The boiler operating chart is a document drawn up by the contractor organization upon completion of commissioning and operating procedures. Each boiler must have a completed regime card and be operated according to it. The document refers to hot water and steam boilers operated for industrial and commercial purposes; it is optional for domestic heating equipment.
Requirements for development and are specified in RD 10-179-98, approved by the decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 09.02.98 N 5.
What is the boiler mode card
Purpose of the document
The purpose of the mode card is to show the operating parameters of the boiler unit (gas and air pressure, temperature conditions, etc.), at which the most complete and stable fuel combustion is achieved, and the operation process is the most efficient and safe. The document is drawn up in the form of a table (less often - in the form of a graph) with the operating parameters determined empirically for several operating modes of the boiler. Typically for operating modes at 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% of the heating capacity of the boiler.
The table contains parameters such as:
- heating capacity of the boiler unit;
- water pressure to the boiler, inside it and in the heating system;
- gas pressure and air pressure;
- composition and / or characteristics of the fuel;
- boiler operating temperature;
- Gross efficiency and net efficiency;
- fuel consumption per hour;
- additional hourly energy consumption (power supply, additional type of fuel, etc.);
- vacuum in the combustion chamber;
- heat losses with flue gases;
- heat losses through the boiler drum, etc.
The exact list of items always depends on the characteristics of the boiler equipment. The main requirement is that it must describe all the variable parameters of the boiler operation, be an instruction manual for the operation of the boiler in various operating modes.
The photo shows an example of a form for a boiler regime card.
Who develops and approves it
Specialists of organizations engaged in the design, manufacture, commissioning, commissioning, and technical diagnostics of steam and hot water boilers develop and draw up a regime map. Its compilation is possible only after identifying the parameters of work empirically, i.e. after testing and adjusting the boiler operation.
The document is approved by the technical manager of the operating organization (he is also the chief engineer) or another authorized person representing the owner of the boiler. The controlling body for the operation of steam and hot water boilers is the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.
The validity period of the regime card
According to RD 10-179-98 "Guidelines for the development of instructions and operating charts for the operation of pre-boiler water treatment plants and for maintaining the water-chemical regime of steam and hot water boilers", the validity of the boiler operating card is three years. After the expiration of the specified period, the card must be revised and re-approved by the owner of the boiler. The terms of the revision do not change regardless of the operating conditions.
Conditions for early review
However, the frequency can be violated in the event of an accident or when changing / modifying the boiler equipment, namely:
- when changing the type of coolant or its chemical properties;
- in case of a change in the type of fuel or a serious change in its main characteristics (calorific value, ash content, dryness, gas pressure, etc.);
- when replacing or modifying boiler unit modules (burners, combustion chambers, heat exchangers, etc.);
- when changing other basic parameters indicated in the regime card - water / air pressure, heat output, vacuum in the combustion chamber, and so on.
If the above changes have been made, re-commissioning work is carried out, the document is drawn up and approved anew, in accordance with the new work parameters.
Purpose and methods of manufacturing an economizer for a hot water heating boiler
What should be displayed on the regime map?
Almost all the indicators, of which, in fact, the boiler regime map consists, are shown as a percentage. Such indicators are shown to us by the following data.
- The ratio of the following gases in percent: oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon.
- The volume of gas outside the boiler device.
- Heater efficiency (gross, net).
- What are the heat losses accompanying the combustion of fuel (in particular, gas).
- What are the heat losses caused by chemical underburning?
- Finally, what percentage of heat is lost during the operation of the heaters.
These are only the main indicators in the map, but there are also a number of additional ones.
- The volume of steam generated over a certain period of time.
- What is the temperature of this steam at the exit.
- What is the pressure of the air in the burners.
- What is the gas pressure.
Sample for liquid fuel diesel DKVR-4113
It is worth recalling that there is no universal sample of the regime card for gas, solid fuel or liquid fuel boilers, since the parameters prescribed in the document depend on the type of boiler, its model, modification, piping, fuel and coolant used.
Compilation prices
You can order the performance of work and the registration of a regime card from any company engaged in setting up, servicing and repairing power equipment, the list of services of which includes regime adjustment works.
The cost strongly depends on the type of boiler (hot water or steam) and its capacity. Some contractors calculate individually. However, the average cost of work for hot water boilers is 20-50 thousand rubles, for steam boilers (1-30 Gcal / hour) - 35-80 thousand rubles. The cost of work on low-power, relatively industrial-scale hot water boilers with a heating capacity of 25-100 kW can be 5-20 thousand rubles. Also, prices are highly dependent on the region.
