalTurnkey cost
Itelma STE-21 / VSG
4 years15 200 RUR
6 years16 400 rub
Thermal water meter ELF / ВСГ
6 years19 900 RUB
Triton / WASH
5 years17 800 RUR

* Approximate calculation of the cost of all work and equipment
Scheme of the metering unit when installing an apartment heat meter and a hot water meter:

Installation diagram of an apartment heat meter and a hot water meter

Scheme 2. Heating unit of a private house

5 - apartment heat meter 7 - hot water meter

Solution No. 3 Heat calculator + 2 impulse hot water meters + Thermal resistance kit

In this case, hot water meters with a pulse output are used as flow meters. They differ from ordinary water meters by the installed reed switches to convert the rotating motion of the impeller into an electrical signal. An electrical impulse is transmitted to a heat meter recording device.

Also, the heat calculator receives signals from thermal resistances, and as a result of the values ​​obtained from pulse counters and thermal resistances, thermal energy is calculated. In this solution, an important condition for organizing accounting is the fact: with which hot water meters the heat calculator is certified. For example, the heat meters of the Sayany company (Kombik, Prima) are certified only with water meters produced by the Sayany. While the heat meters VKT, SPT, TV-7 are certified with other manufacturers of water meters.

Cost of turnkey works:

Heat meter / Flow meterVerification intervalTurnkey cost
4 years19 800 RUB
4 years23 300 RUR
Thermotronic TV-7 / VST
4 years24,700 RUR

* Approximate calculation of the cost of all work and equipment
Scheme of the metering unit when installing a heat meter based on a heat meter and two pulse meters:


Scheme 3. Heating unit of a private house

1 - heat meter 2 - hot water meter with pulse output 3 - Thermal resistance

Let's summarize:

1. The main document for the organization of a heat metering unit is Government Decree 1034. An important condition in which is the presence of a flow meter on the supply, return and make-up pipelines (if any). According to this resolution, for the organization of heat metering, decisions No. 2.3 can be applied. Solution # 1 can be applied if there is no requirement to measure the flow in the supply and return pipelines.
2. The cost of organizing heat metering can vary from 13,500 rubles to 24,700 rubles.

3. In fact, there are other solutions for installing a heat meter in a private house. Such as a metering unit for electromagnetic or ultrasonic flow meters, but these solutions are much more expensive than those offered. The presented solutions are selected according to the factor of accessibility for the population.

Apartment heat energy meter how to correctly remove and transmit readings

Readings from apartment heat meters should be taken by analogy with water meters. The only difference is that heat meters display several indicators on the indicator and in order to choose the one you need, you should carefully read the operating instructions and strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. After receiving the necessary information, the difference in readings for the previous and reporting periods should be entered into the receipt for payment for heat energy, multiplied by the tariff set in the region, and the amount received should be paid.

At present, modern heat metering devices are equipped with a built-in interface that allows you to read data in automatic mode. For example, the domestically produced "Kombik-T" counter has a built-in radio antenna, which allows you to take readings from the device even without entering the apartment. It should be noted that a water meter (water meter) with a pulse output can be connected to such a device, which will allow taking readings of water consumption (hot and cold) also without visual contact. The installation of such metering devices will be a good solution for people who often go on business trips or trips and cannot personally meet the controller who comes to take readings.

From the information provided in this article, we can conclude that the procedure for taking and transferring readings from heat meters should be treated with a sufficient measure of responsibility.

Today I will tell you about how to convert Gcal to kWh and vice versa. The length, width, thickness of the object can be measured with a tape measure. The weight of an item can be determined by weighing it. But the amount of heat energy cannot be measured either with a tape measure, or with the help of scales or some other simple measuring instruments. Heat energy can only be calculated mathematically. Like any quantity, thermal energy has its own units of measurement.

Meters, centimeters, millimeters, decimeters, kilometers, nanometers and so on are units of measure for length. As you may have guessed, kilograms, grams, tons and so on are units of weight.

But Gcal, kW * h, J are units of measurement of thermal energy. Moreover, just as meters can be turned into millimeters, and kilograms into grams, so Gigacalories can be easily recalculated by turning them into kW * h and J. When you install your heat meter, you will have to learn how to recalculate Gcal in kW * h and back.

You need to be able to do this in order to transfer the readings of this meter to your UK (managing company). The fact is that some meters give readings only in Gcal, and some only in kW * h. Management companies accept meter readings only in some one unit. So we have to recount every month.Recalculation is not tricky.

