The tariff is fraudulent: how public utilities “heat up” on heating bills

Heating is used only during the cold season, and this is when the bills for this utility are the largest.

Typically, the fees for these services are overstated, and to avoid this, heat meters should be installed at home, which will monitor the volume of services received.

This will save on utility bills, but at the same time you need to know what types of meters and their features exist, why they should be installed at all and how much it will cost to the owner of the dwelling.

What are the types of devices

Each heat meter is a set of devices, which includes sensors, units responsible for accounting for consumed heat, and all kinds of converters that work with pressure, flow rate and resistance indicators of the heat carrier.

The complete set of the meter is set by the manufacturer and they differ depending on the model. The most common are ultrasonic and mechanical devices, while vortex and electromagnetic devices are practically unpopular due to their complexity and high cost.

There are also calculators and heat distributors that do not need to be built into a heat circuit, such devices can be used for absolutely any circuits.

A typeFeatures of the
MechanicalThe simplest of the design types, therefore, its price is quite low and is at the level of 9-10 thousand rubles. This is a device with wired temperature sensors, a water meter and an electronic unit. The working element is a part that rotates when the coolant passes through the device, and it is the number of revolutions that sets the volume that has passed through the device. Two thermometers are placed on the supply and return pipes, and this can be done both vertically and horizontally
UltrasonicThe amount of media consumed in this type of device is determined by the ultrasonic signal thanks to the emitter and receiver, while they are mounted on a horizontal pipe, but with a certain distance. The signal of the emitter goes through the water and reaches the receiver, and the time is calculated by the speed of movement of the water in the circuit. Ultrasonic samples can regulate flow in some variations, but this is for advanced models.
Calculators and distributorsThese devices measure the relative heat input and consist of heat adapters as well as two sensors. Once every three minutes, the sensors measure the temperature, being installed on the battery and in the room, while displaying the difference in values. The information that is received is shown on the display. In advance, these devices are programmed for the coefficients and power of the radiator, and as a result, the heat consumption indicator will be displayed in kilowatt-hours

Types of heat meters

Types of heat meters

Before installing a heating meter in an apartment, you need to choose the right model for it. Currently, manufacturers offer several options for these heat meters. They differ in the principle of taking readings, accuracy and cost.

Given the general principle of operation of the meter for heating, they all consist of three separate elements:

  • Warm water metering unit;
  • Two temperature sensors;
  • Electronic unit for processing the received information from the first two devices.

The difference between the models of heating meters for the battery lies in the principle of taking the reading of the metering device for the volume of the coolant. The rest of the components have minor discrepancies between the actual and calculated data on the temperature of hot and cooled water.

The choice of a heat meter for heat supply in an apartment is not affected by the size of the electronic unit. It can be located at a distance from the installation site of the water meter.

Mechanical heat meters

Mechanical counter

These are the simplest and most affordable devices for completing district heating meters. They work on the principle of converting the translational movement of the coolant into the rotational movement of the flow metering unit.

Depending on the principle of operation, mechanical heating meters are divided into several types:

  • With impeller;
  • Turbine;
  • Screw.

The main disadvantage of these devices is the high error in case of sharp changes in the speed of water movement. It should also be taken into account that the rotational element creates a path and a small hydraulic resistance. The composition of the coolant has a great influence on the quality of work of an individual heat supply meter. Mechanical models are not suitable for hard water. In this case, they must be replaced with contactless analogs.

The average cost of mechanical (tachometric) models ranges from 4 to 9.5 thousand rubles.

The easiest way to trick a mechanical heating meter. To do this, it is enough to install powerful neodymium magnets on it. But in addition to a possible fine, such "modernization" can lead to a rapid failure of the device.

Vortex heat meters

Vortex counter

The best option for the heating meter is to take current readings without directly affecting the coolant flow. Vortex models can be classified as such devices.

Its principle of operation is based on the analysis of vortex anomalies that arise due to an artificial obstacle. This design allows a high-precision reading of the volume of water that has passed through the device. It should also be noted the following positive qualities of a vortex heat meter for heating radiators:

  • Optional presence of straight sections. This condition must be met only for mechanical models of metering devices;
  • The composition of the water will not affect the error, and also will not affect the state of the meter;
  • The presence of metallic impurities will not affect accuracy.

However, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages of this metering device. These include the influence of air locks on the error. Also, the high cost of vortex metering devices make them unpopular for installation in a heating metering system in private houses and apartments. Most often they are used in industrial and commercial areas. Unlike mechanical models, the position of the vortex meter does not affect its operation.

Ultrasonic heat meters

Ultrasonic meter

The most unpopular type of heat meters. They work on the principle of varying the transit time of an audio signal through a liquid. This in turn depends on its speed.

The accuracy of reading is influenced by the design of the central unit. It can be of the following types:

  • Temporary;
  • Frequency;
  • Doppler;
  • Correlation.

An important nuance is the purity of the coolant. It should be free of extraneous impurities in the form of scale, rust or high metal content. Otherwise, the accuracy of the reading of the device will significantly deteriorate. Therefore, ultrasonic models are mostly used in closed systems, where the accounting of water consumption is necessary for organizing the production process.

Even the installation of a good filtration system will not give a complete guarantee that there are no foreign impurities in the coolants. Therefore, it is best to refrain from installing ultrasonic meters for a house or apartment.

What the legislation says

Heat meters and their use are regulated in laws, for example, this is the normative act 261-FZ “On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”.

It says that buildings and other real estate objects that use energy must have metering devices for these resources, including individual heat energy meters.

And the owners of these metering devices must ensure their safety, normal condition and, of course, change them on time.

There is also Federal Law 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”, and its Article 4 states that it is simply forbidden to commission heat sources and connect new consumers without meters being installed.

In addition, the obligation to install them lies with the consumers, who must operate them on their own or under an agreement concluded with companies.

If an apartment building is being commissioned now, then the meters must be installed by the developer even before permission to legalize the house.

Taking readings of an individual heat meter

Before taking readings from the meter, you should carefully read the technical documentation, which contains information about the functional features and rules for servicing the equipment.

As a rule, meters provide the ability to visually read data using the LCD display.

The resulting power consumption values ​​and temperature data are not used for billing with the service provider, but for monitoring consumption.