Regulations on access and intra-facility regime at the facility "Organization"
General Provisions
1.1. This Regulation determines the basic requirements and procedure for organizing the access and intra-facility regime on the territory of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the facility).
1.2. Compliance with the requirements of this Regulation is mandatory for all employees of the "Organization", permanently working and temporarily located on the territory of the facility, employees of tenant firms and visitors.
1.3. Access control is a set of measures and rules that exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry (including travel by vehicles) of persons into the territory of the object, bringing and importing material values into the territory of the object or taking them out and exporting them from the territory of the object.
1.4. The access mode provides for:
- organization of checkpoints (hereinafter - checkpoints) at the entrances and at the entrances to the territory of the facility;
- introduction of one-time and material passes, determination of the procedure for their accounting, issuance, return and destruction;
- introduction of personal electronic cards (passes), giving their holders the right to pass and / or drive to the territory of the facility;
- determination of the list of items prohibited for carrying and transportation to the territory of the facility;
- organization of the object's security and equipping it with the necessary security means.
1.5.Intra-facility regime - a set of activities and rules performed by the employees of the "Organization", tenants and visitors at the facility, in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation, fire safety rules and other local regulations.
1.6. Employees of the "Organization", tenants and visitors entering and leaving the territory of the facility comply with the requirements of security officers (controllers) serving at checkpoint-1, in accordance with this Regulation.
1.7. In case of revealing facts of violation by employees of the "Organization", employees of tenant firms and visitors, the procedure provided for by this Regulation, the security officer (controller) is obliged to immediately draw up a memorandum indicating the revealed fact of violation and with the obligatory indication of the person who committed the specified violation, and send this a memo to the head of the facility.
1.8. The heads of the organizational units "Organization" and the heads of the tenant firms familiarize their employees and visitors with this Regulation and are responsible for compliance with the requirements of this Regulation by their employees and visitors.
1.9. Responsible for ensuring the on-site regime in the premises occupied by structural divisions and tenant firms are their heads.
1.10. Compliance with the access control at the facility is ensured by:
- controller of the security group "Organization" (from 8.30 am to 8 pm on weekdays)
- security officer "CHOP" (from 20.00 h. to 8.30 h. on weekdays, around the clock on weekends and holidays)
1.11. The General Director "Organization", based on the requirements of these Regulations, may establish additional requirements for legal entities and individuals carrying out their activities at the facility to ensure access and intra-facility regime, the rules of fire and emergency safety of the facility, premises and the protection of the life and health of employees.
1.12. Responsible for ensuring access and internal control in the leased parts of the facility, which have separate entrance doors or gates, on which security officers (controllers) are not posted for the passage of persons or vehicles, are the heads of the tenant firms.
1.13. The following documents are being developed to organize the access and intra-facility regime to the territory of the facility: -
- Regulations on the organization of access and intra-facility regime at the "Organization" facility;
- Instructions on the access and intra-facility regime at the "Organization" facility for tenant firms;
- Order on the implementation of the Regulation on the organization of access and intra-facility regime at the "Organization" object and the Instruction on the access and intra-facility regime at the "Organization" facility for tenant firms;
- Job descriptions of security officers (controllers) "Organization".
The procedure for admission (passage) of employees of the "Organization", employees of tenant firms and visitors to the site
2.1. The pass (passage) of workers and visitors to the territory of the facility is carried out through the checkpoint-1.
The basis for the passage of workers and visitors, as well as the passage of vehicles and the removal (removal) of material values through the checkpoint-1 and checkpoint-2, equipped on the territory of the facility, is the presentation of passes of the established form and personal electronic cards (passes) to the security officers (controllers) access control and management systems.
2.2. The documents presented when entering the territory of the facility through the checkpoint-1 include:
- personal electronic card (pass);
- one-time pass;
- identity documents;
- properly executed memo
Samples of one-time passes, personal electronic cards (passes) and service notes are constantly at checkpoint-1.
2.3. Employees who have lost any of the documents listed in clause 2.2. of this Regulation are obliged to immediately report this to their immediate supervisor and the employee of the rental department, and visitors - to the head of the structural unit that receives them.
2.4. The right of passage (passage) to the territory of the object at any time of the day, including weekends and holidays, has:
- General Director "Organization";
- Director of "Private Security Company" and his deputies;
2.5. The passage of the "Organization" employees to the territory of the facility is allowed on weekdays from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm.