Let's say you want to convert 1 Gcal (one giga calorie) into kWh, then you need to remember that one kWh is equal to 0.000860 Gcal

... We make up the simplest proportion:

1kW * h = 0.000860 Gcal

We remember mathematics at school, and we calculate what is equal to X to W * h in this proportion: X = 1 kW * h x 1 Gcal / 0.000860 Gcal = 1162.8 kW * h

Or vice versa, you need to convert 1 kW * h (one kilowatt hour) to Gcal. Again we make up the proportion, remembering that one kWh is equal to 0.000860 Gcal


1kW * h = 0.000860 Gcal

Again, we do calculations based on the usual proportion: X = 1kW * h x 0.000860 Gcal / 1kW * h = 0.000860 Gcal

Here, in fact, we figured out the translation of Gcal in kW * h. Everything is easy and very simple. Especially when you make these simple calculations every month, after taking readings from a heat meter. We'll explain how to shoot them in the next chapter.

By the way, I deliberately did not give any coefficients for converting Gcal to J and kWh to J. Simply because usually such a unit as J (joules) is now practically not used. It's like decimeters in length. Decimeters seem to be as it is, you can and should know about them, and nothing more. The same epic with the Joules.

Another subtlety that you need to know about is the Kilo, Mega and Giga prefixes.

For example, kWh (kilowatt per hour), or MWh (megawatt per hour). Kilo means the number 1000, Mega - 1,000,000, but Giga - 1,000,000,000.

1 kW * h = 1000 W * h.

1 MW * h = 1,000,000 W * h = 1,000 kW * h.

1 Gcal = 1,000,000,000 Cal = 1,000 Mcal = 1,000,000 kcal.

Household heating meters in an apartment building

Heat metering devices are divided into industrial and apartment. Industrial models are used as general household.

The costs of purchasing common equipment are shared among the residents of the building.

In accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354, the presence of a common house meter will avoid the cost of paying for heat, which did not even enter the building.

Having figured out how to take readings from the heating meter, each resident of an apartment building can check the correctness of the charges.

The volume of consumed heat is measured in different units:

  • megawatts,
  • giga calories
  • kilojoules.

Since the supply companies calculate the amount of heat in giga calories, it is worth choosing an appropriate meter. If the meter measures heat in a different quantity, the consumer should know that 1 Gcal is equal to 4.18 GJ or 1161.1 kW / h.

According to clause 31 of the aforementioned Resolution, every month from the 23rd to the 25th the representative of the resource supplying organization or the management company takes the data and enters them into the register of readings of the general house meters.

Heat meter readings

The presence of consumers is not required. But each apartment owner has the right to contact the appropriate organization and get acquainted with the information recorded by the meter.

The owners of apartments living in MKD have the right to resolve the situation with high heat consumption by installing an IPU instead of a common house metering device. However, this is not the most economical way, since the price of the equipment is high. The total cost should be divided by all owners and then the amount will be acceptable.

From a general metering device, readings are taken monthly by employees of the management company or HOA. Payment is made in accordance with the footage of each living space. In addition, the rule of subsidies and recalculation applies. The latter option implies a refund if the temperature of the batteries and ambient air in the apartment does not meet the standards.

Who installs

A heat meter is installed based on the decision of the residents of an apartment building. For this, a meeting is initiated where editing is discussed. Additionally, it is determined who will inspect the ODI element, take readings, and also generate invoices for payment.

The decision is recorded in the protocol, then a statement of agreement to install the equipment is sent to the Criminal Code. The main purpose of installing a common house device is a low price. But as a result, economic feasibility may not have the expected effect. For example, in old houses, there is insufficient thermal insulation, which leads to an increased resource consumption.

Pi = (Vi (Si x (Vd - ∑Vi)) / Sob) x Тт,

  • Pi is the amount of the payment for heating for one real estate object, received as a result of the calculation (rubles);
  • Si is the footage of an apartment or non-residential premises;
  • Sob - total m2 MKD;
  • Vd is an indicator of energy consumption based on the EPC, if calculated within a season or from an average volume over 12 months;
  • Тт is the current tariff for the resource in the region;
  • Vi - individual heat consumption;
  • ∑Vi - total household volume.

If you need more temperature, humidity, voltage, current and more

Starting with resource accounting, we went further - we organized an opportunity through the KUB-Infra service to monitor temperature and humidity, voltage and current, as well as remotely control something at objects, for example, by one click to de-energize all sockets.