Different models provide several user levels, the transition between which is done by pressing a button. Several data are displayed on the meter display at once, so you should be careful not to make a mistake in which readings of the heat meter to supply.

There are also more modern heat metering devices combined with an automation tool. With their help, you can automatically or remotely read the necessary information.

Storing readings in the archive

According to clause 37, the heat energy metering unit is equipped with a variety of metering devices, which are included in an indelible archive of the main technical characteristics and tuning coefficients.

Information can be displayed on the counter or on a computer.

In accordance with this normative act (clause 34), all metering devices are equipped with standard protocols, interfaces for remote data collection, and can be equipped with an hourly, daily, monthly and annual module for archiving readings:

  • heat consumption and total operating time;
  • uptime and downtime;
  • temperature in the heat pipe.

Remote transmission of readings

Heat meter readings in the apartment can be transmitted via the Internet. This possibility is fixed by the provisions of the aforementioned Resolution No. 1034. For this, metering devices must have the function of using telemetry systems and the corresponding software.

If there is reason to doubt the reliability of the readings and the correct operation of the heat meter, the consumer or the heat supply organization has the right to organize an inspection. If disagreements arise, it is quite possible to initiate an extraordinary verification of the meter.

Technical constraints

Almost all houses of the old construction have vertical wiring of heating pipes, therefore, several risers pass through the apartment at once, and the meter on each of them is an unprofitable investment.

For such systems, it is recommended to install distributors that measure the flow rate of the heat carrier depending on the temperatures of the room air and the heating radiator.

One such distributor will cost an average of one thousand rubles, but the installation costs will be higher - at the level of 2-6 thousand rubles

In addition, the management company will not allow the installation of an individual meter if there is no common meter for the whole house, since for the procedure for establishing the coefficient it is necessary to have information about the heat consumption of the entire building.

The rest of the criteria relate only to the benefits when calculating by devices, because there are some conditions, for example, the level of thermal insulation of the apartment, as well as the technical equipment of the highway entering the house.

The principle of operation of the counter on the battery

Let's take a closer look at how the heating meter works, and what factors can affect its functioning.

A heat meter is installed in order to determine the volume of the coolant in the radiator, as well as measure the water temperature level.

If the wiring is horizontal in the house, the unit is mounted on a horizontal pipe. Moreover, one device per apartment is quite enough. But with vertical piping, a separate meter will have to be installed for each battery.

It should be noted that the heating meter in the apartment is quite accurate. However, there are a number of factors that can have a strong impact on the device and cause some error. For example:

  1. The circulation of the coolant is disturbed, a low flow rate is observed.
  2. There is a thermal difference that is less than +30 degrees.
  3. The installation of the meter is illiterate. For example, temperature sensors are installed incorrectly.
  4. The quality of the pipeline, water is poor. For example, water is too hard and has various impurities like sand, rust.

What types of heating meters are there?

Depending on the method of installation, the meter for heating can be general and individual. In the case of a general house version, one meter is purchased for the entire high-rise building. Despite the fact that the counter is expensive, it will be quite affordable for the owner of each apartment. After all, the total price will be divided among all tenants. Despite the availability of purchasing a heat metering unit, the savings may be low due to the fact that some apartments may be poorly insulated. As a result, everyone will have to overpay.

Therefore, many people prefer to install an individual meter on the heating battery in order to pay only for the heat actually received by the apartment. True, such a device is not suitable for every room. For example, installing a meter in an old house with a vertical wiring type can be quite problematic. After all, the device is installed on a riser. And in such houses there are several of them. Installing a meter on each riser is very costly. In this case, distributors are used.

Also, according to the principle of operation, all heating meters for an apartment can be classified into:

  • Ultrasonic. Most often used. They are considered the most accurate, durable and reliable. The error can be caused by the ingress of debris on the signal receiver, the formation of air bubbles.
  • Mechanical. Suitable for operation in conditions of circulating fluid contaminated or saturated with salts.
  • Electromagnetic. Accurate enough. They are distinguished by stable work.
  • Vortex. The principle of operation is that the data on the force of the vortices formed after the passage of the circulating fluid are compared.

Features of installing a heating meter

It should be noted that self-installation of heating meters in an apartment is unacceptable. This may be the reason for refusal to register, and the personal account will not be reissued. It is also important to remember that the unit should be checked every four years.

To install the device, you need to carry out a number of steps:

  1. to get a permission;
  2. study the technical conditions;
  3. create a project, it must be agreed with the heat supply company;
  4. install the unit.

How much will it cost to install a heating meter?

For those who want to spend money wisely, a heat meter is the best investment option. Of course, the price of the device is considerable. But if you consider that the acquisition pays off quickly enough, then the meter is not so expensive. The general house price for the heating meter is more affordable than for the unit installed individually for one apartment.

The cost of devices depends on the type and the manufacturer. It must be remembered that in addition to buying the device itself, you will have to spend money on its installation. After all, the installation should be performed only by a professional. I must say that the price of heating meters includes, in addition to the equipment itself, some components: shut-off valves, a control valve, a filter. On average, the cost is from 9,000 rubles. If you add installation costs to this, the amount can rise to 20,000 rubles.

It is very profitable to buy meters in bulk: at the same time, the price for a heating meter will be slightly lower. This is possible, for example, if other residents plan to install this unit at the entrance for their apartments.

Legal installation procedure

It is possible to install heat meters only after agreement with the management company, and for this there is a certain procedure, after which installation will be possible.

Therefore, you should follow these steps:

First, you must contact the house management company in writing.Which can give permission for the installation of the meter, and copies of documents are attached to the application. They must confirm the ownership of the apartment, as well as the registration certificate of the apartment
Further, the company provides technical conditionsWhich must be observed when installing the meter
The next step implies that an individual heat metering project is being developed.And the technical documents for the installation are being drawn up, this is the task of the organization that has officially received the design authority
Documents madeCoordinated with the heat supply company

There is no need to buy an energy meter before the project is agreed, since the application may well be followed by a refusal.

With all the documents, you can make a purchase by choosing any heat meters for heating in an apartment that meet the established standards.

When choosing a company that will carry out the installation, you should make sure that it has a license for such activities, and you can even make a comparison, focusing on certificates, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and SRO approvals.