2.6. The passage of employees of the "Organization" and / or tenant firms to the territory of the facility on weekends and holidays is carried out on the basis of a list signed by the head of the structural unit or the person performing his duties, agreed with the head of the facility. A sample list for the passage of employees to the site on weekends and holidays is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.
2.7. Visitors are allowed into the territory of the facility on weekdays from 9:00 to 20:00 on one-time passes with the presentation of identity documents. On weekends and holidays, visitors are allowed into the territory of the facility from 9:00 to 20:00 on one-time passes with the presentation of identity documents, exclusively accompanied by an authorized official of the organization to which the visitor arrived.
2.8. Workers of fire, technical and sanitary supervision, who arrived to conduct inspections, go to the site during working hours, upon presentation of an official certificate and an order to perform an inspection, accompanied by an official "Organization".
2.9. In the event of emergencies on the territory of the facility (fire, explosion, accident, etc.) and upon signals from civil defense, employees and visitors leave the facility without checking the certificates and passes through the main and emergency exits.
2.10. Persons under the influence of alcohol are not allowed on the territory of the facility.
2.11. In the event that security officers (controllers) detain unauthorized persons trying to unauthorized entry into the territory of the facility, the detained persons are transferred to the territorial bodies of non-departmental security, which are called by means of the "panic button". The fact of detention is reported to the head of the facility.
2.12. Employees and visitors are prohibited from bringing (taking out) explosives, flammable and flammable liquids and materials or other substances that could harm the life and health of people into the territory of the facility.
2.13. Passage through the checkpoint with weapons (including gas) and special means of self-defense is allowed:
- law enforcement officers conducting operational-search activities;
- to employees of collection services.
2.14. Persons who have documents for the right to enter the territory of the facility can carry briefcases, bags and other carry-on luggage through checkpoint-1. When carrying oversized items, the security officer (controller) invites the visitor to present them for inspection, thereby excluding the carrying of things that may be an instrument of criminal encroachment. If the visitor refuses to inspect the carried objects, the passage with such objects into the territory of the facility is not allowed.
Personal electronic cards (passes)
3.1. Personal electronic card (pass) is the main document of the employee "Organization" and the tenant company for entering the territory of the facility through checkpoint-1.
3.2. A personal electronic card (pass) is issued to an employee in the rental department against a personal signature in the journal for issuing personal electronic cards (passes) (Appendix No. 2).
3.3.Applications for the issuance of personal electronic cards (passes) to persons recruited to the "Organization" are signed by employees of the personnel department and transferred to the rental department for registration and issuance.
3.4. Applications for the issuance of personal electronic cards (passes) to employees of tenant firms are drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 5, signed by the head of the facility and transferred, along with copies of identity documents, to the rental department for registration and issuance.
3.5. For the loss, damage, transfer for use to another person, personal electronic cards (passes), depending on the severity of the offense, the perpetrators are brought to justice.
3.6. In case of loss of a personal electronic card (pass), its owner is obliged to immediately inform the rental department and the head of the facility about the incident in writing, indicating the circumstances of the loss.
3.7. Heads of tenants' firms employees of the personnel department are obliged to immediately inform the employees of the rental department about the dismissal of employees who are holders (users) of electronic cards (passes) and ensure the transfer of electronic cards (passes) by these employees to the rental department.
One-time passes
4.1. A one-time pass is issued on the basis of an oral application from a visitor.
4.2. Visitors for a one-time visit to the facility (entrance through checkpoint-1 and entry through checkpoint-2 to the territory of the facility), security officers (controllers) at checkpoint-1 are issued a one-time pass based on the visitor's identity document, while the second part of the pass (pass stub ) remains with the security officer (controller).
4.3. A one-time pass is valid for visiting only on the day specified in the application, and in the presence of an identity document of the visitor.
4.4. Control over the entry and exit of persons who have visited the site with a one-time pass is carried out by security officers (controllers).
4.5. A one-time pass gives the right to visit the structural unit of the object, which is indicated in the application.
4.6. A one-time pass is withdrawn by security officers (controllers) when leaving (leaving) the site. At the end of each working day (shift), security officers (controllers) check the submitted one-time passes with the corresponding pass stubs stored at checkpoint-1.
4.7. Security officers (controllers) at checkpoint-1 keep one-time passes handed over by visitors and at the end of each month hand them over to the head of the facility.
The procedure for removal and removal of material assets from the territory of the object
5.1. Material values from the territory of the object are taken out (taken out) according to material passes of the established form. The pass is valid only on the date indicated in it.