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

It is especially pleasant that all these functions can be organized using the same KUB-Infra controller. The device provides all the corresponding sensor I / O. Therefore, if, in addition to accounting for resources, you need to organize something else, it is enough to purchase an appropriate sensor (temperature, humidity, current sensor, voltage control unit, etc.), and connect it to KUB-Infra. You will track the parameters in the same place - in your personal account on the KUB-Infra service. At the same time, if the parameter goes beyond the normal range, the system will notify you about it by e-mail or via a messenger.

When using apartment heat meters, heating costs can be significantly reduced. All this happens not only due to more accurate accounting of the consumed heat, but also due to the fact that the consumer is interested in more economical consumption of thermal energy. He begins to regulate the flow rate of the coolant through his heater in the apartment, as well as to insulate walls, windows, etc.

Sometimes the benefits are obvious and the heat meter pays off in a matter of months, but the opposite often happens, when the consumed amount of energy comes out of the meter more than according to the standard indicators. We will talk about how to choose the right counter and the need to install it in this article.

What should you pay attention to and whether it is worth installing a counter. What needs to be considered when deciding to install a meter Registering a heat meter How to take readings correctly? You decided to install a meter, what should you be guided by when choosing an installation organization

Installing meters for heat: a few practical tips

  • The overwhelming majority of users claim that the profitability of installing a meter for heat in an apartment is very high, and such a device will pay off very quickly.
  • Heating costs can be additionally reduced by installing devices (thermostats) that control the flow of hot water.
  • Now it is possible to install such modern heat meters that are able not only to store monthly information on heat consumption for 5-10 years, but also to connect to a computer and even read current readings via the Internet.
  • If an apartment building has vertical piping (there is a radiator near each of the windows and a separate vertical riser for each of them), then it is irrational to install individual meters in the apartments of this house. This is explained by the fact that it will be necessary to install several heat metering devices in each of the apartments, which is not only expensive, but also creates additional hydraulic resistance in the pipeline, which can negatively affect the general heating mode of the entire apartment building.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the thermal energy meter is a very useful device that is guaranteed to help significantly save apartment owners on heating bills.It follows from this that those who do not have the desire to pay for heat loss when supplying heat or very cold batteries in an apartment should start installing a meter for heating. The information provided in this article clearly demonstrates to users that this is not so difficult to do.

Data reading methods

If you have a visual reading device installed, you can only take readings directly from the information board. The consumer can record the data himself, and then transfer it to the management company or service provider organization. In addition, employees of the management company or the heat supply service can take readings. The consumer is obliged to provide them with access to the heat meter located in the apartment.

Remote reading of data is also possible. To do this, the device must be equipped with one of the following modules:

  • pulse output. It is equipped with a sealed contact, the closure of which leads to the formation of an electrical impulse. This impulse is recorded by a reading device that transmits information to an automated control center;
  • radio output - information is transmitted over a radio channel, independent of cellular communications;
  • digital output. The RS-485 interface is used. Data is transmitted over a wired communication line.

Remote reading is relevant if access to the heat meter is difficult or if a common house metering system is organized in an apartment building. Equipping the devices with these modules allows not only to remotely read information, but also to store it in a non-volatile archive for further viewing, output to paper media, and entry into reporting documentation.

Advantages of system data collection for apartment heat metering

In the modern realities of receipts from housing and communal services, heat is far from the last place in terms of the total amount of charges. Moreover, this line in the receipt is the most vague, since the apartment owner pays for abstract "joules and gigawatts" of heat at a time when the apartment is frankly cold. Can overpayments be avoided, and if so, how?

Remote transmission of water and heat meter readings

Remote transmission of water and heat meter readings

It is possible, especially if there are statistics on the HEAT SUPPLY, whereas now about 70% of tenants pay for CONSUMPTION. If you do not understand what the difference is, then the specialists of our company will help you figure it out. But the advantages of regular remote supply of these heat metering devices are obvious:

  • Collection of monthly statistics, within which it will be very easy to track and dispute excessive charges;
  • No need for monthly monitoring of readings (it is enough to check them once a quarter, comparing with the numbers of meters in apartments and a common house metering device);
  • Availability (after installation) of a general building dispatching system, which will help track heat leakage zones to minimize heating costs;
  • The ability to store the history of heat consumption, both in each individual apartment and throughout the house, due to a data backup;
  • Obtaining an objective expert assessment in controversial situations with a housing company management.

Yes, today it may seem like a fantasy, but many houses in Moscow already have such systems and residents dispute "random charges" without leaving their homes. Computer control of heat consumption cannot be “bribed”, and it is impossible to “agree” with objective control data. That is why the dispatching systems for heat metering are not challenged by the courts, and management companies prefer to go to pre-trial settlement of claims, paying the residents unfairly accrued payments.