In addition, it is also advisable to check the qualifications of the installers in advance, taking into account the list of equipment they use, the list of those works that they perform and whether they have an installation kit.

It is imperative that guarantees for the work should be given if the management company does not accept the results or has comments.

In addition to the meter itself, it is also necessary to ensure the availability of additional devices, for example, a bypass, thermostats and filters for pipes and radiators, tees and all other necessary technical devices.

Also, the equipment must be sealed on a mandatory basis and the initial readings must be recorded, this is done upon the call of the representative of the enterprise - the heat supplier.

Video: how it works

Heat meter installation time

Heat meter installation rules

Is it always advisable to purchase and issue a permit for the installation of a heat meter? Before performing these activities, all factors should be analyzed. A modern individual heating meter should reduce heating costs for apartment residents. But in practice, this does not always happen.

There are many positive aspects to installing a heating meter. First of all, this is a decrease in the monthly payment for district heating.But before you put a meter for heating in an apartment, you need to calculate the current costs and the desired economic effect from this. The following nuances are taken into account:

  • The number of heating pipes in the apartment. Each of them requires installation of a metering device. If there are more than two, installation will be impractical. Considering the average cost of purchase and installation (20 thousand rubles) and possible savings (cost reduction by 25-30%) - compensation time can take from 8 to 17 years, depending on the number of risers;
  • During the heating period, the pipes are constantly hot. You need to know how the heating meter works - it does not limit the flow of the coolant, but only records the thermal difference between the supply and return pipes. Therefore, in some cases, the final figure in cavitation about payment may not only not decrease, but also increase;
  • The mandatory check of heating meters is taken into account, which is performed 1 time in 3-4 years. The costs of this event are borne solely by the owner of the apartment.

If, after a thorough analysis of these points, the economic feasibility of installation is deduced, the installation of meters for heating in the apartment is performed. But first you should draw up all the permissive documentation, find out the specifics of the functioning of this metering device.

All meters for central heating are installed only by representatives of the Management Company or organizations that have a special permit for this type of work.

What is the price of services

The cost of the heat meter itself is at the level of 10 thousand rubles, but depending on its type, this figure may vary.

The simplest counter of mechanical design will cost about 8 thousand rubles, and the ultrasonic version in the basic configuration and from domestic manufacturers will also cost about the same.

Calculators and heat distributors can have a price of 1000 rubles or more - 2-2.5 thousand rubles, but they will be beneficial only in small dwellings.

If you order the installation of a heat meter in specialized and licensed firms, then the cost of such an event will be about 7 thousand rubles for the simplest version of a technical device.

More complex devices will cost 10 thousand rubles, although there are prices at the level of 30,000 rubles.

Heat calculators will be cheaper in terms of installation, and some types can be installed even for 2-3 thousand rubles.

Is their installation profitable or not

If you want to install this metering device or a direct request from the management company, you need to understand whether this solution will be profitable, or the installation does not make sense at all.

You need to understand that even if the device is installed, it will still be unprofitable with some nuances:

If the heating main is introduced into the house according to the old schemeWhich provides for the presence of an elevator
The apartment is located either on the corner of the house, or on the first or last floorsWhich reduces the level of thermal insulation
There are gaps in the window frames, or there are such in the front doorWhat causes heat leaks
The balcony has no glazing
The entrance has free air circulationFor example, due to a broken driveway door or broken windows

To minimize the consumption of thermal energy, it is necessary not only to install a general house meter and a device in the apartment, you should also take care of the modernization of the heating system of the entire building, in particular, it is advisable to replace the elevator unit with AITP types, as well as AUU.

Only then and with proper thermal insulation will it be possible to make the presence of a meter effective and minimize utility payments.

Heat meters in apartment buildings can be installed to save and improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

To do this, it is necessary to agree on this procedure with the management company, select a licensed organization for installation and take care of the availability of good thermal insulation.Only in this case the installation of equipment will be legal and completely correct.


What does the user get from installing a heat meter

The cost of heating increases every year. Some people are trying to solve this problem by a more economical attitude to heat: they put new windows, they carry out insulation of their home. Modern double-glazed windows are energy efficient and can save about 30% of heat. Very often the owner of the house has to pay a lot of money during the heating season. At the same time, the batteries do not always heat the room at the proper level. As a result, a person pays for what he does not receive. In this case, heating meters are an excellent option for saving money. By installing a meter in an apartment, you can save about 40% of the total payment for heating services. The installation of a measuring device pays off within 3 to 6 months of the heating season. Sometimes poor heating is associated with the negligence of service workers, with the operator's unwillingness to lose money to achieve the necessary parameters of the coolant. If the apartment has a heating meter, this can be a powerful argument in the event of a lawsuit with utilities.

Principle of operation

Principle of operation

The heat meter makes measurements based on the following data:

  • Consumption of hot coolant that is delivered to the heating system.
  • Heating system inlet temperature.
  • The temperature at the outlet of the heating system.

According to the results of the device's operation, a figure for heat consumption is obtained, which is measured in hectacalories - for a year, month and day.

The advantage of modern devices is that they are able to store the necessary information, namely about heat consumption, for up to 10 years. In this case, information can be read from the Internet via a computer.

How to choose

How to choose

The unit you have selected must be approved for operation in the Russian Federation. For this reason, it is better to give preference to a domestic manufacturer. To reduce the risk of measurement errors, when choosing, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Approximate consumption of heat energy.
  • Pipe diameter. The diameter of the place where the device will be mounted is especially important.

Heat meter prices range from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles. It all depends on the configuration and the number of functions of a particular model.


There are several types of meters, determined by the flow meters that are installed on them:

  • Mechanical. Such devices are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. But despite this, it is not recommended to use them in cases where the water is too hard, there is scale and rust. Moreover, mechanical devices do not tolerate sudden changes in thermal energy consumption.
  • Vortex. When installing such a unit, a magnetic mesh filter must be installed. This is due to the fact that the vortex meter is sensitive to poor quality welding and the presence of air in the pipes.
  • Electromagnetic. If there is a poor connection of the wires, then there may be large errors in the readings. Also, the readings are affected by the appearance of impurities in the coolant.
  • Ultrasonic. They work perfectly on condition of high-quality coolant.