A sample material pass for taking out (exporting) material assets from the territory of the facility is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.
5.2. A material pass for property to be moved through checkpoint-1 and checkpoint-2 is issued to the accompanying person.
5.3. The security officer (controller) at the checkpoint-1 and checkpoint-2, having checked the compliance of the exported (exported) material values with the values indicated in the material pass, as well as the presence of signatures on the material pass of the responsible persons, allows the removal (export) of material values, which he does a mark in the pass: "Material values have been checked and taken out (taken out)" and put his signature and the date of removal (removal). The material pass is transferred to the rental department.
5.4. It is allowed to enter the territory of the object (exit from the territory of the object) without issuing a material take-out pass with personal belongings (briefcases, diplomats, women's handbags, small shopping bags).
5.5. A list of samples of signatures of officials entitled to sign material passes is transferred to the security units at checkpoint-1 and checkpoint-2.
The procedure for the admission (entry, exit) of vehicles to the territory of the facility
6.1. Entry of official and personal vehicles into the territory of the facility is carried out through checkpoint-2 using electronic cards (passes) issued in the rental department.
6.2. Motor transport at the entrance (exit) to the checkpoint-2 is subject to inspection.
6.3. Having received an entry permit, the driver of an official or personal car enters the territory of the facility and puts the car in the parking lot designated for this purpose.
6.4. The right to enter the territory of the "Organization" object, on official and personal vehicles without inspection and verification of documents, have the General Director "Organization" and persons according to the list indicated in Appendix No. 4 to these Regulations.
6.5. The admission of vehicles of third-party organizations for entering and leaving the indicated territory is carried out through the checkpoint-2 on the basis of a single pass indicating the numbers, brands and accessories of the vehicles, upon presentation by the driver of an identity document. Employees of third-party organizations accompanying vehicles go to the territory of the facility with one-time passes.
6.6. Fire trucks arriving to extinguish the fire, as well as ambulances and other emergency services called to the facility, are freely allowed to enter the facility. The passage to the territory of the facility of employees of these services is carried out accompanied by security personnel (controllers). When these vehicles leave the territory, they are subject to inspection on a general basis.
Intra-object mode
7.1. The building, office rooms, technical premises must meet fire, sanitary and other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
7.2. Employees of the "Organization", employees of tenant firms must take good care of the property received for use.
7.3. Responsible for the observance of the order established by this Regulation in the premises of the facility, the procedure for their maintenance and fire safety measures in these premises are the heads of the organizational units "Organization" and the heads of the tenant firms.
7.4. At the end of work in the room, the last worker to leave is obliged to close the windows, turn off electrical appliances, turn off the lighting and close the room with a key.
7.5. Duplicate keys from emergency exits from the premises of the building are stored in sealed boxes in the premises of the security officers (controllers).
7.6. It is prohibited to leave unlocked office premises in case of temporary absence of employees. Leaving keys in the locks is not allowed.
7.7. Visitors can be in the office premises only in the presence of the persons to whom they have arrived.
7.8. All persons at the facility are obliged to observe public order and strictly follow the fire safety rules on the territory of the facility, and in the event of emergencies, act according to the instructions of the security personnel (controllers) and direct supervisors, according to evacuation plans.
7.9. In the event of emergencies (fire, accident, etc.) during non-working hours, the security officer on duty (controller) decides to open the premises. The reasons for the opening of the premises are immediately notified to the person responsible for the specified premises and the head of the facility. If necessary, property and documentation are evacuated to a safe place and their safety is ensured. After the elimination of the emergency situation, the guard on duty (controller) and the person responsible for the specified room draws up an autopsy report.
7.10. All security personnel (controllers) must know how to report a fire, telephone numbers to call the fire brigade and emergency services.
7.11. It is prohibited on the territory of the object:
- carry out photo, film and video filming without the permission of the head of the facility.
- smoke in places not equipped for this purpose;
- to clutter up the territory, main and emergency entrances (exits), stairwells, basements and attic rooms with construction and other materials, objects, the presence of which makes it difficult to evacuate people, material values and transport, prevents fire extinguishing, and also contributes to the laying of explosive devices;
- perform actions that violate (change) the established modes of operation of technical means of protection and fire alarm.
Control over the provision of access and intra-facility modes
8.1. Control over the provision of access and intra-facility regime on the territory of the facility is carried out in the form of verification:
- General Director "Organization";
- director of "private security company".
Those who control the provision of access and intra-facility regime at the "Organization" facility should be guided by the requirements of these Regulations.
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