Restrictions on installing a heat meter in an apartment

In such a situation, there is only one solution - to put meters on heating batteries, but such a solution is difficult to implement for the following reasons:

  • the installation of several heating devices in one apartment will cost its owners a tidy sum, since each meter for a heating battery costs a lot of money;
  • taking readings from each device is hampered by the fact that utility workers are not able to monthly walk all the rooms around the apartments of the house in order to record the data. When doing this work yourself, you can get confused in numbers and make mistakes in calculations;
  • maintenance problems - several instruments are much more difficult to monitor and verify that they are functioning correctly;
  • the counter for the heating radiator has poor accuracy, since the difference at its inlet and outlet is so small that the device is often unable to fix it.

A heat meter - a device for accounting for the consumed heat carrier, is currently very profitable, since it allows you to save money by paying only for the consumed heat, excluding overpayment.

An important point is the correct choice of the type of device, depending on the installation location and design features of the heating network, as well as the conclusion of an agreement with a service organization that will monitor the technical condition of the device.

There are many models of heat meters, differing in design and size, but the principle of how a heating meter works has remained the same as on the simplest device that measures the temperature and flow rate of water at the inlet and outlet of the pipeline of a heat supply facility. Differences appear only in engineering approaches to solving this issue.

The operation of the heat meter is based on the principle of calculating the amount of heat using data taken from a coolant flow sensor and a pair of temperature sensors. The amount of water passed through the heating system is measured, as well as the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet.

The amount of heat is calculated by the product of the flow rate of water that has passed through the heating system and the temperature difference between the incoming and outgoing heat carrier, which is expressed by the formula

Q = G * (t 1 -t 2)

, gcal / h, in which:

  • G
    - mass flow rate of water, t / h;
  • T 1, 2
    - temperature indicators of water at the inlet and outlet from the system, o C.

All data from the sensors are sent to the calculator, which, after processing them, determines the value of heat consumption and writes the result to the archive. The value of the consumed heat is shown on the display of the device and can be read at any time.

What affects the accuracy of the heat meter

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

Techem compact V

A heat meter, like any precise device, when measuring the consumed heat, has a certain total error, which is the sum of their errors of temperature sensors, a flow meter and a calculator. In apartment accounting, devices are used that have a permissible error of 6-10%. The real indicator of the error may exceed the baseline, depending on the technical characteristics of the component parts.

The increase in the indicator is caused by the following factors:

  1. The amplitude of the entering and leaving temperature of the coolant, which less than 30 o C
  2. Violations during installation in relation to the manufacturer's requirements (when installed by an unlicensed organization, the manufacturer removes his warranty obligations).
  3. Inadequate pipe quality, hard water used in the coolant, and the presence of mechanical impurities in it.
  4. When the flow rate of the heating medium is below the minimum value indicated in the technical characteristics of the device.

How is the consumed heat measured?

It is customary to calculate the rate of consumed heat in giga calories. The unit of measurement refers to non-systemic, and has traditionally been used since the existence of the USSR. Appliances manufactured in Europe calculate consumed heat in GigaJoules (SI), or the internationally accepted non-SI unit kWh (kWh)


Breakdowns and repairs

How to display readings of a heat meter on a computer. How to transfer readings of a heat meter. Saving heat with uute

Maintenance of the device is limited to maintaining it in good working order, regular inspection, avoiding causes that cause premature wear and tear. According to clause 80 of the Rules for commercial metering of the coolant, all maintenance and control of the correct operation of the meter is carried out by the consumer. On the part of the owner, he does not need special care.

The lithium battery or batteries that power the device are not recyclable and are disposed of if they fail.

If any malfunction is detected in the operation of the meter, the consumer must notify the service company and the heat supply organization about this within 24 hours. Together with the arrived authorized employee, an act is drawn up, which is then transferred to the heat supply organization with a report on heat consumption for the corresponding period. If the failure is not notified in time, the heat consumption is calculated in a standard way.

The service company will provide services for the repair or replacement of the meter, and during the repair can install a replacement device. The cost of installation and dismantling, repair and other services is regulated by the contract between the consumer and the service company.

Error logging

As a standard, heat meters are equipped with a self-test system that can detect inaccuracies in operation. The calculator periodically queries the sensors, and in case of their malfunction, it fixes the error, assigns a code to it and writes it to the archive. The most common logged errors are:

  1. Improper installation or damage to temperature sensor or flow meter.
  2. Insufficient battery charge.
  3. The presence of air in the flow path.
  4. No flow if there is a temperature difference for more than 1 hour.