Before thinking about installing a heat meter, you should find out if it can be installed in your apartment. There are some conventions regarding this:

  1. If you use a vertical pipe routing, namely for each radiator a separate pipe riser going from the bottom up, then installing a heat meter is irrational. Otherwise, you will need to install several computing devices at once on each heating riser. Plus, you will create additional hydraulic resistance in the system. This will significantly affect the heating mode of the entire building.
  2. If the routing of pipes in an apartment or in a private house is horizontal, that is, when two supply / return pipes are installed and all radiators are connected through them, then the installation of a heat meter is even recommended.

The second installation case completely eliminates the disadvantages of the first option.

As for the installation stages, there are several sequential steps here:

  1. Installation of an automated heating unit.
  2. Balancing the heating system along the risers.
  3. Equipping radiators with thermostats.

According to the calculations for the transition to apartment heat metering, the reconstruction of the heating system will pay off within 2-4 years.

Consistent process of introducing a heat meter

But before installing a thermal energy meter, it is imperative to fulfill some requirements. Otherwise, the installation will be illegal.

  1. The first step is to eliminate all possible heat loss. Only in this case, this device will allow you to save money.
  2. Next, you need to get the TU (technical conditions) from the management company, HOA or housing office. They will indicate what exactly is needed to implement the meter. As a rule, this includes an A4 sheet. It will say what temperature and pressure the coolant will have as it passes through your apartment.
  3. On the basis of the TU, you place an order for a project for installation. To do this, contact the design organization, which must have a license to carry out such work.
  4. As for the installation itself, it is also performed by a licensed company. When choosing one, make sure that there are guarantees for the work being carried out. Is a free visit by an engineer for a preliminary inspection included? Does the installation include a complete list of works (otherwise you will have to look for additional specialists to carry out a particular stage of work)? Are qualified personnel and specialized equipment available? Are there all the documents, namely certificates, SRO approvals, certificates? Is there information about the selected company in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?
  5. When the installation work is done, the meter is sealed and an acceptance certificate is signed.

On average, a set of services will cost about 20 thousand rubles. If the price bites, then you can do all the paperwork yourself. You decide.

If we talk about the subsequent maintenance, then most licensed companies take this stage on themselves. At least this is taken into account when drawing up the contract.

As for private houses, the installation of a heat meter is only necessary in those cases when its heating is tied to a central heating system. The principle of operation of installing such a unit in a private house is identical to the process described for apartments. Share your experience with such a unit. It will be interesting for us and our readers to know if the expected effect of installing a heat meter is noticeable.

Heat meter legislation

According to the law, since 2012, all new buildings must be “equipped” with individual heat meters, if technically feasible.

Federal Law of 23.11.2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation":

Article 13, paragraph 7.

... Apartment buildings, which are put into operation from January 1, 2012 after construction, reconstruction, must be additionally equipped with individual metering devices for the heat energy used.

Apartment buildings put into operation from January 1, 2012 after major repairs must be equipped with individual metering devices for the heat energy used, if it is technically possible to install them.

The owners of metering devices for the energy resources used are obliged to ensure the proper operation of these metering devices, their safety, and timely replacement.

Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat Supply":

Article 19, paragraph 4.

Commissioning of heat energy sources and connection (technological connection) of heat-consuming installations of new consumers without equipping metering points with metering devices in accordance with the rules for commercial metering of heat energy, heat carrier are not allowed.

Metering devices are installed by the owners of commissioned heat sources or heat-consuming installations and are operated by them independently or under a commercial metering service agreement concluded with a specialized organization.

Metering devices in multi-apartment buildings being commissioned are installed by developers at their own expense prior to obtaining permission to commission an apartment building.

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 627 dated December 29, 2011, issued in accordance with subparagraph "d" of paragraph 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 06, 2011 "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings ”, the criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, general (apartment), collective (general house) metering devices (hereinafter referred to as the criteria) were approved. The regulatory legal act was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 23, 2012.

Clause 3 of the criteria stipulates that the technical feasibility of installing in the premises of an apartment building, with the exception of an apartment building specified in paragraph 5 of this document, of an individual, general (apartment) thermal energy meter is absent, if, according to design characteristics, an apartment building has a vertical wiring of intra-building engineering systems heating.

In many houses, it is precisely the vertical distribution of heat supply that is made, so the installation of individual heat energy meters is impossible. But it remains possible to mount distributors

... Heat meters are installed in the pipeline, and distributors are installed directly on the radiators.

Who should pay for the installation of a common house heat meter

The Housing Code enshrines the issue of maintaining the common property of an apartment building. According to Art. 36 of the RF LCD, all of it belongs to the owners of the premises in it on the basis of common shared ownership. The structure of the property also includes general engineering communications, on which metering devices for heat consumed for heating the house are installed.

Accordingly, all costs associated with the installation and maintenance of devices are borne by the owners of apartments and other premises in the apartment building. Equipping the PDPU is a legal obligation, but the procedure requires a decision on installation at the general meeting of apartment owners. Such a meeting can be initiated by the management organization or by the residents themselves.

Who should pay how much for heating

It turns out that in houses that have been put into operation since 2012 and later, heat meters should be installed by default in every apartment - developers are obliged to install them.

At the same time, if the project documentation for an apartment building was developed before 2012 and did not include the installation of an IPU of thermal energy, and the house was built and put into operation later, then the developer has no obligation to install an IPU, this is the judicial practice.

During the overhaul of in-house engineering heat supply systems since 2012, if there is a technical feasibility, the houses should also be equipped with heat energy meters. However, the overhaul program does not provide for this type of work (RF LC, article 166).

Owners of apartments in houses equipped with metering devices must pay according to their individual indications, even if one of the neighbors dismantled the meters in their apartment.The consumed heat energy provided for general building needs must also be paid for by all owners of the apartment building, regardless of the presence or absence of an IPU.

Residents who unauthorizedly removed the meters must pay for heating according to established standards. This decision was made by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

In those houses that were put into operation earlier than 2012, where major repairs have not yet been carried out or have been carried out, but there is no technical possibility to install general house heat meters, the heating fee will be charged according to the standards.

If it is technically possible to install distributors, then in order for the calculation of heating costs to be carried out according to the readings of the distributors, it is necessary to equip at least 50% of the apartments in the house with them (at the same time, at least one apartment must be equipped with an IPU of heat).

The obligation to pay for heating services, which is used for general house needs, always remains.

If there is a common house heat energy meter, but there is not a single distributor and not a single heat supply control unit, the total readings will be divided for all apartments.

The formulas for calculating heating bills can be found in Appendix No. 2 to the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by the RF Government Decree No. 354 of 06.05.2011.

How the duplicate is determined and the size of the fines

The right of utilities to protect meters with anti-magnetic seals is spelled out in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, adopted in 2011. According to this regulatory act, when installing a protective product, the consumer must be informed about the possible consequences in case of violation of its integrity or failure.

The standard fine for such a violation is 200-300 rubles.

However, in the case of deliberate use of a magnet and other means of physical influence, this amount can be increased by 5 times. How the indicator looks after magnetic exposure can be seen in the photo.

Quite often, a protective mechanism of non-standard design is installed on the meters, which, in addition to the identification number and logo of the manufacturer, contains holographic drawings or elements applied with paint, glowing in UV light. Thanks to such tricks, inspectors can easily identify a duplicate using a conventional UV lamp and record the fact of fraud.

Bypassing anti-magnetic protection is prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In addition, modern products are equipped with elements that do not allow cunning consumers to imperceptibly change the meter readings in their favor.

If a violation is detected, the payment for hot or cold water is recalculated according to the consumption standard by the number of registered persons using a coefficient of 10.

Recalculation is carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. The date of the violation is determined, as a rule, this is the day of arrival of the controllers, and the date of the previous check. During this period, consumption is recalculated not by the meter, but by the number of people and the rate. The result obtained is multiplied by 10 and by the current tariff.
  2. When it is impossible to establish the exact date of the violation and / or the date of the last check, 3 years (1096 days) are taken for the billing period, for this period, recalculation is carried out taking into account the registered persons, multiplied by 10 and by the current tariff.

How to convince neighbors to install heat meters

If you install meters in all apartments of the MKD, bills for payment may decrease in comparison with those calculated according to the standards. But how do you get your neighbors to take such a step?

At the general meeting of owners, decide to install heat meters in apartments at the expense of the owners.

To make a decision, you need to collect 2/3 of the votes of the owners of the total number of votes.

The plus is that you can complete the installation work quickly.The difficulty is that the owners may disagree, because the purchase and installation of meters will require considerable expenses. Before the meeting, you can contact the management company (MC) / homeowners' association (HOA) - depending on who runs the house - to carry out “advocacy” about the benefits of meters and saving resources. This is in the interests of the Criminal Code (HOA) itself, it should make efforts in the direction of energy conservation.

In Moscow, prices for apartment heat meters start at 6,000 rubles. The cost of services for the installation of turnkey meters with the preparation of an individual heat metering project and the development of technical documentation - from 12,000 rubles and more (this includes the cost of the necessary components and the meters themselves). Meter installation companies claim that heat meter installation pays off in 2 heating seasons. If you decide to install meters in all apartments, you can buy meters at a wholesale price, and get a discount on the installation service.

It is possible at the general meeting to decide on the installation of allocators of heating costs.

General house meter readings

Heat metering devices are divided into industrial and apartment. Industrial models are used as general household.

The costs of purchasing common equipment are shared among the residents of the building.

In accordance with the provisions, the presence of a common house meter will avoid the cost of paying for heat that did not even enter the building.

Having figured out how to take readings from the heating meter, each resident of an apartment building can check the correctness of the charges.

The volume of consumed heat is measured in different units:

  • megawatts,
  • giga calories
  • kilojoules.

Since the supply companies calculate the amount of heat in giga calories, it is worth choosing the appropriate meter. If the meter measures heat in a different quantity, the consumer should know that 1 Gcal is equal to 4.18 GJ or 1161.1 kW / h.

According to clause 31 of the aforementioned Resolution, every month from 23 to 25, a representative of a resource supplying organization or a management company takes data and enters them into the register of readings of general house meters.

The presence of consumers is not required. But each apartment owner has the right to contact the appropriate organization and get acquainted with the information recorded by the meter.

For more information on how tenants can control meter readings and billing, read the article “Household heat meter in an apartment building”.

How to install heat meters in an apartment

  • Apply to the UK (HOA) with an application for permission to install an IPU heat.

The application is made in writing, copies of documents for the apartment and a copy of the registration certificate are attached to it. You can submit it in person or send it by mail. Employees of the management company will have to establish the technical feasibility of installing heat meters, draw up and issue you an appropriate act.

  • Request technical specifications for the installation of IPU heat in the UK (HOA).
  • Contact a specialized design organization.

They will help you choose the type of meters, develop a project for individual metering of heat energy and prepare technical documentation for installation.

  • Coordinate the project with the UK (HOA) or heat supply organization.

You need to coordinate with the resource supplying organization only if you have a direct contract with it.

  • Buy meters, choose an organization that will carry out the installation.

Counters need to be purchased those that were selected during the development of the project.

  • Submit an application for commissioning and sealing of meters.

Employees of the Criminal Code (HOA) or a heat supply organization, if you have a direct contract with it, must seal the IPU, put them into operation and take testimony from you.

Pp. "Y" p.31 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 06, 2011 No. 354:

A legal entity providing the consumer with utilities is obliged to carry out, at the request of the consumer, the commissioning of an installed individual, general (apartment) or room metering device that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, even if such an individual or general (apartment) metering device is functional capabilities differs from the collective (common house) metering device with which an apartment building is equipped, no later than the month following the date of its installation, and also start calculating the amount of payment for utilities based on the readings of the metering device put into operation, starting from the 1st day of the month , following the month of putting the meter into operation.

At the time indicated in the meter's passport, it will be necessary to do a verification. Verification can be carried out by specialized organizations; a license for these works is not required.