Removal and installation of the heating meter

Before installing a meter for heating in an apartment or an apartment building, specialists from specialized companies that have permits for this type of work are invited. Based on the specific situation, they can make the following commitments:

  1. Develop a project.
  2. Submit documents to certain authorities in order to obtain permits.
  3. Install and register the device. In the absence of registration, payment for the supplied heat is made in accordance with the established tariffs.
  4. Carry out test tests and put the device into operation.

The developed project should include the following points:

  1. The type and device of the model, which is designed to work in a specific heating system.
  2. Necessary calculations for heat load and coolant flow rate.
  3. Heating system diagram with the place of installation of the heat meter.
  4. Calculation of possible heat losses.
  5. Calculation of payment for the supply of heat energy.

Varieties of devices

Before installing an apartment heat meter, you need to find out about what they are.

These devices are divided into groups according to the principle of operation into the following types:

  • vortex;
  • electromagnetic;
  • ultrasonic;
  • mechanical.

The principle of operation of electromagnetic heat meters is a phenomenon during which the electromagnetic field affects the heat carrier, resulting in an alternating current. If we dig deeper, we can say that as a result, magnetic induction is formed, which connects the indicators of the average speed and consumption of the heat carrier in the volume with the magnitude of the electric field voltage and the potential difference. Induction is formed on the electrodes.

Electromagnetic heat meter

As a result, we can say that the amount of consumed thermal energy is measured by measuring small quantities of electric current. That is why such equipment requires correct installation in order to exclude the possibility of errors.

It's important to know! In addition to proper installation, this equipment also requires special conditions of use. Errors can increase if excessive resistance occurs on the contact area. Also, incorrect connection of cables can affect the increase in device errors. In addition, any compounds with the participation of iron in the liquid will have an impact on the final result. But, as practice shows, and numerous user reviews indicate that such a probability is rather low.

If you need the most common and inexpensive counter, then it is better to choose a mechanical model. The principle of operation of this equipment is quite simple: the flow of the heat carrier imparts rotational movements to the measuring ring inside the heat meter. This is how the amount of thermal energy in mechanical devices is measured. Most devices of this type are equipped with a mechanical meter for the amount of water and an energy meter. The main advantage of this equipment is its relatively low cost. There is also the possibility of extending the service life of this product by installing special filtering components.

Mechanical heat meter

It's important to know! It is highly discouraged to operate heat meters of this type in an apartment or a country house where the hot water, which is used as a heat carrier, is too hard. Elements of plaque, rust and other contaminants will clog the working and filtering elements, which sooner or later will lead to the failure of this technique. In addition, the use of hard water leads to a significant decrease in pressure in the heating mains.

The most expensive at the moment are ultrasonic heat meters. The consumption of thermal energy in this case is measured taking into account the length of time during which the ultrasonic waves, sent by the emitter of these waves, reach a special sensor. The calculations directly depend on the rate of circulation of the heat carrier in the heating main.

Ultrasonic heat meter

During the installation of this computing equipment, it is very important to observe the level. That is, the main thing is that the device giving the signal, as well as the sensor, are on the same line. The speed of passage of ultrasonic waves from the emitter to the receiving transducer depends on the amount of liquid in the heating system. So, ultrasound travels a given distance for a certain time, after which this time is analyzed by special devices and processed information about the flow rate of the coolant, its temperature, and so on is sent to the screen.

It's important to know! In this case, some errors are permissible, especially when there are impurities in the liquid, for example, sand or scale. A distinctive feature of this measuring equipment is the ability to adjust the flow of the coolant through different channels.

Now let's talk about the last type of heat meters. Vortex-type devices work according to the following principle - they take into account vortices that are formed in the middle of obstacles that are located in the path of the coolant flow. This equipment consists of the following components:

  • permanent magnet mounted on the outer surface of the pipe;
  • a triangular prism that is mounted to the line in a vertical position;
  • the electrode, which is located near the prism, this device measures the data.

Vortex heat meter device

The heat carrier flows around a triangular prism, as a result of which a change in pressure inside the pipe is observed. It is these differences that allow the device to measure the volume of liquid. The more powerful the flow moves inside the line, the more the above vortices appear per unit of time.The main advantage of this type of measuring technique is the fact that the meter data cannot be distorted by the presence of various contaminants and impurities in the lines.

After you have decided on the model of the heat meter and purchased it, you can begin installation work.

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