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Housing and communal services. How they deceive us. itok = iYoVTr23 ″ type = "Application / x-shockwave-flash"> .jpg? itok = iYoVTr23 ″ />

I have always been interested in the question of why organizations (management companies, homeowners' associations, etc.) do not limit their activities to the management and provision of housing services themselves, but also strive to act as intermediaries between resource companies and consumers. It is no secret that some of the residents maliciously do not pay for utilities and it is very difficult or even impossible to get money from them. Utilities, however, stupidly consider the UC or HOA to be a consumer, charging them for the amount of heat supplied to the house, and you go and collect from the residents as you want. And nevertheless, the governing organizations go for it. So, not without reason. Where to look for a loophole for abuse? Measuring the consumption of gas, water and electricity is not particularly difficult, and most consumers themselves carry out these measurements using installed meters. Taking into account thermal energy, the situation is much more complicated. Heating batteries in different rooms come from different places, and in order to determine the heat consumption in one single apartment, at least three or four meters will be needed, which makes their installation unprofitable and expensive to maintain. This means that here somewhere ... Within the framework of the measures taken in the city to stimulate energy conservation in the majority of apartment buildings, collective (common house) heat energy meters (hereinafter referred to as ODPU) have been installed. In accordance with the Rules for the Provision of Utilities to Citizens, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307, in apartment buildings that are equipped with an ODPU, the amount of payment for heating should be calculated as follows: - for each house the total amount of heat energy (Gcal) , which was spent on heating in the previous year (based on the readings of the ODU) and is divided by 12 to determine the monthly consumption; - the result obtained is divided by the heated area of ​​the house - the coefficient is determined (it is indicated in the payment card, the dimension is Gcal per square meter), which is multiplied by the total area of ​​the apartment. The final figure (Gcal) is multiplied by the living area of ​​the apartment. - The amount in rubles is obtained by multiplying the result of previous calculations by the annual tariff. (I understand, difficult. But strain, it's worth it).

The formula looks like this:

P = S * Vt * TT where: P - the amount for heating in rubles; S is the total area of ​​an apartment in an apartment building; Vt is the average monthly volume of heat energy consumption for heating for the previous year (Gcal / sq. M.); TT is the tariff for heat energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (RUB / Gcal).

So, the area of ​​the apartment is a constant value (do not forget to subtract the area of ​​the balcony), the tariff does not depend on us or on the managing organization, the volume remains.

Vt = V / 12 * S

where: Vt is the average monthly volume of heat energy consumption for heating for the previous year (Gcal / sq.m.) V is the amount of heat energy (Gcal) that was consumed for heating in the previous year (based on the ODU readings) 12 is the number of months in year (who didn’t guess) S - the area of ​​the house (I don’t specify which one yet)

You can't joke with the volumes, the power engineers will not give it. There is only one object for fraud - parameter S, the area of ​​the house. Moreover, it is around her that there is the most fog in the Rules ...

So what is this area? The rules in a similar situation state that this is the total area of ​​all premises in an apartment building. The lawyers' comments indicate that this is the area of ​​all heated premises. And the calculation method for GUP DEZ of Moscow uniquely defines it as the total area of ​​residential premises. The latter option is accepted as official. Contact your management organization with an explanation of how heat bills are calculated - and you will receive exactly this answer.

This is how they calculate the payment amount. Evidence of this is in the information of any managing organization (fortunately, Resolution 731 is strictly executed in Moscow) Take, for example, DEZ Yuzhnoye Butovo (https: / / House located at st. Brusilova, 17

Section "heating costs". Here are the data for the house:

Heating costs in 2010 (Gcal) V - 2763.54 Average monthly consumption (column 3/12 months) - 230.29500 Total area of ​​residential premises (sq m) (the same S) - 19 374.20 Average monthly consumption in Gcal per 1 sq. M. Vt - 0.01189

Everything seems to be correct. However, in reality, the calculation should be made not for residential, but for the total heated area owned or leased. No one argues that the heat for heating stairwells, for example, should be divided among all residents, in proportion to the living area, which, in fact, is done according to the accepted calculation method. And here is such a common situation. In the house, some of the apartments on the ground floor are occupied by some kind of institution or shop. It has a separate entrance and is taken out of the living area. Because of this, it does not cease to be powered from general house communications and contributes to the V parameter, and therefore Vt, which appears in your receipt. However, in the denominator of the formula Vt = V / 12 * S, the area of ​​the leased premises is not taken into account, because they are removed from the living area. Thus, it increases the payments of residents. Let us illustrate this at the same house number 17 on Brusilov Street. These are data on non-residential area and, most importantly, on non-residential area leased:

The total area of ​​non-residential premises leased out is 1871.30 sq. M. The total area of ​​the house is 21,245.50 sq. M.

We check the total area of ​​heated premises in a house that is owned, rented or municipal is: 19,374.20 + 1,871.30 = 21,245.50 sq. m.

Accordingly, Vt is no longer 0.01189, but 0.010840 Gcal per sq. meter (230.29500 / 21 245.50)

It seems to be nonsense. Let's see what the difference is for a tenant of a standard three-room apartment in this very house with an area of ​​66 sq. meters. Let's take the calculation of DES:

P = S * Vt * TT

66 * 0.01189 * 1325.7 (this is the Moscow tariff for heat energy for 2011) = 1040 rubles. 33 kopecks

Now the calculation is in accordance with the current legislation: 66 * 0.010840 * 1325.7 = 948 rubles. 46 kopecks

This means that every happy owner of a three-room apartment in house No. 17 on Brusilov Street overpays almost 100 rubles a month for heat. More than a thousand per year.

Well, where is the benefit of the managing organization? And here is where - the tenants (owners) of non-residential premises in the house make payments in the same way as the tenants - to the account of the managing organization. In this case - right into your pocket, since the amount demanded by MOEK (heat suppliers), they (thanks to the trick with the squares) collect purely from the residents.

The coolest thing is that I didn't even have to conduct any investigation - all this data is on the website of any management campaign. So a resident of Yuzhny Butovo, having made the appropriate calculation, can safely sue the DEZ demanding the return of the overpaid amounts, moreover, in five years (this is how much the Rules apply).

Superprofits in housing and communal services arise according to the law of large numbers. For a family, a thousand a year from an apartment is nothing. And how many apartments are in the house (in that in South Butovo there are about 350).And how many houses are serviced by DEZ? 411. Take 400 and multiply, say, by 200 apartments in each and by this notorious thousand - a total of 80 million a year. There are 125 districts in Moscow ...

This is only one, practically on the surface, method of deception in housing and communal services. This cannot even be called a deception due to its prevalence and the absence of obvious illegal actions. So, criminal practice ...

It’s hard to believe, but it’s so easy to sue your hard-earned money, to ruin the management companies, to make the housing and utilities business unprofitable, to bring down the whole system of the municipal economy of Moscow (or even the whole of Russia).

Only something tells me that no one will do this. After all, what is a thousand a year ...?

If you bought an apartment in a new building, but there are no heat meters

If the house was commissioned recently, the technical possibility of installation is available, and you and your neighbors did not find heat meters in your apartments, then the developer has violated the law.

The only case when there really may not be meters is when the new building is equipped with an individual autonomous boiler room and is not connected to the centralized heat supply.

While the new building is under warranty (5 years), you can submit a collective claim to the developer in a free form. In it, demand the installation and commissioning of a heat pump. Refer to 261-FZ “On energy saving” and 190-FZ “On heat supply”, as well as to part 3 of article 9.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Better to send your claim in a valuable letter by mail. The developer will have 45 days to solve the problem with the meters from the date of receipt of the claim.

You can also file a complaint with the Criminal Code (or HOA). You must be given an answer within 30 days.

If both the developer and the Criminal Code do not respond to the claims, contact the prosecutor's office (you have to wait 30 days for an answer), and then go to court.


Is it possible to install heat meters in apartments

Currently, the current legislation does not prohibit such actions. However, your desire may not be "understood" by the company that supplies the heat. Moreover, the current regulations do not allow interference with the centralized heat supply network, even if you just want to install a meter. In this case, the unauthorized equipment will not be accepted into operation. And the landlord will also have to pay a fine.

This means that before installing a meter in a house with central heating, you should write an application to the heat supply company. In the future, the procedure is as follows:

  1. the company's specialists should check whether it is possible to install a metering device. If the answer is yes, then a special document is issued - technical specifications (TU);
  2. if there is an association of co-owners (condominiums) in an apartment building, then a copy of your application will have to be sent to the person in charge, and this issue will also be coordinated with him;
  1. having received the technical specifications, you can contact the design organization that has permission for such work. For remuneration, its specialists will make all calculations, draw up an installation project, and certify all documentation with their seal;
  2. further, the design documentation is agreed with the heat supplier;
  3. after the last agreement, you can contact an installation organization that has a license to install heat meters;
  4. the installed metering unit is commissioned to the organization supplying heat. An agreement is drawn up with an individual, the owner of the apartment, according to which the latter will pay for the supply of heat energy using the metering device.

If you want to speed up this procedure, it is better to immediately contact the organization that is engaged in both the design and installation, and the coordination of all the details; and you only need to pay money. Often, this entire range of services is provided by the heat supplier himself, or the latter directly points to the office to which you need to contact.There is nothing illegal in such “friendly” relations between organizations, unless, of course, you advocate strict observance of the competition law. But the main plus is that the installation of the heat meter will be done as quickly as possible.

Heat meter for a house with central heating - legal norms

But if we are already talking about the law, then we cannot fail to mention the current regulatory legal act that regulates the installation of these metering devices. So, according to law No. 261, the installation of heat metering devices is carried out at the expense of residents of an apartment building. But the methodology for calculating the cost of heat in the presence of such devices is described in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 354. In fact, it will be difficult for a non-specialist to understand what is written in the data in the documents, but we will "translate" several basic theses into a public language:

  1. if there is no metering device at the input, then heat is paid according to tariffs with an increasing coefficient;
  2. although the laws of the Russian Federation do not oblige apartment owners to install heat metering devices, they do not prohibit this;
  3. the readings of your meter are taken into account only if all other apartments, as well as heated common areas, are equipped with heat meters; and a common metering unit is installed at the input;
  4. after installing the heat meter, it is taken into operation by the heat supplier company, but at the expense of the apartment owner.

Legislation in this area is often changed and improved, and therefore, in order not to get into a mess, you should take a while to take an interest in these changes.

However, at the moment, you can already draw a couple of important conclusions from all of the above. Firstly, it is still better to install a general house heat meter, otherwise the cost of this resource will cost you about one and a half times more. And the readings of the individual metering device in the apartment are not taken into account. Secondly, in an individual metering device in an apartment, in general, it makes no sense, even if you have received all the approvals for its installation.

In order for its readings to be taken into account, the heat consumption must be controlled in all other rooms of the apartment building. Thirdly, sometimes it is simply impossible to install a common house metering unit for central heating technically. The only way out in this situation is to agree to all tenants, and to all install heat meters in each apartment, and even better - in the entrances. Otherwise, the cost of heat spent on heating non-residential premises will be shared among all residents.

How to save on heating? Add a regulator to the heat meter!

Recently, articles appeared in the city press with reports that after installing the heat meter, people began to pay almost twice as much, and the metering device itself, installed at the expense of the city budget, allegedly cost 35.5 thousand hryvnia (this price is indicated in the transfer certificate safekeeping).

About the cost of the meter. I, of course, do not know the type of installed device, but I believe that the allocation of funds from the budget implies their savings, and an inexpensive meter costs half, or even three times (!) Cheaper. Counters for 35 thousand, intended for a relatively small house, in our country, perhaps, does not exist in general (however, the type of meter is indicated in the passport and on the front panel of the device, and its price is easy to find on the Internet, and you can also demand an estimate of costs at the same time) ... Therefore, this issue should probably be of interest not to specialists, but to the prosecutor's office.

As for the payment for heat, let's figure it out.

The heat meter takes into account the real heat consumed by the house. If the house has very high ceilings ("stalinkas", as in our case), poor thermal insulation of the walls (as in panel "khrushchobs") or worn out windows, when no gluing any longer saves from drafts, and in addition, severe frosts on the street and the ever-open staircase door, it may really turn out that the meter will "wind up" more than it is supposed to pay according to the tariff. What advice can you give to the tenants of this house? Perhaps the meter is working properly and shows real consumption figures. In theory. But what, the ceilings are twice as high as in nine-story buildings, where the meters give a very decent economy? No, they are about a meter taller, only.Do the walls keep warm? Also no, concrete panels were not used in Stalin's times, there are bricks. And in apartments with plastic windows it is still cold. And the thermal power station obviously did not indulge in heat this season. So can you trust such a counter? No. It is necessary to carry out an extraordinary verification of the device. For whose money - I do not know, a question for the lawyers. I think that if the meter is under warranty, and the readings are clearly awkward, then at the expense of the company that installed the meter. But I know that it could have been accidentally damaged during the installation process, that improperly installed gaskets in the flow metering sections, or large debris accumulated in them, can greatly increase the readings. And if, for example, the company that installed the meter is not too conscientious (I do not specifically blame anyone, these are only possible options!), Then maybe the meter was originally defective. In any case, a supposedly faulty meter should not be accepted for safekeeping. And it would be more useful to invite not the general director, but the metrologist of the CHP, who understands heat meters and the heat consumption of houses of different types, and the head of the heating network shop.

Now let's talk about the meters in the "Brezhnev" panel nine-story buildings. Our city has already accumulated a decent experience with them, and, as a rule, the installation of a counter does not cause any complaints, most residents are satisfied with the savings received. These houses do not have very high ceilings, but external walls with a layer of thermal insulation. If someone has drilled them, then they may have noticed that the drill enters like oil, much more easily than into the internal baffles. This is foam concrete, a good insulator. And if the windows in most apartments are also replaced with plastic ones, then tangible savings are guaranteed. I note that in brick houses, the savings should be no worse, but it will be more reliable if you look for a similar house and there ask what the installation of the meter gave.

But there is a way to save more. Everyone knows the situation when it has already warmed up in the spring, and the batteries are very hot. You involuntarily think: it would be better if they were like that in winter. It's hot in the room, the windows are wide open, and you can't explain to an ordinary meter that I don't want this heat, and it turns out that we heat the street for our hard-earned money. In autumn - the same thing: first, you freeze while the heating season has not yet begun, then finally the batteries turn from ice to red-hot ones, and ... at this time, it warms up sharply outside. In our city, this situation is repeated almost every year. Again the windows are wide open ... Yes, and in winter the sun sometimes shines so that the apartment warms up in a few minutes. Boiler houses also do not always accurately monitor the water temperature, sometimes it gets hot. Can you save money in such cases?

Can. Usually, residents go down to the basement and close the gate at the entrance. But running to the basement every time the weather changes is inconvenient, and the instructions strictly prohibit adjusting the valves. They are designed for only two positions: either fully open or fully closed. But after all, no one forbids the installation of a special control valve. How do you manage it? Anyway, run to the basement? No. Automation will do this. In counters, in addition to the meter itself, the installation of an automatic regulator is provided. It's good if you are just going to install a meter. Then it can be ordered complete with a valve and an automatic regulator board. In our house with 5 entrances with an extension, two years ago they installed such a meter with an automatic regulator. Together with the installation, installation of a steel door in the basement and other expenses, it cost 19.5 thousand hryvnia. Of course, now it will be much more expensive.

If the "Sempal" meter is already installed, but without a regulator, there is an opportunity for 1345 UAH. install a regulator fee in it, and for about 350 euros to buy a control valve (the price depends on the diameter of the pipe in your house). Plus the cost of installing it all.

If the meter is of a different type, then you can put a control valve (the same 350 euros) and a separate automatic regulator for 3121 UAH. Is it expensive? There is a cheaper option: a control valve and an inexpensive manual control valve for it in your apartment, in a stroller, or wherever else. Of course, not as convenient as with automation, but there will be savings too.

In the most extreme case, you can simply install a butterfly valve without an electric actuator, it will cost even less. But to twist it you have to run to the basement. Automation, in my opinion, is much more convenient.

What will it give? For example, we take two houses, standing side by side: one year of construction, panel, nine-storey, receiving heat from one heating main. On the first house there is a meter without a regulator, on the second one - with an automatic regulator.

For the cold period November-February - the average rate per square meter of the first house was 5.83 UAH, the second - 4.98 UAH.

Why so, what is the reason? In the first house, the temperature in the apartments sometimes exceeded 25-26 degrees, people complained about the heat, about the impossibility of screwing the inlet valve (it was sealed) and escaped with open windows or vents. In the second house, the temperature was stable at 22.5-23 degrees.

With the same total living area of ​​houses - 5780 sq. M. (these are three entrances) costs per month at the first house 33 697 UAH, at the second - 28 784 UAH. The difference is almost 5 thousand UAH. That is, you will return the money spent in one and a half to two months.

Someone might say, “Ha! Yes, in our house there is a meter without a regulator, and the numbers are even less than with your vaunted regulator! " Yes, I know those at home. The difference is that in these houses the valve was screwed so that the temperature in the apartments is kept at the level of 18-19 degrees, and even less in corner apartments. In our house, the automation is set to quite comfortable +23. And at this temperature, the risk of catching a cold is much less, even for children. This in itself is good, and pharmacies have become too expensive these days. And these +23 are supported automatically, regardless of the weather outside. Agree, walking at home in a T-shirt is much more pleasant than in a terry robe over a woolen suit and fur slippers. Despite the significantly higher costs for those times, our heat meter paid off six times in the very first heating season.

It is also very convenient if you have a computer in your apartment. Then you can not only change the automation settings without leaving the apartment, but also refuse the services of a company that takes readings from your meter. You can print them once a month and take them to the subscriber department yourself.

Do all firms licensed to install heat meters work the same? I do not know. But I believe that all firms are different. I can recommend Energocontrol (tel.), Which installed an automatic meter in our house. The quality suits me perfectly, and I'm happy with the savings. For the first year of operation of a heat meter for your three-room apartment with a possible accrued payment in the heating season of 1 998 UAH. 98 kopecks at a tariff of 5.28 UAH for 1 sq. m, I actually paid UAH 1,398. 75 kopecks I believe that while saving 600 UAH. comments are superfluous. Without a counter, monthly receipts came in the amount of UAH 333. 17 kopecks Vladimir ZYKOV, instrument engineer

How profitable is the installation of a heat meter on the heating systems of an apartment building

If everything is agreed, the installation is completed, the device is put into operation, and its readings are taken into account, then you get the following advantages:

  • you only pay for the heat you use;
  • when heat is not required, you can save on it;
  • if you invest in wall, floor and ceiling insulation, then you will pay even less on the meter.

If we talk about the payback of the project, then a lot depends on the cost of the services provided to you and the price of the device. However, we can say for sure that the savings on heat when installing the latter is on average 25-30 percent.But if you are still in doubt, then raise the bills of 2-5 years ago and compare how much the heat cost then and how much you pay now. And prices are only going up.

( 1 estimate, average 5 of 5 )

